3,051 research outputs found

    Исламский дискурс визуальной пропаганды на советском Востоке между двумя мировыми войнами (1918 – 1940)

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    Visual propaganda played an enormous role in the history of the twentieth century. Unlike the propaganda of nineteenth century, it was aimed not only at educated classes in the imperial centres, but also at subaltern masses living in the colonies of great powers, including the vast territories in the east and south of the former Russian Empire. Posters created for (and with the assistance of) Muslims between the two world wars in the Soviet Orient (i.e., in the Volga region, Crimea, Urals, and Siberia, on the Caucasus and in the Central Asia) represent an enormous and still poorly studied layer in the history of Soviet propaganda. So far, the posters have been studied primarily in the context of art history. But the creation of visual propaganda is critical for historical reconstructions as well. It is more important to understand posters’ language, historical context, attitude to public policy, cultural background, in other words—the discourse of propaganda. This is a part of life, even if semiofficial, the loss of which would simplify and impoverish the picture of the past. Discursive analysis of poster art allows one to understand the relationship between knowledge and power in society, the role of different social strata in its reproduction, and the aspects of perception and rejection of official propaganda. Огромную роль в истории ХХ в. сыграла визуальная пропаганда. По сравнению с XIX столетием она была рассчитана не только на образованные классы метрополий, но и массы населения в колониях великих держав, включая огромные территории на востоке и юге бывшей Российской империи. Плакаты, созданные для мусульман (и с участием мусульман) между двумя мировыми войнами на Советском Востоке – в Поволжье, в Крыму, на Урале и в Сибири, на Кавказе и в Средней Азии, – представляют собой огромный и пока еще мало изученный пласт в истории советской пропаганды. До сих пор плакаты изучали преимущественно с искусствоведческой точки зрения. От внимания ученых ускользал скрывающийся за их образами ныне почти забытый язык визуальной пропаганды, оперировавшей образами, понятиями и цитатами, до боли знакомыми поколениям, выросшим при советской власти. Работа с произведениями визуальной пропаганды исключительно значима для исторических реконструкций. Важнее понять их язык, идею, отношение к государственной политике, иначе говоря, дискурс пропаганды. Это – часть жизни, пусть даже очень официозной, утрата которой упрощает и обедняет картину прошлого. Дискурсивный анализ плакатной живописи позволяет понять отношения знания и власти в обществе, роль в их воспроизводстве разных социальных слоев, особенности восприятия и отторжения официальной пропаганды

    A combined Raman lidar for low tropospheric studies

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    One of the main goals of laser sensing of the atmosphere was the development of techniques and facilities for remote determination of atmospheric meteorological and optical parameters. Of lidar techniques known at present the Raman-lidar technique occupies a specific place. On the one hand Raman lidar returns due to scattering on different molecular species are very simple for interpretation and for extracting the information on the atmospheric parameters sought, but, on the other hand, the performance of these techniques in a lidar facility is overburdened with some serious technical difficulties due to extremely low cross sections of Raman effect. Some results of investigations into this problem is presented which enables the construction of a combined Raman lidar capable of acquiring simultaneously the profiles of atmospheric temperature, humidity, and some optical characteristics in the ground atmospheric layer up to 1 km height. The operation of this system is briefly discussed

    Gas Emission Control on Longwall Panels at the Vorkuta Coal Mines

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    The characteristics of geological conditions and mining technology at the coal mines of Coal Stock Company Vorkutaugol are given in the article. Information about longwall panel ventilation schemes and problems caused by high methane emission is also presented. The results of experiments at longwall panels using the methane emission control ventilation complex are described as well as ways of isolating gob methane removal. Other topics include the methane emission control ventilation complex consisted of drainage entry, an isolating wall with windows, mixing chambers and regulating stoppings. As results of experiments have shown, the most effective gas emission control methods were: the application of gas sucking fans for the isolated gob methane removal, and isolating walls at the line exposed to the gob. Encouraging results were obtained by use of two-entry mining system with yielding pillar between entries, homotropal ventilation and isolated methane removal from the gob

    Enhancement of the Raman lidar sensitivity using overtones of vibrational-rotational Raman bands of oxygen or nitrogen as the reference signals

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    Influence of the vibrational-rotational Raman bands of molecules of the main components of the atmosphere (oxygen and nitrogen) on the sensitivity of Raman lidar is considered. A method is proposed of using the first overtones of the vibrational-rotational Raman bands of oxygen and nitrogen molecules as the reference signals for the measurement of low concentrations of chemicals in the atmosphere by the Raman method

    Mathematical model of a two-stage process of laser fragmentation of nitrocompound molecules and subsequent laser-induced fluorescence of characteristic fragments

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    The paper presents a mathematical model describing the kinetics of the two-stage process of laser fragmentation of vapors of nitrocompounds and subsequent nitric oxide (NO-fragments) laser-induced fluorescence. The use of the developed model in the lidar equation for the case of fluorescent objects allows to calculate the expected value of the lidar signal for a particular nitrocompound on the basis of spectroscopic information about the object of detection, parameters of the radiation propagation medium, and transceiver equipment parameter

    Post-Socialist Forms of Islam Caucasian Wahhabis

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    The vision of Islam as it is practised in the post-socialist context is very confused at the moment. It is associated either with 'the revival of local pre-modern traditions' and thus with the localization of postsocialist Muslim space, or with 'the spread of Islamism absolutely alien to local Muslim traditions', introduced to countries of the former socialist bloc from abroad and fraught with their Islamist globalization. Post-socialist forms of Islam are often thought of as an 'Islamic threat' opposing all non-Muslim cultures

    Islamic Studies in Post-Soviet Russia: in Search of New Approaches

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    Research on pre-modern and modern Islam conducted in post-Soviet Russia, has been, and still is, very poorly known to scholars from abroad - both in the West and in the Muslim world. Despite the fall of the 'iron curtain' after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there is still an informational barrier separating post-Soviet and non-Soviet researchers. Many questions arise concerning what has happened in Islamic studies after the cease of religious persecution during the 'perestroika' years: What was the impact of the socalled 'Islamic revival' on research on Islam? Which academic schools training specialists in Islamic studies have survived since the pre-Soviet and Soviet times? To what extent do post-Soviet scholars know and share modern Western approaches and concepts in Islamic studies

    Создание мусульманского духовенства в России (кавказско-поволжские параллели)

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    The article examines аn ambitious рlаn to create а unifiеd imperial estate of Muslim clergy that was launched in the соrе аnd bоrdеrlаnd areas of tsarist Russia during the Great Reforms. Given the аbsеnсе of church аnd clergy as such in Islam, imperial lawmakers from the Ministry of Intеrnаl Affairs invеntеd them in the framework of previously established muftiates, the first of which was established in the Volga-Ural rеgion as the Оrеnbuгg Моhаmmеdаn Spiritual Assembly ассоrding to the edict bу Саthеrinе II in 1788. Under the rеign of Аlехаndеr II two separate muftiates were set ир iп Transcaucasia in 1872. Mosque соngrеgаtiоns were turnеd intо parishes modeled in the Orthodox fashion. Like Orthodox priests in а bureaucratized hierarchy of the Holy Sуnоd, loyal Muslim 'ulama' were intrоduсеd intо the imperial аdministrаtiоn at village, district and provincial levels, which granted them the privileged status of Muslim clergy. There were also орроnеnts of this рlаn in the War Мinistrу which discouraged the сrеаtiоn of new muftiates in аnnехеd Muslim rеgiоns аnd succeeded in саrrуing out the so-called politics of "disregard of Muslim clergy" in the North Caucasus аnd Тurkistan.В статье исследуется амбициозный план по созданию единого государственного класса мусульманского духовенства, реализация которого началась в Центральной России и на периферии в эпоху Великих реформ. Принимая во внимание отсутствие в исламе церкви и духовенства как таковых, имперские законодатели из Министерства иностранных дел собирались создать их на основе уже существовавших муфтиятов, первый из которых был учреждён в 1788 г. по указу Екатерины II в Волго-Уральском регионе под именем Оренбургское магометанское духовное собрание. В годы царствования Александра II два отдельных муфтията были учреждены в Закавказье в 1872 году. Общины при мечетях были трансформированы в приходы, организованные по образцу православных. Подобно православным священникам в бюрократизированной структуре Священного Синода, местные мусульманские ‘улама были включены в имперскую систему управления на сельском, районном и областном уровнях. Эта интеграция давала им привилегированный статус мусульманского духовного лица. У этого плана существовали противники в Военном министерстве, которые препятствовали созданию новых муфтиятов на присоединённых мусульманских территориях и следовали политике «игнорирования мусульманского духовенства» на Северном Кавказе и в Туркестане

    Мусульманская школа в раннем Советском Дагестане (1918-1927)

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    In his article Vladimir Bobrovnikov gives a general survey of Islamic education as it was practiced and interacted with state institutions at the republican, district and village levels in early Soviet Dagestan in 1918-1927. This paper based on first hand archival sources in Arabic, Caucasian and Russian languages shows that view of eternal struggle between Soviet Russia and Islam is divorced from a reality and is nothing but outdated cliché dating back to the ‘cold war’ period. Actually, the time of massive repression of Muslim elites and prohibition of Islamic institutions lasted only several years from the end of the 1920s to the beginning of the 1940s. Periods of interaction between state and Muslim elites appeared to be much longer. Dagestani 'ulama' much contributed in the early Soviet cultural and administrative building. В своей статье Владимир Бобровников дает общий обзор функционирования системы исламского образования и ее взаимодействия с государственными институтами на республиканском и районном уровне, а также на уровне селения в советском Дагестане в 1918–1927 гг. Эта статья, написанная по материалам архивных первоисточников на арабском, русском и кавказских языках, показывает, что представление о непримиримой борьбе между Советской Россией и исламом далеко от реальности и представляет собой не более чем устаревшим клише, восходящим к временам «холодной войны». В действительности, период массовых репрессий мусульманских элит и запрета исламских институтов продолжался всего несколько лет, с конца 1920-х и до начала 1940-х гг. Периоды сотрудничества между государством и мусульманскими элитами длились значительно дольше. Дагестанские ‘улама’ внесли большой вклад в раннесоветское культурное и административное строительство.