366 research outputs found

    Dependence of the open-closed field line boundary in Saturn's ionosphere on both the IMF and solar wind dynamic pressure:comparison with the UV auroral oval observed by the HST

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    We model the open magnetic field region in Saturn's southern polar ionosphere during two compression regions observed by the Cassini spacecraft upstream of Saturn in January 2004, and compare these with the auroral ovals observed simultaneously in ultraviolet images obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. The modelling employs the paraboloid model of Saturn's magnetospheric magnetic field, whose parameters are varied according to the observed values of both the solar wind dynamic pressure and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) vector. It is shown that the open field area responds strongly to the IMF vector for both expanded and compressed magnetic models, corresponding to low and high dynamic pressure, respectively. It is also shown that the computed open field region agrees with the poleward boundary of the auroras as well as or better than those derived previously from a model in which only the variation of the IMF vector was taken into account. The results again support the hypothesis that the auroral oval at Saturn is associated with the open-closed field line boundary and hence with the solar wind interaction

    Current problems of banking supervision and regulation : a new evidence

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    At present, in the era of globalization, the banking sector failure in one country can cause negative externalities for the financial institutions of other states. The fundamental problem of implementing standards based on Basel II is that these standards contribute to the development of pro-cyclicality of banking regulation. The authors emphasize the need to design such a regulatory system, which should contribute to innovative development and at the same time restrain socially dubious novelties. Therefore, the article substantiates the need to increase the size of the capital ā€œbufferā€, which is intended to address the problem of improving the financial situation and increasing the financial viability of the largest banks and banking systems. This reduces risks and increases the capital ā€œsafety cushionā€, as well as optimizes the impact on the commercial banks behavior caused by the use of counter-cyclical capital regulation requirements. The conducted research supported the hypothesis put forward by the authors that when forming a countercyclical capital buffer it is necessary to focus on indicators of: return on assets of the banking system (ROŠ) and return on equity (ROE), depending on GDP growth, but this dependence does not become evident immediately, but with a time lag of 1 year. The object of the research is the banking system of Russia.peer-reviewe

    Statistical analysis and forecast of assessing the development of grain market on the south of Russia

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    Purpose: The article aims to identify the trends in the development of grain production in the Rostov region. The expert assessment of the production and export of grain, with a breakdown of the main achievements, is very important from the point of view of forecasting the development of the results of agricultural production of farmers in this region. Design/Methodology/Approach: To identify the prospects for the development of production for grain crops in the Rostov region, it is necessary: first, to identify the main directions of their development, second, to identify negative phenomena in this sector and third to identify the main activities that will help to eliminate agricultural sector reform. Findings: To identify trends in the development of grain production in the Rostov region, as well as assess the export volume of grain abroad, detailing the main achievements and results of agricultural production of farmers, a large array of statistical data from leading Russian and international analytical agencies were used. By expert evaluation, they were processed, which allowed the authors to make a forecast of grain production and export. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be used to draw up sound plans for the volumes of grain production and grain exports, as well as to further assess the forecasts for the development of agricultural production. Originality/Value: The study made it possible to draw a conclusion on the development of agricultural production in part of the grain market in a single region.peer-reviewe

    IMF dependence of Saturn's auroras: modelling study of HST and Cassini data from 12ā€“15 February 2008

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    To gain better understanding of auroral processes in Saturn's magnetosphere, we compare ultraviolet (UV) auroral images obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) with the position of the open-closed field line boundary in the ionosphere calculated using a magnetic field model that employs Cassini measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) as input. Following earlier related studies of pre-orbit insertion data from January 2004 when Cassini was located ~ 1300 Saturn radii away from the planet, here we investigate the interval 12ā€“15 February 2008, when UV images of Saturn's southern dayside aurora were obtained by the HST while the Cassini spacecraft measured the IMF in the solar wind just upstream of the dayside bow shock. This configuration thus provides an opportunity, unique to date, to determine the IMF impinging on Saturn's magnetosphere during imaging observations, without the need to take account of extended and uncertain interplanetary propagation delays. The paraboloid model of Saturn's magnetosphere is then employed to calculate the magnetospheric magnetic field structure and ionospheric open-closed field line boundary for averaged IMF vectors that correspond, with appropriate response delays, to four HST images. We show that the IMF-dependent open field region calculated from the model agrees reasonably well with the area lying poleward of the UV emissions, thus supporting the view that the poleward boundary of Saturn's auroral oval in the dayside ionosphere lies adjacent to the open-closed field line boundary

    Discovery of small molecules that activate RNA-methylation through cooperative binding to the METTL3/14/WTAP complex active site

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    Chemical modifications of RNA provide an additional, epitranscriptomic, level of control over cellular functions. N-6-methylated adenosines (m6As) are found in several types of RNA, and their amounts are regulated by methyltransferases and demethylases. One of the most important enzymes catalyzing generation of m6A on mRNA is the trimer N-6-methyltransferase METTL3-14-WTAP complex. Its activity has been linked to such critical biological processes as cell differentiation, proliferation, and death. We used in silico-based discovery to identify small-molecule ligands that bind to METTL3-14-WTAP and determined experimentally their binding affinity and kinetics, as well as their effect on enzymatic function. We show that these ligands serve as activators of the METTL3-14-WTAP complex

    Observation of second flexural mode enhancement in graphene resonators

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    The enhancement of the second flexural mode in a monolayer graphene resonator by an inhomogeneous electrostatic actuation force has been observed. The devices have been fabricated by transferring the graphene onto a poly-Si/SiO2/Si substrate whereby the poly-Si has been released to produce graphene resonators. Enhancement of the second harmonic has been demonstrated by varying the actuation voltage, achieving an amplitude enhancement of up to 95% of the fundamental mode. The reported findings open new perspectives for graphene resonant sensors with enhanced sensitivity.</p
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