8 research outputs found

    SCA Platform Specifications - Version 2.0

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    The SCOrWare project aims at building an open source implementation of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) specifications. This implementation is composed of 1) a runtime platform for deploying, executing, and managing SCAbased applications, 2) a set of development tools for modeling, designing, and implementing SCA-based applications, and 3) a set of demonstrators. This document contains the specifications of the SCOrWare runtime platform. Section 1.1 lists the parts of SCA specifications supported by the SCOrWare platform. Section 1.2 gives an overview of the SCOrWare platform, and a summary of next chapters of this document. Section 1.3 lists the main update from the version 1 to the version 2 of this documen

    Conception and Development Tools for SCOrWare - Version 2.0

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    The SCOrWare project objectives are to develop: â—Ź A runtime platform for deploying, executing, and managing SCA based applications. â—Ź A set of development tools for modeling, designing, and implementing SCA based applications. â—Ź A set of demonstrators. This document specifies the set of tools used to design, develop, test, and deploy elements to build a distributed architecture compound of components, services, and business services. These tools are based on standards like MDA (Model Driven Architecture) [1], DSL (Domain Specific Language) [2], SCA (Service Component Architecture), and are build on top of Eclipse. Some of these tools complete currently available tools proposed in the SOA Tools Platform (STP) project [3], and others are specific to the SCOrWare project. Section 1.1 lists existing STP tools, and Section 1.2 gives an overview of the contributions of the developed SCOrWare tools, and a summary of next chapters

    Polarsys towards Long-Term Availability of Engineering Tools for Embedded Systems

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    International audienceThe Polarsys Industrial Working Group (http://www.polarsys.org) addresses specific issues of industrial users who develop and maintain Embedded Systems:• A satellite needs to be supported for more than 25 years.• An aircraft flight control system must be "certified" according to safety standards, including the tooling used to produce the software.During the whole life cycle of the product, system architects and developers of embedded systems need maturity assessment and long lasting support for their tooling. These concerns are also relevant in other safety-regulated environments like railway or energy, and for other domains with long life products like telecommunication or healthcare

    Histoire d'une cité scientifique : Le campus du CNRS à Gif-sur-Yvette (1946-2016)

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    International audienceL’histoire du campus de Gif-sur-Yvette, cité scientifique de renommée internationale, commence en 1946, à l’heure de la reconstruction de la recherche française, ajuste après le deuxième conflit mondial. À cette époque, l’on cherche à favoriser l’émergence d’études nouvelles, à soutenir les travaux fondamentaux sans s’interdire de réfléchir à leurs applications, ou encore à stimuler l’interdisciplinarité. L’acquisition du domaine par le CNRS reflète alors l’ambition de son directeur, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, de refonder la Recherche scientifique et de restaurer son rayonnement.Depuis, le campus de Gif-sur-Yvette a connu une formidable aventure, aussi bien humaine que scientifique. Pionnier dans de nombreux domaines, en biologie, en chimie mais aussi en sciences du climat et de l’environnement, ce site a également suivi et accompagné les évolutions, voire les révolutions, qui ont marqué la recherche depuis 1945, en particulier dans le domaine des sciences du vivant.Les hommes et les femmes qui l’ont constitué et y ont collaboré, n’ont cessé d’encourager la liberté de penser, de chercher, et de débattre, esprit que le campus a continué d’entretenir jusqu’à nos jours. Ce sont les grandes lignes de cette belle épopée et de l’histoire de ce campus à la longue tradition d’ouverture que retrace cet ouvrage. Sous la direction de Denis Guthleben, docteur en histoire de l’université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, attaché scientifique au Comité pour l’histoire du CNRS, et rédacteur en chef de la revue Histoire de la recherche contemporaine. Avec les contributions de Jean-Gaël Barbara, Aurore Buffetault, Valérie Burgos Blondelle, Yves Carton, Isabelle Dujonc, Yves Frégnac, Daniel Shulz, David Viterbo

    The AMASS Approach for Assurance and Certification of Critical Systems

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    Safety-critical systems are subject to rigorous assurance and certification processes to guarantee that they do not pose unreasonable risks to people, property, or the environment. The associated activities are usually complex and time-consuming, thus they need adequate support for their execution. The activities are further becoming more challenging as the systems are evolving towards open, interconnected systems with new features, e.g. Internet connectivity, and new assurance needs, e.g. compliance with several assurance standards for different dependability attributes. This requires the development of novel approaches for cost-effective assurance and certification. With the overall goal of lowering assurance and certification costs in face of rapidly changing features and market needs, the AMASS project has created and consolidated the de-facto European-wide open solution for assurance and certification of critical systems. This has been achieved by establishing a novel holistic and reuse-oriented approach for architecture-driven assurance, multi-concern assurance, and for seamless interoperability between assurance and engineering activities along with third-party activities. This paper introduces the main elements of the AMASS approach and how to use them and benefit from them

    Histoire d'une cité scientifique : Le campus du CNRS à Gif-sur-Yvette (1946-2016)

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    International audienceL’histoire du campus de Gif-sur-Yvette, cité scientifique de renommée internationale, commence en 1946, à l’heure de la reconstruction de la recherche française, ajuste après le deuxième conflit mondial. À cette époque, l’on cherche à favoriser l’émergence d’études nouvelles, à soutenir les travaux fondamentaux sans s’interdire de réfléchir à leurs applications, ou encore à stimuler l’interdisciplinarité. L’acquisition du domaine par le CNRS reflète alors l’ambition de son directeur, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, de refonder la Recherche scientifique et de restaurer son rayonnement.Depuis, le campus de Gif-sur-Yvette a connu une formidable aventure, aussi bien humaine que scientifique. Pionnier dans de nombreux domaines, en biologie, en chimie mais aussi en sciences du climat et de l’environnement, ce site a également suivi et accompagné les évolutions, voire les révolutions, qui ont marqué la recherche depuis 1945, en particulier dans le domaine des sciences du vivant.Les hommes et les femmes qui l’ont constitué et y ont collaboré, n’ont cessé d’encourager la liberté de penser, de chercher, et de débattre, esprit que le campus a continué d’entretenir jusqu’à nos jours. Ce sont les grandes lignes de cette belle épopée et de l’histoire de ce campus à la longue tradition d’ouverture que retrace cet ouvrage. Sous la direction de Denis Guthleben, docteur en histoire de l’université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, attaché scientifique au Comité pour l’histoire du CNRS, et rédacteur en chef de la revue Histoire de la recherche contemporaine. Avec les contributions de Jean-Gaël Barbara, Aurore Buffetault, Valérie Burgos Blondelle, Yves Carton, Isabelle Dujonc, Yves Frégnac, Daniel Shulz, David Viterbo

    The AMASS Approach for Assurance and Certification of Critical Systems

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    Safety-critical systems are subject to rigorous assurance and certification processes to guarantee that they do not pose unreasonable risks to people, property, or the environment. The associated activities are usually complex and time-consuming, thus they need adequate support for their execution. The activities are further becoming more challenging as the systems are evolving towards open, interconnected systems with new features, e.g. Internet connectivity, and new assurance needs, e.g. compliance with several assurance standards for different dependability attributes. This requires the development of novel approaches for cost-effective assurance and certification. With the overall goal of lowering assurance and certification costs in face of rapidly changing features and market needs, the AMASS project has created and consolidated the de-facto European-wide open solution for assurance and certification of critical systems. This has been achieved by establishing a novel holistic and reuse-oriented approach for architecture-driven assurance, multi-concern assurance, and for seamless interoperability between assurance and engineering activities along with third-party activities. This paper introduces the main elements of the AMASS approach and how to use them and benefit from them