287 research outputs found

    Cellular Automata Simulation Library

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    Tato práce je věnovaná návrhu a popisu knihovny pro simulaci celulárních automatů (CA). V úvodě je stručně zmíněna historie, rozdělení podle různých kategorií a formální definice samotného CA. V části věnované implementované knihovny je detailně popsán její OO návrh (třídy, metody) a možnosti použití. Knihovna pro simulaci CA je vytvořená s ohledem na znuvupoužitelnost, to znamená, že je možné si jednoducho nadefinovat libovolný typ simulátoru CA. Knihovna vznikla za účelem naplnit požadavky uživatele, z důvodů neexistence obecného simulátoru.This work describes concept and description of library for the cellular automata (CA) simulator. In the introduction is described brief history, types of CA and formal definition of CA. In the library implementation section is described the design of object-oriented model (classes, methods) and usage. Library of CA is created with regard to reusability, which allows to simply define any type of CA simulator. The Library was created in purpose to fill user's needs, because of lack of general CA simulator.

    Uncertainty-principle noise in vacuum-tunneling transducers

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    The fundamental sources of noise in a vacuum-tunneling probe used as an electromechanical transducer to monitor the location of a test mass are examined using a first-quantization formalism. We show that a tunneling transducer enforces the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the position and momentum of a test mass monitored by the transducer through the presence of two sources of noise: the shot noise of the tunneling current and the momentum fluctuations transferred by the tunneling electrons to the test mass. We analyze a number of cases including symmetric and asymmetric rectangular potential barriers and a barrier in which there is a constant electric field. Practical configurations for reaching the quantum limit in measurements of the position of macroscopic bodies with such a class of transducers are studied

    Electron barrier interaction in a vacuum tunneling probe

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    A model for dealing with energy and momentum exchanges between ballistic electrons in a vacuum barrier in a tunneling probe used as an electromechanical transducer is studied and its physical significance in devices of size comparable to the mean free path of the tunneling electrons is discusse

    Teaching Them How to Fish: Supporting Digital Collection Building Through Regional Partnerships

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    When asked what the barriers were to digitizing and sharing their unique collections online, many smaller cultural heritage institutions say a lack equipment, systems, and expertise. Our answer to that: mobile digitization lab, training, and digital collections hosting. Western Michigan University Libraries, in partnership with the Gilmore Car Museum and Richland Community Library, has been developing a model that aims to make digitization, metadata creation, and digital collection building possible for smaller-scale regional libraries and cultural heritage institutions. Supported by a LSTA grant though the Library of Michigan, and leveraging digital collection building expertise at WMU, this pilot project will allow these two institutions to digitize, describe, and share their materials with a larger audience. More importantly, the deployable service model and training materials will be shared and used to guide further partnerships, creating access to more of Southwest Michigan’s hidden collections

    Secure Communication for Smartphones

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabýva návrhem způsobu zabezpečení komunikace pro mobilní zařízení typu smartphone. Rozebírá problematiku přenositelnosti aplikací mezi jednotlivými operačními systémy, rozdíly operačních systému a jejich společné znaky. Blíľe popisuje architekturu platformy Android a popisuje vrstvy systému. Dále vysvětluje základné způsoby zabezpečení, jak funguje moderní kryptografie a způsob jak je moľné ji aplikovat na mobilní platformu. Taktéľ popisuje některé moderní technologie, jakými jsou NFC (Near field communication) nebo Bluetooth a přibliľuje jejich základní architekturu a způsob jakým zapadají do konceptu aplikace. Tato práce dále popisuje návrh mobilní aplikace a koncept zabezpečení, který je následně implementovaný. V závěru jsou shrnuty dosaľené výsledky a případné moľnosti roząíření práce.This master's thesis deals with application design and implementation of secured communication between smartphones. Analyses issues of cross-platform portability between operating systems, its differences and common features. It shows an overview of Android OS architecture and its individual layers. Thesis describes basic principles of secured communication in the modern cryptography and implementation of application for mobile platforms. Also shows an overview of modern mobile technologies such as NFC (Near Field Communication) and Bluetooth. This thesis reveals basic architecture and the way how it fits into concept of secured communication. It also describes the architecture of application and concept of secured communication, which is then implemented. In conclusion is summarization of achieved results and possible extensions of implemented application.

    Increasing of Reliability of Converter

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    The innovative activities in steel production invoke exploitation of new machines with the higher production capacity and productivity of labor. The paper deals with deformation and stress analysis of carrying parts of converter pedestal on the base of which the proposals and supporting measures were made that had the aim to increase reliability of the converter during steel production. This was achieved by lifespan prolongation of anchor and connecting bolts of converter pedestal, by change of stiffness of connected elements as well as by correction of nuts of bolted connections. The realization of structural changes decreased loading amplitudes and consequently the vibrations of pedestal. Solution was verified by numerical and experimental procedures of mechanics

    History of Clerical Practice in Secondary Schools

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