409 research outputs found

    Homework : Providing quality activities that engage the students and extend the learning from the classroom

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    Many teachers require homework to be done to extend the learning from school to home. Homework expectations vary from elementary school to high school. This review attempts to look at the benefits of homework and also the issues that assigning homework brings. The review includes samples of variety of homework activities that are student-centered, developmentally appropriate, along with authentic, experiential, and challenging. It discusses ways to motivate students to complete homework and the need for teachers to assign more purposeful and creative activities. This review attempts to involve the parents also as partners in the education of their child as they support homework completion. The goal of all homework should be to lead students to learn more. It examines the traditional use of homework and how we can improve the assignments teachers give to students. It also provides websites as resources for teachers, students and parents that contain a variety of activities and also offer suggestions on ways to assist students in completing their work

    Stress Induced Anisotropy in Pressurized Thick Walled Cylinders

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    The most important mechanical features of propellants arise from the presence of a highly packed array of granular particles (filler), and a distribution of adhesive strengths between the rubbery binder and these particles. The first factor leads to dilatation and the formation of voids in any stress field other than pure hydrostatic compression. The second factor virtually guarantees that the pullaway of the binder from the filler is nonuniform, leading in extreme cases to the so-called "zebra-stripe" effect, or localized dewetting. This factor also is associated with stress relaxation due to the slow flow of the binder from regions of high strain concentration into regions of low concentration or into voids. Finally, because the binder is incompressible, and the filler is for all practical purposes infinitely rigid, most of the macroscopically applied load is concentrated as large strains near the binder-filler interfaces leading to non-linear behavior. At ambient temperature or thereabouts, viscoelasticity as associated with polymer chain uncoiling plays no role in the mechanical behavior of the propellant. Summarizing, the important mechanical features to be expected are 1. Dilatation with void formation when the stress is tensile. 2. Localized dilatation because of nonuniformity of adhesion strengths. 3. Stress relaxation due to binder flow and perhaps due to particle movement at a very slow rate determined by frictional and adhesive effects . 4. Nonlinear stress-strain relations due to high local strains at binder-filler interfaces

    The Effect of Resin Bonding on Long-Term Success of High-Strength Ceramics

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    Digital manufacturing, all-ceramics, and adhesive dentistry are currently the trendiest topics in clinical restorative dentistry. Tooth- and implant-supported fixed restorations from computer-aided design (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)–fabricated high-strength ceramics—namely, alumina and zirconia—are widely accepted as reliable alternatives to traditional metal-ceramic restorations. Most recent developments have focused on high-translucent monolithic full-contour zirconia restorations, which have become extremely popular in a short period of time, due to physical strength, CAD/CAM fabrication, and low cost. However, questions about proper resin bonding protocols have emerged, as they are critical for clinical success of brittle ceramics and treatment options that rely on adhesive bonds, specifically resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses or partial-coverage restorations such as inlays/onlays and veneers. Resin bonding has long been the gold standard for retention and reinforcement of low- to medium-strength silica-based ceramics but requires multiple pretreatment steps of the bonding surfaces, increasing complexity, and technique sensitivity compared to conventional cementation. Here, we critically review and discuss the evidence on resin bonding related to long-term clinical outcomes of tooth- and implant-supported high-strength ceramic restorations. Based on a targeted literature search, clinical long-term studies indicate that porcelain-veneered alumina or zirconia full-coverage crowns and fixed dental prostheses have high long-term survival rates when inserted with conventional cements. However, most of the selected studies recommend resin bonding and suggest even greater success with composite resins or self-adhesive resin cements, especially for implant-supported restorations. High-strength ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses have high long-term clinical success rates, especially when designed as a cantilever with only 1 retainer. Proper pretreatment of the bonding surfaces and application of primers or composite resins that contain special adhesive monomers are necessary. To date, there are no clinical long-term data on resin bonding of partial-coverage high-strength ceramic or monolithic zirconia restorations. © 2017, © International & American Associations for Dental Research 2017

    On the Simple Tensile Deformation of an Incompressible Rubber Matrix Filled with Non-Adherent Rigid Spheres of Uniform Size Distribution

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    Two striking features revealed in a photograph (cf Figure 1) of a thin film of rubber binder highly filled with glass beads are: a) that the growth of voids around particles increases with increasing strain and b) that the preferred direction of the void growth seems to be in the direction of the applied macroscopic strain. It is obvious that the local stress field around particles in a deformed composite is not as high as it would be if the binder did not pull away from the filler particles. On the other hand, because of the high rigidity of the particles relative to the binder, the local stress field in the binder will still be significantly higher than the average macroscopic stress field. It is of interest to define both this stress field and the associated dilatation in terms of a simple model

    A chloride channel in rat and human axons

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    Current recordings from single chloride channels were obtained from excised and cell-attached patches of rat and human axons. In rat axons the channels showed an outwardly rectifying current-voltage relationship with a slope conductance of 33 pS at negative membrane potentials and 65 pS at positive potentials (symmetrical 150 mM CsCl). They were measurably for cations (PNa/PCs/PCl=0.1/0.2/1). Channel currents were independent of cytoplasmatic calcium concentration. Inactivation was not observed and gating was weakly voltage dependent. Cl− channels in human axons showed similar gating behavior but had a lower conductance

    Fundamental Studies Relating to Systems Analysis of Solid Propellants

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    As in the previous progress reports, the contents in this report have been categorized so as to present a clear picture of their role in contributing to the problem of mechanical failure analysis. The subject of material representation by mechanical failure analysis. The subject of material representation by mechanical models is discussed in Section I, while Section II contains additions to the subject of Elastic Solutions for cylinders. The Engineering Analysis section includes an example of the strain response of an internal star grain to pressure. A damped sinusoid has been assumed for the pressure rise, and the use of stress concentration factors for a star grain is demonstrated. Section V on failure includes some preliminary test results which indicate the feasibility of the cumulative damage concept for composite (polyurethane) propellants, at least in the limited range tested. Recommendations are given which would expand this testing to show how damage accumulates under other conditions such as low temperatures, high strain-rates and with other types of propellant

    Borderline Aggregation Kinetics in ``Dry'' and ``Wet'' Environments

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    We investigate the kinetics of constant-kernel aggregation which is augmented by either: (a) evaporation of monomers from finite-mass clusters, or (b) continuous cluster growth -- \ie, condensation. The rate equations for these two processes are analyzed using both exact and asymptotic methods. In aggregation-evaporation, if the evaporation is mass conserving, \ie, the monomers which evaporate remain in the system and continue to be reactive, the competition between evaporation and aggregation leads to several asymptotic outcomes. For weak evaporation, the kinetics is similar to that of aggregation with no evaporation, while equilibrium is quickly reached in the opposite case. At a critical evaporation rate, the cluster mass distribution decays as k5/2k^{-5/2}, where kk is the mass, while the typical cluster mass grows with time as t2/3t^{2/3}. In aggregation-condensation, we consider the process with a growth rate for clusters of mass kk, LkL_k, which is: (i) independent of kk, (ii) proportional to kk, and (iii) proportional to kμk^\mu, with 0<μ<10<\mu<1. In the first case, the mass distribution attains a conventional scaling form, but with the typical cluster mass growing as tlntt\ln t. When LkkL_k\propto k, the typical mass grows exponentially in time, while the mass distribution again scales. In the intermediate case of LkkμL_k\propto k^\mu, scaling generally applies, with the typical mass growing as t1/(1μ)t^{1/(1-\mu)}. We also give an exact solution for the linear growth model, LkkL_k\propto k, in one dimension.Comment: plain TeX, 17 pages, no figures, macro file prepende

    Fundamental Studies Relating to Systems Analysis of Solid Propellants : Progress Report No. 6 - GALCIT 101, Subcontract No. R 69752, January 1, 1960-May 31, 1960

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    Previous reports of this series have attempted to define some of the important parameters affecting structural integrity of solid propellant rocket grains. Three general areas have been discussed, namely material properties, analytical procedures, and criteria for mechanical failure. This particular report is devoted to failure criteria, including both limiting deformation and fracture. First of all, the characteristic material properties of filled and unfilled elastomers are described, followed by a brief description of current and proposed tests which can be conducted to obtain experimental information relating to these characteristics in such a form that they can be incorporated in structural integrity analyses. In particular, the necessity for multi-axial tests is stressed in conjunction with minor requirements for new experimental equipment. The selection of appropriate fracture criteria is discussed. Most progress, however, can be reported only in criteria for unfilled elastomers for small and large strains where it appears a distortion strain energy density may be used. It is necessary to delay any really definitive remarks upon filled elastomers or actual grain composites, and subsequent use with cumulative damage analyses, until additional experimental data for propellants is forthcoming