217 research outputs found

    La rappresentazione dello spazio architettonico nel Medioevo

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    The medieval architecture presents aspects and characteristics that clearly distinguish them from other architectures that preceded and followed. This is manifest from the point of view of both formal and visual, and structural and constructive. The representation, coeval with architecture, which we received in pictorial images, is manifested by a figurative language difficult to interpret. The characteristics of medieval architecture are closely related, connected, interdependent with the universe cultural, social, political, economic, that has produced them. It seems obvious that these two worlds, which are constructed space and the graphical representation, are nothing but two aspects of the same reality, which is the conception of space peculiar to medieval civilization. It can be deduced that the key to interpret a particular aspect of this universe (in this case, the spatial entity which is the architecture, or the appearance projective that is its two-dimensional graphic representation), can be searched in the one, in the other, or both, the most significant components of the universe. The study focuses on the reading of the paintings that appear peculiar to illustrate and document the principles, the methods, the devices used by medieval artists to represent architectural space, regardless of the greater or lesser intrinsic artistic importance of the pictorial work. The investigation is centered in the time period covering the last three centuries of the medieval period to the dawn of the Renaissance. ln these images rarely architecture is seen as an end in itself, but it almost always appears in a narrative context. The story, graphic and pictorial expression, overcomes the widespread illiteracy and, through pictures, assumes great power over the senses and the spirit of medieval man. The Church knowingly makes use of the representation to instruct him and train him. Therefore, the symbolism presides in the art and, in particular, the architecture in which, for example, the temple is first of all a symbolic structure; alteration of its forms helps to make them lead to the intrinsic meaning. In this context also the color becomes symbolic suggesting a system of values directly related to the oral tradition. We are therefore in the presence, in the narrative iconography, in addition to the contemporary vision of the inside - outside of the architectural space, even in the contemporary account of the event and its exposure, which follows the typical structure of the narrative report. All this may seem absurd to our modern eyes heirs of the Renaissance, but if we pause for a moment to grasp the deep meaning of these images, will alert all the richness of representation that is in them, and we realize what immense potential of visual and emotional communication is capable this seemingly strange and ingenuous system of representation. The works, which we have received, translate into a real message that you must try to analyze its components in order to get closer to the understanding of this fascinating human fact that is the medieval architecture

    Letter from Luigi Blotto, to Andrew Inglis Clark, Tasmania, 1873

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    Letter from Luigi Blotto to Andrew Inglis Clark, 27 August 1873 , written in Italian with typed translations. He writes of a voyage to Yokohama, the Pacific, San Francisco and a return to Italy, Clark's progress in Italian, warm greetings to Clark, his family and Tasmania. C4/C17

    Peer learning in the Faculty of Dentistry UNLP

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    This work is for the research project peer learning in dental education in FOUNLP. Objective: Define the analysis indicators that guide research, explore the benefits and challenges of peer learning and the degree of student satisfaction with this modality.Resumen publicado en Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana, suplemento vol. 25, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Letters from Luigi Blotto, to Andrew Inglis Clark, Tasmania, 1873 and 1894

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    Letters from Luigi Blotto to Andrew Inglis Clark, 27 August 1873 and 17 Nov 1894, written in Italian with typed translations. He writes of a voyage to Yokohama, the Pacific, San Francisco and a return to Italy, Clark's progress in Italian, warm greetings to Clark, his family and Tasmania. C4/C17, C4/C18

    Riskitekijät ikääntyneiden lääkehoidossa : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää systemaattiseen kirjallisuuskatsaukseen perustuen, mitkä ovat keskeisimmät riskitekijät ikääntyneiden lääkehoidossa ja miten ne tulee huomioida asukkaiden lääkehoidon toteutuksessa. Tavoitteena on lisätä lääkehoidon turvallisuutta tuottamalla uutta ja systemaattisesti koottua tietoa ikääntyneiden lääkehoidosta. Opinnäytetyö on osa Mynämäen palvelutalosäätiön kanssa toteutettavaa hoitohenkilökunnan lääkehoito-osaamisen kehittämishanketta. Opinnäytetyö on tehty systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen vaiheiden mukaisesti. Aineisto kerättiin Medic-, Cinahl-, Medline- ja Cochrane- tietokannoista. Systemaattisen haun perusteella valittiin 10 artikkelia. Tulokset osoittavat, että keskeisimmät riskitekijät ikääntyneiden lääkehoidossa ovat: monilääkitys, lääkkeiden haittavaikutukset, psyykenlääkkeet, sopimattomat lääkkeet, kaatumisvaaraa lisäävät lääkkeet ja lääkehoitoon sitoutumattomuus. Nämä riskitekijät tulisi ottaa huomioon lääkehoidossa arvioimalla ikääntyneen toimintakykyä, vointia sekä huomioimalla, että aina uusi oire ei välttämättä ole merkki uudesta sairaudesta. Ikääntyneen terveydentilaa, vointia ja lääkitystä tulisi arvioida säännöllisesti yhdessä lääkärin, hoitohenkilökunnan ja ikääntyneen kanssa. Yksilöllinen ja optimaalinen lääkitys, josta on poistettu mahdolliset riskitekijät, on lääkityksen arvioinnin perustarkoitus. Tunnistamalla edellä mainittuja riskitekijöitä ikääntyneiden lääkityksessä sekä arvioimalla ikääntyneen toimintakykyä ja vointia, parantaa potilasturvallisuutta, jolloin ikääntynyt saa parasta mahdollista ja laadukasta hoitoa.The aim of this thesis was to explore, through a systematic review, the main risk factors within drug therapy in the elderly and how these should be considered when delivering a resident’s drug therapy. The objective is to increase the safety of drug therapy by introducing new and systematically collected data about drug therapy in the elderly. This thesis was commissioned by Mynämäki’s sheltered housing foundation as part of the care staff’s development programme for medication competence which is part of the Medication safety – development project in Turku University of Applied Sciences. This thesis was carried out by following the stages of a systematic review. The data was collected from the Medic-, Cinahl-, Medline- and Cochrane- databases. Ten articles were selected by the stages of a systematic review. The results show that the main risks factors within drug therapy in the elderly are: polypharmacy, harmful effects, psycho pharmaceuticals, unsuitable medication, medication that increase risks of falling and a lack of commitment to drug therapy. These drug therapy risk factors should be taken into consideration by assessing the elderly’s functional ability, wellbeing and by realising that a new symptom is not necessarily a sign of a new illness. The health, wellbeing and medication of the elderly should be reviewed on a regular basis together with the doctor, care staff and the elderly in question. Individual and optimal drug therapy, from which possible risk factors have been removed, is the basis for drug therapy assessment. By recognising the risk factors within drug therapy in the elderly and assessing the elderly’s performance and wellbeing, patient safety can be improved, thus giving the elderly the best possible and highest quality of care

    Peer interaction in dental materials in FOUNLP

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    The paper corresponds to a research project on peer learning in dental education in FOUNLP There is now a very present idea on the importance of peer work in vocational college. Explore, explain, inform, investigate, are fundamental activities to build learning and this is further strengthened when we put into play in situations of peer interaction.Resumen publicado en Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana, suplemento vol. 25, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Peer learning in the Faculty of Dentistry UNLP

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    This work is for the research project peer learning in dental education in FOUNLP. Objective: Define the analysis indicators that guide research, explore the benefits and challenges of peer learning and the degree of student satisfaction with this modality.Resumen publicado en Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana, suplemento vol. 25, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Peer interaction in dental materials in FOUNLP

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    The paper corresponds to a research project on peer learning in dental education in FOUNLP There is now a very present idea on the importance of peer work in vocational college. Explore, explain, inform, investigate, are fundamental activities to build learning and this is further strengthened when we put into play in situations of peer interaction.Resumen publicado en Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana, suplemento vol. 25, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Peer learning in the Faculty of Dentistry UNLP

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    This work is for the research project peer learning in dental education in FOUNLP. Objective: Define the analysis indicators that guide research, explore the benefits and challenges of peer learning and the degree of student satisfaction with this modality.Resumen publicado en Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana, suplemento vol. 25, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí

    Peer interaction in dental materials in FOUNLP

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    The paper corresponds to a research project on peer learning in dental education in FOUNLP There is now a very present idea on the importance of peer work in vocational college. Explore, explain, inform, investigate, are fundamental activities to build learning and this is further strengthened when we put into play in situations of peer interaction.Resumen publicado en Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana, suplemento vol. 25, 2012.Facultad de Odontologí