696 research outputs found

    Farmer perspectives on the use of indigenous fruit tree species in cocoa growing systems in Suhum-Kraboa-Coaltar District of Ghana

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    AbstractIndigenous fruit trees are known to provide nutrition and income for rural households. Chrysophyllum albidum, which is used as a shade tree in cocoa farms in some parts of Ghana, is one of those multi-purpose trees.  The objective of the survey was to explore farmers’ knowledge and perceptions on the interactions between C. albidum and cocoa trees, its management and challenges faced.  The study was undertaken in the Eastern Region of Ghana in which a structured questionnaire was used and 70 farmers participated. The study demonstrated that the use of C. albidum as a shade tree for  cocoa is widespread in the area and that farm-owners were more likely to plant it than farm caretakers. The C. albidum trees provide economic gain to the farmer through the sale of fruits and so enable income diversification when cocoa yield is low.  The study revealed farmers’ perceptions on above- and below-ground interactions between cocoa and C. albidum trees.  Most farmers in the study had technical problems and needed assistance in their agroforestry practice, particularly in seed and vegetative propagation.  The results of the survey show the importance of a baseline study prior to drawing up a research programme to address the concerns of farmers.Original scientific paper. Received 23 Sep 14; revised 23 Apr 15

    Evaluation of pre-sowing treatments for seed germination enhancement of Chrysophyllum albidum g. Don

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    Indigenous fruits are important for the many ecosystem benefits they provide. Chrysophyllum albidum G. Don is a fruit tree which provides many services including food and also used as shade tree in cocoa farms. Unfortunately, most farmers find it difficult to germinate the seeds. Various pre-sowing treatments were explored to find the best for the germination of seeds of C. albidum. Pre-sowing treatments employed were the immersion of seed in sulphuric acid for different time periods ranging from 5 to 30 min, fleshly sown, oven drying of seeds at 35oC, 40oC and 70oC for 6 and 24 h, cold treatment in a refrigerator at 16oC and 20oC and mechanical scarification. Results of the study showed that mechanical scarification had the highest germination percentage of 73.3 percent, and this was significantly higher than the other treatments (P < 0.001). It also showed the earliest germination time of 6 days with a significant mean germination time (MGT) of 10.2 (P = 0.003). Germination percentages in the other treatments were less than 20 percent indicating dormancy in most of the seeds of C. albidum. Mechanical scarification with its high and uniform germination was the best method for adoption by farmers

    Vegetative propagation of Chrysophyllum albidum G. Don by leafy stem cuttings

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    Chrysophyllum albidum is a tree species that is commonly intercropped with cocoa and is valued for its edible fruits. Since the provision of clonally propagated superior genotypes of this species would be beneficial to farmers, investigations were conducted to optimize its vegetative propagation. In the study, the first experiment examining the effect of leaf area on propagation success involved cuttings with leaf areas of 0 (leafless), 20, 40, 80, 160 and 200 cm2. The results showed that cuttings with a leaf area of 40 cm2 gave the highest rooting percentage (77.8% after 10 weeks), which was significantly higher than the other treatments (P < 0.001). The second experiment demonstrated that the use of different IBA concentrations ( 25, 50, 100, 200 and 300 ÎŒg l-1 of water) did not give a higher rooting success than the control. The third experiment looked at the effect of four rooting media (fine sand, topsoil, sawdust and 1:1 mixture of topsoil and sawdust), and found that callusing was much lower for the latter treatment. It was concluded that C. albidum can be successfully propagated using stem cuttings with a leaf area of 40 cm2 in a propagating medium of sawdust or a 1:1 mixture of topsoil and sawdust

    Selection of Blast Design for Kofi C Pit of Endeavour Mining Corporation, Mali

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    The Kofi Gold Mine (KGM) of Endeavour Mining Corporation in Mali needed to select one of two alternative blast designs, Blast Design 1 (BD1) and Blast Design 2 (BD2), for the fresh rocks of the deposit, both ore and waste,  in their Kofi C Pit. BD1 has a burden of 3.2 m, a spacing of 3.5 m, a bench height of 5.0 m and a sub drill of 0.5 m. BD2 has a burden of 3.5 m, a spacing of 4.0 m, a bench height of 10.0 m and a sub drill of 0.8 m. Both designs have the same hole diameter of 115 mm and powder factor of  0.68 kg/m3. The Modified Kuz-Ram Fragmentation Model was used to estimate and compare the fragmentation of the two designs. The modelling results showed that the fragmentation of BD1 would be better than that of BD2 but cost analysis revealed that the drilling and blasting cost of BD2 would be lower than that of BD1. Consequently, BD2 was modified into Blast Design 3 (BD3) to improve the fragmentation without exceeding the drilling and blasting cost of BD1. The modification was done by increasing the powder factor of BD2 by 16.18 %. Subsequent fragmentation modelling and cost analysis revealed that BD3 and BD1 would now have the same fragmentation and the same drilling and blasting cost but BD3 would give a higher productivity. It was therefore recommended that KGM selects BD3 over BD1 and BD2 for ore drilling and blasting. BD2 could be considered for waste drilling and blasting because its lower fragmentation, which is not good enough when the rock is ore, is acceptable when the rock is waste. Keywords: Blast Design, Cost Analysis, Drilling and Blasting Productivity, Kuz-Ram Fragmentation Mode

    Heterogeneous responses of dorsal root ganglion neurons in neuropathies induced by peripheral nerve trauma and the antiretroviral drug stavudine

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    © 2014 The Authors. European Journal of Pain published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Pain Federation - EFICŸ. Funding sources E.K.B. was funded by a BBSRC PhD studentship. A.N., A.S.C.R. and T.P. were funded by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (London Pain Consortium; ref. 083259). A.S.C.R. and W.H. were funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (Europain; grant agreement no. 115007). We thank Pfizer for providing stavudine. Conflicts of interest None declared. Funded by BBSRC PhD studentship Wellcome Trust Strategic Award. Grant Number: 083259 Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking. Grant Number: 115007Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Assessment of yield losses due to early and late leaf spots of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Early leaf spot (Cercospora arachidicola) and late leaf spot (sporidium personatum) are major limiting factors to groundnut productivity in northern Ghana. Fourteen groundnut entries were evaluated for two seasons (2003 and 2004) at Nyankpala with and without tebuconazole fungicide application. The objective of this study was to determine the yield losses due to combined attack of both diseases, with and without using tebuconazole (Folicur 3.6F) at 0.22 kg a.i. ha-1. The experiments were established in a split-plot design with three replications. Disease rating and pod yield were recorded at harvest maturity. Yield losses varied considerably, depending on entry and its yield potential. Pod yield losses due to both diseases ranged from 9.7 to 81.2 per cent in 2003, and from 19.5 to 65.9 per cent in 2004 when yield of protected entries was compared with yield of unprotected entries. The application of fungicide was effective in controlling leaf spots and improved pod yields across the two seasons. Some entries treated with fungicide produced pod yield of 1,860 to 2,081 kg ha-1, which is more than 2 to 2Âœ-fold increase over present average yields in Ghana. Based on the high yield losses, chemical control and host-plant resistance options for managing both diseases in the north are recommended to enhance groundnut production. La tache Ă  feuilles prĂ©coce (Cercospora arachidicola) et la tache Ă  feille tardice (Cercosporidium personatum) sont des facteurs contraignants majeurs Ă  la productivitĂ© d\'arachide dans le nord du Ghana. Quartorze variĂ©tĂ©s d\'arachide Ă©taient Ă©valuĂ©es pour deux saisons (2003 et 2004) Ă  Nyankpala avec ou sans application de fongicide. Le but de ce travail de recherche Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer les pertes de rendement en raison d\'attaque combinĂ©e des deux maladies en utilsant tĂ©buconazole (Folicur 3.6F) Ă  0.22 kg a. i./ha. Les expĂ©riences Ă©taient Ă©tabiles dans un dessin de lot-divisĂ© avec trois rĂ©pĂ©titions. L\'indice de maladie et le rendement de cosse dues aux deux maladies variant entre 9.7 et 81.2% en l\'annĂ©e 2003 et entre 19.5 et 65.9% en l\'annĂ©e 2004 lorsque le rendment des varĂ©tĂ©s protĂ©gĂ©es avec fongicide Ă©tait comparĂ© avec le rendement des variĂ©tĂ©s non protĂ©gĂ©es. Application de fongicide Ă©tait efficace dans la lutte contre les taches Ă  feuille et amĂ©liorait Ă©galement les rendements de cosse au cours de deux saisons. Quelques variĂ©tĂ©s traitĂ©es de fongicide donnaient un rendement de cosse de 1,860 Ă  2,081 kg/ha qui est plus 2 ou 2Âœ fois d\'augmentation par rapport aux randements moyens actuels au Ghana. FondĂ© sur les pertes de tendement Ă©levĂ©es, l\'enrayement chimique et les options de plante-hĂŽte rĂ©sistante sont recommandĂ©s pour la lutte contre les deux maladies dans le nord afin d\'amĂ©liorer la production d\'arachide. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (1) 2007: pp. 21-2

    Distributed Automation System Based Remote Monitoring of Power Quality Disturbance on LV Network

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    Electrical distribution networks are prone to power quality disturbances originating from the complexity of the distribution network, mode of distribution (overhead or underground) and types of loads used by customers. Data on the types of disturbances present and frequency of occurrence is needed for economic evaluation and hence finding solution to the problem. Utility companies have resorted to using secondary power quality devices such as smart meters to help gather the required data. Even though this approach is easier to adopt, data gathered from these devices may not serve the required purpose, since the installation of these devices in the electrical network usually does not conform to available PQM placement methods. This paper presents a design of a PQM that is capable of integrating into an existing DAS infrastructure to take advantage of available placement methodologies. The monitoring component of the design is implemented and installed to monitor an existing LV network. Data from the monitor is analyzed and presented. A portion of the LV network of the Electricity Company of Ghana is modeled in MATLAB-Simulink and analyzed under various earth fault conditions. The results presented show the ability of the PQM to detect and analyze PQ disturbance such as voltage sag and overvoltage. By adopting a placement methodology and installing these nodes, utilities are assured of accurate and reliable information with respect to the quality of power delivered to consumers

    Forever-Fit Summer Camp: The Impact of a 6-Week Summer Healthy Lifestyle Day Camp on Anthropometric, Cardiovascular, and Physical Fitness Measures in Youth With Obesity

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    Pediatric obesity is a public health concern with lifestyle intervention as the first-line treatment. Forever-Fit Summer Camp (FFSC) is a 6-week summer day program offering physical activity, nutrition education, and well-balanced meals to youth at low cost. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of this program that does not emphasize weight loss rather emphasizes healthy behaviors on body mass index, cardiovascular and physical fitness. Methods: The inclusion criteria were adolescents between 8 and 12 years and body mass index (BMI) ≄85th percentile. The data were collected at baseline and week 6 (wk-6) and was analyzed for 2013-2018 using paired-sample t tests. Results: The participants' (N = 179) average age was 10.6 ± 1.6 years with a majority of females (71%) and black race/ethnicity (70%). At wk-6, BMI and waist circumference decreased by 0.8 ± 0.7 kg/m2 and 1.0 ± 1.3 in, respectively. Resting heart rate, diastolic and systolic blood pressure decreased by 8.5 ± 11.0 bpm, 6.3 ± 8.8 mmHg, and 6.4 ± 10.1 mmHg, respectively. The number of pushups, curl-ups, and chair squats were higher by 5.8 ± 7.5, 6.7 ± 9.1, and 7.7 ± 8.5, respectively. Conclusion: The FFSC is efficacious for improving BMI, cardiovascular, and physical fitness in the short term. The effect of similar episodic efforts that implement healthy lifestyle modifications throughout the school year should be investigated


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    Systemic disorders of connective tissue refer to rare and poorly studied diseases. This group of diseases associated with the variable course and makes it interesting for either medical scientists and researchers or practitioner. Herein we report a case of antisynthetase syndrome with interstitial lung disease complicated by pulmonary thromboembolism. The patient is 71 year old female, who suffered from severe dyspnea, dry cough, intermittent wheezing. Also she had dry eyes, dry mouth, muscle weakness and intermittent pain in large joints, and low grade fever. Physical examination revealed a characteristic heliotrope eye rash, V sign, «mechanic’s hand», peripheral muscles atrophy, dry eyes and mouth, fine crackles to auscultation in basal parts of lungs, soft S1 and S2 heart sounds. Her biochemical profile showed increased creatinekinase, LDH, AsAT, and AlAT Her immunology results were positive to ANA, anti-ds-DNA, anti-ss-A, anti-ss-B and anti- Jo-1 autoantibodies. Based on the obtained data, antisynthetase syndrome was established. It was detected, that progressive dyspnea had been caused by interstitial lung disease and pulmonary thromboembolism. It was confirmed by chest CT-scan and pulmonary angiography. Treatment in this case is mainly symptomatic. It was prescribed glucocorticoids, immunosuppressant, and anticoagulants. This case illustrates the course of the antisynthetase overlap syndrome and difficulties of it management due to the lack of treatment standards and reliable data of the medicine effectiveness
