15 research outputs found

    Role of monocytes in wound healing and thromboembolism after myocardial infarction

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    Beim Myokardinfarkt führt die Unterbrechung der Blutversorgung zur Nekrose von Myozyten. Hierauf werden im Rahmen der Entzündungsreaktion verschiedene Reaktionen angestoßen, die dazu dienen sollen, die Integrität und Funktion des Herzens zu erhalten. Einen wichtigen Anteil an der Inflammationsreaktion haben die Monozyten, deren Funktion in diesem Rahmen bis jetzt nur wenig erforscht ist. In dieser Studie wurde die Rolle von Monozyten auf die Heilungsvorgänge nach einem Infarkt untersucht. Durch die Gabe von Clodronat-Liposom wurden in der Behandlungsgruppe die Monozyten ausgeschaltet. Es zeigte sich, dass die Mortalität in der Behandlungsgruppe aufgrund der Bildung eines linksventrikulären Thrombus deutlich erhöht ist. Dieser war bereits innerhalb der ersten 24h in den echokardiographischen Untersuchungen sichtbar. Veränderungen im Gerinnungssystem konnten als Ursache ausgeschlossen werden. Durch eine CD-31-Färbung wurde deutlich, dass in den infarzierten Herzen der Behandlungsgruppe ein Defekt im Endokard entstanden war, der als Ursache für die Entstehung der Thromben gewertet werden kann. Zudem wurde in der Behandlungsgruppe neben einem verschlechterten Abräumvorgang eine signifikant erniedrigte Kollagen-1-Produktion, ein erhöhtes MMP-9, ein leicht erniedrigtes TGF sowie erhöhtes VEGF gemessen. In dieser Studie wurde somit gezeigt, dass Monozyten ein essentieller Bestandteil der Heilungsvorgänge nach einem Infarkt sind. Durch eine eingeschränkte Monozytenfunktion wird zudem aufgrund von Defekten im Endothel die Bildung eines linksventrikulären Thrombus und folgender thromboembolischer Ereignisse begünstigt.Myocardial infarction leads to necrosis of cardiac myocytes. To obtain tissue integrity and function inflammatory cells are activated. The role of monocytes after myocardial infarction is poorly defined. We examined the role of monocytes after experimental myocardial infarction by monocyte depletion through injections of clodronate-containing liposomes. Thus, monocyte infiltration was reduced in the myocardium of the mice in the treatment group. Mortality was increased due to thromboembolic events in the treatment group. Left ventricular thrombi were seen as early as 24 hours after myocardial infarction. CD31-Staining showed endocardial defects before the onset of thrombus formation and in older thrombi. Changes in the blood coagulation or an increased infarct expansion were not observed. In summary, early healing defects are most likely caused by the monocyte depletion. Depletion of the monocytes also led to less clearance of cell debris, increased matrixmetalloproteinase-9 and vascular endothelial growth factor, less collagen-1 production and an unchanged tumor-growth-factor. Impaired monocyte function seems to be a major factor for the development of a left ventricular thrombus after myocardial infarction

    Two Cases of Severe Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Rituximab-Treated Patients in Germany: Implications for Diagnosis and Prevention

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    Rituximab (RTX) has become a standard therapy for certain B cell malignancies and autoimmune diseases. We report 2 RTX-treated patients who developed severe tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) infection. The inability to generate new antibody responses renders RTX-treated patients susceptible to TBEV, impedes laboratory diagnosis, and necessitates preventive vaccination in endemic areas

    Impact of timing of continuous intravenous anesthetic drug treatment on outcome in refractory status epilepticus

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    Abstract Background Patients in refractory status epilepticus (RSE) may require treatment with continuous intravenous anesthetic drugs (cIVADs) for seizure control. The use of cIVADs, however, was recently associated with poor outcome in status epilepticus (SE), raising the question of whether cIVAD therapy should be delayed for attempts to halt seizures with repeated non-anesthetic antiepileptic drugs. In this study, we aimed to determine the impact of differences in therapeutic approaches on RSE outcome using timing of cIVAD therapy as a surrogate for treatment aggressiveness. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study over 14 years (n = 77) comparing patients with RSE treated with cIVADs within and after 48 h after RSE onset, and functional status at last follow-up was the primary outcome (good = return to premorbid baseline or modified Rankin Scale score of less than 3). Secondary outcomes included discharge functional status, in-hospital mortality, RSE termination, induction of burst suppression, use of thiopental, duration of RSE after initiation of cIVADs, duration of mechanical ventilation, and occurrence of super-refractory SE. Analysis was performed on the total cohort and on subgroups defined by RSE severity according to the Status Epilepticus Severity Score (STESS) and by the variables contained therein. Results Fifty-three (68.8%) patients received cIVADs within the first 48 h. Early cIVAD treatment was independently associated with good outcome (adjusted risk ratio [aRR] 3.175, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.273–7.918; P = 0.013) as well as lower chance of both induction of burst suppression (aRR 0.661, 95% CI 0.507–0.861; P = 0.002) and use of thiopental (aRR 0.446, 95% CI 0.205–0.874; P = 0.043). RSE duration after cIVAD initiation was shorter in the early cIVAD cohort (hazard ratio 1.796, 95% CI 1.047–3.081; P = 0.033). Timing of cIVAD use did not impact the remaining secondary outcomes. Subgroup analysis revealed early cIVAD impact on the primary outcome to be driven by patients with STESS of less than 3. Conclusions Patients with RSE treated with cIVADs may benefit from early initiation of such therapy

    Siponimod (BAF-312) Attenuates Perihemorrhagic Edema And Improves Survival in Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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    Background and Purpose- Perihemorrhagic edema (PHE) is associated with poor outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Infiltration of immune cells is considered a major contributor of PHE. Recent studies suggest that immunomodulation via S1PR (sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor) modulators improve outcome in ICH. Siponimod, a selective modulator of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors type 1 and type 5, demonstrated an excellent safety profile in a large study of patients with multiple sclerosis. Here, we investigated the impact of siponimod treatment on perihemorrhagic edema, neurological deficits, and survival in a mouse model of ICH. Methods- ICH was induced by intracranial injection of 0.075 U of bacterial collagenase in 123 mice. Mice were randomly assigned to different treatment groups: vehicle, siponimod given as a single dosage 30 minutes after the operation or given 3x for 3 consecutive days starting 30 minutes after operation. The primary outcome of our study was evolution of PHE measured by magnetic resonance-imaging on T2-maps 72 hours after ICH, secondary outcomes included evolution of PHE 24 hours after ICH, survival and neurological deficits, as well as effects on circulating blood cells and body weight. Results- Siponimod significantly reduced PHE measured by magnetic resonance imaging (P=0.021) as well as wet-dry method (P=0.04) 72 hours after ICH. Evaluation of PHE 24 hours after ICH showed a tendency toward attenuated brain edema in the low-dosage group (P=0.08). Multiple treatments with siponimod significantly improved neurological deficits measured by Garcia Score (P=0.03). Survival at day 10 was improved in mice treated with multiple dosages of siponimod (P=0.037). Mice treated with siponimod showed a reduced weight loss after ICH (P=0.036). Conclusions- Siponimod (BAF-312) attenuated PHE after ICH, increased survival, and reduced ICH-induced sensorimotor deficits in our experimental ICH-model. Findings encourage further investigation of inflammatory modulators as well as the translation of BAF-312 to a human study of ICH patients

    Severity assessment in maximally treated ICH patients: The max-ICH score.

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    OBJECTIVE As common prognostication models in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) are developed variably including patients with early (<24 hours) care limitations (ECL), we investigated its interaction with prognostication in maximally treated patients and sought to provide a new unbiased severity assessment tool. METHODS This observational cohort study analyzed consecutive ICH patients (n = 583) from a prospective registry over 5 years. We characterized the influence of ECL on overall outcome by propensity score matching and on conventional prognostication using receiver operating characteristic analyses. We established the max-ICH score based on independent predictors of 12-month functional outcome in maximally treated patients and compared it to existing models. RESULTS Prevalence of ECL was 19.2% (n = 112/583) and all of these patients died. Yet propensity score matching displayed that 50.7% (n = 35/69) theoretically could have survived, with 18.8% (n = 13/69) possibly reaching favorable outcome (modified Rankin Scale score 0-3). Conventional prognostication seemed to be confounded by ECL, documented by a decreased predictive validity (area under the curve [AUC] 0.67, confidence interval [CI] 0.61-0.73 vs AUC 0.80, CI 0.76-0.83; p < 0.01), overestimating poor outcome (mortality by 44.8%, unfavorable outcome by 10.1%) in maximally treated patients. In these patients, the novel max-ICH score (0-10) integrates strength-adjusted predictors, i.e., NIH Stroke Scale score, age, intraventricular hemorrhage, anticoagulation, and ICH volume (lobar and nonlobar), demonstrating improved predictive accuracy for functional outcome (12 months: AUC 0.81, CI 0.77-0.85; p < 0.01). The max-ICH score may more accurately delineate potentials of aggressive care, showing favorable outcome in 45.4% (n = 214/471) and a long-term mortality rate of only 30.1% (n = 142/471). CONCLUSIONS Care limitations significantly influenced the validity of common prognostication models resulting in overestimation of poor outcome. The max-ICH score demonstrated increased predictive validity with minimized confounding by care limitations, making it a useful tool for severity assessment in ICH patients

    Voxel‐wise lesion mapping of self‐reported urinary incontinence in multiple sclerosis

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    Aims Besides spinal lesions, urinary incontinence may be attributed to particular cerebral lesion sites in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. We intended to determine the contribution of suprapontine lesions to urinary incontinence in MS using a voxel-wise lesion analysis. Methods In this retrospective study, we sought MS patients with documented urinary incontinence in a local database. We established a control group of MS-patients without documented urinary incontinence matched for gender, age, and disease severity. Patients with urinary incontinence due to local diseases of the urinary tract were excluded. The MS lesions were analyzed on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans (1.5 or 3T). After manual delineation and transformation into stereotaxic space, we determined the lesion overlap and compared the presence or absence of urinary incontinence voxel-wise between patients with and without lesions in a given voxel performing the Liebermeister test with 4000 permutations. Results A total of 56 patients with urinary incontinence and MS fulfilled the criteria and were included. The analysis yielded associations between urinary incontinence and MS in the frontal white matter, temporo-occipital, and parahippocampal regions. Conclusions Our voxel-wise analysis indicated associations between self-reported urinary incontinence and lesions in the left frontal white matter and right parahippocampal region. Thus, our data suggest that dysfunction of supraspinal bladder control due to cerebral lesions may contribute to the pathophysiology of urinary incontinence in MS

    Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Is an Independent Predictor for In-Hospital Mortality in Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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    Background and Purpose: Stroke-associated immunosuppression and inflammation are increasingly recognized as factors that trigger infections and thus, potentially influence the outcome after stroke. Several studies demonstrated that elevated neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is a significant predictor of adverse outcomes in patients with ischemic stroke. However, little is known about the impact of NLR on short-term mortality in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Methods: This observational study included 855 consecutive ICH-patients. Patient demographics, clinical, laboratory, and in-hospital measures as well as neuroradiological data were retrieved from institutional databases. Functional 3-months-outcome was assessed and categorized as favorable (modified Rankin Scale [mRS] 0-3) and unfavorable (mRS 4-6). We (i) studied the natural course of NLR in ICH, (ii) analyzed parameters associated with NLR on admission (NLROA), and (iii) evaluated the clinical impact of NLR on mortality and functional outcome. Results: The median NLROA of the entire cohort was 4.66 and it remained stable during the entire hospital stay. Patients with NLR ≥4.66 showed significant associations with poorer neurological status (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS] 18 [9-32] vs. 10 [4-21]; p 2.606 - presented with a better clinical status (NIHSS 12 [5-21] vs. 15 [6-28]; p = 0.005), lower hematoma volumes on admission (10.6 [3.6-30.1] vs. 15.1 [5.7-42.3] mL; p = 0.004) and showed a better functional outcome (3 months mRS 0-3: 82/214 [38.3%] vs. 185/641 [28.9%]; p = 0.009). Patients associated with high NLR (≥8.508 = above 75th-percentile) showed the worst neurological status on admission (NIHSS 21 [12-32] vs. 12 [5-23]; p < 0.001), larger hematoma volumes (21.0 [8.6-48.8] vs. 12.2 [4.1-34.9] mL; p < 0.001), and higher proportions of unfavorable functional outcome at 3 months (mRS 4-6: 173/214 vs. 418/641; p < 0.001). Further, NLR was linked to more frequently occurring infectious complications (pneumonia 107/214 vs. 240/641; p = 0.001, sepsis: 78/214 vs. 116/641; p < 0.001), and increased c-reactive-protein levels on admission (p < 0.001; R2 = 0.064). Adjusting for the above-mentioned baseline confounders, multivariable logistic analyses revealed independent associations of NLROA with in-hospital mortality (OR 0.967, 95% CI 0.939-0.997; p = 0.029). Conclusions: NLR represents an independent parameter associated with increased mortality in ICH patients. Stroke physicians should focus intensely on patients with increased NLR, as these patients appear to represent a population at risk for infectious complications and increased short-mortality. Whether these patients with elevated NLR may benefit from a close monitoring and specially designed therapies should be investigated in future studies