27 research outputs found


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    The effect of microsphere delivered Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in a poly-lactic-co-glycolic-acid (PLGA) 85/15 nerve conduit bridging a 10 mm rat sciatic nerve gap was assessed, comparing nine groups (n = 6): PLGA conduits filled with saline, saline and NGF, saline with blank microspheres; four different NGF microspheres (5, 20, 50, and 100 mg/ml); an autologous graft and sciatic nerve gap. Histomorphometry, retrograde tracing, electrophysiology, and functional outcomes were evaluated up to 16 weeks. The autologous graft showed the largest fascicular area (0.65 mm(2)) and had a significantly greater number of myelinated fibers (P < 0.0001). Electrophysiology showed Compound Muscle Action Potential (CMAP) recordings for the autologous graft returning at 6 weeks after nerve transection, reaching their highest amplitude of 3.6 mV at endpoint. No significant differences were found in functional evaluation between groups or between conduits with microspheres and the saline filled conduit. A PLGA 85/15 nerve conduit is capable of sustaining nerve regeneration. The microsphere delivery system does not interfere with regeneration. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Microsurgery 31:293-302, 2011.Scientific Assessment and Innovation in Neurosurgical Treatment Strategie

    Sequence analysis of 43-year old samples of Plantago lanceolata show that Plantain virus X is synonymous with Actinidia virus X and is widely distributed

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    Plantain virus X was first recognized by the ICTV as a species in the genus Potexvirus in 1982. However, because no sequence was available for plantain virus X (PlVX), abolishing the species was proposed to the Flexiviridae working group of the ICTV in 2015. This initiated efforts to sequence the original isolates from Plantago lanceolata samples. Here we report the full-genome sequencing of two original isolates of PlVX, which demonstrate that the virus is synonymous to Actinidia virus X, a species previously reported from kiwifruit (Actinidia sp.) and blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum). PlVX was previously noted to be widespread in the UK in P. lanceolata. This report additionally presents novel data on the distribution and diversity of PlVX, collected at the same site as the original UK isolates, and from three independent surveys, two in the Netherlands and one in Belgium. This study also includes two new host records for PlVX, Browallia americana and Capsicum annuum (sweet pepper), indicating the virus is more widespread and infects a broader range of hosts than previously reported. This stresses the importance of surveys of noncultivated species to gain insight into viral distribution and host range. This study also demonstrates the value of generating sequence data for isolates retained in virus collections. Additionally, it demonstrates the potential value in prepublication data sharing for giving context to virus detections such as the four independent studies here which, when combined, give greater clarity to the identity, diversity, distribution, and host range of plantain virus X.<br/

    Evolução da maturação da uva 'BRS Clara' sob cultivo protegido durante a safra fora de época

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    A produção de uvas para mesa vem passando por alguns desafios que demandam alterações nas tecnologias de produção, devido, principalmente, à intensa necessidade de controle de doenças fúngicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento da evolução da maturação da uva 'BRS Clara' enxertada sobre o porta-enxerto IAC 766 'Campinas', sob cultivo protegido produzida em safra fora de época. Os experimentos foram realizados em Uraí e Marialva (PR). Foram avaliadas semanalmente as características químicas das bagas, como teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, índice de maturação e pH, a partir do início da maturação até a colheita, em dois sistemas de cultivo protegido: cobertura plástica e sombrite. O delineamento experimental adotado em ambas as áreas foi o inteiramente casualizado com sete repetições. A evolução da maturação nos dois sistemas de cultivo protegido foi comparada por meio da análise de regressão. Em ambas as áreas experimentais, a cobertura plástica possibilitou a antecipação da colheita das uvas em seis dias em relação ao sombrite, considerando o teor de sólidos solúveis. Não houve influência da cobertura plástica sobre o índice de maturação das uvas