1,223 research outputs found


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    У статті розглянуті деякі праці проф. Юрія Блохина з лесезнавства, праці останнього періоду діяльності Лесі Українки, в яких вона виявила себе як неоромантик у поєднанні з неокласиком. Письменниця пішла своїм шляхом: дивилася в минуле інших націй і будувала майбутнє своєї нації. Джерелом її творів була західноєвропейська романтика ХІХ століття. У своїх творах розвивала неоромантику, відповідно до ментальності української нації та її історії боротьби за визволення. Some papers of prof. Yuri Blokhin on forestry, works of the last period of L. Ukrainka’s work, in which she found herself neo-romantic and united with neoclassicism. Lesya went his own way: he looked in the past of other nations and built the future your of nation. The source of her works was Western-romanticism of the XIX century. In his writings, neo-romantics was developed, taking into account the mentality of the Ukrainian nation and its history of struggle for liberty

    The role of fragmentation in interaction of meteoroids with the Earth's atmosphere

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    As a rule, when analyzing the mechanism of quasi continuous fragmentation (QCF) it is assumed that fragments separated from the parent meteoroid (PM) are of equal initial mass. In reality, this may not be so. A major difficulty is the lack of observational data on the function of the fragment initial mass distribution and so one must resort to theoretical modeling. A discrete distribution is considered which excluded to a certain extent some mathematical difficulties. The calculation results are given and discussed

    Problems of distance education in high school

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    В статье рассматриваются проблемы развития системы дистанционного образования. Внедрение инновационных технологий в высшей школе требует значительных финансовых затрат. Однако развитие дистанционного образования дает возможность большинству людей получать образование, экономить деньги, выбирать удобное время для обучения, повышать квалификацию.This article discusses the development of distance education. Introduction of innovative technologies in higher education requires considerable financial costs. However, the development of distance education makes it possible for most people to get an education, to save money, choose a convenient time for learning, improve their qualifications

    Александр Степанович Попов — изобретатель радио

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    Biographical details of Alexander Stepanovich Popov are stated in the paper, years of education in religious schools, seminary, St. Petersburg University. It was the University where he became an educated engineer-electrician. Repeating Hertz’s experiments and improving them A. S. Popov created the first in the world radio receiver. That is why May, 7 the date of publication of A. S. Popov of his invention is considered to be the birthday of radio. A. S. Popov was one of the originators of radioengineering industry and education in Russia.Излагаются биографические сведения об Александре Степановиче Попове, годы обучения в духовных училищах, духовной семинарии, Санкт-Петербургском университете. Именно в университете он становится высокообразованным инженером-электриком. Повторяя опыты Г. Герца и усовершенствуя их, А. С. Попов постепенно приходит к созданию первого в мире радиоприемника. Именно поэтому 7 мая — дата опубликования Поповым своего изобретения — считается днем рождения радио. А. С. Попов стоял также у истоков организации радиопромышленности и радиотехнического образования в России

    Global existence for the system of the macroscopic balance equations of charge transport in semiconductors

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    AbstractGlobal existence of a solution to the nonlinear balance equations of charge transport in semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle [Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 11 (1999) 307–325; Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 12 (2000) 31–51] is proven for a typical 1D problem under certain restrictions on the doping profile and the initial data

    Study of the stability in the problem on flowing around a wedge. The case of strong wave

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    AbstractWe consider the flow of an inviscid nonheatconducting gas in the thermodynamical equilibrium state around a plane infinite wedge and study the stationary solution to this problem, the so-called strong shock wave; the flow behind the shock front is subsonic.We find a solution to a mixed problem for a linear analog of the initial problem, prove that the solution trace on the shock wave is the superposition of direct and reflected waves, and, the main point, justify the Lyapunov asymptotical stability of the strong shock wave provided that the angle at the wedge vertex is small, the uniform Lopatinsky condition is fulfilled, the initial data have a compact support, and the solvability conditions take place if needed (their number depends on the class in which the generalized solution is found)