13 research outputs found

    Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8

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    Background: Transgender healthcare is a rapidly evolving interdisciplinary field. In the last decade, there has been an unprecedented increase in the number and visibility of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people seeking support and gender-affirming medical treatment in parallel with a significant rise in the scientific literature in this area. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an international, multidisciplinary, professional association whose mission is to promote evidence-based care, education, research, public policy, and respect in transgender health. One of the main functions of WPATH is to promote the highest standards of health care for TGD people through the Standards of Care (SOC). The SOC was initially developed in 1979 and the last version (SOC-7) was published in 2012. In view of the increasing scientific evidence, WPATH commissioned a new version of the Standards of Care, the SOC-8. Aim: The overall goal of SOC-8 is to provide health care professionals (HCPs) with clinical guidance to assist TGD people in accessing safe and effective pathways to achieving lasting personal comfort with their gendered selves with the aim of optimizing their overall physical health, psychological well-being, and self-fulfillment. Methods: The SOC-8 is based on the best available science and expert professional consensus in transgender health. International professionals and stakeholders were selected to serve on the SOC-8 committee. Recommendation statements were developed based on data derived from independent systematic literature reviews, where available, background reviews and expert opinions. Grading of recommendations was based on the available evidence supporting interventions, a discussion of risks and harms, as well as the feasibility and acceptability within different contexts and country settings. Results: A total of 18 chapters were developed as part of the SOC-8. They contain recommendations for health care professionals who provide care and treatment for TGD people. Each of the recommendations is followed by explanatory text with relevant references. General areas related to transgender health are covered in the chapters Terminology, Global Applicability, Population Estimates, and Education. The chapters developed for the diverse population of TGD people include Assessment of Adults, Adolescents, Children, Nonbinary, Eunuchs, and Intersex Individuals, and people living in Institutional Environments. Finally, the chapters related to gender-affirming treatment are Hormone Therapy, Surgery and Postoperative Care, Voice and Communication, Primary Care, Reproductive Health, Sexual Health, and Mental Health. Conclusions: The SOC-8 guidelines are intended to be flexible to meet the diverse health care needs of TGD people globally. While adaptable, they offer standards for promoting optimal health care and guidance for the treatment of people experiencing gender incongruence. As in all previous versions of the SOC, the criteria set forth in this document for gender-affirming medical interventions are clinical guidelines; individual health care professionals and programs may modify these in consultation with the TGD person

    The Bioarchaeological Investigation of Childhood and Social Age: Problems and Prospects

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    Embracing Death: Mexican Parent and Child Perspectives on Death

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    A mixed-method approach was used to explore parent and child perspectives on death in Mexico. Parents and childrens death-related experiences and understanding of death were examined. While all children in this sample displayed a biological understanding of death, older children were less likely to endorse that all living things die. Children also displayed coexistence of beliefs related to death that can be attributed to both their biological and spiritual understanding of death. We also found that older children were more likely to report that a child should feel sad following the death of a loved one. These findings highlight how cultural practices shape the development of cognitive and affective processes related to death

    O que as crianças podem fazer pela antropologia?

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    Este texto pretende apontar como o estudo das crianças pode conduzir a uma revisão de conceitos vitais da história da disciplina antropológica. Mais especificamente, tratará do conceito de sociedade e seu correlato, o conceito de cultura. Para essa discussão lançarei mão dos estudos feitos por Marylin Strathern e Christina Toren. Complementariamente, ao se discutir a validade e pertinência dos conceitos de sociedade e cultura, Tim Ingold pode trazer contribuições para o debate na medida em que introduz a biologia para se entender a cultura. Trago também o pensamento de Thomas Csordas e de Margaret Mead, retendo desta última a sua ênfase etnográfica e dialogando com o primeiro sobre o conceito de cultura. A ideia que permeia todo o artigo é a de que o chamado mundo infantil ou mundo da criança é um campo interessante para se discutir teoria antropológica.<br>This text aims to show how the study of children can lead to a review of vital concepts in the history of anthropology. More specifically, will address the concept of society and its correlate, the concept of culture. For this discussion we use the studies undertaken by Marilyn Strathern and Christina Toren. Additionally, when discussing the validity and relevance of the concepts of society and culture, Tim Ingold will contribute to the debate given that he introduces the biology in order to comprehend the culture. We also address the thoughts of Thomas Csordas and Margaret Mead, from the latter we retain her emphasis on ethnography and dialogue with the first on the concept of culture. The idea that pervades the whole article is that the so-called childhood world or child's world is an interesting field to discuss anthropological theory

    Phenomenology of Health and Illness

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