357 research outputs found

    Differential roles of p39Mos–Xp42Mpk1 cascade proteins on Raf1 phosphorylation and spindle morphogenesis in Xenopus oocytes

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    AbstractFully-grown G2-arrested Xenopus oocytes resume meiosis upon hormonal stimulation. Resumption of meiosis is characterized by germinal vesicle breakdown, chromosome condensation, and organization of a bipolar spindle. These cytological events are accompanied by activation of MPF and the p39Mos–MEK1–Xp42Mpk1–p90Rsk pathways. The latter cascade is activated upon p39Mos accumulation. Using U0126, a MEK1 inhibitor, and p39Mos antisense morpholino and phosphorothioate oligonucleotides, we have investigated the role of the members of the p39Mos–MEK1–Xp42Mpk1–p90Rsk in spindle morphogenesis. First, we have observed at a molecular level that prevention of p39Mos accumulation always led to MEK1 phosphorylation defects, even when meiosis was stimulated through the insulin Ras-dependent pathway. Moreover, we have observed that Raf1 phosphorylation that occurs during meiosis resumption was dependent upon the activity of MEK1 or Xp42Mpk1 but not p90Rsk. Second, inhibition of either p39Mos accumulation or MEK1 inhibition led to the formation of a cytoplasmic aster-like structure that was associated with condensed chromosomes. Spindle morphogenesis rescue experiments using constitutively active Rsk and purified murine Mos protein suggested that p39Mos or p90Rsk alone failed to promote meiotic spindle organization. Our results indicate that activation of the p39Mos–MEK1–Xp42Mpk1–p90Rsk pathway is required for bipolar organization of the meiotic spindle at the cortex

    A surface-patterned chip as a strong source of ultracold atoms for quantum technologies

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    Laser-cooled atoms are central to modern precision measurements. They are also increasingly important as an enabling technology for experimental cavity quantum electrodynamics, quantum information processing and matter–wave interferometry. Although significant progress has been made in miniaturizing atomic metrological devices, these are limited in accuracy by their use of hot atomic ensembles and buffer gases. Advances have also been made in producing portable apparatus that benefits from the advantages of atoms in the microkelvin regime. However, simplifying atomic cooling and loading using microfabrication technology has proved difficult. In this Letter we address this problem, realizing an atom chip that enables the integration of laser cooling and trapping into a compact apparatus. Our source delivers ten thousand times more atoms than previous magneto-optical traps with microfabricated optics and, for the first time, can reach sub-Doppler temperatures. Moreover, the same chip design offers a simple way to form stable optical lattices. These features, combined with simplicity of fabrication and ease of operation, make these new traps a key advance in the development of cold-atom technology for high-accuracy, portable measurement devices

    Dual-wavelength laser source for onboard atom interferometry

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    We present a compact and stable dual-wavelength laser source for onboard atom interferometry with two different atomic species. It is based on frequency-doubled telecom lasers locked on a femtosecond optical frequency comb. We take advantage of the maturity of fiber telecom technology to reduce the number of free-space optical components which are intrinsically less stable, and to make the setup immune to vibrations and thermal fluctuations. The source provides the frequency agility and phase stability required for atom interferometry and can easily be adapted to other cold atom experiments. We have shown its robustness by achieving the first dual-species K-Rb magneto optical trap in microgravity during parabolic flights

    A Dynamical Model of Oocyte Maturation Unveils Precisely Orchestrated Meiotic Decisions

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    Maturation of vertebrate oocytes into haploid gametes relies on two consecutive meioses without intervening DNA replication. The temporal sequence of cellular transitions driving eggs from G2 arrest to meiosis I (MI) and then to meiosis II (MII) is controlled by the interplay between cyclin-dependent and mitogen-activated protein kinases. In this paper, we propose a dynamical model of the molecular network that orchestrates maturation of Xenopus laevis oocytes. Our model reproduces the core features of maturation progression, including the characteristic non-monotonous time course of cyclin-Cdks, and unveils the network design principles underlying a precise sequence of meiotic decisions, as captured by bifurcation and sensitivity analyses. Firstly, a coherent and sharp meiotic resumption is triggered by the concerted action of positive feedback loops post-translationally activating cyclin-Cdks. Secondly, meiotic transition is driven by the dynamic antagonism between positive and negative feedback loops controlling cyclin turnover. Our findings reveal a highly modular network in which the coordination of distinct regulatory schemes ensures both reliable and flexible cell-cycle decisions

    What’s in a Relationship: An Ontological Analysis

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    Abstract. In a series of publications, we have proposed a foundational system of ontological categories which has been successfully used to evaluate and im-prove the quality of conceptual modeling grammars and models. In this article, we continue this work by using this foundational ontology to provide real-world semantics and sound modeling guidelines for one of the most fundamental (and yet one of the most problematic) constructs in conceptual modeling, namely, the relationship type. In addition, we systematically compare our approach with a classical ontological treatment of this construct in the literature, provided by the BWW framework.

    Adaptive model-driven user interface development systems

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    Adaptive user interfaces (UIs) were introduced to address some of the usability problems that plague many software applications. Model-driven engineering formed the basis for most of the systems targeting the development of such UIs. An overview of these systems is presented and a set of criteria is established to evaluate the strengths and shortcomings of the state-of-the-art, which is categorized under architectures, techniques, and tools. A summary of the evaluation is presented in tables that visually illustrate the fulfillment of each criterion by each system. The evaluation identified several gaps in the existing art and highlighted the areas of promising improvement

    Public sector reform and demand for human resources for health (HRH)

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    This article considers some of the effects of health sector reform on human resources for health (HRH) in developing countries and countries in transition by examining the effect of fiscal reform and the introduction of decentralisation and market mechanisms to the health sector. Fiscal reform results in pressure to measure the staff outputs of the health sector. Financial decentralisation often leads to hospitals becoming "corporatised" institutions, operating with business principles but remaining in the public sector. The introduction of market mechanisms often involves the formation of an internal market within the health sector and market testing of different functions with the private sector. This has immediate implications for the employment of health workers in the public sector, because the public sector may reduce its workforce if services are purchased from other sectors or may introduce more short-term and temporary employment contracts. Decentralisation of budgets and administrative functions can affect the health sector, often in negative ways, by reducing resources available and confusing lines of accountability for health workers. Governance and regulation of health care, when delivered by both public and private providers, require new systems of regulation. The increase in private sector provision has led health workers to move to the private sector. For those remaining in the public sector, there are often worsening working conditions, a lack of employment security and dismantling of collective bargaining agreements. Human resource development is gradually being recognised as crucial to future reforms and the formulation of health policy. New information systems at local and regional level will be needed to collect data on human resources. New employment arrangements, strengthening organisational culture, training and continuing education will also be needed