14 research outputs found

    Genetička osnova korišćenja kukuruznog oklasaka kao vredne prirodnoobnovljive sirovine

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    The original technological method of the maize cob processing has been developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, by which lignocellulose granules of different particle sizes are produced from the cob. Different chemical composition and physical and chemical properties of these fractions, and especially a great capacity of binding liquids particularly oil and water determine, their usage as degreasing and drying means. Due to their great hardness and abrasive capacity, products made from ground cobs are usable for polishing in the metal processing industry, while the composition of certain compounds (pento-san) are of a particular importance in the chemical industry for the pro duction of furfural and its derivates. As these products are inert, of neutral pH and free of heavy metals they are used as organic carriers in the pro duction of pesticides and agro-chemicals, as well as, in cosmetics and the pharmaceutical industry.U Institutu za kukuruz razvijen je originalni tehnološki postupak prerade kukuruznog oklaska kojim se dobijaju lignocelulozni granulati različite veličine čestica. Različit hemijski sastav i fizičkohemijske karakteristike ovih frakcija, pre svega visoka sposobnost vezivanja tečnosti, naročito ulja i vode opredeljuju njihovu upotrebu kao medijuma za odmašćivanje i sušenje. Velika tvrdoća i abrazivna sposobnost proizvoda dobijenih mlevenjem oklaska našla je primenu za poliranje u metaloprerađivačkoj industriji, a sadržaj nekih jedinjenja (pentozana) od posebnog je značaja u hemijskoj industriji za proizvodnju furfurola i njegovih derivata. Zbog svoje inertnosti, neutralne pH vrednosti i odsustva teških metala ovi proizvodi nalaze primenu kao organski nosači u proizvodnji pesticida i agrohemikalija kao i u kozmetici i farmaciji

    Upotreba kukuruznog oklaska kao prirodnog, biodegradibilnog proizvoda za uklanjanje izlivene nafte, motornog ulja i mazuta sa vodenih površina

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    The original technological procedure of maize cob processing into lignocellulose granulates, CELGRAN® A, B and C products, was developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. These products are particles of different sizes and different physical and chemical compositions, and are intended for a direct use or could be processed into products not available in the domestic market and very demanded in the international markets. Absorption and adsorption powers were used as a measure or a parameter of the utilisable value of the maize cob in environmental protection via cleaning of water surfaces from spilt crude oil, engine oil and fuel oil. This power was established by determining of the liquid amount that was absorbed or adsorbed under exactly defined conditions by a certain amount of the observed CELGRAN® product. Absorbability of crude oil was determined after two, four and six hours, while the power of binding of engine oil and fuel oil by all observed CELGRAN® products was determined after two hours. Depending on the particle size of observed fractions, CELGRAN® products can absorb over three times the weight of crude oil in regard to their own initial weight - for instance, in order to clean 1 ton of crude oil, 300 kg of CELGRAN® C is needed. The power of binding of all tested products was considerably uniform and ranged from 186.62% for the fraction A to 213.16% for the fraction C.Kukuruzni oklasak ili kočanka predstavlja veoma značajan nusproizvod pri proizvodnji kukuruznog zrna. Na svaku tonu kukuruznog zrna dobija se 180 do 200 kg oklaska. Godišnje se u našoj zemlji dobija oko 1,2 do 1,5 miliona tona ove sekundarne sirovine. Tradicionalna upotreba oklaska u poljoprivredi, kao ogreva ili grube celulozne hrane za životinje, danas je znatno proširena na industriju. U Institutu za kukuruz razvijen je originalni tehnološki postupak prerade kukuruznog oklaska kojim se dobijaju lignocelulozni granulati različite veličine čestica i različitog fizičko-hemijskog sastava, koji nalaze direktnu primenu ili se mogu preraditi u proizvode kojih nema na domaćem tržištu, a veoma su traženi i na inostranom tržištu. Različit hemijski sastav i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike ovih ZP proizvoda - CELGRAN® A, B i C, a pre svega visoka moć apsorpcije i vezivanja tečnosti, naročito vode, nafte i ulja opredeljuju njihovu upotrebu kao medijuma za odmašćivanje i sušenje. Zahvaljujući baš ovim karakteristikama lignocelulozni granulati mogu da se koriste i za "pranje vode", odnosno uklanjanje izlivene nafte, motornog ulja i mazuta sa vodenih površina

    Green Trends in the Hotel Industry - Status and Opportunities of SERBIA

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    So-called "green" hotels that are trying to respect the rules of environmental pollution and reduce it to a minimum have become wide spread recently. The main principle of this trend is to use a variety of methods of responsible hotel operations, to reduce energy, water consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, to take care of the decomposition of solid waste and increase the recycling of waste materials, to use conventional detergents and other chemical agents to the lower measure and replace it by harmless "organic", to prevent or at least reduce the pollution of the environment and, wherever possible to preserve local biodiversity. In this paper, the authors provide an overview of green trends in the hotel industry with a focus on status and opportunities in Serbia.

    Fizičko-hemijske karakterisrike i hemijski sastav frakcije kukuruznog oklaska

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    Morphological structure and chemical composition of basic fractions - hard and soft -of maize cob are presented in this paper. Different chemical compositions and physical and chemical properties of these fractions, first of all, their great capability to bind fluid, especially oil and water define their use as an agent for degreasing and drying. A great hardness and abrasive capability of products produced by cob milling have put them to a use for polishing in metalworking industry, while the content of certain compounds (pentosan) is of a very great importance in chemical industry in the manufacturing of furfural and its derivates. Due to their inertness neutral pH values and lack of heavy metals, these products are used as organic carriers in the production of pesticides and agrochemicals, as well as, in cosmetics and pharmacy.U radu su date fizičko-hemijske karakteristike i hemijski sastav frakcija kukuruznog oklaska dobijenih po originalnoj ZP tehnologiji. Različit hemijski sastav i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike ovih frakcije - celgran A B, C, pre svega visoka sposobnost vezivanja tečnosti, naročito ulja i vode opredeljuju njihovu upotrebu kao medijuma za odmašćivanje i sušenje. Velika tvrdoća i abrazivna sposobnost proizvoda dobijenih mlevenjem oklaska našla je primenu za poliranje u metaloprerađivačkoj industriji, a sadržaj nekih jedinjenja od posebnog je značaja u hemijskoj industriji. Zbog svoje inertnosti, neutralne pH vrednosti i odsustva teških metala ovi proizvodi nalaze primenu kao organski nosači u proizvodnji pesticida i agrohemikalija kao i u kozmetici i farmaciji

    Termička inaktivacija izoenzima lipoksigenaze u sojinom zrnu

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    Effects of increased temperatures on the lipoxygenase activity and qualitative changes of soya bean oil were observed in the present study. Grain of soya bean cultivars ZPS 015 and ZPS Bosa was subjected to treatments of micronisation, wet extrusion and microwave roasting. Depending on a technological processing procedure, grain was exposed to temperatures of 60 to 150oC for 25 to 30 seconds during extrusion and for 5 minutes during microwave roasting. The loss in polyunsaturated fatty acids was essentially over increased temperatures. Depending on a genotype, the total lipoxygenase activity decreased over increased temperatures and duration of heating.U ovom radu proučavan je uticaj temperature na aktivnost izoenzima lipoksigenaze i promene kvaliteta sojinog ulja. Zrno soje sorti ZPS Bosa i ZPS 015 podvrgnuto je tretmanima mikronizacije, vlažne ekstruzije i mikrotalasnog prženja. U zavisnosti od termičkog tretmana prerade, zrno je izlagano temperaturi od 60 do 150oC u trajanju od 25 do 30 sekundi tokom ekstruzije, do 5 minuta tokom mikrotalasnog prženja. Gubitak polinezasićenih masnih kiselina bio je značajan sa povećanjem temperature, dok je, u zavisnosti od genotipa, ukupna aktivnost lipoksigenaze opadala sa povećanjem temperature i dužine vremena zagrevanja

    Savremene metode određivanja kvaliteta i tehnološke vrednosti kukuruza

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    An ever growing importance of contemporary maize processing has imposed a need for more intensive research, within a field of quality and technological value of grain, as well as, relations between quality factors and maize utilization. A new concept of the developed maize market encompasses the identification of the most important utilization, as well as, requirements of each single use pertaining the essential grain properties. Several methods and tests for determination of properties, such as kernel hardness, kernel density, floatation index and water absorption index that are very important for estimation of the maize utilizable value, have been modified, according to contemporary tendencies in the world research, in the course of the long-term maize quality testing performed at the Department of technological research of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje.Rastući značaj suvremenih procesa prerade kukuruza nametnuo je potrebu intenziviranja istraživanja u oblasti kvaliteta i tehnološke urednosti zrna, kao i veze između faktora kvaliteta i upotrebe kukuruza. Novi koncept razvijenog tržišta kukuruza je da se identifikuju najznačajnije upotrebe, kao i zahtevi svake pojedinačne upotrebe u pogledu najbitnijih svojstava zrna. Sledeći tendencije savremenih svetskih istraživanja u višegodišnjim ispitivanjima kvaliteta kukuruza u Odseku za tehnološka istraživanja Instituta za kukuruz modifikovano je više metoda i testova za određivanje svojstava, kao što su tvrdoća zrna, gustina, indeks flotacije i indeks apsorpcije vode, koja su od izuzetnog značaja za procenu upotrebne urednosti kukuruza

    Rosemary essential oils as a promising source of bioactive compounds: Chemical composition, thermal properties, biological activity, and gastronomical perspectives

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    Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is a plant worldwide cultivated mainly for essential oils, extracts, and as a spice. Up-to-date results showed diversity in composition of the essential oils, which may influence their quality, biological activity, and thermal properties. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition, antimicrobial activity, and thermal properties of the rosemary essential oils originating from Serbia and Russia. Additionally, oils were added to the sunflower oils in order to investigate possible antioxidant activity during the frying. Investigation of the chemical profile marked α-pinene, eucalyptol, and camphor as the most abundant compounds in both oils. However, overall composition influenced in such manner that Russian oil showed significantly higher antimicrobial activity, while Serbian oil proved to be better antioxidant agent in case of frying of sunflower oil. This would significantly influence possible application of the oils, which could be used as an antioxidant agent for extension of the food shelf life, or antimicrobial agent for protection against different microbial strains

    Rosemary essential oils as a promising source of bioactive compounds: Chemical composition, thermal properties, biological activity, and gastronomical perspectives

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    Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is a plant worldwide cultivated mainly for essential oils, extracts, and as a spice. Up-to-date results showed diversity in composition of the essential oils, which may influence their quality, biological activity, and thermal properties. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition, antimicrobial activity, and thermal properties of the rosemary essential oils originating from Serbia and Russia. Additionally, oils were added to the sunflower oils in order to investigate possible antioxidant activity during the frying. Investigation of the chemical profile marked α-pinene, eucalyptol, and camphor as the most abundant compounds in both oils. However, overall composition influenced in such manner that Russian oil showed significantly higher antimicrobial activity, while Serbian oil proved to be better antioxidant agent in case of frying of sunflower oil. This would significantly influence possible application of the oils, which could be used as an antioxidant agent for extension of the food shelf life, or antimicrobial agent for protection against different microbial strains.Supplementary material: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4793

    Mogućnosti korišćenja različitih ZP genotipova kukuruza u proizvodnji hleba

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    The present study encompasses the physical properties and chemical composition of grain of four different ZP maize genotypes (ZP 551b, ZP 633 ZP 677 and BGZP Rumenka), as well as, possibilities of their utilization in bread production. Selected ZP maize genotypes and their flakes (mincronised grain) were added as a substitute for white wheat flour in the amount of 5 10 and 20%. Changes of farinograph, extensograph and maturograph data, as well as, their effects on bread quality were observed. On the whole, the greater share of maize flour in dough was, the higher bread yield was especially when flakes were added.U radu su prikazane fizičke karakteristike i hemijski sastav zrna četiri različita ZP genotipa kukuruza ( ZP 551b, ZP 633, ZP 677 i BGZP Rumenka) kao i mogućnosti njihove upotrebe u proizvodnji hleba. Brašno dobijeno od celog i mikronizovanog zrna ZP genotipova kukuruza dodavano je kao zamena za belo pšenično brašno u količini od 5, 10 i 20%. Praćene su promene farinografskih ekstenzografskih i maturografskih pokazatelja kao i njihov uticaj na kvalitet hleba. U celini gledajući sa povećanjem udela kukuruznog brašna u testu povećava se prinos hleba, naročito kada je u pitanju dodatak brašna dobijenog od mikronizovanog zrna