20 research outputs found

    Multicore Performance Prediction with MPET : Using Scalability Characteristics for Statistical Cross-Architecture Prediction

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    Multicore processors serve as target platforms in a broad variety of applications ranging from high-performance computing to embedded mobile computing and automotive applications. But, the required parallel programming opens up a huge design space of parallelization strategies each with potential bottlenecks. Therefore, an early estimation of an application’s performance is a desirable development tool. However, out-of-order execution, superscalar instruction pipelines, as well as communication costs and (shared-) cache effects essentially influence the performance of parallel programs. While offering low modeling effort and good simulation speed, current approximate analytic models provide moderate prediction results so far. Virtual prototyping requires a time-consuming simulation, but produces better accuracy. Furthermore, even existing statistical methods often require detailed knowledge of the hardware for characterization. In this work, we present a concept called Multicore Performance Evaluation Tool (MPET) and its evaluation for a statistical approach for performance prediction based on abstract runtime parameters, which describe an application’s scalability behavior and can be extracted from profiles without user input. These scalability parameters not only include information on the interference of software demands and hardware capabilities, but indicate bottlenecks as well. Depending on the database setup, we achieve a competitive accuracy of 20% mean prediction error (11% median), which we also demonstrate in a case study

    Correction to: Multicore Performance Prediction with MPET: Using Scalability Characteristics for Statistical Cross-Architecture Prediction

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    The article “Multicore Performance Prediction with MPET Using Scalability Characteristics for Statistical Cross-Architecture Prediction”, written by Oliver Jakob Arndt, Matthias Lüders, Christoph Riggers and Holger Blume was originally published Online First without Open Access. After publication in volume 92, issue 9, page 981–998 the author decided to opt for Open Choice and to make the article an Open Access publication. Therefore, the copyright of the article has been changed to © The Author(s) 2020 and the article is forthwith distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http:// creat iveco mmons. org/ licen ses/ by/4.0. Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. The original article has been corrected

    An Integrated Heated Testbench for Characterizing High Temperature ICs

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    This paper presents a newly developed integrated heating system, which can keep the IC under test at a constant temperature of up to 250 ◦C. The heating system can be used while the IC under test is mounted on its custom-designed interface board, which controls the two supply voltages and provides connectivity to an FPGA. Using a testing framework on the FPGA, the test stimuli and operating clock can be provided with at least 100 MHz. Thus, it is possible to fully vary all three parameters—frequency, voltage, and temperature—during continuous operation of the IC. A case study is performed with a previously fabricated ASIC to test the proposed system

    Moderne Automobilelektronik : KI-Hardware fĂĽr die Sensorsignalverarbeitung

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    FĂĽr das (teil-)automatisierte Fahren werden in der modernen Fahrzeugelektronik Algorithmen der KĂĽnstlichen Intelligenz (KI) eingesetzt. Die Algorithmen ĂĽbernehmen dabei verschiedene Aufgaben, die in ihrer Kombination die automatisierten Fahrfunktionen realisieren. Wissenschaftler*innen vom Institut fĂĽr Mikroelektronische Systeme beschreiben den Einsatz von KI

    Verwendung von Intertialsensoren zur automatisierten Auswertung sensomotorischer Tests

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    Um die sensomotorische Leistungsfähigkeit von Sportlern zu evaluieren, gibt es verschiedene sportwissenschaftliche Standardtests, wie zum Beispiel den Y-Balance-Test (YBT). Allerdings ist bei vielen dieser Verfahren ein Tester nötig, der die Durchführung leitet und das Ergebnis bestimmt. In dieser Arbeit wird der Ansatz für ein System auf Basis von Inertialsensoren (IMUs) vorgestellt, durch das die Auswertung verschiedener im Bereich der Sportwissenschaften gängiger Tests automatisiert werden kann. Implementiert wurde der YBT und die aktive Winkelreproduktion. Durch die Automatisierung muss während des Tests kein Tester mehr anwesend sein, wodurch beispielsweise Freizeitsportler, Leistungssportler, Trainer, Vereine, aber auch Forschungseinrichtungen in die Lage versetzt werden, diese Tests jederzeit durchzuführen. Durch die Verwendung von IMUs, die ihre eigene Ausrichtung als Quaternion schätzen, wird im vorgestellten System die aktuelle Pose der Knochen im Skelett des Nutzers berechnet. Aus diesen werden dann die verschiedenen Testergebnisse, wie Gelenkwinkel oder die Position einzelner Extremitäten, bestimmt. Als Plattform kommt ein mobiles Gerät zum Einsatz, auf dem die Berechnung und die Visualisierung in Echtzeit erfolgen

    Mobile SARS‑CoV‑2 screening facilities for rapid deployment and university-based diagnostic laboratory

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has created a public crisis. Many medical and public institutions and businesses went into isolation in response to the pandemic. Because SARS-CoV-2 can spread irrespective of a patient's course of disease, these institutions’ continued operation or reopening based on the assessment and control of virus spread can be supported by targeted population screening. For this purpose, virus testing in the form of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis and antibody detection in blood can be central. Mobile SARS-CoV-2 screening facilities with a built-in biosafety level (BSL)-2 laboratory were set up to allow the testing offer to be brought close to the subject group's workplace. University staff members, their expertise, and already available equipment were used to implement and operate the screening facilities and a certified diagnostic laboratory. This operation also included specimen collection, transport, PCR and antibody analysis, and informing subjects as well as public health departments. Screening facilities were established at different locations such as educational institutions, nursing homes, and companies providing critical supply chains for health care. Less than 4 weeks after the first imposed lockdown in Germany, a first mobile testing station was established featuring a build-in laboratory with two similar stations commencing operation until June 2020. During the 15-month project period, approximately 33,000 PCR tests and close to 7000 antibody detection tests were collected and analyzed. The presented approach describes the required procedures that enabled the screening facilities and laboratories to collect and process several hundred specimens each day under difficult conditions. This report can assist others in establishing similar setups for pandemic scenarios

    Proceedings of the Linux Audio Conference 2018

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    These proceedings contain all papers presented at the Linux Audio Conference 2018. The conference took place at c-base, Berlin, from June 7th - 10th, 2018 and was organized in cooperation with the Electronic Music Studio at TU Berlin

    The Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Microgravity eases several constraints limiting experiments with ultracold and condensed atoms on ground. It enables extended times of flight without suspension and eliminates the gravitational sag for trapped atoms. These advantages motivated numerous initiatives to adapt and operate experimental setups on microgravity platforms. We describe the design of the payload, motivations for design choices, and capabilities of the Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory (BECCAL), a NASA-DLR collaboration. BECCAL builds on the heritage of previous devices operated in microgravity, features rubidium and potassium, multiple options for magnetic and optical trapping, different methods for coherent manipulation, and will offer new perspectives for experiments on quantum optics, atom optics, and atom interferometry in the unique microgravity environment on board the International Space Station

    The Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory

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    Microgravity eases several constraints limiting experiments with ultracold andcondensed atoms on ground. It enables extended times of flight withoutsuspension and eliminates the gravitational sag for trapped atoms. Theseadvantages motivated numerous initiatives to adapt and operate experimentalsetups on microgravity platforms. We describe the design of the payload,motivations for design choices, and capabilities of the Bose-Einstein Condensateand Cold Atom Laboratory (BECCAL), a NASA-DLR collaboration. BECCALbuilds on the heritage of previous devices operated in microgravity, featuresrubidium and potassium, multiple options for magnetic and optical trapping,different methods for coherent manipulation, and will offer new perspectives forexperiments on quantum optics, atom optics, and atom interferometry in theunique microgravity environment on board the International Space Station