10 research outputs found

    Technology and feminism : a strange couple

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    The "gender digital divide" constitutes a prolific research program that compares the differences between women and men in access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Nevertheless, those using feminist socio-constructivist perspectives argue for the need to pay attention, not only to "access," but also to "design," in addition to considering social relations as something that is coded within technological artifacts. From this perspective, gender constitutes an integral part of technological production. This paper explores the co-constitution of gender and technology, considering a specific action-research experience. It is argued that the re-signification of gendered and technological codes drifts through: a) the opening of gendered and technological codes; b) the production of new cultural imaginaries that question hegemonic representations of gender; and c) the production of new subjectivities through the reorganization of socio-technical practices to develop performative acts that transform patriarchal relationsLa "brecha digital de g茅nero" constituye un prol铆fico programa de investigaci贸n que compara las diferencias entre mujeres y hombres en el acceso a las Tecnolog铆as de Informaci贸n y Comunicaci贸n. Las perspectivas socio-constructivistas feministas, sin embargo, abogan por la necesidad de prestar atenci贸n no s贸lo al "acceso", sino tambi茅n al "dise帽o", y consideran las relaciones sociales como elementos codificados en el interior los artefactos tecnol贸gicos. Desde esta perspectiva, el g茅nero constituye una parte integral de la producci贸n tecnol贸gica. Este trabajo explora la constituci贸n conjunta de g茅nero y tecnolog铆a a partir de una experiencia de investigaci贸n-acci贸n espec铆fica. Se argumenta que la resignificaci贸n de los c贸digos de g茅nero y tecnol贸gicos se desplaza a trav茅s de: a) la apertura de los c贸digos de g茅nero y tecnol贸gicos; b) la producci贸n de nuevos imaginarios culturales que cuestionan las representaciones hegem贸nicas de g茅nero; y c) la producci贸n de nuevas subjetividades a trav茅s de la reorganizaci贸n de las pr谩cticas socio-t茅cnicas para el desarrollo de actos performativos que transforman las relaciones patriarcales


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    Dancing amidst the flames: Imagination and self-organization in a minor key

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    Drawing from Deleuze and Guattari's (1986) formulation of the concept of a 'minor literature' and Nick Thoburn's extension of this into a 'minor politics' (2003a) this paper examines the relation between the workings of the imagination and forms of self-organization found within anticapitalist organizing of the Industrial Workers of the World and related movements. This paper explores the modulations of the social imaginary found within these particular examples as indicative of a more general process of minor composition. Rather than affirming an already existing and known subjective position (of the people, the workers), it will be argued that rather such campaigns have playfully and strategically redirected and appropriated the social energies found within pop culture to articulate their demands. Copyright 漏 2008 SAGE Publications

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