21 research outputs found

    On Rational Delegations in Liquid Democracy

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    Liquid democracy is a proxy voting method where proxies are delegable. We propose and study a game-theoretic model of liquid democracy to address the following question: when is it rational for a voter to delegate her vote? We study the existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibria in this model, and how group accuracy is affected by them. We complement these theoretical results by means of agent-based simulations to study the effects of delegations on group's accuracy on variously structured social networks.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. This paper (without Appendix) appears in the proceedings of AAAI'1

    Multi-agent learning dynamics

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    Preface to the special issue: adaptive and learning agents

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    Environmental effects on simulated emotional and moody agents

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    Determining Accessible Sidewalk Width by Extracting Obstacle Information from Point Clouds

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    Obstacles on the sidewalk often block the path, limiting passage and resulting in frustration and wasted time, especially for citizens and visitors who use assistive devices (wheelchairs, walkers, strollers, canes, etc). To enable equal participation and use of the city, all citizens should be able to perform and complete their daily activities in a similar amount of time and effort. Therefore, we aim to offer accessibility information regarding sidewalks, so that citizens can better plan their routes, and to help city officials identify the location of bottlenecks and act on them. In this paper we propose a novel pipeline to estimate obstacle-free sidewalk widths based on 3D point cloud data of the city of Amsterdam, as the first step to offer a more complete set of information regarding sidewalk accessibility.Comment: 4 pages, 9 figures. Presented at the workshop on "The Future of Urban Accessibility" at ACM ASSETS'22. Code for this paper is available at https://github.com/Amsterdam-AI-Team/Urban_PointCloud_Sidewalk_Widt

    Lenient Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning.

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    Much of the success of single agent deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in recent years can be attributed to the use of experience replay memories (ERM), which allow Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) to be trained efficiently through sampling stored state transitions. However, care is required when using ERMs for multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MA-DRL), as stored transitions can become outdated because agents update their policies in parallel [11]. In this work we apply leniency [23] to MA-DRL. Lenient agents map state-action pairs to decaying temperature values that control the amount of leniency applied towards negative policy updates that are sampled from the ERM. This introduces optimism in the value-function update, and has been shown to facilitate cooperation in tabular fully-cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning problems. We evaluate our Lenient-DQN (LDQN) empirically against the related Hysteretic-DQN (HDQN) algorithm [22] as well as a modified version we call scheduled-HDQN, that uses average reward learning near terminal states. Evaluations take place in extended variations of the Coordinated Multi-Agent Object Transportation Problem (CMOTP) [8] which include fully-cooperative sub-tasks and stochastic rewards. We find that LDQN agents are more likely to converge to the optimal policy in a stochastic reward CMOTP compared to standard and scheduled-HDQN agents.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, AAMAS2018 Conference Proceeding

    Stability of Human-Inspired Agent Societies

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    Models of emotion, particularly those based on the Ortony, Clore, and Collins (OCC) account of emotions, have been used as part of agents' decision making processes to explore their effects on cooperation within social dilemmas [7, 19, 22]. We analyse two different interpretations of OCC agents. Firstly, Emotional agents that decide their action using only a model of emotions. To analyse the possibility of evolutionary stability of these agents we use the Prisoner's Dilemma game. We contrast the results with the second interpretation of an OCC agent, the Moody agent [7], which additionally uses a psychology-grounded model of mood. Our analysis highlights the different strategies that are needed to achieve success as a society in terms of both stability and cooperation, in the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. The Emotional agents are better suited playing against a mixed group of agents with differing strategies than the Moody agents are. The Moody agents are more successful than the Emotional agents when only one strategy exists in the society

    Robust Temporal Difference Learning for Critical Domains

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    We present a new Q-function operator for temporal difference (TD) learning methods that explicitly encodes robustness against significant rare events (SRE) in critical domains. The operator, which we call the κ\kappa-operator, allows to learn a robust policy in a model-based fashion without actually observing the SRE. We introduce single- and multi-agent robust TD methods using the operator κ\kappa. We prove convergence of the operator to the optimal robust Q-function with respect to the model using the theory of Generalized Markov Decision Processes. In addition we prove convergence to the optimal Q-function of the original MDP given that the probability of SREs vanishes. Empirical evaluations demonstrate the superior performance of κ\kappa-based TD methods both in the early learning phase as well as in the final converged stage. In addition we show robustness of the proposed method to small model errors, as well as its applicability in a multi-agent context.Comment: AAMAS 201