221 research outputs found

    Broiler meat quality: Proteins and lipids of muscle tissue

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    Proteins and lipids of muscle tissue are important meat quality parameters. They contribute substantially to the nutritional characteristics of meat. A number of studies has been conducted on the effect of different factors on the protein and lipid content of broiler meat. Given the above, the subjectmatter of the present paper was to provide a review of latest research results on the said quality traits as affected by the most commonly tested factors. The results were grouped and presented in terms of the effect of nutrition, genotype, sex, age and rearing system. The objective of the paper was to review major previous studies on the subject in an attempt to define a future research pathway and facilitate the promotion of scientific findings towards wider practical implementation.Keywords: Broilers, meat quality, proteins, lipid

    Cerium oxide based nanometric powders: synthesis and characterization

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    Nanometric powders of solid solutions of cerium oxide were obtained by a modified glycine nitrate procedure. Solid solutions of the host compound CeO2 with one or more dopants in the lattice were synthesized. Rare earth cations (Re=Yb, Gd and Sm) were added to ceria in total concentration of x= 0.2 that was kept constant. The criterion in doping was to keep the value of lattice parameter of ceria unchanged. The lattice parameters were calculated by using the model that takes into account the existence of oxygen vacancies in the structure

    Crystal structure analysis of Nd-doped ceria solid solutions

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    This paper deals with Nd-doped ceria solid solutions: Ce1-xNdxO2-d with "x" ranging from 0 to 0.25. Six different powders were synthesized by applying the method based on selfpropagating room temperature reaction (SPRT) between metallic nitrates and sodium hydroxide. The method is known to assure very precise stoichiometry of the final product in comparison with a tailored composition. Rietveld refinement was employed to get structural information on the synthesized powder. An increase of Nd ion concentration increases the unit cell parameters and average bond distances. We have shown that all obtained powders were solid solutions with a fluorite-type crystal structure and all powder particles were of nanometric size (about 3 nm)

    Synthesis of crystaline silicon oxynitride composites

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    Silicon oxynitride / silicon nitride (Si2N2O/Si3N4) ceramics have been prepared from Si3N4 powder and amorphous silica (SiO2) by hot pressing at different temperature. It was found that material sintered at lower temperature exhibit fine composite structure composed of equiaxed α-Si3N4 grains and Si2N2O crystals. At higher temperature the growing of Si2N2O particles as well as phase transformation from α-Si3N4 to β-Si3N4 phase take place.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Efekat proteaze na proizvodne i klanične osobine tovnih pilića

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    Carcass conformation is a very important parameter in assessing the overall appearance and meatiness of broilers. This study evaluates the effect of protease supplemented to reduced protein diets on production traits, dressed carcass weight and conformation measures in fast-growing Cobb 500 and slow-growing Master Gris broilers over a fattening period of 49 days. At slaughter, the following measurements were taken: pre-slaughter body weight (BW), conventionally dressed carcass weight and abdominal fat weight. Following carcass dissection into primal cuts, absolute conformation values, including metatarsus length (ML), keel length (KL), breast depth (BD), breast angle (BA) and thigh girth (TG), were determined. For carcass conformation evaluation purposes, index values of carcass conformation measures BW/ML, BW/KL, BW/BD and BW/TG were identified. Genotype and sex had a significant effect on dressed carcass weight and all conformation measures, whereas the effect of different protein levels in protease-supplemented diets was significant only in Master Gris, for metatarsus length and the following indices: BW/ML, BW/KL and BW/TG.Konformacija trupova pilića predstavlja vrlo važan parametar za ocenu opšteg izgleda i mesnatosti pilića. U radu je analiziran efekat enzima proteaze, uz snižen nivo sirovih proteina, na proizvodne osobine, masu obrađenog trupa i mere konformacije kod brzorastućeg-Cobb 500 i spororastućeg hibrida - Master Gris. Tov pilića trajao je 49 dana. Na liniji klanja izmerena je telesna masa pilića pre klanja, masa klasično-obrađenog trupa i masa abdominalne masti. Nakon rasecanja trupova na osnovne delove izmerene su apsolutne mere konformacije: dužina piska, dužina kobilice, dubina grudi, grudni ugao i obim bataka. Za bolju ocenu konformacije trupova izračunati su indeksi mera konformacije: telesna masa/dužina piska, telesna masa/dužina kobilice, telesna masa/dubina grudi i telesna masa/obim bataka. Značajan je bio uticaj genotipa i pola na masu obrađenih trupova i sve ispitivane mere konformacije, dok je uticaj različitih nivoa proteina, uz dodatak enzima proteaze, bio značajan samo kod hibrida Master Gris, i to za dužinu piska i indekse telesna masa/dužina piska, telesna masa/dužina kobilice i telesna masa/obim bataka

    Uticaj genotipa i uzrasta na proizvodne osobine lakih linijskih hibrida kokoši

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    The aim of this work was parallel investigation of the producing characteristics of light line hen hybrids. Investigation enclosed two hen proveniences: Hisex Brown and Shawer 579. Within the period of 19 up to 63 weeks we followed next parameters: egg-laying hen body mass, mortality, food consumption and egg-laying capacity. Hens body mass on the beginning of the examination, within the 19 weeks of growth was, for Hisex Brown provenience 1607g, and for Shawer 579 provenience 1563g. Hisex Brown provenience achieved about 250 g higher body mass on the end of investigation. During the experiment, mortality at Hisex Brown egg-laying hen was a little bit smaller (5,40%), while the Shawer 579 had 5,56% of dead hens. Globally, the mortality at both hen hybrids was in the range of technological normative. The average consumption of the food at Hisex Brown provenience was higher and it was 127,28g, and at Shawer 579 provenience 125,14g. The average consumption of the nutrition for egg production at both provenience was the same (150g).Cilj ovog rada bio je da se izvrši uporedno ispitivanje proizvodnih sposobnosti lakih linijskih hibrida kokoši. Ispitivanjima su obuhvaćene dve provenijence kokoši: Hisex Brown i Shawer 579. U periodu od 19. do 63. nedelje starosti praćeni su sledeći parametri: telesna masa nosilja, mortalitet, utrošak hrane i nosivost. Telesna masa kokoši na početku ispitivanja, sa 19 nedelja uzrasta, za provenijencu Hisex Brown, iznosila je 1607 g, a za provenijencu Shawer 579-1563 g. Veću telesnu masu na kraju eksperimenta, za oko 250 g postigle su nosilje provenijence Hisex Brown. U toku ispitivanja, mortalitet kod Hisex Brown nosilja je bio nešto manji (5,40%), dok je Shawer 579 imao 5,56% uginulih nosilja. Posmatrano u celini, mortalitet nosilja kod oba hibrida, bio je u granicama tehnoloških normativa. Prosečna dnevna potrošnja hrane kod provenijence Hisex Brown je veća i iznosila je 127,28 g, a kod Shawer 579-125,14 g. Prosečna potrošnja hrane za proizvodnju jajeta kod obe provenijence je bila ista (150 g)

    Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of Y1-xYbxF3 solid solution

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    Many works devoted to obtaining nanodispersed BaTiO3 powder modified with different dopants for suitable properties providing. In particular, recently considerable attention has been given to obtaining modified nanopowders BaTiO3 possessing relaxor behavior order to ensure reliable work of dielectrics. Generally, Ca,Zr,Mn, ,Pb and rare earth elements such as Nb,Y adds order to provide stress, inhibit grain growth and provide Pinching effect, and hence to increase dielectrics relaxor behavior. However, there is still an issue associated with obtaining satisfactory stoichiometry of the obtained powder. From this viewpoint Ca,Zr-doped BaTiO3 were prepared with co-precipitation method via multiligand complexes formation and influence of the precursor type on Ca,Zr-doped BaTiO3 stoichiometry were investigated. Their stoichiometry, crystal structure was examined in order to determine preferential solubility site of Ca,Zr ions in perovskite structure. Stoichiometry Ca,Zr-modified BaTiO3 will be evaluated considering different precursor type. X-ray, IR spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence analysis were carried out to obtain the knowledge on the occupation site in the Ba1-xСaxTi1-yZryO3 perovskite structure. These results proved influence complex formation on Ca,Zr-modified BaTiO3 stoichiometry


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    This paper provides some tentative estimates of the economic impact of cruise tourism in receptive countries and regions along the Pan-European Corridor VII. Examples are provided to illustrate the potential benefit to Vojvodina Region (Case study). The results of the analysis have shown that the Corridor VII cruises have positive impact on Vojvodina Province, primarily the riparian area of the Danube (only Novi Sad - the “Port of Vojvodina for cruisers”). Although the benefits exclude accommodation and food expenditure, they are noticeable within the following segments: tourism promotion (broadening the scopes of Vojvodina Province as a receptive area for the foreign market through its cultural heritage and natural values); increase in foreign tourist turnover, visitor’s expenditures; new job opportunities (adequate infrastructure and superstructure – rendering services to ships, crew and passengers) – harbors, carriers, souvenir shops, etc. / new products, business net, exchange money, invisible export, etc. The results of the research may initiate further studies on the cause and effect connections between this type of travelling and resources of receptive countries, upon which the travels are based, both aiming at adequate design and launching of the tourist offer, i.e. the optimal development of receptive countries through sustainable tourism. Also, the discussion provides potentially useful information to the different stakeholders in the evolving cruise tourism industry, particularly regarding expected (private or social) returns on investment.Ovim radom su analizirana međunarodna turistička krstarenja Pan-europskim Koridorom VII, odnosno njihov utjecaj (potencijalne dobrobiti) na ekonomiju receptivnih prostora. Studijom slučaja (Vojvodina) dati su primjeri koji to ilustriraju. Rezultati analize pokazuju da kruzevi Koridorom VII utječu pozitivno na Vojvodinu, prvenstveno na priobalnu, podunavsku regiju i to u Novom Sadu (gdje brodovi pristaju). Iako se beneficije ne odnose na korištenje usluga smještaja i hrane na kopnu, dobrobit se ogleda u sljedećim segmentima: turistička promocija (širenje pozitivnog plasmana Vojvodine kao receptivnog prostora na inozemnom tržištu – predstavljanje kulturne baštine i prirodnih vrijednosti); porast inozemnog turističkog prometa, a samim tim i potrošnje posjetilaca; otvaranje novih radnih mjesta (adekvatna infrastruktura i suprastruktura – serviseri različitih usluga brodovima, posadi i putnicima) – pristaništa, špediteri, suvenir tržnice i dr. / novi proizvodi, širenje poslovne mreže, promjena valute, nevidljivi izvoz itd. Rezultati istraživanja mogu pomoći daljim proučavanjima uzročno-posljedičnih veza između ovakvog vida putovanja i resursa receptivnih zemalja na kojima se ova putovanja događaju, a sve u cilju adekvatnog osmišljavanja i plasmana turističke ponude, odnosno optimalnog razvoja receptivnih zemalja kroz održivi turizam. Rad pruža i informacije različitim partnerima („stakeholders“) uključenim u turističko privređivanje kruzeva, koji očekuju privatnu i društvenu dobit od svojih ulaganja

    Characterization of red mud/metakaolin-based geopolymers as modified by Ca(OH)2

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    Geopolymers are an emerging class of materials that offer an alternative to the Portland cement as the binder of structural concrete. One of the advantages is that the primary source of their production is waste alumosilicate materials from different industries. One of the key issues in geopolymer synthesis is the low level of mechanical properties due to porosity as well as the high activity of conductivity carriers. It can often lead to limited application possibilities, so the objective is to obtain an enhanced strength as well as decreased cracking tendency through microstructure modification. The introduction of Ca(OH)2, under certain pH conditions could lead to the filling-the-pores process and improving the mechanical properties. The aim was to understand the role that calcium plays in the geopolymer synthesis, and to define which reaction prevails under the synthesis conditions: formation of geopolymer gel or calcium silicate hydrate that contains aluminum substitution (CASH). The synthesis was performed with different raw materials (with or without red mud) and different alkalinity conditions. Ca(OH)2 was the obligatory supplement to both of the mixtures. Different techniques were performed for the testing of reaction products, as well as to define the microstructural changes as the generator of improved mechanical properties and changed electrical conductivity. The characteristics of the geopolymer's macrostructure were defined by means of an SEM analysis. Compressive strength and electrical conductivity are among the investigated product's properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) were used for the identification of various crystalline phases and an amorphous phase