2,437 research outputs found

    Anatomo-functional correspondence in the superior temporal sulcus

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    The superior temporal sulcus (STS) is an intriguing region both for its complex anatomy and for the multiple functions that it hosts. Unfortunately, most studies explored either the functional organization or the anatomy of the STS only. Here, we link these two aspects by investigating anatomo-functional correspondences between the voice-sensitive cortex (Temporal Voice Areas) and the STS depth. To do so, anatomical and functional scans of 116 subjects were processed such as to generate individual surface maps on which both depth and functional voice activity can be analyzed. Individual depth profiles of manually drawn STS and functional profiles from a voice localizer (voice > non-voice) maps were extracted and compared to assess anatomo-functional correspondences. Three major results were obtained: first, the STS exhibits a highly significant rightward depth asymmetry in its middle part. Second, there is an anatomo-functional correspondence between the location of the voice-sensitive peak and the deepest point inside this asymmetrical region bilaterally. Finally, we showed that this correspondence was independent of the gender and, using a machine learning approach, that it existed at the individual level. These findings offer new perspectives for the understanding of anatomo-functional correspondences in this complex cortical region

    Timing analysis of synchronous programs using WCRT Algebra: Scalability through abstraction

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    Synchronous languages are ideal for designing safety-critical systems. Static Worst-Case Reaction Time (WCRT) analysis is an essential component in the design flow that ensures the real-time requirements are met. There are a few approaches for WCRT analysis, and the most versatile of all is explicit path enumeration. However, as synchronous programs are highly concurrent, techniques based on this approach, such as model checking, suffer from state explosion as the number of threads increases. One observation on this problem is that these existing techniques analyse the program by enumerating a functionally equivalent automaton while WCRT is a non-functional property. This mismatch potentially causes algorithm-induced state explosion. In this paper, we propose a WCRT analysis technique based on the notion of timing equivalence, expressed using WCRT algebra. WCRT algebra can effectively capture the timing behaviour of a synchronous program by converting its intermediate representation Timed Concurrent Control Flow Graph (TCCFG) into a Tick Cost Automaton (TCA), a minimal automaton that is timing equivalent to the original program. Then the WCRT is computed over the TCA. We have implemented our approach and benchmarked it against state-of-the-art WCRT analysis techniques. The results show that the WCRT algebra is 3.5 times faster on average than the fastest published technique.</jats:p

    Counting reducible, powerful, and relatively irreducible multivariate polynomials over finite fields

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    We present counting methods for some special classes of multivariate polynomials over a finite field, namely the reducible ones, the s-powerful ones (divisible by the s-th power of a nonconstant polynomial), and the relatively irreducible ones (irreducible but reducible over an extension field). One approach employs generating functions, another one uses a combinatorial method. They yield exact formulas and approximations with relative errors that essentially decrease exponentially in the input size.Comment: to appear in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematic

    Compositional Timing-Aware Semantics for Synchronous Programming

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    Low Frequency Tilt Seismology with a Precision Ground Rotation Sensor

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    We describe measurements of the rotational component of teleseismic surface waves using an inertial high-precision ground-rotation-sensor installed at the LIGO Hanford Observatory (LHO). The sensor has a noise floor of 0.4 nrad/Hz/ \sqrt{\rm Hz} at 50 mHz and a translational coupling of less than 1 Ό\murad/m enabling translation-free measurement of small rotations. We present observations of the rotational motion from Rayleigh waves of six teleseismic events from varied locations and with magnitudes ranging from M6.7 to M7.9. These events were used to estimate phase dispersion curves which shows agreement with a similar analysis done with an array of three STS-2 seismometers also located at LHO

    CrĂ©ation d’un score d’évaluation du risque de symptĂŽmes musculo-squelettiques basĂ© sur des facteurs professionnels

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    Objectif L’objectif de ce travail est la crĂ©ation d’un score d’évaluation du risque de symptĂŽmes musculo-squelettiques (SMS) chroniques des membres supĂ©rieurs, uniquement basĂ© sur des donnĂ©es d’exposition professionnelle aux dĂ©terminants biomĂ©caniques, psychosociaux et organisationnels. Ce score ne prenant pas en compte les facteurs individuels, permettra de classer les situations de travail devant bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’une action de prĂ©vention. MĂ©thodes L’échantillon d’étude Ă©tait constituĂ© de 1749 salariĂ©s recrutĂ©s lors de la phase d’inclusion de la cohorte des salariĂ©s ligĂ©riens (COSALI). Les facteurs organisationnels, biomĂ©caniques et psychosociaux et les variables associĂ©es aux SMS chroniques ont Ă©tĂ© recueillis par auto-questionnaire. Un score a Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă© selon trois mĂ©thodes statistiques : une rĂ©gression logistique binaire, une analyse en clusters suivie d’une analyse par arbre de dĂ©cision et une modĂ©lisation par classes latentes. Chacune de ces mĂ©thodes est susceptible d’entraĂźner la crĂ©ation de scores diffĂ©rents. RĂ©sultats L’area under the curve (AUC) obtenu par la rĂ©gression logistique Ă©tait de 0,75 contre 0,66 pour l’analyse en clusters et 0,65 pour l’analyse en classes latentes. La rĂ©gression logistique a donc Ă©tĂ© retenue pour la crĂ©ation du score. Les facteurs associĂ©s aux SMS chroniques des membres supĂ©rieurs Ă©taient l’intensitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e des efforts physiques ressentie (Ă©chelle RPE de Borg), la rĂ©pĂ©titivitĂ© des gestes plus de 4 h/j, la flexion du coude plus de 2 h/j, l’utilisation de la pince pouce-index plus de 4 h/j, la possibilitĂ© d’influencer le dĂ©roulement de son travail et l’aide des collĂšgues. Le score a ensuite Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă© Ă  partir des paramĂštres estimĂ©s de la rĂ©gression logistique, il s’étend de −1 à 15. Par exemple, 66 % de l’échantillon a un score supĂ©rieur ou Ă©gal Ă  deux. Pour ce seuil, la valeur prĂ©dictive nĂ©gative est de 93,4 %. Conclusions Selon le seuil choisi, le score aboutit Ă  une forte valeur prĂ©dictive nĂ©gative. Il pourrait constituer un outil utile aux prĂ©venteurs en entreprise afin de cibler l’effectif pour lequel il n’est pas indispensable de mettre en place des actions de prĂ©vention. NĂ©anmoins ce score ne permet pas de prĂ©dire avec confiance les salariĂ©s qui seront atteints de SMS. Pour avoir un score plus performant, il faudrait intĂ©grer des facteurs individuels tels que l’ñge et le sexe, mais la caractĂ©risation par situation de travail n’est alors plus envisageable
