28 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study was an evaluation of carcass slaughter value of fi rst farrowing gilts depending on the number of weaned piglets. The number of born and weaned piglets did not have a negative infl uence on gilt’s slaughter value. Carcasses of fi rst farrowing gilts characterised with a low fatness, large loin eye area and high lean content. Results of ham dissection of first farrowing gilts point high usefulness of this material to long maturing hams production in a view of the fact they have required weight, appropriate lean content and low fatness

    Leczenie chorego z pękniętym tętniakiem aorty brzusznej i z nieoperacyjnym rakiem jelita grubego - opis przypadku i przegląd piśmiennictwa

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    Jednoczasowe występowanie u pacjenta choroby nowotworowej i pękniętego tętniaka aorty brzusznej w praktyce klinicznej występuje rzadko. Ze względu na coraz większą liczbę zachorowań na nowotwory, coraz lepsze i bardziej wyrafinowane badania diagnostyczne, a także wzrost w populacji liczby osób powyżej 65. roku życia, lekarze coraz częściej w swojej praktyce będą spotykać się z pacjentami, u których jednoczasowo występuje tętniak aorty brzusznej i choroba nowotworowa. Leczenie takich chorych wciąż budzi duże kontrowersje. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek leczenia chorego z pękniętym tętniakiem aorty brzusznej i nieoperacyjnym rakiem jelita grubego. Poruszono także problematykę etyczną i prawną związaną z postępowaniem lekarza w takich przypadkach.It is very unusual to encounter in clinical practice a simultaneous neoplasm and a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in one patient. Because of the growing number of patients suffering from neoplasms, better and more precise diagnostic procedures, and a growing population of people over 65 years old, doctors will, more often than not, meet patients with simultaneous abdominal aortic aneurysm and neoplasm disease. The treatment of such cases gives rise to a great deal of controversy. In this paper, the treatment of a patient with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm and with unoperative colon carcinoma is presented together with the ethical and legal problems related to medical procedures in such cases


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    The aim of the study was an evaluation of carcass slaughter value of fi rst farrowing gilts depending on the number of weaned piglets. The number of born and weaned piglets did not have a negative infl uence on gilt’s slaughter value. Carcasses of fi rst farrowing gilts characterised with a low fatness, large loin eye area and high lean content. Results of ham dissection of first farrowing gilts point high usefulness of this material to long maturing hams production in a view of the fact they have required weight, appropriate lean content and low fatness.Celem badań była ocena wartości rzeźnej loszek jednorazówek w zależności od liczby urodzonych i wykarmionych prosiąt. Wielkość miotu nie miała ujemnego wpływu na wartość rzeźną. Tusze loszek po odchowaniu pierwszego miotu charakteryzowały się odpowiednio niskim otłuszczeniem, dużym okiem polędwicy i wysoką mięsnością. Wyniki szczegółowej dysekcji szynki wskazują na dużą ich przydatność do produkcji szynek długodojrzewających ze względu na odpowiednie proporcje zawartości mięsa i niskiej zawartości tłuszczu

    Landscape of oncoplastic breast surgery across Poland

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    Techniki onkoplastyczne i rekonstrukcyjne stanowią podstawowe narzędzia pracy współczesnych chirurgów piersi. Celem badania było ustalenie rodzajów rekonstrukcji onkoplastycznych przeprowadzanych w ośrodkach leczenia raka piersi w Polsce. Drogą e-mailową rozesłano kwestionariusz zawierający 18 pytań do członków Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej oraz Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej poprzez ich portale internetowe. Liczba pacjentek z rakiem piersi poddawana operacji sięgała od 120 do 904 rocznie w każdym z ośrodków. Wykonywano głównie operacje oszczędzające pierś (breast conserving surgery - BCS) z wyjątkiem jednego ośrodka (zakres 50 – 70%). Jednoczasową rekonstrukcję piersi (immediate breast reconstruction - IBR) wykonywano w 6-42% zabiegów. Najczęstszym rodzajem IBR była dwuetapowa rekonstrukcja z użyciem ekspandera i wszczepieniem implantu lub jednoetapowa rekonstrukcja przy użyciu implantu z lub bez wszczepienia siatki syntetycznej. Najczęściej wykonywanym zabiegiem odroczonej rekonstrukcji piersi (delayed breast reconstruction - DBR) była dwuetapowa rekonstrukcja z użyciem ekspandera i następnie z wszczepieniem implantu. W żadnym z badanych ośrodków nie wykonywano rekonstrukcji z użyciem wolnego płata. W ośrodku chirurgii plastycznej wykonywano rekonstrukcję z wykorzystaniem płata perforatorów głębokich naczyń nabrzusznych dolnych (DIEP). W ośrodkach onkologicznych wykonywano rekonstrukcje z użyciem płatów uszypułowanych. W wybranych ośrodkach stosowano bezkomórkowe macierze skórne (ADM) oraz przeszczep tkanki tłuszczowej. Oceniono wyniki na podstawie opinii pacjentów (patient-reported outcome measures - PROM) oraz powikłania po zabiegach. Nasze wyniki mogą stanowić podstawę do dalszego doskonalenia umiejętności, akredytacji, zbierania danych i audytu, w tym oceny na podstawie opinii pacjentów. Istnieje również pilna potrzeba rozwiązania problemu nierówności w refundacji procedur w różnych państwach Europy.Oncoplastic and reconstructive techniques are essential tools in the armamentarium of contemporary breast surgeons. The aim of the study was to identify oncoplastic reconstructive patterns in breast cancer centers across Poland. A questionnaire of 18 questions was sent by email to the members of the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology and the Polish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Esthetic Surgery via their dedicated websites. The numbers of breast cancer patients operated on in each center ranged from 120 to 904 per year. Breast-conserving surgery (BCS) predominated in all but one center (range 50-70%). Immediate breast reconstructions (IBR) accounted for 6-42% of procedures, The most frequent type of IBR was either a two-stage expander followed by a permanent implant or one-stage implant- based with or without synthetic mesh. The most frequent type of delayed breast reconstruction (DBR) was a two-stage expander followed by implant-based reconstruction. None of the surveyed cancer centers performed free flap reconstruction. Deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flaps were performed in the plastic surgery department. Reconstructions based on pedicled flaps were performed in cancer centers. Acellular dermal matrices (ADM) and fat transfer were used in selected centers. In the clinical scenario of adjuvant radiotherapy, delayed breast reconstruction was favored. The full range of oncoplastic BCS was performed. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) and complications were assessed. Our findings can act as a platform for further improvement in skills, certification, data collection and audit, including patient reported expectation measures. There is also an urgent need to address pan-European inconsistencies in procedural reimbursement

    New insights into the photochemistry of carotenoid spheroidenone in light-harvesting complex 2 from the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides

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    Light-harvesting complex 2 (LH2) from the semi-aerobically grown purple phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides was studied using optical (static and time-resolved) and resonance Raman spectroscopies. This antenna complex comprises bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a and the carotenoid spheroidenone, a ketolated derivative of spheroidene. The results indicate that the spheroidenone-LH2 complex contains two spectral forms of the carotenoid: (1) a minor, ‘‘blue’’ form with an S2 (11 Bu ?) spectral origin band at 522 nm, shifted from the position in organic media simply by the high polarizability of the binding site, and (2) the major, ‘‘red’’ form with the origin band at 562 nm that is associated with a pool of pigments that more strongly interact with protein residues, most likely via hydrogen bonding. Application of targeted modeling of excited-state decay pathways after carotenoid excitation suggests that the high (92%) carotenoid-to-BChl energy transfer efficiency in this LH2 system, relative to LH2 complexes binding carotenoids with comparable double-bond conjugation lengths, derives mainly from resonance energy transfer from spheroidenone S2 (11 Bu ?) state to BChl a via the Qx state of the latter, accounting for 60% of the total transfer. The elevated S2 (11 Bu ?) ? Qx transfer efficiency is apparently associated with substantially decreased energy gap (increased spectral overlap) between the virtual S2 (11 Bu ?) ? S0 (11 Ag -) carotenoid emission and Qx absorption of BChl a. This reduced energetic gap is the ultimate consequence of strong carotenoid–protein interactions, including the inferred hydrogen bondin

    Numerical Simulation of Microchannel Deformation in Enhanced Insulation for Nb–Ti Superconducting Accelerator Magnets

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    A new insulation scheme for the Nb–Ti superconducting magnets to better extract heat from the coil was proposed in 2007, and several experiments were done to validate this novel concept, including the construction of a large aperture quadrupole. An essential parameter of this scheme is the size of the microchannels provided by a new topology of the insulation wrapping, allowing a direct helium path from the helium bath to the strands. The main question is whether these channels are still open under the large pressures induced during assembly and by electromagnetic forces. In this paper, one shows that a thermal model of the insulation scheme can be used to interpret the experimental data. The model suggests that the microchannels are significantly reduced with respect to their nominal values but are still well open. To validate this result, a finite-element model of the insulation and strands under pressure is done, and the behavior of this complex topology is estimated. The mechanical model confirms that the microchannels are open even under pressures of 100 MPa, with a cross-sectional reduction on the order of 50%. A parametric analysis of the microchannel deformation versus pressure is carried out, showing a good agreement with the experiments

    Numerical and Experimental Studies of the ŁK Type Shaped Charge

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    In this paper, the authors presented an analysis of the strengthening of the cumulative jet by the appropriate formation of the detonation wave front acting under the influence of high pressure on the liner. The analysis of the Polish ŁK cumulative charge was carried out using numerical methods in the ABAQUS program. Simulation studies were carried out on axial and peripheral initiations of the explosive cumulative liner. For this purpose, two types of cumulative charges were made with the same design parameters, differing only in the explosive detonation-initiation system. The impact of the elastomer insert on the focusing of the cumulative jet was verified. The influence of peripheral and axial initiation on a cumulative jet’s velocity was investigated. The authors proposed a new conical insert placed in the explosive between the pocket for the detonator and the liner, also changing the material of the cumulative liner. The smoothed-particle hydrodynamics method was used to describe the formation of a cumulative jet. The obtained results were verified experimentally, and they show that modification of the ŁK charge has a positive effect on jet amplification, with an inevitable collapse in the final stage of formation. The obtained results correlate with the literature’s data

    Ballistic Impact Resistance of Bulletproof Vest Inserts Containing Printed Titanium Structures

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    Finite element modeling of ballistic impact of inserts containing titanium structures were presented in the article. The inserts containing an additional layer made using additive manufacturing technology were analyzed. The layer was created from repetitive elements made without connections (adjacent cells were inseparable). Four variants of printed titanium structures were placed between layers of Twaron CT 750 aramid fabric to create ballistic inserts. In order to assess the ballistic resistance of the inserts, numerical simulations of ballistic impact phenomenon were carried out using LS-Dyna software. In the simulations the inserts were placed on a steel box filled with ballistic clay and were fired at with the 9 × 19 mm full metal jacket (FMJ) Parabellum projectile. The main aim of the work was to check the effectiveness of such solutions in soft ballistic protection applications and to select the most effective variant of 3D printed structure. Results of the numerical analysis showed a high potential for 3D printed structures made of titanium alloys to be used for bulletproof vest inserts. In all analyzed cases the projectile was stopped by the armor. In addition, thanks to the cooperation of adjacent cells, the projectile energy density was distributed over a large area, as evidenced by large volumes of hollows in the ballistic clay. The indentations in the ballistic clay obtained in the simulations were significantly lower than the acceptable value for the back face deformation (BFD) parameter required by international body armor standards