81 research outputs found

    Propriété, politique et délimitation des groupes sociaux : le débat sur les rentes fonciÚres, 1789-1811

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    La lĂ©gislation anti fĂ©odale de la RĂ©volution ne dĂ©termine pas clairement si les rentes fonciĂšres Ă©taient fĂ©odales par nature, et donc abolies. Cette ambiguĂŻtĂ© a entrouvert la porte aux litiges entre dĂ©tenteurs de rentes fonciĂšres et propriĂ©taires soumis Ă  ces derniĂšres. Pour compliquer encore les choses, l’État a lui-mĂȘme pris possession de millions de rentes lors qu’il a sĂ©cularisĂ© les terres d’Église, et a Ă©tĂ© tentĂ© d’en tirer profit. Cet article revient sur le dĂ©bat qui eut lieu entre les dĂ©tenteurs de rentes fonciĂšres, leurs dĂ©biteurs et l’État. Couvrant la rĂ©publique directoriale et les premiĂšres annĂ©es du Consulat, la controverse a rebondi en 1810 lors qu’une vague d’annexions en Europe a rouvert la question de l’abolition de la fĂ©odalitĂ©. L’article souligne comment des groupes sociaux opposĂ©s se sont dĂ©finis autour des enjeux de la dĂ©finition politico-juridique de la propriĂ©tĂ© lĂ©gitime.The Revolution’s anti-feudal legislation did not clearly determine if ground rents were feudal in nature and thus abolished. This ambiguity left room for disputes between property owners who possessed ground rents and those whose lands were subject to them. To complicate matters further, the financially-strapped State had itself taken possession of millions of livres worth of ground rents when it nationalized the property of the Church and was sorely tempted to exploit this valuable resource. This article explores the triangular debate between the owners of ground rents, the debitors of those rents, and the State. Spanning the Directorial period and early years of the Consulate, the controversy flared a gain in 1810 when a wave of Napoleonic annexations in Europe reopened the question of how to abolish feudalism. The article highlights how opposing social groups defined by financial interest coalesced around the political-legal problem of defining what constituted legitimate property

    Caste, class and profession in old regime France: the French army and the SĂ©gur reform of 1781

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    First published in French in 1974, David D. Bien’s essay on the nature of nobility in old regime France pivoted around the 1781 “SĂ©gur regulation” that required four generations of nobility for most officers entering the army. Once seen as a classic manifestation of the so-called “aristocratic reaction” against commoners, the loi SĂ©gur, in Bien’s deft analysis, instead emerges as a telling sign of tensions within an increasingly divided nobility. While exploding crude myths about class conflict and its causative role in the Revolution, Bien mounts a strong case for viewing eighteenth-century social tensions as the product of professional identity as much as social class. This study is presented here for the first time in English with a short preface by Rafe Blaufarb, and a wide-ranging introduction by Jay M. Smith that places Bien’s work in the wider context of historical thinking over the past half-century on the origins of the French Revolution.Publisher PD

    Démocratie et professionnalisme : l'avancement par l'élection dans l'armée française, 1760-1815

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    Rafer Blaufarb, Demokratie oder Professionalisms. Die Beforderung in der französischen ArmĂ©e durch Wahl, 1760-1815. Die verfassungsgebende Versammlung lehnte die Beförderung durch Wahl in der ArmĂ©e ab, fĂŒhrte jedoch die allgemeine Wahl in der Nationalgarde ein. SpĂ€ter wurde die Wahl zur Regel in den Freiwilligenbataillonen, die nach dem Sommer 1791 ausgehoben wurden. Das Gesetz vom 21. Februar 1793 stellte einen Kompromiß dar : ein Drittel der Beförderungen wurde traditionell vollzogen, zwei Drittel ĂŒber Wahlen. Das Gesetz vom 1. Floreal des Jahres II brachte noch einen dritten Weg der Beforderung : die Ernennung durch die Regierung. Mit dem Gesetz vom 14. Germinal des Jahres III wurde die Wahl durch hierarchisch Untergeordnete beseitigt, der Weg stand nun dem Korporatismus im Inneren der Armee offen. Bis zum Ende des Empires ließ Napoleon, der zwar die zivilen Wahlen abschaffte, in der Armee Wahl und Ernennung durch hierarchisch Übergeord- nete nebeneinander fortbestehen.Rafer Blaufarb, Democracy of professionalism. Advancement by election in the French army, 1760-1815. The Constituant Assembly rejected the idea of advancement in the army by election but instituted a generalized electoral system in the National Guard. At that time, elections were the rule in the volunteer batallions put together after the summer of 1791. The amalgamation of the old army and the new army put the problem of elections into sharp relief. The law of 21 February 1793 constituted a compromise : one-third of the promotions were reserved for the seniority, two-thirds for election. The law of 1 floreal Year II added a third method for promotion : nomination by the government. The law of 14 germinal Year III abolished elections by the lower ranks : the way was opened to corporatism in the interior of the army. Even though he had suppressed civil elections, NapolĂ©on allowed electoral promotion in the army to coexist with nomination by the superior ranks until the end of the Empire.Rafer Blaufarb, Democrazia o professionismo. L'avanzamento per elezione nell 'esercito francese, 1760-1815. La Costituente respinse l'elezione per avanzamento nell'esercito ma instaurĂČ l'elezione generalizzata nella Guardia nazionale. Poi l'elezione fu la regola nei battaglioni di volontari arruolati dopo Testate 1791. II miscuglio tra esercito antico ed esercito nuovo pose di nuovo con acuitĂ  il problema dell'elezione. La legge del 21 Febbraio 1793 costitui un compromesso : un terzo delle promozioni si fece per anzianitĂ , due terzi per elezione. La legge del primo Fiorile dell'anno II aggiunse un terzo modo di promozione : la nomina dal governo. La legge del 14 Germinale dell'anno III aboli l'elezione dagli inferiori gerarchici : la strada era aperta al corporativismo all''interno dell'esercito. Fino alla fine dell'Impero, Napoleone, che soprimesse le elezioni civili, eppure lasciĂČ l'elezione coesistere nell 'esercito con la nomina dai superiori gerarchici.Rafer Blaufarb, DĂ©mocratie ou professionnalisme. L'avancement par l'Ă©lection dans l'armĂ©e française. 1760-1815. La Constituante rejeta l'Ă©lection par l'avancement dans l'armĂ©e mais instaura l'Ă©lection gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e dans la Garde nationale. Puis l'Ă©lection fut la rĂšgle dans les bataillons de volontaires levĂ©s aprĂšs l'Ă©tĂ© 1791. L'amalgame entre armĂ©e ancienne et armĂ©e nouvelle posa Ă  nouveau avec acuitĂ© le problĂšme de l'Ă©lection. La loi du 21 fĂ©vrier 1793 constitua un compromis : un tiers des promotions se fit Ă  l'anciennetĂ©, deux tiers par Ă©lection. La loi du 1er florĂ©al an II ajouta un troisiĂšme mode d'avancement : la nomination par le gouvernement. La loi du 14 germinal an III abolit l'Ă©lection par les infĂ©rieurs hiĂ©rarchiques : la voie Ă©tait ouverte au corporatisme Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de l'armĂ©e. Jusqu'Ă  la fin de l'Empire, NapolĂ©on, qui pourtant supprima les Ă©lections civiles, laissa l'Ă©lection coexister dans l'armĂ©e avec la nomination par les supĂ©rieurs hiĂ©rarchiques.Blaufarb Rafer. DĂ©mocratie et professionnalisme : l'avancement par l'Ă©lection dans l'armĂ©e française, 1760-1815. In: Annales historiques de la RĂ©volution française, n°310, 1997. pp. 601-625

    Aristocratic professionalism in the age of democratic revolution: The French officer corps, 1750-1815.

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    One of the French Revolution's principal accomplishments was to replace the Old Regime's system of hereditary privilege with a new social logic of individual merit. Nowhere was this shift expressed more sharply than in the French military profession. Before 1789, the officer corps had been an aristocratic preserve, open only to those with four generations of noble ancestry. During the Revolution, in contrast, the military became the leading symbol of the new meritocratic order. In the army, it was said, a young man from modest origins could rise to the highest ranks if he had superior merit; in every soldier's backpack was a marshal's baton. By examining the idea and practice of merit in the officer corps from the reign of Louis XV to the Bourbon Restoration, however, this dissertation shows that Revolutionary meritocracy represented less of a break with the Old Regime than is traditionally assumed. To recover a sense of the complexity which attended the emergence of modern notions of merit, this study explores how the officer corps responded to the unprecedented military, political, and social challenges raised in 1789. The clash between aristocratic professionalism and the Revolution was less intense than one might expect. Merit had long been a central concern of the officers. While noble, the officers had grown increasingly angry in the decades before 1789 at how civilians of illustrious birth, wealth, and influence seemed to monopolize advancement. The officers' frustrations shaped their attitude toward the Revolution, and the meritocratic reforms of 1789-91 were mainly a response to their grievances. To be sure, the officers' early optimism faded in the face of troop mutiny, warfare, and radicalization. Although submerged during the Convention, when concern for political loyalty overshadowed the discussion of merit, the ideas which underlay the officers' original Revolutionary aspirations re-emerged with Napoleon's seizure of power. Like the officers of 1789, Napoleon dreamed of a society where status would be measured by neither genealogy nor wealth, but rather by merit earned in state service.Ph.D.European historyModern historySocial SciencesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/129945/2/9711926.pd

    Le Conseil de la Guerre (1787-1789). Aspects sociaux de la réforme militaire aprÚs l'édit de Ségur

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    Blaufarb Rafer. Le Conseil de la Guerre (1787-1789). Aspects sociaux de la rĂ©forme militaire aprĂšs l'Ă©dit de SĂ©gur. In: Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, tome 43 N°3, Juillet-septembre 1996. pp. 446-463

    Chapitre 13. Le Champ d’Asile : une colonie bonapartiste en AmĂ©rique aprĂšs 1815

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    Pendant la seconde moitiĂ© de l’annĂ©e 1818, un Ă©trange Ă©vĂšnement survenu dans un coin perdu de l’AmĂ©rique du Nord attira l’attention du monde atlantique : il remplit les colonnes des journaux, inspira des tableaux et des poĂšmes, et eut mĂȘme des rĂ©percussions sur les relations diplomatiques avec les pays europĂ©ens. Selon les faits rapportĂ©s, un groupe d’anciens soldats de NapolĂ©on Ă©taient arrivĂ©s dans la partie est du Texas (revendiquĂ©e Ă  l’époque aussi bien par l’Espagne que par les États-Unis..

    La banalitĂ© d’une seigneurie fĂ©minine : EyguiĂšres versus Sade

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    Il y a eu quantitĂ© de recherches, et encore maintenant, sur les femmes dans la France de l’Ancien RĂ©gime. La plupart ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©es Ă  la Western Society et c’est grĂące Ă  ces journĂ©es que je me suis tout d’abord intĂ©ressĂ© Ă  ce sujet. Une partie de ce travail, et probablement la plus grande, s’attache aux femmes de situation sociale marginale ou modeste – veuves, pauvres, prostituĂ©es et artisanes. Au-delĂ  des derniĂšres annĂ©es passĂ©es, j’ai commencĂ© Ă  me demander si notre comprĂ©hension de la..
