2,097 research outputs found

    Microlearning: The “OG” or Hot New Trend?

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    Noteworthy events and innovations highlight the development of microlearning into one of the fastest-growing educational trends today

    Pour humaniser la mort

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    Dans cet article, l'auteure raconte, à l'aide de son journal, sa rencontre avec une cliente dans les derniers moments de sa vie. Elle témoigne de la noblesse et de la beauté qui peuvent entourer celui qui meurt et sa famille quand la personne qui part comme ceux qui restent peuvent en toute simplicité, même si c'est avec douleur, parler de ce qui est en train de leur arriver. L'auteure témoigne aussi de ce qui fut rejoint chez elle, comme être humain, quand elle vit mourir cette femme plus jeune qu'elle, cette mère qui laissait derrière elle de jeunes enfants. L'auteure tente aussi de sensibiliser le lecteur au phénomène de la mort humanisée et de montrer comment une personne aidante peut intervenir dans l'ensemble qui entoure la personne qui va mourir.In this article the author recounts, with the aid of her diary, her encounter with a client during the last days of her life. She testifies to the nobility and beauty which can surround the dying and their families, when the person who is dying, as well as his family, can speak simply, although with pain at times, of what they are going through. The author testifies also of what was touched in her, as a human being, when she witnessed the death of this woman, younger than herself, this mother who left behind her young children. The author also attempts to sensitize the reader to the phenomenon of the humane death, and to show how a helping person can intervene in the network surrounding a dying individual

    Les paramètres d’une théorie féministe de la psychothérapie

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    La première partie de ce texte retracera les origines de l'approche féministe en thérapie. Elle donnera aussi les principes de la thérapie traditionnelle qu'elle récuse comme sexistes et les concepts et méthodes qu'elle retient de la psychologie comme étant non sexistes.After recalling the origins of the feminist approach to therapy, and of the teaching of psych logy from the 1950's to the introduction of the first groups of self-therapy in 1967-1968, the author presents the basic principles of the traditional therapy that she qualifies as sexist. She then describ the analytical tools developed from the social psychology that the feminists and the radical therapis use to understand the different behavior and pathology of men and women. Finally, she adheres a theory of the personnality sharing with feminity the following features : humanistic philosoph favoring direct expression, speaking of reappropriation, seeing the unconscious and the conscious a continuous process, and considering the unit living-system-and-environment as a whole

    The Role of Information Construction in Second Language Learning

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    This article describes the second phase of a three-phase study designed to teach less successful second language students a set of effective strategies used by successful students. The first phase consisted of identifying strategies used by successful students in their response to information contained in teacher's corrective feedback. A closer analysis of the successful students' protocols has revealed the effectiveness of some strategies1 in terms of learning compared to others and hinted at the feasibility of finding a scale of 'constructive' processes ranging from low to high levels of information construction. This paper describes the various steps taken towards the elaboration of such a scale. It is suggested that the lack of constructive processing engaged in by average and below average students may affect their progress in attaining linguistic proficienc

    Immunoglobulin concentrations in serum and nasal secretions of calves at the onset of pneumonia

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    Immunoglobulin (Ig) concentrations in serurn and in nasal secretions were correlated with pneumonia and diarrhea during the first 12 wk of life of dairy calves. The peak onset of pneumonia occurred between 2 and 4 wk of age when the calves\u27 serum Ig G1, Ig G2 and IgA concentrations were lowest. As IgG2 concentrations increased, fewer calves developed pneumonia. Peak onset of pneumonia was also correlated with the lowest IgG and IgA concentrations in the calves\u27 nasal secretions. Diarrhea often preceded pneumonia.; Dairy Day, 1984, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1984

    The Legacy of the Historic Canal System in Central New York: Evaluation of Cultural Ecosystem Services in the Lower Mohawk River, NY

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    The canal system of New York State served as a catalyst for industry and generated a significant amount of revenue over the course of its useful life as a public work. However, with the emergence of faster, more efficient methods of transport, much of the canal was abandoned or filled during the early 1900’s.While these portions of the canal no longer offer their former economic value as a trade route, the land they once inhabited continues to serve the surrounding communities in a variety of ways. This paper in particular focuses on the Cultural Ecosystem Services provided by the land on and around the canal path as seen through a modern lens. Using the USGS generated software, Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES), we evaluated the predetermined study area for both recreational and aesthetic value. The findings of the study indicate that the land areas associated with historic canal features have relatively high recreational and aesthetic values, supporting the hypothesis that sites of historic significance continue to provide social benefits long after their originally intended purpose has been fulfilled

    Exploring the Effects of First- and Second-Language Proficiency on Summarizing in French as a Second Language

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    University students studying a second language are often required to summarize information they read or hear in that language. These learners bring with them a number of first-language summarization skills which may have an effect on how they acquire second-language summarization skills. What macrorules of summarization are actually affected by either first-language or second-language proficiency? According to the results of this study, both first-language summarizing skills and second-language proficiency affect second-language summarizing skills, except for inclusion of main ideas and amount of distortion which are more affected by first-language summarizing skills. Neither first-language summarizing skills nor second-language proficiency have an effect on combining within and across paragraphs and the use of macropropositions. Suggestions for teaching and future research conclude the paper.Les étudiants de niveau universitaire qui étudient une langue seconde ont souvent à résumer l'information qu'ils lisent ou entendent dans cette langue. Ces apprenants font preuve d'un nombre d'habiletés propres au résumé de texte dans leur langue maternelle qui pourraient avoir une influence sur la façon d'acquérir ces habiletés dans une langue seconde. Quelles macrorègles propres au résumé de texte sont en fait influencées soit par la compétence en langue maternelle soit par la compétence en langue seconde? Selon les résultats de cette étude, ces deux facteurs ont une influence sur l'habileté à résumer un texte dans la langue seconde, exception faite toutefois de l'incorporation des idées principales et du degré de distorsion du message qui sont plus influencés par leur habileté à résumer un texte dans leur langue maternelle. Ni la compétence dans ce domaine en langue maternelle, ni la compétence en langue seconde n'exercent une influence sur la combinaison de phrases au sein d'un paragraphe ou de plusieurs paragraphes, ou encore sur l'utilisation de macropropositions. Des suggestions quant à l'enseignement de ces habiletés et quant aux recherches à venir concluent cette étude
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