Nacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku i energetiku u poljoprivredi, Novi Sad
The present study encompasses the physical properties and chemical composition of grain of four different ZP maize genotypes (ZP 551b, ZP 633 ZP 677 and BGZP Rumenka), as well as, possibilities of their utilization in bread production. Selected ZP maize genotypes and their flakes (mincronised grain) were added as a substitute for white wheat flour in the amount of 5 10 and 20%. Changes of farinograph, extensograph and maturograph data, as well as, their effects on bread quality were observed. On the whole, the greater share of maize flour in dough was, the higher bread yield was especially when flakes were added.U radu su prikazane fizičke karakteristike i hemijski sastav zrna četiri različita ZP genotipa kukuruza ( ZP 551b, ZP 633, ZP 677 i BGZP Rumenka) kao i mogućnosti njihove upotrebe u proizvodnji hleba. Brašno dobijeno od celog i mikronizovanog zrna ZP genotipova kukuruza dodavano je kao zamena za belo pšenično brašno u količini od 5, 10 i 20%. Praćene su promene farinografskih ekstenzografskih i maturografskih pokazatelja kao i njihov uticaj na kvalitet hleba. U celini gledajući sa povećanjem udela kukuruznog brašna u testu povećava se prinos hleba, naročito kada je u pitanju dodatak brašna dobijenog od mikronizovanog zrna