12 research outputs found

    Oxidation of 1,2-Diols Using Alcohol Dehydrogenases : From Kinetic Characterization to Directed Evolution

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    The use of enzymes as catalysts for chemical transformations has emerged as a “greener” alternative to traditional organic synthesis. An issue to solve though, is that enzymes are designed by nature to catalyze reactions in a living cell and therefore, in many cases, do not meet the requirements of a suitable biocatalyst. By mimicking Darwinian evolution these problems can be addressed in vitro by different types of directed evolution strategies. α-Hydroxy aldehydes and α-hydroxy ketones are important building blocks in the synthesis of natural products, fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. In this thesis, two alcohol dehydrogenases, FucO and ADH-A, have been studied. Their potentials to serve as useful biocatalysts for the production of these classes of molecules have been investigated, and shown to be good. FucO for its strict regiospecificity towards primary alcohols and that it strongly prefers the S-enantiomer of diol substrates. ADH-A for its regiospecificity towards secondary alcohols, its enantioselectivity and that is has the ability to use a wide variety of bulky substrates. The kinetic mechanisms of these enzymes were investigated using pre-steady state kinetics, product inhibition, kinetic isotope effects and solvent viscosity effects, and in both cases, the rate limiting steps were pin-pointed to conformational changes occurring at the enzyme-nucleotide complex state. These characterizations provide an important foundation for further studies on these two enzymes.   FucO is specialized for activity with small aliphatic substrates but is virtually inactive with aryl-substituted compounds. By the use of iterative saturation mutagenesis, FucO was re-engineered and several enzyme variants active with S-3-phenylpropane-1,2-diol and phenylacetaldehyde were obtained. It was shown that these variants capability to act on larger substrates are mainly due to an enlargement of the active site cavity. Furthermore, several amino acids which are important for catalysis and specificity were identified. Phe254 interacts with aryl-substituted substrates through π-π stacking and may be essential for activity with these larger substrates. One mutation caused a loss in the interactions made between the enzyme and the nucleotide and thereby enhanced the turnover number for the preferred substrat

    Oxidation of 1,2-Diols Using Alcohol Dehydrogenases : From Kinetic Characterization to Directed Evolution

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    The use of enzymes as catalysts for chemical transformations has emerged as a “greener” alternative to traditional organic synthesis. An issue to solve though, is that enzymes are designed by nature to catalyze reactions in a living cell and therefore, in many cases, do not meet the requirements of a suitable biocatalyst. By mimicking Darwinian evolution these problems can be addressed in vitro by different types of directed evolution strategies. α-Hydroxy aldehydes and α-hydroxy ketones are important building blocks in the synthesis of natural products, fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. In this thesis, two alcohol dehydrogenases, FucO and ADH-A, have been studied. Their potentials to serve as useful biocatalysts for the production of these classes of molecules have been investigated, and shown to be good. FucO for its strict regiospecificity towards primary alcohols and that it strongly prefers the S-enantiomer of diol substrates. ADH-A for its regiospecificity towards secondary alcohols, its enantioselectivity and that is has the ability to use a wide variety of bulky substrates. The kinetic mechanisms of these enzymes were investigated using pre-steady state kinetics, product inhibition, kinetic isotope effects and solvent viscosity effects, and in both cases, the rate limiting steps were pin-pointed to conformational changes occurring at the enzyme-nucleotide complex state. These characterizations provide an important foundation for further studies on these two enzymes.   FucO is specialized for activity with small aliphatic substrates but is virtually inactive with aryl-substituted compounds. By the use of iterative saturation mutagenesis, FucO was re-engineered and several enzyme variants active with S-3-phenylpropane-1,2-diol and phenylacetaldehyde were obtained. It was shown that these variants capability to act on larger substrates are mainly due to an enlargement of the active site cavity. Furthermore, several amino acids which are important for catalysis and specificity were identified. Phe254 interacts with aryl-substituted substrates through π-π stacking and may be essential for activity with these larger substrates. One mutation caused a loss in the interactions made between the enzyme and the nucleotide and thereby enhanced the turnover number for the preferred substrat

    High-throughput methods for identification of protein-protein interactions involving short linear motifs

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    Interactions between modular domains and short linear motifs (3-10 amino acids peptide stretches) are crucial for cell signaling. The motifs typically reside in the disordered regions of the proteome and the interactions are often transient, allowing for rapid changes in response to changing stimuli. The properties that make domain-motif interactions suitable for cell signaling also make them difficult to capture experimentally and they are therefore largely underrepresented in the known protein-protein interaction networks. Most of the knowledge on domain-motif interactions is derived from low-throughput studies, although there exist dedicated high-throughput methods for the identification of domain-motif interactions. The methods include arrays of peptides or proteins, display of peptides on phage or yeast, and yeast-two-hybrid experiments. We here provide a survey of scalable methods for domain-motif interaction profiling. These methods have frequently been applied to a limited number of ubiquitous domain families. It is now time to apply them to a broader set of peptide binding proteins, to provide a comprehensive picture of the linear motifs in the human proteome and to link them to their potential binding partners. Despite the plethora of methods, it is still a challenge for most approaches to identify interactions that rely on post-translational modification or context dependent or conditional interactions, suggesting directions for further method development

    Stereoselective Oxidation of Aryl-Substituted Vicinal Diols into Chiral α‑Hydroxy Aldehydes by Re-Engineered Propanediol Oxidoreductase

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    α-Hydroxy aldehydes are chiral building blocks used in synthesis of natural products and synthetic drugs. One route to their production is by regioselective oxidation of vicinal diols and, in this work, we aimed to perform the oxidation of 3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol into the corresponding α-hydroxy aldehyde applying enzyme catalysis. Propanediol oxidoreductase from <i>Escherichia coli</i> efficiently catalyzes the stereoselective oxidation of <i>S</i>-1,2-propanediol into <i>S</i>-lactaldehyde. The enzyme, however, shows no detectable activity with aryl-substituted or other bulky alcohols. We conducted ISM-driven directed evolution on FucO and were able to isolate several mutants that were active with <i>S</i>-3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol. The most efficient variant displayed a <i>k</i><sub>cat</sub>/<i>K</i><sub>M</sub> of 40 s<sup>–1</sup> M<sup>–1</sup> and the most enantioselective variant an E-value (<i>S</i>/<i>R</i>) of 80. Furthermore, other isolated variants showed up to 4400-fold increased activity with another bulky substrate, phenylacetaldehyde. The results with engineered propanediol oxidoreductases identified amino acids important for substrate selectivity and asymmetric synthesis of aryl-substituted α-hydroxy aldehydes. In conclusion, our study demonstrates the feasibility of tailoring the catalytic properties of propanediol oxidoreductase for biocatalytic properties

    Identification of a carbonic anhydrase-Rubisco complex within the alpha-carboxysome.

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    Carboxysomes are proteinaceous organelles that encapsulate key enzymes of CO2 fixation-Rubisco and carbonic anhydrase-and are the centerpiece of the bacterial CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM). In the CCM, actively accumulated cytosolic bicarbonate diffuses into the carboxysome and is converted to CO2 by carbonic anhydrase, producing a high CO2 concentration near Rubisco and ensuring efficient carboxylation. Self-assembly of the α-carboxysome is orchestrated by the intrinsically disordered scaffolding protein, CsoS2, which interacts with both Rubisco and carboxysomal shell proteins, but it is unknown how the carbonic anhydrase, CsoSCA, is incorporated into the α-carboxysome. Here, we present the structural basis of carbonic anhydrase encapsulation into α-carboxysomes from Halothiobacillus neapolitanus. We find that CsoSCA interacts directly with Rubisco via an intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain. A 1.98 Å single-particle cryoelectron microscopy structure of Rubisco in complex with this peptide reveals that CsoSCA binding is predominantly mediated by a network of hydrogen bonds. CsoSCAs binding site overlaps with that of CsoS2, but the two proteins utilize substantially different motifs and modes of binding, revealing a plasticity of the Rubisco binding site. Our results advance the understanding of carboxysome biogenesis and highlight the importance of Rubisco, not only as an enzyme but also as a central hub for mediating assembly through protein interactions

    Rubisco forms a lattice inside alpha-carboxysomes

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    Many autotrophic bacteria rely on Rubisco for carbon dioxide fixation. Here the authors report the position, orientation, and structure of Rubisco within alpha-carboxysomes; showing how it polymerizes and can form a lattice inside this compartment. Despite the importance of microcompartments in prokaryotic biology and bioengineering, structural heterogeneity has prevented a complete understanding of their architecture, ultrastructure, and spatial organization. Here, we employ cryo-electron tomography to image alpha-carboxysomes, a pseudo-icosahedral microcompartment responsible for carbon fixation. We have solved a high-resolution subtomogram average of the Rubisco cargo inside the carboxysome, and determined the arrangement of the enzyme. We find that the H. neapolitanus Rubisco polymerizes in vivo, mediated by the small Rubisco subunit. These fibrils can further pack to form a lattice with six-fold pseudo-symmetry. This arrangement preserves freedom of motion and accessibility around the Rubisco active site and the binding sites for two other carboxysome proteins, CsoSCA (a carbonic anhydrase) and the disordered CsoS2, even at Rubisco concentrations exceeding 800 mu M. This characterization of Rubisco cargo inside the alpha-carboxysome provides insight into the balance between order and disorder in microcompartment organization

    Discovery of short linear motif-mediated interactions through phage display of intrinsically disordered regions of the human proteome

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    The intrinsically disordered regions of eukaryotic proteomes are enriched in short linear motifs (SLiMs), which are of crucial relevance for cellular signaling and protein regulation; many mediate interactions by providing binding sites for peptide-binding domains. The vast majority of SLiMs remain to be discovered highlighting the need for experimental methods for their large-scale identification. We present a novel proteomic peptide phage display (ProP-PD) library that displays peptides representing the disordered regions of the human proteome, allowing direct large-scale interrogation of most potential binding SLiMs in the proteome. The performance of the ProP-PD library was validated through selections against SLiM-binding bait domains with distinct folds and binding preferences. The vast majority of identified binding peptides contained sequences that matched the known SLiM-binding specificities of the bait proteins. For SHANK1 PDZ, we establish a novel consensus TxF motif for its non-C-terminal ligands. The binding peptides mostly represented novel target proteins, however, several previously validated protein-protein interactions (PPIs) were also discovered. We determined the affinities between the VHS domain of GGA1 and three identified ligands to 40-130 mu M through isothermal titration calorimetry, and confirmed interactions through coimmunoprecipitation using full-length proteins. Taken together, we outline a general pipeline for the design and construction of ProP-PD libraries and the analysis of ProP-PD-derived, SLiM-based PPIs. We demonstrated the methods potential to identify low affinity motif-mediated interactions for modular domains with distinct binding preferences. The approach is a highly useful complement to the current toolbox of methods for PPI discovery

    Systematic identification of recognition motifs for the hub protein LC8

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    Hub proteins participate in cellular regulation by dynamic binding of multiple proteins within interaction networks. The hub protein LC8 reversibly interacts with more than 100 partners through a flexible pocket at its dimer interface. To explore the diversity of the LC8 partner pool, we screened for LC8 binding partners using a proteomic phage display library composed of peptides from the human proteome, which had no bias toward a known LC8 motif. Of the identified hits, we validated binding of 29 peptides using isothermal titration calorimetry. Of the 29 peptides, 19 were entirely novel, and all had the canonical TQT motif anchor. A striking observation is that numerous peptides containing the TQT anchor do not bind LC8, indicating that residues outside of the anchor facilitate LC8 interactions. Using both LC8-binding and nonbinding peptides containing the motif anchor, we developed the "LC8Pred" algorithm that identifies critical residues flanking the anchor and parses random sequences to predict LC8-binding motifs with similar to 78% accuracy. Our findings significantly expand the scope of the LC8 hub interactome