1,497 research outputs found

    Performance of a New Enhanced Topological Decision-Rule Map-Matching Algorithm for Transportation Applications

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloMap-matching problems arise in numerous transportation-related applications when spatial data is collected using inaccurate GPS technology and integrated with a flawed digital roadway map in a GIS environment. This paper presents a new enhanced post-processing topological decision-rule map-matching algorithm in order to address relevant special cases that occur in the spatial mismatch resolution. The proposed map-matching algorithm includes simple algorithmic improvements: dynamic buffer that varies its size to snap GPS data points to at least one roadway centerline; a comparison between vehicle heading measurements and associated roadway centerline direction; and a new design of the sequence of steps in the algorithm architecture. The original and new versions of the algorithm were tested on different spatial data qualities collected in Canada and United States. Although both versions satisfactorily resolve complex spatial ambiguities, the comparative and statistical analysis indicates that the new algorithm with the simple algorithmic improvements outperformed the original version of the map-matching algorithm.El problema de la ambigüedad espacial ocurre en varias aplicaciones relacionadas con transporte, específicamente cuando existe inexactitud en los datos espaciales capturados con tecnología GPS o cuando son integrados con un mapa digital que posee errores en un ambiente SIG. Este artículo presenta un algoritmo nuevo y mejorado basado en reglas de decisión que es capaz de resolver casos especiales relevantes en modo post-proceso. El algoritmo propuesto incluye las siguientes mejoras algorítmicas: un área de búsqueda dinámica que varía su tamaño para asociar puntos GPS a al menos un eje de calzada, una comparación entre el rumbo del vehículo y la dirección del eje de calzada asignada, y un nuevo diseño de la secuencia de pasos del algoritmo. Tanto el algoritmo original como el propuesto fueron examinados con datos espaciales de diferentes calidades capturados en Canadá y Estados Unidos. Aunque ambas versiones resuelven satisfactoriamente el problema de ambigüedad espacial, el análisis comparativo y estadístico indica que la nueva versión del algoritmo con las mejoras algorítmicas entrega resultados superiores a la versión original del algoritmo.http://ref.scielo.org/9mt55

    Towards a parameter tuning approach for a map-matching algorithm

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    New light on the formation and evolution of bars:Trends in the stellar line-strength indices distribution inside the bar region

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    Aims. Our aim is to study the stellar content of the bar region to constrain its formation and evolution.Methods. Line-strength indices in the bar region of a sample of 6 barred galaxies were employed to derive age and metallicity gradients along the bars using stellar population models.Results. We find clear radial gradients in the line-strength indices for all the galaxies. We find positive gradients within the bar region in the metal indices in four of the six galaxies and opposite trends in the other two. These two galaxies are classified as SAB, and they present exponential bar light profiles. For all the galaxies, we find a positive gradient in the Balmer indices. There is a clear correlation between the position of morphological features inside the bar region with changes in the slope and value of the indices, which indicate changes in the stellar populations, when using stellar population analysis. Therefore, it seems that the bar regions show a gradient in both age and metallicity, changing radially to younger and more meta-rich populations for all the galaxies except for the two with exponential profiles.</p

    Publishing Linked Data - There is no One-Size-Fits-All Formula

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    Publishing Linked Data is a process that involves several design decisions and technologies. Although some initial guidelines have been already provided by Linked Data publishers, these are still far from covering all the steps that are necessary (from data source selection to publication) or giving enough details about all these steps, technologies, intermediate products, etc. Furthermore, given the variety of data sources from which Linked Data can be generated, we believe that it is possible to have a single and uni�ed method for publishing Linked Data, but we should rely on di�erent techniques, technologies and tools for particular datasets of a given domain. In this paper we present a general method for publishing Linked Data and the application of the method to cover di�erent sources from di�erent domains

    Cerebellar cortex granular layer interneurons in the macaque monkey are functionally driven by mossy fiber pathways through net excitation or inhibition

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    The granular layer is the input layer of the cerebellar cortex. It receives information through mossy fibers, which contact local granular layer interneurons (GLIs) and granular layer output neurons (granule cells). GLIs provide one of the first signal processing stages in the cerebellar cortex by exciting or inhibiting granule cells. Despite the importance of this early processing stage for later cerebellar computations, the responses of GLIs and the functional connections of mossy fibers with GLIs in awake animals are poorly understood. Here, we recorded GLIs and mossy fibers in the macaque ventral-paraflocculus (VPFL) during oculomotor tasks, providing the first full inventory of GLI responses in the VPFL of awake primates. We found that while mossy fiber responses are characterized by a linear monotonic relationship between firing rate and eye position, GLIs show complex response profiles characterized by "eye position fields" and single or double directional tunings. For the majority of GLIs, prominent features of their responses can be explained by assuming that a single GLI receives inputs from mossy fibers with similar or opposite directional preferences, and that these mossy fiber inputs influence GLI discharge through net excitatory or inhibitory pathways. Importantly, GLIs receiving mossy fiber inputs through these putative excitatory and inhibitory pathways show different firing properties, suggesting that they indeed correspond to two distinct classes of interneurons. We propose a new interpretation of the information flow through the cerebellar cortex granular layer, in which mossy fiber input patterns drive the responses of GLIs not only through excitatory but also through net inhibitory pathways, and that excited and inhibited GLIs can be identified based on their responses and their intrinsic properties

    Monitoring E-commerce Adoption from Online Data

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    [EN] The purpose of this paper is to propose an intelligent system to automatically monitor the firms¿ engagement in e-commerce by analyzing online data retrieved from their corporate websites. The design of the proposed system combines web content mining and scraping techniques with learning methods for Big Data. Corporate websites are scraped to extract more than 150 features related to the e-commerce adoption, such as the presence of some keywords or a private area. Then, these features are taken as input by a classification model that includes dimensionality reduction techniques. The system is evaluated with a data set consisting of 426 corporate websites of firms based in France and Spain. The system successfully classified most of the firms into those that adopted e-commerce and those that did not, reaching a classification accuracy of 90.6%. This demonstrates the feasibility of monitoring e-commerce adoption from online data. Moreover, the proposed system represents a cost-effective alternative to surveys as method for collecting e-commerce information from companies, and is capable of providing more frequent information than surveys and avoids the non-response errors. This is the first research work to design and evaluate an intelligent system to automatically detect e-commerce engagement from online data. This proposal opens up the opportunity to monitor e-commerce adoption at a large scale, with highly granular information that otherwise would require every firm to complete a survey. In addition, it makes it possible to track the evolution of this activity in real time, so that governments and institutions could make informed decisions earlier.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with Grant TIN2013-43913-R, and by the Spanish Ministry of Education with Grant FPU14/02386.Blazquez, D.; Domenech, J.; Gil, JA.; Pont Sanjuan, A. (2018). 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