11 research outputs found

    El papel solidario desempeñado por familiares visitantes y acompañantes de adultos y ancianos hospitalizados

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    Este estudo objetivou compreender o papel da solidariedade desempenhado por familiares visitantes e acompanhantes de adultos e idosos internados. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico a teoria de enfermagem como cuidado solidário e como referencial metodológico a Grounded Theory. Foram entrevistados nove familiares de adultos e idosos hospitalizados no período de abril a setembro de 2002. Dos resultados identificou-se o fenômeno: assumindo o papel de familiar visitante ou de familiar acompanhante, que congrega os temas: querendo desempenhar um papel solidário e compreendendo o estar junto como uma interdependência emocional. Acredita-se que quando a enfermeira reconhece a singularidade da relação de solidariedade e de interdependência familiar, também exerce seu trabalho pautado na solidariedade, visto que colabora para o restabelecimento do doente, alivia seu sofrimento e de seus familiares e, portanto, promove a saúde do grupo familiar.This study aimed to better understand the role of solidarity performed by family visitors and companions of hospitalized adults and elderly. The study used the nursing as caring theory as a theoretical reference and the Grounded Theory as a methodological reference. Nine family members of hospitalized adults and elderly were interviewed between April and September of 2002. The phenomenon: assuming the family visitor's or companion's role was identified from the results of the study, which congregates the themes: wanting to perform solidarity, and understanding being together as an emotional interdependence. We believe that when nurses recognize the singularity of the solidarity relationship and of family interdependence, they also exercises their work outlined in solidarity, because they collaborate for the re-establishment of the patient, relieve the patients' and their family's suffering and therefore, promote the health of the family group.El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender el papel solidario desempeñado por los familiares visitantes y acompañantes de adultos y ancianos hospitalizados. Como referencial teórico se empleó la teoría de enfermería como cuidado solidario, y como referencial metodológico, la Grounded Theory. Para el estudio fueron entrevistados nueve familiares de adultos y ancianos hospitalizados, en el período de abril a septiembre de 2002. De los resultados obtenidos se identificó el fenómeno: asumiendo el papel de familiar visitante o familiar acompañante, formado por los siguientes temas: deseando realizar un papel solidario y entendiendo el permanecer junto como una interdependencia emocional. Se cree que cuando la enfermera reconoce la singularidad de la relación de solidaridad y de la interdependencia de la familia, ella también ejerce su trabajo centrado en la solidaridad, porque colabora para el restablecimiento del paciente, ayudando así a disminuir el sufrimiento del enfermo y de sus familias y, por lo tanto, promueve la salud del grupo familiar.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Instruments to measure interaction of mothers and newborns: A systematic review

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    Interactions between newborns and their parents/primary caregivers are characterized by asymmetric and dependent relationships. This systematic review mapped, identified, and described the psychometric parameters, categories, and items of instruments used to assess mother-newborn interaction. Seven electronic databases were accessed in this study. Furthermore, this research included neonatal interaction studies describing instruments' items, domains, and psychometric properties while excluding studies that focused on maternal interactions and lacked items for assessing newborns. Additionally, studies validated with older infants that did not have a newborn in the sample were used for test validation, which is a criterion used to decrease the risk of bias. Fourteen observational instruments from 1047 identified citations were included that addressed interactions using varying techniques, constructs, and settings. Particularly, we focused on observational settings that assessed interactions with communication-based constructs in the context of proximity or distance as influenced by physical, behavioral, or procedural barriers. These tools are also used to predict risk behaviors in a psychological context, mitigate feeding difficulties, and conduct neurobehavioral assessments of mother-newborn interactions. The elicited imitation was also an observational setting. This study found that the most described properties in the included citations were inter-rater reliability followed by criterion validity. However, only two instruments reported content, construct, and criterion validity, as well as a description of an internal consistency assessment and inter-rater reliability. Finally, the synthesis of the instruments reported in this study can guide clinicians and researchers in selecting the most appropriate one for their own application


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    RESUMO Objetivo: verificar o conhecimento dos pacientes sobre a doença arterial coronariana (DAC) por meio do Cardiovascular Artery Disease Questionnaire (CADE-Q). Método: estudo transversal, descritivo e de abordagem quantitativa, realizado em uma unidade coronariana e setor de hemodinâmica de um hospital público e de ensino. Os participantes do estudo foram indivíduos com 18 anos ou mais, internados na unidade coronariana e pacientes ambulatoriais atendidos no setor de hemodinâmica para realização de cateterismo cardíaco ou angioplastia coronariana eletiva. Para avaliação do conhecimento sobre DAC utilizou-se o CADE-Q, que classifica o conhecimento como excelente, bom, aceitável, pouco ou insuficiente. Resultados: foram incluídos 49 pacientes com média de idade de 58,3 anos, sendo 57,1% do sexo masculino. O nível de conhecimento sobre a DAC, de acordo com o CADE-Q, foi considerado aceitável para 19 pacientes (38,7%), bom para oito deles (16,3%), pouco conhecimento para 13 (26,5%) e insuficiente para nove (18,3%). Conclusão: identificar o perfil dos pacientes atendidos e seu conhecimento sobre a DAC é importante para o estabelecimento de estratégias educativas adequadas para essa população, com foco no controle dos fatores de risco. Além disso, busca-se melhor enfrentamento da doença e melhoria da qualidade de vida

    Viscoelastic and adhesion properties of hot-melts made with blends of ethylene-co-n-butyl acrylate (EBA) and ethylene-co-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers

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    Several hot-melts (HMAs) were prepared by using blends of ethylene-co-n-butyl acrylate (EBA) and ethylene-co-vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymers - EBA/EVA. HMAs were prepared with mixtures of EVA copolymers with 18 (EVA18) and 27 (EVA27) wt% vinyl acetate contents and EBA copolymer with 27 wt% n-butyl acrylate, polyterpene resin and mixture of microcrystalline and Fischer-Tropsch waxes. HMAs made with EBA/EVA blends showed lower viscosities and reduced shear thinning than the ones made with EBA or EVA due to differences in compatibility, but both the set time and the open time were not affected as they depended mainly on the wax nature and amount. The increase of the vinyl acetate (VA) content in EVA copolymer reduced the crystallinity of the EBA/EVA blends. Even EBA copolymer was more compatible with EVA27 than with EVA18 (the α- and β-transitions shown in DMTA plots were closer) and the compatibility did not vary with the EBA content in the blends. The addition of polyterpene resin and the mixture of waxes decreased the compatibility of the EBA/EVA blends, the higher compatibility was observed for the HMAs made with only one copolymer. The tack of the HMAs depended on their EBA/EVA contents, EBA/EVA27 HMAs showed broader temperature interval with higher tack, while the tack of EBA/EVA18 HMAs blend decreased and the temperature interval with tack was shortened and shifted to lower temperatures. Adhesion to polypropylene film was improved in HMAs made with 75 wt% EBA/25 wt% EVA18 and 50–75 wt% EBA/50-25 wt% EVA27. The adhesion to aluminum film of EBA or EVA hot melts was improved only in the joints made with EBA/EVA 27 HMAs, more noticeably when they contained higher EBA content.Financial support by Technology and New Ventures Department of Repsol S.A. (Madrid, Spain) (grant no. REPSOL5-12I) is acknowledged

    Cuidadores informais de idosos em pós-operatório de cirurgia de fêmur proximal: prevenção de novas quedas

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    The objectives of this study were to investigate the sociodemographic characteristics of informal caregivers of elderly persons who had undergone surgery for hip fractures caused by a fall, explore the level of caregiver's knowledge regarding fall prevention, and assess the relationship between this knowledge and the use of preventative measures in practice. This investigation consists of a cross-sectional study using nonprobability sampling methods conducted over a period of 12 months and involving 89 caregivers. The majority of caregivers were female (76.4%) and sons or daughters of the patients (64%). Environmental modification was the predominant preventative measure used by caregivers (88.2%). 58.1% of caregivers believed it was possible to prevent falls in the elderly and there was a significant association (p = 0,002) between believing it was possible to prevent falls and carrying out modifications in the home and/or to the daily routine of the older person. Informal caregivers with wide or partial knowledge of fall prevention put preventative measures into practice. These findings demonstrate that the number of falls among older persons could be significantly reduced if health care programmes widened their actions to include the guiding principles of the WHO falls prevention model.Os objetivos foram caracterizar sociodemograficamente os cuidadores informais de idosos vítimas de queda seguida por fratura de fêmur proximal e verificar o conhecimento mínimo que possuíam acerca da prevenção de novas quedas, assim como caracterizar a relação entre esse conhecimento e o emprego de medidas preventivas. Trata-se de estudo transversal, com amostragem intencional, realizado em 12 meses, incluindo 89 cuidadores. Predominaram cuidadores do sexo feminino (76,4%) e filhas(os) (64%). A modificação ambiental foi a medida preventiva predominante apontada por eles (88,2%). Houve associação significativa (p = 0,002), entre os 58,1% dos cuidadores que achavam ser possível prevenir quedas e os relatos sobre mudanças na casa e/ou rotina do idoso. Observou-se que cuidadores informais que apresentavam conhecimento sobre prevenção de quedas em idosos, mesmo que incompletos, empregavam medidas de prevenção para novos eventos. Esses achados sinalizam que o número de quedas entre idosos pode ser reduzido significantemente se os programas de atenção à saúde ampliarem suas ações apoiando-as no modelo de prevenção de quedas da Organização Mundial de Saúde.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP