211 research outputs found

    Drying Up the Slippery Slope: A New Approach to the Second Amendment

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    Few issues are as divisive as guns in American society. In 2017, gun deaths in the United States reached their highest level in nearly forty years. The status quo is untenable as many gun rights groups feel that gun regulations are just a first step in a slippery slope of undermining the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms for self-defense. Conversely, many gun violence prevention activists insist that reasonable regulations concerning public safety can co-exist with the right to bear arms. This quagmire will never abate because on many levels both sides are right. For over 200 years, the courts interpreted the Second Amendment as protecting a right to bear arms for the state militias, called a “collective” right, and not an individual right to bear arms. In 2008, however, the Supreme Court in a 5-4 ruling held for the first time that, based on the Founding Fathers’ intent—an approach called originalism—the Second Amendment protects the individual right to self-defense in one’s home. This was the right decision, but for the wrong reasons. The Second Amendment’s language is ambiguous at best, and at worst, favors the militia interpretation that had prevailed for over 200 years. Moreover, the Founding Fathers’ intent is as irrelevant as it is indeterminable. An interpretation of the Constitution as a living document that evolves with the values of this country leads to one unmistakable conclusion: individuals should be allowed to use guns for self-defense while the government should be allowed to enact reasonable public safety regulations. Since the founding of this country, the use of firearms for self-defense has played an integral part in American culture. Yet, so have reasonable gun regulations. This Article will explore three time periods in America’s history where either the states, or the federal government enacted reasonable gun regulations to address serious problems plaguing the nation because of guns: violence in the Wild West, gangsters in the 1920’s, and urban violence in the 1960’s. These regulations were enacted in time periods where the conversation was not so divisive and toxic. To move forward, we need to look backwards. A study of American history reveals a fundamental truth: the use of firearms for self-defense both inside and outside the home can be coupled with reasonable gun regulations to address public safety. Therefore, the Second Amendment should be amended to explicitly state, “Every person has the right to keep and bear arms, subject to reasonable regulations for public safety.” In this way, gun rights groups will not have to feel that every gun regulation is on a slippery slope to banishment of guns while gun violence prevention advocates can feel confident that the conversation will always involve “reasonable” regulations that can evolve with the times. After all, gun rights and reasonable regulation is what this country has been doing for over 200 years, until the present impasse. We often study history so we don’t repeat it, but sometimes we need to study history to remind ourselves that the past is worth repeating

    »Der Mensch ist zwar ein Mensch, und folglich keine Maus«. Zum VerhĂ€ltnis von â€șmoralisatioâ€č und Witzprinzip in Daniel Stoppes Fabel â€șDie Maus in der Falleâ€č

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    Der Aufsatz widmet sich den bislang in der germanistischen Forschung vernachlĂ€ssigten Fabeln Daniel Stoppes. Anhand der Fabel ‚Die Maus in der Falle‘ werden die Besonderheiten ihrer ausschweifenden narratio herausgestellt, die sich durch eine ausgedehnte Handlungsstruktur, erzĂ€hlerische Beschreibungen und Bewertungen sowie Anspielungen auf tradierte Symbole auszeichnet. Elemente der Gelehrtensatire in Auseinandersetzung mit der Stoa und die dadurch erzeugte Ironie machen das VerhĂ€ltnis zur moralisatio problematisch. Stoppes Fabeln knĂŒpfen ĂŒber das Witzprinzip an die französische Fabeltradition an und erleben im Kontext der kurz darauf erscheinenden deutschsprachigen Fabeltheorien eine Abwertung.This paper focuses on the fables of Daniel Stoppe, which have hitherto been neglected in Germanic research. Looking at the fable ‘Die Maus in der Falle’ the particularities of its excessive narratio are highlighted, as characterised by an extensive plot structure, narrative descriptions and evaluations as well as allusions to traditional symbols. Elements of scholarly satire in confrontation with Stoics and the irony it engenders render the relationship to moralisatio problematic. Stoppe’s fables tie in with the French fable tradition through the principle of wit and were devalued in the context of the German language fable theories which appeared shortly after

    «Das Leiden satthaben» : freiwilliger Verzicht auf Nahrung und FlĂŒssigkeit aus Perspektive der Pflegenden

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    Einleitung: Autonomie am Lebensende erlangt in unserer Gesellschaft zunehmend an Wert. Neben dem assistierten Suizid gewinnt daher auch der freiwillige Verzicht auf Nahrung und FlĂŒssigkeit (FVNF) an Bedeutung. Pflegende nehmen durch ihren direkten Patientinnen- und Patientenkontakt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Betreuung von FVNF-Praktizierenden ein. Wie erleben Pflegende in Alters- und Pflegeheimen oder Hospizen Patientinnen und Patienten, welche im Prozess des freiwilligen Verzichts auf Nahrung und FlĂŒssigkeit sind und welche Haltung nehmen die Pflegenden dabei ein? Methode: FĂŒr die themengeleitete Bachelorarbeit wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche in den Datenbanken PubMed, CINAHL Complete und PsycINFO durchgefĂŒhrt. Drei quantitative, zwei qualitative Studien, ein Artikel und ein Fallbeispiel wurden inkludiert. Die Ergebnisse wurden anhand des Bio-psycho-sozial-spirituellen Modells dargestellt. Ergebnisse: Die Mehrheit der Pflegenden in der Schweiz wĂŒrden eine Person im Prozess des FVNF begleiten. Die Haltung von Pflegenden gegenĂŒber dem FVNF wird einerseits durch bisherige Erfahrungen, schulische Vorkenntnisse, der eigenen Rolle und dem Glauben geprĂ€gt. Andererseits wird sie vom Alter und den Erkrankungen der FVNF-Praktizierenden beeinflusst. Schlussfolgerung: Die Haltung der Pflegenden gegenĂŒber dem FVNF kann den Sterbeprozess massgeblich beeinflussen und ist geprĂ€gt vom Erleben der Pflegenden

    Improvement of the human intestinal flora by ingestion of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus johnsoniiLa1

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    To exert beneficial effects for the host, for example, improving the intestinal microflora, a probiotic must reach the intestine as a viable strain. These properties must be demonstrated by in vitro as well as in vivo methods. However, only a few well-designed human clinical studies have shown these properties. Lactobacillus johnsonii La1 has been shown to give many beneficial effects for the host, but it is unclear whether a viable strain of L. johnsonii La1 has the effect of improving host intestinal microflora. In the present study, a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over trial was conducted to elucidate the effect of L. johnsonii La1 on human intestinal microflora. Twenty-two young healthy Japanese women were randomly divided into two groups, and either received fermented milk with L. johnsonii La1 or a fermented milk without L. johnsonii La1 (placebo) daily for 21d. Consumption of the fermented milk: (a) increased total Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, and decreased lecithinase-positive Clostridium in the faeces; (b) increased the faecal lactic acid concentrations; (c) decreased the faecal pH; (d) increased the defecation frequency. These changes were stronger than those observed with the placebo. L. johnsonii La1 was identified in all subjects only after the consumption of the fermented milk. These results suggest that L. johnsonii La1 can contribute to improve intestinal microflora with probiotic propertie

    Lactobacillus johnsonii La1 antagonizes Giardia intestinalis in vivo

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    This study describes the in vivo activity of Lactobacillus johnsonii La1 (NCC533) in Giardia intestinalis-infected gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Daily administration of lactobacilli in the drinking water from 7 days before inoculation with Giardia trophozoites efficiently prevented G. intestinalis strain WB clone C6 from infecting gerbils. More specifically, shedding of fecal Giardia antigens (GSA65 protein) was diminished in the La1-treated group, and resolution of infection was observed by 21 days postinoculation. Histology and analysis of enzymatic markers of microvillus membrane integrity revealed that probiotic administration also protected against parasite-induced mucosal damage. In addition, a cellular response to Giardia antigens was stimulated in spleen cells from La1-treated gerbils. Results show for the first time the antigiardial effect of probiotic lactobacilli in vivo and provide further insight into the antagonistic properties of lactic acid bacteria against protozoa involved in intestinal infections.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de InvestigaciĂłn y Desarrollo en CriotecnologĂ­a de Alimento

    Haptoglobin Genotype Is a Consistent Marker of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Among Individuals With Elevated Glycosylated Hemoglobin

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    ObjectivesThis study sought to investigate into the biologically plausible interaction between the common haptoglobin (Hp) polymorphism rs#72294371 and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) on risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).BackgroundStudies of the association between the Hp polymorphism and CHD report inconsistent results. Individuals with the Hp2-2 genotype produce Hp proteins with an impaired ability to prevent oxidative injury caused by elevated HbA1c.MethodsHbA1c concentration and Hp genotype were determined for 407 CHD cases matched 1:1 to controls (from the NHS [Nurses' Health Study]) and in a replication cohort of 2,070 individuals who served as the nontreatment group in the ICARE (Prevention of Cardiovascular Complications in Diabetic Patients With Vitamin E Treatment) study, with 29 CHD events during follow-up. Multivariate models were adjusted for lifestyle and CHD risk factors as appropriate. A pooled analysis was conducted of NHS, ICARE, and the 1 previously published analysis (a cardiovascular disease case-control sample from the Strong Heart Study).ResultsIn the NHS, Hp2-2 genotype (39% frequency) was strongly related to CHD risk only among individuals with elevated HbA1c (≄6.5%), an association that was similar in the ICARE trial and the Strong Heart Study. In a pooled analysis, participants with both the Hp2-2 genotype and elevated HbA1c had a relative risk of 7.90 (95% confidence interval: 4.43 to 14.10) for CHD compared with participants with both an Hp1 allele and HbA1c <6.5% (p for interaction = 0.004), whereas the Hp2-2 genotype with HbA1c <6.5% was not associated with risk (relative risk: 1.34 [95% confidence interval: 0.73 to 2.46]).ConclusionsHp genotype was a significant predictor of CHD among individuals with elevated HbA1c

    Cochlea-Specific Deletion of Cav1.3 Calcium Channels Arrests Inner Hair Cell Differentiation and Unravels Pitfalls of Conditional Mouse Models

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    Inner hair cell (IHC) Cav1.3 Ca2+ channels are multifunctional channels mediating Ca2+ influx for exocytosis at ribbon synapses, the generation of Ca2+ action potentials in pre-hearing IHCs and gene expression. IHCs of deaf systemic Cav1.3-deficient (Cav1.3-/-) mice stay immature because they fail to up-regulate voltage- and Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels but persistently express small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (SK2) channels. In pre-hearing wildtype mice, cholinergic neurons from the superior olivary complex (SOC) exert efferent inhibition onto spontaneously active immature IHCs by activating their SK2 channels. Because Cav1.3 plays an important role for survival, health and function of SOC neurons, SK2 channel persistence and lack of BK channels in systemic Cav1.3-/- IHCs may result from malfunctioning neurons of the SOC. Here we analyze cochlea-specific Cav1.3 knockout mice with green fluorescent protein (GFP) switch reporter function, Pax2::cre;Cacna1d-eGFPflex/flexand Pax2::cre;Cacna1d-eGFPflex/-. Profound hearing loss, lack of BK channels and persistence of SK2 channels in Pax2::cre;Cacna1d-eGFPflex/- mice recapitulated the phenotype of systemic Cav1.3-/- mice, indicating that in wildtype mice, regulation of SK2 and BK channel expression is independent of Cav1.3 expression in SOC neurons. In addition, we noticed dose-dependent GFP toxicity leading to death of basal coil IHCs of Pax2::cre;Cacna1d-eGFPflex/flex mice, likely because of high GFP concentration and small repair capacity. This and the slower time course of Pax2-driven Cre recombinase in switching two rather than one Cacna1d-eGFPflex allele lead us to study Pax2::cre;Cacna1d-eGFPflex/- mice. Notably, control Cacna1d-eGFPflex/- IHCs showed a significant reduction in Cav1.3 channel cluster sizes and currents, suggesting that the intronic construct interfered with gene translation or splicing. These pitfalls are likely to be a frequent problem of many genetically modified mice with complex or multiple gene-targeting constructs or fluorescent proteins. Great caution and appropriate controls are therefore required

    Roquin Paralogs 1 and 2 Redundantly Repress the Icos and Ox40 Costimulator mRNAs and Control Follicular Helper T Cell Differentiation

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    SummaryThe Roquin-1 protein binds to messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and regulates gene expression posttranscriptionally. A single point mutation in Roquin-1, but not gene ablation, increases follicular helper T (Tfh) cell numbers and causes lupus-like autoimmune disease in mice. In T cells, we did not identify a unique role for the much lower expressed paralog Roquin-2. However, combined ablation of both genes induced accumulation of T cells with an effector and follicular helper phenotype. We showed that Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins redundantly repressed the mRNA of inducible costimulator (Icos) and identified the Ox40 costimulatory receptor as another shared mRNA target. Combined acute deletion increased Ox40 signaling, as well as Irf4 expression, and imposed Tfh differentiation on CD4+ T cells. These data imply that both proteins maintain tolerance by preventing inappropriate T cell activation and Tfh cell differentiation, and that Roquin-2 compensates in the absence of Roquin-1, but not in the presence of its mutated form

    Accumulation of mutations in antibody and CD8 T cell epitopes in a B cell depleted lymphoma patient with chronic SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Antibodies against the spike protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) can drive adaptive evolution in immunocompromised patients with chronic infection. Here we longitudinally analyze SARS-CoV-2 sequences in a B cell-depleted, lymphoma patient with chronic, ultimately fatal infection, and identify three mutations in the spike protein that dampen convalescent plasma-mediated neutralization of SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, four mutations emerge in non-spike regions encoding three CD8 T cell epitopes, including one nucleoprotein epitope affected by two mutations. Recognition of each mutant peptide by CD8 T cells from convalescent donors is reduced compared to its ancestral peptide, with additive effects resulting from double mutations. Querying public SARS-CoV-2 sequences shows that these mutations have independently emerged as homoplasies in circulating lineages. Our data thus suggest that potential impacts of CD8 T cells on SARS-CoV-2 mutations, at least in those with humoral immunodeficiency, warrant further investigation to inform on vaccine design
