1,002 research outputs found

    Revue des revues de langue française

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    Entre Oreste et Barbe-Bleue : la violence dans la scÚne familiale québécoise, 1981-2002

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    La reprĂ©sentation sur une scĂšne de la violence filiale remonte au thĂ©Ăątre grec, qui met en scĂšne le meurtre de Clytemnestre dans l’Orestie d’Eschyle. Comme la trilogie d’Eschyle, diverses piĂšces quĂ©bĂ©coises crĂ©Ă©es dans les annĂ©es 1980 et 1990 mettent en scĂšne le meurtre symbolique de la mĂšre (Vie et mort du roi boiteux de Jean-Pierre Ronfard, SoirĂ©e bĂ©nĂ©fice pour tous ceux qui ne seront pas lĂ  en l’an deux mille de Michel Marc Bouchard), ce qui, d’un point de vue anthropologique, pourrait ĂȘtre envisagĂ© comme marquant le passage d’une filiation matrilinĂ©aire (Les belles-soeurs) Ă  une filiation patrilinĂ©aire. Cet article cherchera Ă  montrer qu’à la diffĂ©rence du traitement mythologique de la violence, l’évolution de la violence dans la scĂšne familiale quĂ©bĂ©coise ne saurait se rĂ©duire Ă  l’opposition matrilinĂ©aire/patrilinĂ©aire, car, dĂšs les annĂ©es 1990, la structure verticale parents-fils cĂšde peu Ă  peu la place Ă  une cellule horizontale qui renverse le pouvoir des parents. Comment les atteintes Ă  l’ordre familial fictif se traduisent-elles sur les plans sociopolitique et esthĂ©tique?Filial violence in drama originates in Ancient Greek theatre, which stages the murder of Clytemnestra in Aeschylus's Oresteia. As in Aeschylus's trilogy, several QuĂ©bec plays of the 1980s and 1990s (Jean-Pierre Ronfard's Vie et mort du roi boiteux, Michel Marc Bouchard's SoirĂ©e bĂ©nĂ©fice pour tous ceux qui ne seront pas lĂ  en l’an deux mille) stage the symbolic murder of the mother, which, from an anthropological perspective, could be seen as the transition from a matrilineal filiation (Les belles-soeurs) to a patrilineal filiation. In the present article, it will be argued that, unlike mythological violence as narrated by Greek mythological characters, the evolution of filial violence in QuĂ©bec drama calls into question the traditional matrilineal/patrilineal dichotomy in plays which replace an authoritarian vertical family cell with a horizontal family cell, thus freeing the son from parental authority. What does the toppling of vertical family structures in QuĂ©bec theatre reveal about the evolution of theatrical aesthetics and of Quebecers' representation of the idea of polity

    Du cliché journalistique

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    Comme l’a bien soulignĂ© Patrick Imbert dans L’ObjectivitĂ© de la presse : Le 4e pouvoir en otage (1989), la convocation de clichĂ©s dans la presse participe de la mise en place d’une cohĂ©rence idĂ©ologique. Toutefois, une analyse des concatĂ©nations figĂ©es de mots dans des Ă©ditoriaux portant sur un Ă©vĂ©nement politique rĂ©cent montre que la permĂ©abilitĂ© de la presse au figement linguistique rĂ©sulte tant d’une Ă©valuation stratĂ©gique du public que de l’emprise des discours sociaux.As Patrick Imbert clearly shows in L’ObjectivitĂ© de la presse : Le 4e pouvoir en otage (1989), the use of clichĂ©s in the press is determined by an underlying ideological structure. However, the analysis of various editorials dealing with a recent political event shows that the press’s vulnerability to clichĂ©s stems not only from dominant social discourses, but also from the journalist’s strategic evaluation of the readership

    Filming Art: Dichotomy & Resolution in Musical Comedy

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    The effect of a child\u27s age, at the time of wardship, on the stability of his placment.

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    Laboratory evaluation of the Greiner G450 discrete analyser

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    Pour Suzanne Grandais

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    Cet article retrace la carriĂšre et la vie de Suzanne Grandais (1893-1920), l’une des premiĂšres stars du cinĂ©ma muet français, Ă  partir de journaux et revues d’époque, d’archives et plus particuliĂšrement grĂące au manuscrit inĂ©dit d’un admirateur de l’actrice, AndrĂ© Desmottes, qui l’a rencontrĂ©e et a entretenu son souvenir en acquĂ©rant la stĂšle commĂ©morative Ă©rigĂ©e sur le lieu de sa mort accidentelle. Suzanne Grandais, qui a incarnĂ© le type moderne de la « midinette », la petite ouvriĂšre parisienne devenue populaire en 1917, a tournĂ© dans prĂšs d’une centaine de films de Feuillade (Erreur tragique, le Nain), Fescourt, Hervil et Mercanton, Burguet et surtout Perret dont elle a Ă©tĂ© l’égĂ©rie (le ChrysanthĂšme rouge, le MystĂšre des roches de Kador, la sĂ©rie des LĂ©once). Des documents photographiques inĂ©dits – certains provenant des archives familiales — viennent complĂ©ter cet article.This article recalls the life and career of Suzanne Grandais (1893-1920), one of the first French silent movie stars. It is based on documents from newspapers and magazines of the time and archive footage, but mainly on AndrĂ© Desmottes’s unpublished manuscript. He was one of the actress’s greatest admirers. He met her once and decided to help keep her memory alive by acquiring the memorial stone that had been erected at the place of the car accident that had prematurely taken her life. Suzanne Grandais embodied the modern type of the “ midinette ”, the modest Parisian garment seamstress, which became popular in 1917. She appeared in almost a hundred movies directed by Feuillade (Erreur Tragique, le Nain), Fescourt, Hervil and Mercanton, and Burguet. But above all she was Perret’s favorite actress and he directed her in le ChrysanthĂšme rouge, les MystĂšres des Roches de Kador and the LĂ©once series. This article is illustrated with unpublished photographic documents, which are mainly family archive materials

    Insulin glargine 300 units/mL for the treatment of individuals with type 2 diabetes in the real world: A review of the DELIVER programme

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    Evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) has shown that second-generation basal insulin (BI) analogues, insulin glargine 300 U/mL (Gla-300) and insulin degludec (IDeg), provide similar glycaemic control, with a lower risk of hypoglycaemia compared with the first-generation BI analogue insulin glargine 100 U/mL (Gla-100) in people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the highly selected participants and frequent follow-up of RCTs may not be truly representative of real-life clinical practice. It is important to assess the safety and effectiveness of these second-generation BI analogues in real-life clinical practice settings. The DELIVER programme utilized electronic healthcare records from the United States to compare clinical outcomes in people with T2D who received either Gla-300 or other BI analogues in real-world clinical practice. This review provides a concise overview of the results of the DELIVER studies. Overall, Gla-300 provided similar antihyperglycaemic effectiveness and a lower risk of hypoglycaemia versus the first-generation BI analogues Gla-100 and insulin detemir in people with T2D who had switched BIs. In those who were insulin-naïve, initiation with Gla-300 versus Gla-100 was associated with significantly better antihyperglycaemic effectiveness and similar or lower hypoglycaemic risk. Both glycaemic control and hypoglycaemia risk were also shown to be similar with Gla-300 and IDeg, in people who had switched BIs and in those who were insulin-naïve. In addition, the DELIVER 2 study reported that people with T2D who switched to Gla-300 had reduced healthcare resource utilization, with an overall saving of US$1439 per person per year compared with those who switched to another BI analogue. Overall, the real-world DELIVER programme showed that the glycaemic control with a low risk of hypoglycaemia observed with Gla-300 in RCTs was also seen in standard clinical practice

    Position-dependent shear-induced austenite-martensite transformation in double-notched TRIP and dual-phase steel samples

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    While earlier studies on transformation-induced-plasticity (TRIP) steels focused on the determination of the austenite-to-martensite decomposition in uniform deformation or thermal fields, the current research focuses on the determination of the local retained austenite-to-martensite transformation behaviour in an inhomogeneous yet carefully controlled shear-loaded region of double-notched TRIP and dual-phase (DP) steel samples. A detailed powder analysis has been performed to simultaneously monitor the evolution of the phase fraction and the changes in average carbon concentration of metastable austenite together with the local strain components in the constituent phases as a function of the macroscopic stress and location with respect to the shear band. The metastable retained austenite shows a mechanically induced martensitic transformation in the localized shear zone, which is accompanied by an increase in average carbon concentration of the remaining austenite due to a preferred transformation of the austenite grains with the lowest carbon concentration. At the later deformation stages the geometry of the shear test samples results in the development of an additional tensile component. The experimental strain field within the probed sample area is in good agreement with finite element calculations. The strain development observed in the low-alloyed TRIP steel with metastable austenite is compared with that of steels with the same chemical composition containing either no austenite (a DP grade) or stable retained austenite (a TRIP grade produced at a long bainitic holding time). The transformation of metastable austenite under shear is a complex interplay between the local microstructure and the evolving strain fields
