54 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of network collector

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    Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá popisom informačných protokolov sieťového toku, najmä popisom protokolu Cisco NetFlow verzie 9. Popisuje jeho vlastnosti, formát správ a atribúty prenášaných dát. Práca sa zameriava hlavne na prenášanú šablónu NetFlow v9, ktorá definuje polia a dáta v následnom dátovom toku. Podstata práce spočíva v implementácií jednoduchého NetFlow v9 parseru v programovacom jazyku Python, jeho testy na zachytené UDP dáta zo súboru a testovanie na porte vývojového serveru v laboratóriu. Dáta je v rámci implementácie možné ukladať aj do pripravenej databázy, ktorá je definovaná ako možný výstup z parsovania a zachytávaniaThis master’s thesis deals with description of information protocol of network flow, mainly definition of Cisco NetFlow version 9. Describes it’s features, message format and attributes of transmitted data. The thesis is primarly focused onto NetFlow v9 transmitted template, which defines fileds and data in consecutive data flow. The essence of the thesis consists in implementation of simple NetFlow v9 parser, which has been programmed in Python prog.language, it’s tests of captured UDP data from file and port capture testing on development server in lab. There is a possibility of saving captured and parsed data into prepared database within implementation as output from capturing.

    Zero knowledge authentication

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    Táto práca sa venuje autentizácií, jej princípom a základným rozdelením. Ďalej sa práca venuje Zero–Knowledge protokolom, teda protokolom s nulovou znalosťou, ich analýzou a základným princípom, pojednáva aj o technológií Bluetooth Low Energy, jej špecifikácie pri prenose základných dát medzi počítačom Raspberry Pi 2 a Android mobilným telefónom. Praktická časť práce sa venuje pokusu o prenos jednoduchých dát medzi Raspberry Pi 2 a Android telefónom.This thesis looks to authentication, principle and basic divison. Another part of thesis looks to Zero–Knowledge protocols, which protocols with zero information, their analysis and base elements, also thesis presents technology Bluetooth Low Energy, specification of this technology in transmission simple data between computer Raspberry Pi 2 and mobile phone. The practical part of thesis works on experiment of sending simple data between Raspberry 2 and Android phone.

    Height-diameter models for mixed-species forests consisting of spruce, fir, and beech

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    Height-diameter models define the general relationship between the tree height and diameter at each growth stage of the forest stand. This paper presents generalized height-diameter models for mixed-species forest stands consisting of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.), Silver fir (Abies alba L.), and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) from Slovakia. The models were derived using two growth functions from the exponential family: the two-parameter Michailoff and three-parameter Korf functions. Generalized height-diameter functions must normally be constrained to pass through the mean stand diameter and height, and then the final growth model has only one or two parameters to be estimated. These "free" parameters are then expressed over the quadratic mean diameter, height and stand age and the final mathematical form of the model is obtained. The study material included 50 long-term experimental plots located in the Western Carpathians. The plots were established 40–50 years ago and have been repeatedly measured at 5 to 10-year intervals. The dataset includes 7,950 height measurements of spruce, 21,661 of fir and 5,794 of beech. As many as 9 regression models were derived for each species. Although the "goodness of fit" of all models showed that they were generally well suited for the data, the best results were obtained for silver fir. The coefficient of determination ranged from 0.946 to 0.948, RMSE (m) was in the interval 1.94–1.97 and the bias (m) was –0.031 to 0.063. Although slightly imprecise parameter estimation was established for spruce, the estimations of the regression parameters obtained for beech were quite less precise. The coefficient of determination for beech was 0.854–0.860, RMSE (m) 2.67–2.72, and the bias (m) ranged from –0.144 to –0.056. The majority of models using Korf's formula produced slightly better estimations than Michailoff's, and it proved immaterial which estimated parameter was fixed and which parameters were free. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Laboratory Monitoring System

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    Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá riešením dohľadového monitorovacieho systému pre školské laboratórium. Popisuje laboratórne prvky, ich účel a stav pred aplikovaním konfigurácie, zároveň obsahuje porovnanie komerčných dohľadových systémov a výber jedného, ktorý bol aplikovaný. Podstata práce je zameraná na protokol SNMP a jeho využitie pri monitorovaní laboratórnej siete. V praktickej časti práce je vytvorená konfigurácia dohľadového systému, ktorý je aplikovaný v sietí laboratória a zabezpečuje tak monitoring a dohľad nad sieťovým laboratóriom.This bachelor thesis deals with network monitoring solution for school laboratory network. Describes the laboratory network devices, their purpose and condition before applying configuration, it also contains a comparison of commercial supervision network systems and the choice of one that has been used. The essence of the thesis is focused onto SNMP protocol, its use in laboratory network monitoring. In the practical part of the thesis is created the system supervision configuration, which is applied into laboratory network and ensures the supervision and monitoring for whole laboratory network.

    Credit Risk Modelling for Insurance Solvency Purposes

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    In this work we study credit risk pricing models from an information based pespective. This perspective implies that to distinguish which model is applicable, structural or reduced form, one needs to understand what information is available to the modeler. We also deal with a new information-based framework for credit risk modelling that is concerned with how to model the market ltration by use of the concept of partial information. This framework avoids the use of inaccesible stopping times. The pricing of several credit risk derivatives is discussed in an information-based framework. Applications of the information-based approach to insurance claims reserves and credit portfolio risk are discussed as well