3,188 research outputs found
How Student Recruitment and Selection Can Impact Reentry Outcomes: Lessons from the Michigan Department of Corrections and Jackson College
In 2013, the Vera Institute of Justice launched the Unlocking Potential: Pathways from Prison to Postsecondary Education Project (Pathways), a five-year multi-state demonstration project aiming to increase educational attainment and employment opportunities for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals by supporting an expansion of educational opportunities in prison. Corrections departments in the states of New Jersey, Michigan, and North Carolina were selected to participate in the initiative. Each college-in-prison program—although executed differently and offering varying programs of study—possessed one common theme: to equip incarcerated persons with the tools necessary to end the cycle of incarceration through high-quality postsecondary education. This paper examines approaches to student recruitment the Michigan site took during its implementation phase and suggests potential outcomes for college-in-prison programs to consider when using the “return communities” approach
Amphibole content of cosmetic and pharmaceutical talcs.
Pharmaceutical and cosmetic-grade talcs were examined for asbestiform amphibole content using a new density-optical method. Talcs under the Food and Drug Administration are not regulated as to asbestos content; however, all talcs were well below the level mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for industrial talcs. Only one was found to contain an amphibole particle size distribution typical of asbestos
Optical matrix elements in tight-binding models with overlap
We investigate the effect of orbital overlap on optical matrix elements in
empirical tight-binding models. Empirical tight-binding models assume an
orthogonal basis of (atomiclike) states and a diagonal coordinate operator
which neglects the intra-atomic part. It is shown that, starting with an atomic
basis which is not orthogonal, the orthogonalization process induces
intra-atomic matrix elements of the coordinate operator and extends the range
of the effective Hamiltonian. We analyze simple tight-binding models and show
that non-orthogonality plays an important role in optical matrix elements. In
addition, the procedure gives formal justification to the nearest-neighbor
spin-orbit interaction introduced by Boykin [Phys. Rev \textbf{B} 57, 1620
(1998)] in order to describe the Dresselahaus term which is neglected in
empirical tight-binding models.Comment: 16 pages 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Coordinate shift in the semiclassical Boltzmann equation and the anomalous Hall effect
We propose a gauge invariant expression for the side jump associated with
scattering between particular Bloch states. Our expression for the side jump
follows from the Born series expansion for the scattering T-matrix in powers of
the strength of the scattering potential. Given our gauge invariant side jump
expression, it is possible to construct a semiclassical Boltzmann theory of the
anomalous Hall effect which expresses all previously identified contributions
in terms of gauge invariant quantities and does not refer explicitly to
off-diagonal terms in the density-matrix response.Comment: 6 pages, 1 fugure. submitted to PR
Douglas Shoal preliminary site assessment report
Document R.1.59918002, Version 1.Report prepared by Cardno Ltd for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
ASTP simulated lightning test report
A simulated lightning test was conducted on the backup spacecraft for the Apollo Soyuz Test Project mission (CSM-119) to determine the susceptibility of the Apollo spacecraft to damage from the indirect effects of lightning. It is demonstrated that induced lightning effects from low-level injected currents can be scaled linearly to those which are obtained in a full threat lightning stroke. Test results indicate that: (1) many of the power and signal critical circuits would fail if subjected to full-threat lightning, (2) pyrotechnic circuits are safe for full-threat lightning, and (3) common-mode voltages exceeded the failure criteria level for all but three of the circuits tested
P-wave Pairing and Colossal Magnetoresistance in Manganese Oxides
We point out that the existing experimental data of most manganese oxides
show the {\sl frustrated} p-wave superconducting condensation in the
ferromagnetic phase in the sense that the superconducting coherence is not long
enough to cover the whole system. The superconducting state is similar to the
state in superfluid He-3. The sharp drop of resistivity, the steep jump
of specific heat, and the gap opening in tunneling are well understood in terms
of the p-wave pairing. In addition, colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) is
naturally explained by the superconducting fluctuations with increasing
magnetic fields. The finite resistivity may be due to some magnetic
inhomogeneities. This study leads to the possibility of room temperature
superconductivity.Comment: LaTex, 14 pages, For more information, please send me an e-mail.
e-mail adrress : [email protected]
Anatomy of the quantum melting of the two dimensional Wigner crystal
The Fermi liquid-Wigner crystal transition in a two dimensional electronic
system is revisited with a focus on the nature of the fixed node approximation
done in quantum Monte Carlo calculations. Recently, we proposed (Phys. Rev.
Lett. 94, 046801 (2005)) that for intermediate densities, a hybrid phase (with
the symmetry of the crystal but otherwise liquid like properties) is more
stable than both the liquid and the crystal phase. Here we confirm this result
both in the thermodynamic and continuum limit. The liquid-hybrid transition
takes place at rs=31.5 +/- 0.5. We find that the stability of the hybrid phase
with respect to the crystal one is tightly linked to its delocalized nature. We
discuss the implications of our results for various transition scenarii
(quantum hexatic phase, supersolid, multiple exchange, microemulsions) proposed
in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure
Hydrophobic gating of mechanosensitive channel of large conductance evidenced by single-subunit resolution
Mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels are membrane proteins that detect and respond to membrane tension in all branches of life. In bacteria, MS channels prevent cells from lysing upon sudden hypoosmotic shock by opening and releasing solutes and water. Despite the importance of MS channels and ongoing efforts to explain their functioning, the molecular mechanism of MS channel gating remains elusive and controversial. Here we report a method that allows single-subunit resolution for manipulating and monitoring “mechanosensitive channel of large conductance” from Escherichia coli. We gradually changed the hydrophobicity of the pore constriction in this homopentameric protein by modifying a critical pore residue one subunit at a time. Our experimental results suggest that both channel opening and closing are initiated by the transmembrane 1 helix of a single subunit and that the participation of each of the five identical subunits in the structural transitions between the closed and open states is asymmetrical. Such a minimal change in the pore environment seems ideal for a fast and energy-efficient response to changes in the membrane tension.
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