237 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton observations of five INTEGRAL sources located towards the Scutum Arm

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    Results are presented for XMM-Newton observations of five hard X-ray sources discovered by INTEGRAL in the direction of the Scutum Arm. Each source received more than 20 ks of effective exposure time. We provide refined X-ray positions for all five targets enabling us to pinpoint the most likely counterpart in optical/infrared archives. Spectral and timing information (much of which are provided for the first time) allow us to give a firm classification for IGR J18462-0223 and to offer tentative classifications for the others. For IGR J18462-0223, we discovered a coherent pulsation period of 997+-1 s which we attribute to the spin of a neutron star in a highly-obscured (nH = 2e23 /cm2) high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB). This makes IGR J18462-0223 the seventh supergiant fast X-ray transient (SFXT) candidate with a confirmed pulsation period. IGR J18457+0244 is a highly-absorbed (nH = 8e23 /cm2) source in which the possible detection of an iron line suggests an active galactic nucleus (AGN) of type Sey-2 situated at z = 0.07(1). A periodic signal at 4.4 ks could be a quasi-periodic oscillation which would make IGR J18457+0244 one of a handful of AGN in which such features have been claimed, but a slowly-rotating neutron star in an HMXB can not be ruled out. IGR J18482+0049 represents a new obscured HMXB candidate with nH = 4e23 /cm2. We tentatively propose that IGR J18532+0416 is either an AGN or a pulsar in an HMXB system. The X-ray spectral properties of IGR J18538-0102 are consistent with the AGN classification that has been proposed for this source.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables: accepted for publication in Ap

    Broadband Suzaku observations of IGR J16207-5129

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    An analysis of IGR J16207-5129 is presented based on observations taken with Suzaku. The data set represents ~80 ks of effective exposure time in a broad energy range between 0.5 and 60 keV, including unprecedented spectral sensitivity above 15 keV. The average source spectrum is well described by an absorbed power law in which we measured a large intrinsic absorption of nH = 16.2(-1.1/+0.9)x10^22 /cm2. This confirms that IGR J16207-5129 belongs to the class of absorbed HMXBs. We were able to constrain the cutoff energy at 19(-4/+8) keV which argues in favor of a neutron star as the primary. Our observation includes an epoch in which the source count rate is compatible with no flux suggesting a possible eclipse. We discuss the nature of this source in light of these and of other recent results.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The nature of the X-ray binary IGR J19294+1816 from INTEGRAL, RXTE, and Swift observations

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    We report the results of a high-energy multi-instrumental campaign with INTEGRAL, RXTE, and Swift of the recently discovered INTEGRAL source IGR J19294+1816. The Swift/XRT data allow us to refine the position of the source to RA= 19h 29m 55.9s Dec=+18deg 18' 38.4" (+- 3.5"), which in turn permits us to identify a candidate infrared counterpart. The Swift and RXTE spectra are well fitted with absorbed power laws with hard (Gamma ~ 1) photon indices. During the longest Swift observation, we obtained evidence of absorption in true excess to the Galactic value, which may indicate some intrinsic absorption in this source. We detected a strong (P=40%) pulsation at 12.43781 (+-0.00003) s that we interpret as the spin period of a pulsar. All these results, coupled with the possible 117 day orbital period, point to IGR J19294+1816 being an HMXB with a Be companion star. However, while the long-term INTEGRAL/IBIS/ISGRI 18--40 keV light curve shows that the source spends most of its time in an undetectable state, we detect occurrences of short (~2000-3000 s) and intense flares that are more typical of supergiant fast X-ray transients. We therefore cannot make firm conclusions on the type of system, and we discuss the possible implications of IGR J19294+1816 being an SFXT.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A Suzaku X-ray observation of one orbit of the supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR J16479-4514

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    We report on a 250 ks long X-ray observation of the supergiant fast X-ray transient (SFXT) IGR J16479-4514 performed with Suzaku in 2012 February. About 80% of the short orbital period (Porb=3.32 days) was covered as continuously as possible for the first time. The source light curve displays variability of more than two orders of magnitude, starting with a very low emission state lasting the first 46 ks (1E-13 erg/cm2/s, 1-10 keV), consistent with being due to the X-ray eclipse by the supergiant companion. The transition to the uneclipsed X-ray emission is energy dependent. Outside the eclipse, the source spends most of the time at a level of (6-7)x10^-12 erg/cm2/s punctuated by two structured faint flares with a duration of about 10 and 15 ks. Remarkably, the first faint flare occurs at a similar orbital phase of the bright flares previously observed in the system. This indicates the presence of a phase-locked large scale structure in the supergiant wind, driving a higher accretion rate onto the compact object. The scattered component visible during the X-ray eclipse allowed us to directly probe the wind density at the orbital separation, resulting in rho=7E-14 g/cm3. Assuming a spherical geometry for the supergiant wind, the derived wind density translates into a ratio Mdot_w/v_terminal = 7E-17 solar masses/km which, assuming terminal velocities in a large range 500-3000 km/s, implies an accretion luminosity two orders of magnitude higher than that observed. As a consequence, a mechanism is at work reducing the mass accretion rate. Different possibilities are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 10 pages, 5 figure

    Investigating the Optical Counterpart Candidates of Four INTEGRAL Sources localized with Chandra

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    We report on the optical spectroscopic follow up observations of the candidate counterparts to four INTEGRAL sources: IGR J04069+5042, IGR J06552-1146, IGR J21188+4901 and IGR J22014+6034. The candidate counterparts were determined with Chandra, and the optical observations were performed with 1.5-m RTT-150 telescope (T\"{U}B\.{I}TAK National Observatory, Antalya, Turkey) and 2.4-m Hiltner Telescope (MDM Observatory, Kitt Peak, Arizona). Our spectroscopic results show that one of the two candidates of IGR J04069+5042 and the one observed for IGR J06552-1146 could be active late-type stars in RS CVn systems. However, according to the likelihood analysis based on Chandra and INTEGRAL, two optically weaker sources in the INTEGRAL error circle of IGR J06552-1146 have higher probabilities to be the actual counterpart. The candidate counterparts of IGR J21188+4901 are classified as an active M-type star and a late-type star. Among the optical spectra of four candidates of IGR J22014+6034, two show H\alpha emission lines, one is a late-type star and the other is a M type. The likelihood analysis favors a candidate with no distinguishing features in the optical spectrum. Two of the candidates classified as M type dwarfs are similar to some IGR candidates claimed to be symbiotic stars. However, some of the prominent features of symbiotic systems are missing in our spectra, and their NIR colors are not consistent with those expected for giants. We consider the IR colors of all IGR candidates claimed to be symbiotic systems and find that low resolution optical spectrum may not be enough for conclusive identification.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Spectral state dependence of the 0.4-2 MeV polarized emission in Cygnus X-1 seen with INTEGRAL/IBIS, and links with the AMI radio data

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    Polarization of the >~400 keV hard tail of the microquasar Cygnus X-1 has been independently reported by INTEGRAL/IBIS, and INTEGRAL/SPI and interpreted as emission from a compact jet. These conclusions were, however, based on the accumulation of all INTEGRAL data regardless of the spectral state. We utilize additional INTEGRAL exposure accumulated until December 2012, and include the AMI/Ryle (15 GHz) radio data in our study. We separate the observations into hard, soft, and intermediate/transitional states and detect radio emission from a compact jet in hard and intermediate states, but not in the soft. The 10-400 keV INTEGRAL (JEM-X and IBIS) state resolved spectra are well modeled with thermal Comptonization and reflection components. We detect a hard tail in the 0.4-2 MeV range for the hard state only. We extract the state dependent polarigrams of Cyg X-1, which all are compatible to no or undetectable level of polarization except in 400-2000 keV range in the hard state where the polarization fraction is 75±\pm32 % and the polarization angle 40.0 +-14 deg. An upper limit on the 0.4-2 MeV soft state polarization fraction is 70%. Due to the short exposure, we obtain no meaningful constraint for the intermediate state. The likely detection of a >400 keV polarized tail in the hard state, together with the simultaneous presence of a radio jet, reinforce the notion of a compact jet origin of the 400 keV emission.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap