97 research outputs found

    Perspectief op een schone ruit

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    Deze notitie gaat over de introductie van landschapselementen rond de Ruit van Rotterdam. Planten verwijderen vervuiling uit lucht, water en bodem, geven restruimten een bestemming en verhogen de kwaliteit van de leefomgevin

    Op weg naar een duurzame aardappelteelt bij verdroging

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    Met precisielandbouw kan de efficiency van het watergebruik door gewassen aanzienlijk worden verhoogd. Een geschikte techniek is ondergrondse fertigatie, waarbij water en nutriënten gedoseerd worden toegediend op basis van de gemeten gewasbehoefte

    Priorities and approach of the Dutch research in organic food and farming

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    Organic research in the Netherlands is strongly tuned to the actual demand from the organic sector or enterprises on one hand and future societal development on the other hand. It comprises research activities at different levels varying from strategic (long term) research to production of applied know-ledge. A multidisciplinary approach and participation of different stakeholders in all phases, from devise to result, are important characteristics of the research

    Transition to more water efficient agriculture production in Thailand : Fact finding

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    Thailand will face major water scarcity problems. The question is how Thailand can remain an important producer of agriculture crops (such as rice) while facing severe water shortages in the near future. To generate “more crop per drop” a sequence of innovations need to be introduced

    Irrigation system performance in potato production in Northern Algeria : a case study of the portable sprinkler system

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    This report presents a case study of the performance of the irrigation system commonly used in potato production in Northern Algeria, the portable sprinkler system. The aim is to determine water use, water losses and water distribution uniformity. Furthermore, it is evaluated whether the applied irrigation water can be stored in the root zone, and if irrigation applications match with crop water demand. Based on the findings, some recommendations will be given to improve the system. Algeria is among the countries with the lowest renewable water resources per capita in the world, but currently, data and information on irrigation system performance is lacking. In this study, the portable sprinkler system is evaluated by means of field measurements (catch can test, sprinkler discharge measurement, soil moisture measurements) and modelling (CROPWAT 8.0 model). It was found that water losses due to wind drift and evaporation are rather high (36%) compared to values found in literature, whereas the water distribution uniformity was low (DU 34.6% and CU 51.2%), from which it can be concluded that the system performs poorly. Furthermore, it was found that water applications are too high, especially in the beginning of the growing season. The most important recommendation to improve the performance of the irrigation system is an alternative irrigation schedule, adapting the timing and duration of irrigation events to crop water demand and the water storage capacity of the root zone

    Current potato production in Algeria : an explorative research of the current potato production systems in two regions

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    While Algeria is among the countries with the lowest renewable water resources per capita in the world, agriculture accounts for 70-80% of the total water use and municipal water use is expected to almost double in the next twenty years. As potato is in Algeria the main irrigated crop and the first vegetable crop in terms of area and production, improving the potato production system and rationalizing the use of water is key to sustain the production in the future and to maintain and enhance food safety. Coherent information of the current potato production system is crucial to improve a system and since this is lacking, we research what is the current situation for potato production in two main production areas of Algeria, in a Mediterranean and desert climate. Through interviews with farmers, other stakeholders and field visits in both areas the current systems are described, analysed on main weaknesses, followed by and advice regarding improvement and implementation of the subsequent project which will be a setup of a demonstration farm to introduce a more productive and sustainable system. It was found that the systems have many points for improvement regarding productivity and sustainability. That both regions have a lack of technology and accurate data of 1) the exact inputs applied, and 2) the exact requirements, especially regarding water supply, lies on the basis of most weaknesses, resulting in rough irrigation, fertilizer and pest management. The main recommendation is to elaborate research of the current system with productivity as focal point to make clear what are the economic advantages for a farmer to adapt the new system. Farmer Field Schools are proposed as a practical and hands-on management approach to implement suggested improvement practices and to introduce a new production system