23 research outputs found

    The Mcm2-7 complex is the eukaryotic replicative helicase.

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    Replicative helicases are essential enzymes in DNA replication that separate duplex DNA into single strands to be used as templates by polymerases. The identity of these helicases in prokaryotes and viruses has been known for some time, but there is controversy in defining the eukaryotic replicative helicase. Fifteen years of in vivo work and comparison to other helicases suggests that the minichromosome maintenance proteins two through seven (Mcm2-7 complex) play this role, but in vitro DNA unwinding has never been demonstrated. In order to address this dilemma, I analyzed the biochemical activities of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mcm2-7 complex and the contributions of its conserved ATPase motifs to these activities. My findings indicate that Mcm2-7: 1) binds single-stranded DNA with high affinity in an ATP-dependent manner, 2) has six distinct active sites that differentially contribute to its biochemistry, and 3) is sensitive to anionic conditions in vitro. Elucidation of these characteristics led to the discovery that Mcm2-7 helicase activity is stimulated by large anions, and I was able to demonstrate bona fide in vitro DNA unwinding for the first time. The culmination of this work is the view that the Mcm2-7 complex is the true eukaryotic replicative helicase and the emerging view that Mcm2-7 ATPase active sites have evolved specialized functions within the complex

    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mcm6/2 and Mcm5/3 ATPase active sites contribute to the function of the putative Mcm2-7 ‘gate’

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    The Mcm2-7 complex is the eukaryotic replicative helicase, a toroidal AAA+ molecular motor that uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding and hydrolysis to separate duplex DNA strands during replication. This heterohexameric helicase contains six different and essential subunits (Mcm2 through Mcm7), with the corresponding dimer interfaces forming ATPase active sites from conserved motifs of adjacent subunits. As all other known hexameric helicases are formed from six identical subunits, the function of the unique heterohexameric organization of Mcm2-7 is of particular interest. Indeed, prior work using mutations in the conserved Walker A box ATPase structural motif strongly suggests that individual ATPase active sites contribute differentially to Mcm2-7 activity. Although only a specific subset of active sites is required for helicase activity, another ATPase active site (Mcm2/5) may serve as a reversible ATP-dependent discontinuity (‘gate’) within the hexameric ring structure. This study analyzes the contribution that two other structural motifs, the Walker B box and arginine finger, make to each Mcm2-7 ATPase active site. Mutational analysis of these motifs not only confirms that Mcm ATPase active sites contribute unequally to activity but implicates the involvement of at least two additional active sites (Mcm5/3 and 6/2) in modulating the activity of the putative Mcm2/5 gate

    Lysine acetylation regulates the activity of nuclear Pif1

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Pif1 helicase functions in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA replication and repair processes, preferentially unwinding RNA:DNA hybrids and resolving G-quadruplex structures. We sought to determine how the various activities of Pif1 are regulated in vivo Here, we report lysine acetylation of nuclear Pif1 and demonstrate that it influences both Pif1's cellular roles and core biochemical activities. Using Pif1 overexpression toxicity assays, we determined that the acetyltransferase NuA4 and deacetylase Rpd3 are primarily responsible for the dynamic acetylation of nuclear Pif1. MS analysis revealed that Pif1 was modified in several domains throughout the protein's sequence on the N terminus (Lys-118 and Lys-129), helicase domain (Lys-525, Lys-639, and Lys-725), and C terminus (Lys-800). Acetylation of Pif1 exacerbated its overexpression toxicity phenotype, which was alleviated upon deletion of its N terminus. Biochemical assays demonstrated that acetylation of Pif1 stimulated its helicase, ATPase, and DNA-binding activities, whereas maintaining its substrate preferences. Limited proteolysis assays indicate that acetylation of Pif1 induces a conformational change that may account for its altered enzymatic properties. We propose that acetylation is involved in regulating of Pif1 activities, influencing a multitude of DNA transactions vital to the maintenance of genome integrity

    The yeast Hrq1 helicase stimulates Pso2 translesion nuclease activity and thereby promotes DNA interstrand crosslink repair

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    DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair requires a complex network of DNA damage response pathways. Removal of the ICL lesions is vital, as they are physical barriers to essential DNA processes that require the separation of duplex DNA, such as replication and transcription. The Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway is the principal mechanism for ICL repair in metazoans and is coupled to DNA replication. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a vestigial FA pathway is present, but ICLs are predominantly repaired by a pathway involving the Pso2 nuclease, which is hypothesized to use its exonuclease activity to digest through the lesion to provide access for translesion polymerases. However, Pso2 lacks translesion nuclease activity in vitro, and mechanistic details of this pathway are lacking, especially relative to FA. We recently identified the Hrq1 helicase, a homolog of the disease-linked enzyme RecQ-like helicase 4 (RECQL4), as a component of Pso2-mediated ICL repair. Here, using genetic, biochemical, and biophysical approaches, including single-molecule FRET (smFRET)- and gel-based nuclease assays, we show that Hrq1 stimulates the Pso2 nuclease through a mechanism that requires Hrq1 catalytic activity. Importantly, Hrq1 also stimulated Pso2 translesion nuclease activity through a site-specific ICL in vitro We noted that stimulation of Pso2 nuclease activity is specific to eukaryotic RecQ4 subfamily helicases, and genetic and biochemical data suggest that Hrq1 likely interacts with Pso2 through their N-terminal domains. These results advance our understanding of FA-independent ICL repair and establish a role for the RecQ4 helicases in the repair of these detrimental DNA lesions

    The Mcm Complex: Unwinding the Mechanism of a Replicative Helicase

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    Summary: The Mcm2-7 complex serves as the eukaryotic replicative helicase, the molecular motor that both unwinds duplex DNA and powers fork progression during DNA replication. Consistent with its central role in this process, much prior work has illustrated that Mcm2-7 loading and activation are landmark events in the regulation of DNA replication. Unlike any other hexameric helicase, Mcm2-7 is composed of six unique and essential subunits. Although the unusual oligomeric nature of this complex has long hampered biochemical investigations, recent advances with both the eukaryotic as well as the simpler archaeal Mcm complexes provide mechanistic insight into their function. In contrast to better-studied homohexameric helicases, evidence suggests that the six Mcm2-7 complex ATPase active sites are functionally distinct and are likely specialized to accommodate the regulatory constraints of the eukaryotic process

    The Biochemical Activities of the <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> Pif1 Helicase Are Regulated by Its N-Terminal Domain

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    Pif1 family helicases represent a highly conserved class of enzymes involved in multiple aspects of genome maintenance. Many Pif1 helicases are multi-domain proteins, but the functions of their non-helicase domains are poorly understood. Here, we characterized how the N-terminal domain (NTD) of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 helicase affects its functions both in vivo and in vitro. Removal of the Pif1 NTD alleviated the toxicity associated with Pif1 overexpression in yeast. Biochemically, the N-terminally truncated Pif1 (Pif1&#916;N) retained in vitro DNA binding, DNA unwinding, and telomerase regulation activities, but these activities differed markedly from those displayed by full-length recombinant Pif1. However, Pif1&#916;N was still able to synergize with the Hrq1 helicase to inhibit telomerase activity in vitro, similar to full-length Pif1. These data impact our understanding of Pif1 helicase evolution and the roles of these enzymes in the maintenance of genome integrity