69 research outputs found

    BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and protein levels in Amniotic Fluid

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    Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is a neurotrophin which plays survival- and growth-promoting activity in neuronal cells and it is involved in cellular plasticity mechanisms as it controls activity dependent synaptic transmission. A functional polymorphism (Val66Met) in the pro-region of BDNF, which affects the intracellular trafficking of proBDNF has been associated with memory and cognitive deficits as well as to an increased susceptibility for several psychiatric disorders especially those with a neurodevelopmental origin. To date, no study has evaluated the influence of the Val66Met polymorphism on BDNF levels in a peripheral system that may reflect fetal neurodevelopment. Therefore we investigated in amniotic fluids (AF) obtained from 139 healthy women during 15-17 week of pregnancy, BDNF protein levels in correlation with the Val66Met polymorphism

    Nanomedicine in Psychiatry: New Therapeutic Opportunities from Research on Small RNAs

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    Preclinical Research Alterations in small non-coding RNAs have been observed in many human disease states including cancer, cardiovascular, developmental, neurological, and psychiatric disorders. These molecules have recently raised the interest of the scientific community for novel therapeutic approaches. Nanotechnologies, including the development of sophisticated nanoparticles, offer new ways for the delivery of small RNA-based therapies. The nanoparticle delivery method appears attractive, but so far most of the work in this area has been conducted in the context of cancer. New therapeutic strategies are needed for psychiatric disorders, where treatment is often ineffective, leading to frequent patient hospitalizations and a growing economic burden. In this article, we discuss the role of small RNAs in psychiatric diseases and how this new knowledge, combined with innovations in nanotechnologies, could lead to the development of novel therapeutic approaches. Drug Dev Res, 2016. Š 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Absolute Measurements of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and Interleukin-1-β mRNA Levels Accurately Predict Treatment Response in Depressed Patients

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    Increased levels of inflammation have been associated with a poorer response to antidepressants in several clinical samples, but these findings have had been limited by low reproducibility of biomarker assays across laboratories, difficulty in predicting response probability on an individual basis, and unclear molecular mechanisms. Here we measured absolute mRNA values (a reliable quantitation of number of molecules) of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and interleukin-1 beta in a previously published sample from a randomized controlled trial comparing escitalopram vs nortriptyline (GENDEP) as well as in an independent, naturalistic replication sample. We then used linear discriminant analysis to calculate mRNA values cutoffs that best discriminated between responders and nonresponders after 12 weeks of antidepressants. As Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and interleukin-1 beta might be involved in different pathways, we constructed a protein-protein interaction network by the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins. We identified cutoff values for the absolute mRNA measures that accurately predicted response probability on an individual basis, with positive predictive values and specificity for nonresponders of 100% in both samples (negative predictive value=82% to 85%, sensitivity=52% to 61%). Using network analysis, we identified different clusters of targets for these 2 cytokines, with Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor interacting predominantly with pathways involved in neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, and cell proliferation, and interleukin-1 beta interacting predominantly with pathways involved in the inflammasome complex, oxidative stress, and neurodegeneration. We believe that these data provide a clinically suitable approach to the personalization of antidepressant therapy: patients who have absolute mRNA values above the suggested cutoffs could be directed toward earlier access to more assertive antidepressant strategies, including the addition of other antidepressants or antiinflammatory drugs

    Alterations observed in the interferon ι and β signaling pathway in MDD patients are marginally influenced by cis-acting alleles

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    Abstract Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common psychiatric disorder with a multifactorial aetiology determined by the interaction between genetic and environmental risk factors. Pieces of evidence indicate that inflammation and immune activation may contribute to the onset of MDD playing a role in the pathogenetic mechanism. To date, it is not known to which extent the association between MDD and inflammation is shaped by the genetic background or by the presence of environmental factors. To clarify this issue, we analyzed genotype and blood RNA profiles of 463 MDD cases and 459 controls (NIMH-Study 88/Site621) estimating the Genetic and Environmental Regulated eXpression component of gene expression (GReX and EReX respectively). Both components were tested for association with MDD. Many genes belonging to the ι/β interferon signaling pathway showed an association between MDD and EReX, only two between MDD and GReX. Also other MDD differentially expressed genes were more influenced by the EReX than by GReX. These results suggest that impact of the genetic background on MDD blood gene expression alterations is much lower than the contribution of environmental factors and almost absent for the genes of the interferon pathway
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