56 research outputs found

    Using Citizen Science to Collect Coastal Monitoring Data

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    Coastal monitoring is becoming increasingly important as coastal hazard risks increase due to factors such as climate change. Traditional survey methods are often expensive and require technical skills and special equipment which restricts the amount of data that can reasonably be collected. Results from two citizen science projects are presented to assess what data can be extracted from imagery collected by the public. Schemes which incorporate members of the public in the data collection phase of a project offer the opportunity to engage local groups/communities with important coastal issues, while collecting valuable scientific data which can be used by coastal managers to assess the vulnerability of the coast to coastal hazards

    Monitoring deformations of infrastructure networks:A fully automated GIS integration and analysis of InSAR time-series

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    Ageing stock and extreme weather events pose a threat to the safety of infrastructure networks. In most countries, funding allocated to infrastructure management is insufficient to perform systematic inspections over large transport networks. As a result, early signs of distress can develop unnoticed, potentially leading to catastrophic structural failures. Over the past 20 years, a wealth of literature has demonstrated the capability of satellite-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) to accurately detect surface deformations of different types of assets. Thanks to the high accuracy and spatial density of measurements, and a short revisit time, space-borne remote-sensing techniques have the potential to provide a cost-effective and near real-time monitoring tool. Whilst InSAR techniques offer an effective approach for structural health monitoring, they also provide a large amount of data. For civil engineering procedures, these need to be analysed in combination with large infrastructure inventories. Over a regional scale, the manual extraction of InSAR-derived displacements from individual assets is extremely time-consuming and an automated integration of the two datasets is essential to effectively assess infrastructure systems. This paper presents a new methodology based on the fully automated integration of InSAR-based measurements and Geographic Information System-infrastructure inventories to detect potential warnings over extensive transport networks. A Sentinel dataset from 2016 to 2019 is used to analyse the Los Angeles highway and freeway network, while the Italian motorway network is evaluated by using open access ERS/Envisat datasets between 1992 and 2010, COSMO-SkyMed datasets between 2008 and 2014 and Sentinel datasets between 2014 and 2020. To demonstrate the flexibility of the proposed methodology to different SAR sensors and infrastructure classes, the analysis of bridges and viaducts in the two test areas is also performed. The outcomes highlight the potential of the proposed methodology to be integrated into structural health monitoring systems and improve current procedures for transport network management.</p


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    The swash zone is a highly dynamic region of the nearshore in terms of both hydro- and sediment dynamics. Previous work has demonstrated that the majority of swash events transport only small amounts of sediment and net beachface volume change over several hours tends to be small. However, a small number of individual swash events can deposit or remove hundreds of kilograms of sediment per metre width of beach. These events are typically associated with swash flows that involve one or more highly turbulent swash-swash interactions, causing enhanced suspension and transport of sediment (Blenkinsopp et al. 2011). The timing and location of these interactions is complex and small changes in either can lead to very different local flow conditions. The complexity of these flows make sediment transport prediction on a swash-by-swash basis very challenging, and raises the question whether deterministic physical and numerical modelling of swash sediment transport is warranted. </jats:p

    Beach Profile Changes under Sea Level Rise in Laboratory Flume Experiments at Different Scale

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    Laboratory wave flume experiments have been used to provide improved understanding of beach profile evolution under different wave and water level conditions. However, the understanding of the processes involved in the evolution of beach profile under Sea Level Rise (SLR) toward equilibrium is unclear. Two similar, but distorted experiments were performed at large and medium scale in order to study the qualitative morphological changes involved in beach profile evolution under SLR. Both experiments showed similar beach profile evolution. The profile change predicted by the Profile Translation Model (PTM) and the Bruun Rule underestimated the observed reatreat in both experiments. The length of the active beach profile increased under SLR. For the large scale experiment, the reflection coefficient of the beach decreased while the vertical runup increased significantly. The beachface changed faster than the outer surf zone, making the beach more dissipative

    Performance of a dynamic cobble berm revetment for coastal protection, under increasing water level.

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    In a changing climate, sea level rise and projected regional-scale changes in storminess may increase the vulnerability of sandy coastlines to coastal erosion and flooding. As a result, there is increased interest in the development of adaptable, sustainable and effective coastal protection measures to protect these highly variable sandy coastlines. One such example is a dynamic cobble berm revetment; a "soft-engineering" solution (i.e., not fixed) consisting of a cobble berm constructed around the high tide wave runup limit, that has the potential to stabilise the upper beach, provide overtopping protection to the hinterland and translate with water level rise. However, there have been limited applications of dynamic cobble berm revetments to date, and there is a lack of understanding about the efficacy of this coastal protection to current and changing waves and water levels. This study details a prototype-scale experiment conducted to test the behaviour and performance of a dynamic cobble berm revetment as a form of coastal protection against erosive waves and water level increase. Results from the experiment showed that the revetment was "dynamically stable" under wave action as a consistent global shape was retained even though individual cobbles were mobilised under every swash event. Although the front slope and the crest responded to the incident wave condition, the net rate of change was always an order of magnitude lower than the gross rate of change. Tracking of individual cobbles using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology showed that stability of the revetment was likely maintained by rollover transport of cobbles onto the crest, as the revetment moved upward and landward under water level rise. The presence of the revetment reduced the vertical and horizontal runup as well as the retreat of the upper beach. The experimental results presented suggest that a dynamic cobble berm revetment could be a cheap, efficient and low environmental impact engineering solution for protecting sandy coastlines in a changing climate. Some preliminary design guidelines for coastal engineers are also drawn from this experiment

    Monitoring individual wave characteristics in the inner surf with a 2-Dimensional laser scanner (LiDAR)

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    This paper presents an investigation into the use of a 2-dimensional laser scanner (LiDAR) to obtain measurements of wave processes in the inner surf and swash zones of a microtidal beach (Rousty, Camargue, France). The bed is extracted at the wave-by-wave timescale using a variance threshold method on the time series. Individual wave properties were then retrieved from a local extrema analysis. Finally, individual and averaged wave celerities are obtained using a crest-tracking method and cross-correlation technique, respectively, and compared with common wave celerity predictors. Very good agreement was found between the individual wave properties and the wave spectrum analysis, showing the great potential of the scanner to be used in the surf and swash zone for studies of nearshore waves at the wave-by-wave timescale