231 research outputs found

    Organisational policies and practices for the inclusion of vulnerable workers:A scoping review of the employer’s perspective

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    Purpose  Current models of inclusive workplaces are primarily based on the perceptions of vulnerable workers, whereas attention for employer’s perceptions is lacking. This scoping review addresses this issue by mapping the literature that covers employer’s perceptions on the application and importance of organisational policies and practices aimed at the inclusion of vulnerable workers.  Methods  A literature search for qualitative and quantitative research articles was conducted in MEDLINE, Scopus, ProQuest, PsychInfo, Google Scholar and Web of Science. Studies were included when (a) they reported on practices aimed at the inclusion, participation, or rehabilitation of (b) workers with disabilities, a low education or migration background, or who were long-term unemployed, and (c) were based on samples of employers or their representatives.  Results  The search resulted in 3,134 articles. In total, 38 articles met the inclusion criteria of this study. We identified seven types of inclusive practices to stimulate the inclusion of vulnerable workers that employers applied and/or perceived as valuable: senior management commitment, recruitment and selection, performance management and development practices, job accommodations and redesign of work, supportive culture, external collaborations with other employers, and monitoring.  Conclusions  Our review identified seven categories of inclusive practices that pertain to all stages of the employee journey of vulnerable workers. These categories move beyond those reported in studies based on employee samples, for instance by highlighting the importance of monitoring and collaborations with other employers. Hence, our findings stress that insight into employers’ perceptions about effective measures is crucial to increase labour market participation of vulnerable groups

    Comparative efficacy of treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis

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    A meta-analysis was conducted on 61 treatment outcome trials for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Conditions included drug therapies (TCAs, carbamazepine, MAOIs, SSRIs, and BDZs), psychological therapies (behaviour therapy, Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), relaxation training, hypnotherapy, and dynamic therapy), and control conditions (pill placebo, wait-list controls, supportive psychotherapies, and non-saccade EMDR control). Psychological therapies had significantly lower drop-out rates than pharmacotherapies (14% versus 32%), with attrition being uniformly low across all psychological therapies. In terms of symptom reduction, psychological therapies were more effective than drug therapies, and both were more effective than controls. Among the drug therapies, the SSRIs and carbamazepine had the greatest effect sizes, although the latter was based upon a single trial. Among the psychological therapies, behaviour therapy and EMDR were most effective, and generally equally so. The most effective psychological therapies and drug therapies were generally equally effective. Differences across treatment conditions were generally evident across symptom domains, with little matching of symptom domain to treatment type. However, SSRIs had some advantage over psychological therapies in treating depression. Follow-up results were not available for most treatments, but available data indicates that treatment effects for behaviour therapy and EMDR are maintained at 15-week follow-up. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/35192/1/153_ftp.pd

    Thin deformable mirrors for a reconfigurable space telescope

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    As part of a small satellite technology demonstration that will utilize autonomous assembly, reconfiguration, and docking technology to form the primary mirror for the mission’s telescope payload, the mirror segments are required to modify and control their shape, in order to allow for imaging in different configurations. This paper focuses on the development of 10 cm diameter active lightweight mirrors. The current mirror design, control scheme, and fabrication methods are described, as well as experimental results on initial samples. The data demonstrates that the mirrors are capable of at least 100 microns of displacement during operation, and that fabrication on polished molds can result in high quality reflective surfaces

    Chemical fingerprints of emotional body odor

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    Chemical communication is common among animals. In humans, the chemical basis of social communication has remained a black box, despite psychological and neural research showing distinctive physiological, behavioral, and neural consequences of body odors emitted during emotional states like fear and happiness. We used a multidisciplinary approach to examine whether molecular cues could be associated with an emotional state in the emitter. Our research revealed that the volatile molecules transmitting different emotions to perceivers also have objectively different chemical properties. Chemical analysis of underarm sweat collected from the same donors in fearful, happy, and emotionally neutral states was conducted using untargeted two-dimensional (GC×GC) coupled with time of flight (ToF) MS-based profiling. Based on the multivariate statistical analyses, we find that the pattern of chemical volatiles (N = 1655 peaks) associated with fearful state is clearly different from that associated with (pleasant) neutral state. Happy sweat is also significantly different from the other states, chemically, but shows a bipolar pattern of overlap with fearful as well as neutral state. Candidate chemical classes associated with emotional and neutral sweat have been identified, specifically, linear aldehydes, ketones, esters, and cyclic molecules (5 rings). This research constitutes a first step toward identifying the chemical fingerprints of emotion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analyse Bouwstenen Nationaal Strategisch Plan Aquacultuur

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    Door de verwachte groei van de wereldbevolking, de groeiende consumptie, en het achterblijven van de productie zal het verschil in vraag en aanbod voor vis, schaal- en schelpdieren steeds groter worden. Tegelijkertijd heeft de visserijsector ook binnen de EU steeds meer moeite om aan de stijgende vraag voor deze producten te voldoen. Om de kloof tussen vraag en productie van vis, schaal- en schelpdieren te verkleinen, en niet te afhankelijk te worden van importen, zet de EU in op het stimuleren van de aquacultuursector. Volgens de nieuwe beleidsrichting in het Europees Fonds voor Maritieme Zaken en Visserij (EMFZV) dient de ontwikkeling van aquacultuur binnen de EU zich te richten op productie- en afzetverhoging door innovaties op techniek en kennis. Het rapport bestaat uit een marktanalyse en een analyse van de belangrijkste uitdagingen en interventies die nodig zijn om het perspectief van de Nederlandse aquacultuursector te vergroten. De bevindingen zijn gebaseerd op een combinatie van literatuuronderzoek en interviews met stakeholders binnen de Nederlandse aquacultuursector

    Viskwekers leunen niet achterover

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    'Viskwekers kunnen niet achterover leunen,' kopte het LEI op haar website in februari 2011. Aanleiding voor dit bericht was de publicatie van het rapport Actieplan visteelt; eindrapportage (Van Duijn et al., 2010). Hieruit bleek dat het niet goed gaat met de Nederlandse visteelt en dat eigenlijk alleen de kwekers zelf iets aan deze situatie kunnen veranderen. Sindsdien hebben de Nederlandse viskwekers niet stil gezeten. Zo heeft een aantal viskwekers zich, met ondersteuning van het LEI en IMARES verenigd in een Kenniskring Aquacultuur. In deze Kenniskring zijn viskwekers bezig met het plannen van concrete acties om de concurrentiekracht van de sector te vergroten

    Capture the fracture: a best practice framework and global campaign to break the fragility fracture cycle

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    Summary The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) Capture the Fracture Campaign aims to support implementation of Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) throughout the world. Introduction FLS have been shown to close the ubiquitous secondary fracture prevention care gap, ensuring that fragility fracture sufferers receive appropriate assessment and intervention to reduce future fracture risk. Methods Capture the Fracture has developed internationally endorsed standards for best practice, will facilitate change at the national level to drive adoption of FLS and increase awareness of the challenges and opportunities presented by secondary fracture prevention to key stakeholders. The Best Practice Framework (BPF) sets an international benchmark for FLS, which defines essential and aspirational elements of service delivery. Results The BPF has been reviewed by leading experts from many countries and subject to beta-testing to ensure that it is internationally relevant and fit-for-purpose. The BPF will also serve as a measurement tool for IOF to award ‘Capture the Fracture Best Practice Recognition’ to celebrate successful FLS worldwide and drive service development in areas of unmet need. The Capture the Fracture website will provide a suite of resources related to FLS and secondary fracture prevention, which will be updated as new materials become available. A mentoring programme will enable those in the early stages of development of FLS to learn from colleagues elsewhere that have achieved Best Practice Recognition. A grant programme is in development to aid clinical systems which require financial assistance to establish FLS in their localities. Conclusion Nearly half a billion people will reach retirement age during the next 20 years. IOF has developed Capture the Fracture because this is the single most important thing that can be done to directly improve patient care, of both women and men, and reduce the spiralling fracture-related care costs worldwide.</p

    Predicting Return to Work in Workers with All-Cause Sickness Absence Greater than 4 Weeks: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Introduction Long-term sickness absence is a major public health and economic problem. Evidence is lacking for factors that are associated with return to work (RTW) in sick-listed workers. The aim of this study is to examine factors associated with the duration until full RTW in workers sick-listed due to any cause for at least 4 weeks. Methods In this cohort study, health-related, personal and job-related factors were measured at entry into the study. Workers were followed until 1 year after the start of sickness absence to determine the duration until full RTW. Cox proportional hazards regression analyses were used to calculate hazard ratios (HR). Results Data were collected from N = 730 workers. During the first year after the start of sickness absence, 71% of the workers had full RTW, 9.1% was censored because they resigned, and 19.9% did not have full RTW. High physical job demands (HR .562, CI .348–.908), contact with medical specialists (HR .691, CI .560–.854), high physical symptoms (HR .744, CI .583–.950), moderate to severe depressive symptoms (HR .748, CI .569–.984) and older age (HR .776, CI .628–.958) were associated with a longer duration until RTW in sick-listed workers. Conclusions Sick-listed workers with older age, moderate to severe depressive symptoms, high physical symptoms, high physical job demands and contact with medical specialists are at increased risk for a longer duration of sickness absence. OPs need to be aware of these factors to identify workers who will most likely benefit from an early intervention

    Effectiveness of physical training for self-employed persons with musculoskeletal disorders: a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite the fact that the population of self-employed persons is still growing and at risk for long term disability due to a number of risk factors, there is still a lack of information on the effectiveness of interventions for this specific group.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To determine the effectiveness of physical training without a cognitive behavioral component and workplace specific exercises (PT) and physical training with a cognitive behavioral component and workplace specific exercises (PTCBWE), we conducted a pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial, stratified into two groups. Self-employed persons with a new work disability claim because of musculoskeletal disorders were randomized to PT (n = 53) or PTCBWE (n = 76), or to a corresponding usual care group (n = 50 and n = 75 respectively). Both types of training consisted of cardiovascular training, strengthening, relaxation and posture exercises and took place two or three times a week, for 1–1.5 hours, during three months, also if someone had already returned to work full-time. The primary outcome measure was claim duration (in days) during 12 months follow-up. Pain severity and functional status were secondary outcome measures. All data were assessed at baseline and at 6 and 12 months follow-up. The data with regard to claim duration were analyzed by survival analysis and Cox regression analysis. Secondary outcome measures were analyzed by means of linear regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After 12 months of follow-up there was no difference in claim duration between PT and usual care (Hazard Ratio 0.7; 95%CI, 0.4–1.1; p = 0.12) or PTCBWE and usual care (Hazard Ratio 0.9; 95%CI, 0.6–1.4; p = 0.72). Both types of physical training and usual care improved in pain and functional status over time, but there was only a statistically significant difference in favor of PT on pain improvement at 6 months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study, physical training with and without a cognitive behavioral component and workplace specific exercises for self-employed persons with musculoskeletal disorders was not shown to be effective on claim duration, pain severity and functional status at 12 months follow-up.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN67766245.</p

    Stress factors and stress management interventions: the heuristic of “bottom up” an update from a systematic review

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    Organizations have increasingly sought to adopt innovative interventions to prevent stress-related issues. In the field of manufacturing, however, the effectiveness of these interventions remains unclear because a systematic and specific review of existing primary evidence has not been undertaken. The present systematic literature review sought to address the foregoing limitation in the literature by summarizing the main source of stress and effectiveness of stress management interventions as grounded in the context of manufacturing. Our review was limited to only randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and quasi-experimental studies and concerned employees from the manufacturing sector. Twenty-two studies on primary, secondary and tertiary interventions across four continents (Asia, Europe, USA and South America) were selected and analyzed in terms of stress factors, methodological properties and outcomes. Most of these were RCT studies (68% Vs 32%) with a majority of secondary interventions (N = 11, 50%), followed by primary (N = 5, 22%), tertiary (N = 3, 13%), and two (9%) mixed interventions. The main outcomes included an improvement of psychological wellbeing, decreased stress reactivity and an increment of general health. There was a predominance of interventions utilizing skills programs and/or cognitive-behavioral techniques. The main source of stress reported related to professional identity, organizational deficiencies, interpersonal conflicts, physical complaints and poor work environment. Taken together, the findings provide important theoretical and practical implications for advancing the study of stress factors and the use of stress management interventions in the workplace. The prerequisite for a successful intervention is to address the real problems experienced by professionals and help them to cope with their difficult situations. The strategy of “bottom-up” offers a potential means of enhancing employees’ health and well-being; however, the most effective means of implementing these interventions needs to be understood better