14 research outputs found

    Production of Beauregard Sweet Potato in vertical farming under different fertilization technologies

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    Ipomoea batatas, popularly known as sweet potato, is a species of the Convolvulaceae family, with probable origin between Mexico and northern South America. Among the genotypes with economic potential, the biofortified cultivar Beauregard (Ipomoea batatas) stands out due to its rusticity and easy handling. Controlled-release fertilizers were mostly used in studies developed in other countries, and their study being necessary in Brazilian soil and climatic conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the development of Beauregard biofortified cultivar, submitted to different fertilization technologies in vertical farming system. The plantlets received different doses of controlled-release fertilizer: 0.0 (control); 30; 60; 90; 120g and a dose of 40g per pit of NPK 13-13-28 of ready solubility. At 180 days, biometric and production parameter data were collected and submitted to regression analysis and variance analysis followed by the Scott-Knott test for mean separation. The application of controlled-release fertilizer showed a positive effect on the production of the studied cultivar, favoring the performance of the plants and promoting the increase especially in height, length of branches and number of leaves. The base application of controlled-release fertilizer at a dose of 30g per plant and traditional NPK fertilizer at a dose of 40g per plant promote higher yields of dry mass of shoots and root when compared to unfertilized plants in the cultivation of sweet potatoes in vertical farming

    Biogas production and electricity generation from a quail manure wastewater treatment system per water depth

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    Coturniculture, as an activity which demands low investment and quick return, is shown to be a possibility for the rural family producer. Concomitant to this, we highlight the fact that the use of liquid quail farming waste, aimed at generating energy by anaerobic digestion, can mean a viable and promising technology for obtaining biogas from confined animal production systems. The growing demand for energy establishes that new energy sources are better used, and a great opportunity for their growth may be the use of biomass in anaerobic digestion systems, in which the organic substrate is degraded and transformed into energy and biofertilizer. The method applied was Biochemical Potential of Methane, through benchtop bioreactors with a volume of 250 mL, and in mesophilic conditions. Waste was used as inoculum from the manure tank of the quail egg production farm. Thesubstrates used to compose the treatments were liquid quail farming waste from the water depth treatment system, with 15, 30 and 45 days of deposition. In the results obtained, it was verified that the best mono digestion used was inoculum+substrate of 30 days of deposition, with water retention time of 45 days, showing a higher production accumulated in biogas (0.00078476 Nm3) and CH4 (0.000575 Nm3) as well as the highest biogas potential of 0.0043 Nm3 (kg substrate)-1. When converted into electrical energy,  by means of a motor generator, using as fuel the biogas produced by the liquid quail farming waste, the value of 104.64 kwh (45 days)-1 was obtained.A coturnicultura, enquanto atividade que demanda baixo investimento e tem rápido retorno, mostra-se como possibilidade para o produtor rural familiar. Concomitantemente a isso, destaca-se o fato de que a utilização dos dejetos líquidos da coturnicultura, visando à geração de energia por digestão anaeróbia, pode significar uma tecnologia viável e promissora para a obtenção de biogás originado dos sistemas de produção de animais confinados. A crescente demanda por energia estabelece que novas fontes energéticas sejam mais aproveitadas, e uma grande oportunidade para o crescimento destas pode ser o uso da biomassa em sistemas de digestão anaeróbia, em que o substrato orgânico é degradado e transformado em energia e biofertilizante. O método aplicado foi o Potencial Bioquímico de Metano, por meio de biorreatores em bancada com volume de 250 mL,e em condições mesófilas se utilizou como inóculo o dejeto do tanque da esterqueira da granja de produção de ovos de codornas, os substratos utilizados para compor os tratamentos foram dejetos líquidos da coturnicultura do sistema de tratamento por lâmina d’água, com 15, 30 e 45 dias de deposição. Nos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que a melhor monodigestão utilizada foi inóculo+substrato de 30 dias de deposição, com tempo de retenção hídrica de 45 dias, apresentando maior produção acumulada de biogás (0,00078476 Nm3) e CH4 (0,000575 Nm3), bem como o maior potencial de biogás 0,0043 Nm3 (kg substrato)-1; e, quando convertido em energia elétrica, por meio de motogerador, utilizando como combustível o biogás produzido pelo dejetos líquidos da coturnicultura, obteve-se o valor 104,64 kwh (45 dias)-1

    Biogas production and electricity generation from a quail manure wastewater treatment system per water depth

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    A coturnicultura, enquanto atividade que demanda baixo investimento e tem rápido retorno, mostra-se como possibilidade para o produtor rural familiar. Concomitantemente a isso, destaca-se o fato de que a utilização dos dejetos líquidos da coturnicultura, visando à geração de energia por digestão anaeróbia, pode significar uma tecnologia viável e promissora para a obtenção de biogás originado dos sistemas de produção de animais confinados. A crescente demanda por energia estabelece que novas fontes energéticas sejam mais aproveitadas, e uma grande oportunidade para o crescimento destas pode ser o uso da biomassa em sistemas de digestão anaeróbia, em que o substrato orgânico é degradado e transformado em energia e biofertilizante. O método aplicado foi o Potencial Bioquímico de Metano, por meio de biorreatores em bancada com volume de 250 mL,e em condições mesófilas se utilizou como inóculo o dejeto do tanque da esterqueira da granja de produção de ovos de codornas, os substratos utilizados para compor os tratamentos foram dejetos líquidos da coturnicultura do sistema de tratamento por lâmina d’água, com 15, 30 e 45 dias de deposição. Nos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que a melhor monodigestão utilizada foi inóculo+substrato de 30 dias de deposição, com tempo de retenção hídrica de 45 dias, apresentando maior produção acumulada de biogás (0,00078476 Nm3) e CH4 (0,000575 Nm3), bem como o maior potencial de biogás 0,0043 Nm3 (kg substrato)-1; e, quando convertido em energia elétrica, por meio de motogerador, utilizando como combustível o biogás produzido pelo dejetos líquidos da coturnicultura, obteve-se o valor 104,64 kwh (45 dias)-1

    Absorption and Mobility of Boron in Young Citrus Plants

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    Boron (B) deficiency is widespread in Brazilian citrus orchards and has been considered an important soil constraint to citrus yield. The aim of this work was to study B uptake and its mobility in young citrus trees, under different B statuses, in two rootstocks. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with `Valencia` sweet orange trees budded on Rangpur lime or Swingle citrumelo. The plants were grown in pots containing nutrient solutions under either adequate or deficient B supply. Plants with different B levels were transplanted into solution with adequate level of B, enriched in 10 B in different stages of development ( vegetative growth and fruiting). About 20 to 35% of B content in the new parts of orange tree came from plant reserves. Boron mobility within the plant was influenced by its nutritional status; that is, the longer the period was that the plants were grown under deficient supply, the smaller was the mobility. Boron concentration in the sweet orange trees on Swingle was higher than that on Rangpur, suggesting higher demand of swingle Citrumelo for B

    In vitro propagation of Cyrtopodium saintlegerianum rchb. f. (orchidaceae), a native orchid of the Brazilian savannah

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    In order to enable production of large quantities of plantlets for reintroduction programs, as well as economic exploration, Cyrtopodium saintlegerianum seeds were sown on Knudson culture medium. After seed germination, the protocorms were inoculated on Knudson culture medium supplemented with 6-benzyladenine (BA) and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The obtained shoots were individually inoculated in Knudson supplemented with gibberellic acid (GA3) in order to promote elongation. Seedlings were evaluated and then transplanted into trays containing commercial substrate Plantmax(r)-HT, or crushed Acuri leaf sheath. Auxin/cytokinin ratio influenced in vitro propagation of C. saintlegerianum, resulting in increased shoot number when 2.0 mg L-1 BA was added to the culture medium in the absence or presence of 0.5 mg L-1 NAA. This species proved to be promising for massal in vitro multiplication. Despite having incremented in vitro shoots elongation, the use of GA3 is unnecessary since it contributed negatively in the acclimatization of plants

    Use of different types of mineral fertilizers in the production of BRS Amélia Ipomenea potatoes in vertical cultivation

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    Ipomoea batatas, popularly known as sweet potato is considered one of the plants with great economic importance for presenting favorable characteristics for the suppy of calories, vitamins and minerals in human food. Among the genotypes with economic potential, the biofortified cultivar BRS Amélia (Ipomoea batatas) stands out, as it has high nutritional values, rusticity and easy handling. Researches indicate that the absence of fertilization technologies can cause lower productivities of sweet potato, making necessary the use of balanced fertilizations. This study aimed to evaluate the development of the biofortified cultivar BRS Amélia, submitted to the use of different fertilization technologies in a vertical cultivation system. The seedlings received different doses of controlled-release fertilizer: 0.0 (control); 30g; 60g; 90g; 120g and a dose of 40g per planting hole of readily soluble NPK 13-13-28. At 180 days, biometric and production parameters data were collected and submitted to analysis of variance and analysis of regression followed by Tukey test at 5 % for separation of means. The application of the controlled release fertilizer had a positive effect on the production of the studied cultivar, favoring the performance of the plants and promoting a increase especially of height, collar diameter, number of leaves, number of shoots, shoot length and chlorophyll. The application of controlled-release fertilizer had a positive effect on plant performance in height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of branches, branch length and chlorophyll. For the parameters fresh root biomass and dry root biomass, the use of conventional fertilizer showed better results compared to FLC for the production of sweet potato BRS Amélia in fertile soil in the vertical cultivation system

    Evaluation of soils under the influence of coal mining and a thermoelectric plant in the city of Candiota and vicinity, Brazil

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    Coal burning generates gases, particles, and condensation by-products that are harmful to soil, water, and to the atmosphere. The aim of this study was to characterize and identify the cytotoxic and mutagenic potential of soil samples from the cities of Aceguá, Bagé, Candiota and Pinheiro Machado, near a large coal-fired power plant. Our study describes soil characteristics and contributes to the evaluation of the genotoxic activity of coal mining and burning, using the Comet Assay and Micronucleus test in V79 cells, as well as mutagenicity assays with Salmonella typhimurium strains. Comet Assay results show that the winter soil samples of Candiota and Pinheiro Machado induced a significant increase of the Damage Index for cells, as well as for the Aceguá summer sample. The micronucleus test did not detect differences between cities and seasons. A component analysis indicates associations between results obtained in Comet Assay and Ti and phenanthene concentrations for Pinheiro Machado during the winter, and Al for Aceguá during the summer and Zn during the winter. Results of Salmonella/microsome assays were negative, only Candiota and Pinheiro Machado samples showed a statistical increase of his + colonies in TA102. Our work describes biological data on these cells exposed to coal-contaminated soil, confirming the sensitivity of the Comet Assay in V79 cells and Salmonella/microsome assay for the evaluation of the effects of complex mixtures. These findings help to understand the spatial distribution of contaminants in the local soil related to a power plant, which is important for planning public safety actions

    Genotoxic effect induced by dried nicotiana tabacum leaves from tobacco barns (kiln-houses) in chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells (V79)

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    Nicotiana tabacum is the most cultivated tobacco species in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Workers who handle the plant are exposed to the leaf components during the harvesting process and when separating and classifying the dried leaves. In addition to nicotine, after the drying process, other components may be found including tobacco-specific nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as pesticides residues. The objective of this study was to examine the genotoxicity attributed to the aqueous extract of dried tobacco leaves obtained from tobacco barns using Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells (V79) as a model system by employing alkaline comet assay, micronucleus (MN) and Ames test. MTT assay was used to assess cytotoxicity and establish concentrations for this study. Data demonstrated cell viability > 85% for concentrations of 0.625–5 mg/ml while the comet assay indicated a significant increase in DNA damage at all concentrations tested. A significant elevation of MN and nuclear buds (NBUD) was found for 5 mg/ml compared to control and other dry tobacco leaves concentrations (0.625–2.5 mg/ml). Mutagenicity was not found using the Salmonella/Microsome test (TA98, TA100, and TA102 strains) with and without metabolic activation. The concentration of inorganic elements was determined employing the PIXE technique, and 13 inorganic elements were detected. Using CG/MS nicotine amounts present were 1.56 mg/g dry tobacco leaf powder. Due to the observed genotoxicity in V79 cells, more investigations are needed to protect the health of tobacco workers exposed daily to this complex mixture of toxic substances present in dry tobacco leaves