38 research outputs found

    A Sváb tükör = The Swabian Mirror

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    Pályázatunkban a Sváb tükör terjedelmes bevezetővel és jegyzetekkel kiegészített magyar nyelvű fordítását készítettük el. A bevezető egy részét német nyelvre fordítottuk. Olyan egységeket, amelyek a külföldi kutatók figyelmét felkelthetik, mint például a Sváb tükör magyarországi hatása. A műhöz maqyar nyelvű személynév- és tárgymutatót készítettünk. A Sváb tükör különösen nagy hatást gyakorolt a középkori magyar városjogra, ezen túlmenően számos művelődéstörténeti adatot tartalmaz, amelyeket több tudományág (történelem, néprajz, településtörténet, Bibliakutatás, stb.) művelői hasznosíthatnak. A munka sikerét bizonyítják a lektori jelentések, amelyek egységesen kiadásra érdemesnek tartották az elkészült anyagot. E jó eredmény a projektben résztvevők magas szakmai ismereteinek és tapasztalatainak köszönhető. Sikerült továbbá a legfontosabb szakirodalmat külföldről könyvtárközi kölcsönzéssel beszerezni, ami a munka szinvonalának emeléséhez nagyban hozzájárult. A kutatási program keretén belül 2008 február 29-én külföldi kutatókkal minikonferenciát rendeztünk Szegeden, amelynek anyagát 2009-ben Schwabenspiegel-forschung im Donaugebiet címmel jelentettük meg. A továbbiakban célunk, hogy újabb pályázatok révén a kéziratban lévő anyagot mielőbb megjelentessük. | The topic of our application was the translation of the Swabian Mirror (Schwaben Spiegel) with a longer introduction and notes. We also attached a subject and a personal name index both for the territorial law and for the feudal law as we planed before. We have posted the completed translation with the introduction, with the notes and the indexes. A part of the introduction had been translated into English. The publisher?s readers adjudged the result of the work to be excellent and they also called our attention on several corrections and completions. One can realize by reading the text that it is a legal source making a deep impact on the history of the medieval Hungarian cities. We organised a conference during the running time of the application on 28 February 2008, on which the scientific presentations moved further the research of the Swabian Mirror. Since then we have published the volume of the conference including the texts of the mentioned lectures. It is necessary to provide for the publication of the whole piece to let the Hungarian medieval historians get known with it. We are involved in this job henceforward. This way the Swabian Mirror will be enjoyable in Hungarian not for the researchers only but it can be taken part in the education, too, and the public audience also can get closer to it. Publishing the Swabian Mirror opens a newer window on Europe for the medieval investigators

    Die wirkung des Schwabenspiegels in Ungarn

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    Hospes rights and Árpád-era towns

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    The great migration upset the geographical location and legal order of the peoples who had lived in Europe until then, and gave birth to new states; nevertheless, the migration of individuals and groups for various reasons did not stop there. Movements from north to south and vice versa continued, but the dominant direction was from west to east. Overpopulation was the driving force behind much of the migration. In the north, the Frisians and the Dutch set off towards the Polish territories and the Principality of Kiev, while further south, many of the Walloons and French began their migratory journeys. Many of them reached the Carpathian Basin, probably at that time already travelling along the Danube, or rather its valley. In time, these peoples were followed by the Germans. These foreigners with free status were called hospes, ‘guests’ or ‘guest settlers’ in Hungary, regardless of their social status, whether they were clerics, knights, craftsmen or peasants. Later, Hungarians and Slavs who migrated individually and in groups within the territory of Hungary were also called hospes

    Szabadka története a tatárjárásig

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