349 research outputs found

    Carlo Sbisà e il teatro

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    Analyzing the relations between Carlo Sbisà and the world of theatre, seems obvious to me that his interest for the scenes was born in his first youth and this is attested also by some of his first draws, today in the family’s collection. Furthermore, during the 40s and the 50s, he worked on the sketches for Trittico, lyrical theatre piece set for the first time in Trieste in 1949. Those sketches are today stored in the collection of Theatre’s Museum “Carlo Schmidl” of Trieste and my studies wish to contextualize them among his career and in relation to his artworks. Thanks to this focus, I had the pleasure to discover how his personal life story has been connected to the sphere of culture, music and, in particular, theatre

    Chemical fingerprint of plastic litter in sediments and holothurians from Croatia: Assessment & relation to different environmental factors

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    This paper increases knowledge on litter transfer from sediments towards the trophic web throughout sea cucumbers, key protected benthic species. In October, sediment and holothurian samples from seventeen sampling sites from Croatian Islands characterized by different levels of protection (Silba n = 7; Tela\u161\u107ica MPA n = 10) were collected. Collected particles ranged in sediments within 113.4\u2013377.8 items/kg d.w., and in holothurians within 0.6\u20139.4 items/animal, showing sizes within 1.4\u201310,493 \u3bcm. In holothurians, cellulose and cellulose acetate (non-synthetic materials) mean percentages were within 5.0\u201312.7% of the total amount of particles. Nylon fibres ranged within 0\u201326.7%; while PP, PE, PA, and PS% were more abundant than in sediments. Among factors of variability tested, \u201cisland group\u201d and \u201clevel of protection\u201d resulted to affect plastic composition in sediments. Otherwise, other environmental factors (i.e. orientation, morphology of sampling site, P. oceanica) were significantly related to chemical composition of microplastic ingested by holothurians

    La merluza peruana Merluccius gayi peruanus Ginsburg evaluada en el verano del 2004

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    Se ha analizado la dieta consumida por Merluccius gayi peruanus, durante el verano 2004, en función a la talla, sexo, latitud, estrato de profundidad y grupo horario. Además, se ha determinado la ración diaria, los grupos tróficos, y la variación del peso del contenido estomacal. Se analizaron 4584 estómagos, sólo el 36% presentó contenido; se identificaron 43 tipos de presas: 18 crustáceos, 18 peces y 7 cefalópodos; dominaron los eufáusidos (%IRI = 80,5) y el canibalismo (%IRI = 13,3). No se registró diferencias en la dieta por sexos en individuos menores de 35 cm, pero sí entre los mayores o los menores a esta talla. Las unidades tróficas variaron por estrato de profundidad y latitud.Proyecto GEF -PNUD - GEMC

    Stratocumulus cloud height variations determined from surface and satellite observations

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    Determination of cloud-top heights from satellite-inferred cloud-top temperatures is a relatively straightforward procedure for a well-behaved troposphere. The assumption of a monotonically decreasing temperature with increasing altitude is commonly used to assign a height to a given cloud-top temperature. In the hybrid bispectral threshold method, or HBTM, Minnis et al. (1987) assume that the lapse rate for the troposphere is -6.5/Kkm and that the surface temperature which calibrated this lapse rate is the 24 hour mean of the observed or modeled clear-sky, equivalent blackbody temperature. The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) algorithm (Rossow et al., 1988) attempts a more realistic assignment of height by utilizing interpolations of analyzed temperature fields from the National Meteorological Center (NMC) to determine the temperature at a given level over the region of interest. Neither these nor other techniques have been tested to any useful extent. The First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) Intensive Field Observations (IFO) provide an excellent opportunity to assess satellite-derived cloud height results because of the availability of both direct and indirect cloud-top altitude data of known accuracy. The variations of cloud-top altitude during the Marine Stratocumulus IFO (MSIFO, June 29 to July 19, 1987) derived from surface, aircraft, and satellite data are examined

    Epidemiology and fitness effects of wood mouse herpesvirus in a natural host population

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    Rodent gammaherpesviruses have become important models for understanding human herpesvirus diseases. In particular, interactions between murid herpesvirus 4 and Mus musculus (a non-natural host species) have been extensively studied under controlled laboratory conditions. However, several fundamental aspects of murine gammaherpesvirus biology are not well understood, including how these viruses are transmitted from host to host, and their impacts on host fitness under natural conditions. Here, we investigate the epidemiology of a gammaherpesvirus in free-living wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) and bank voles (Myodes glareolus) in a 2-year longitudinal study. Wood mouse herpesvirus (WMHV) was the only herpesvirus detected and occurred frequently in wood mice and also less commonly in bank voles. Strikingly, WMHV infection probability was highest in reproductively active, heavy male mice. Infection risk also showed a repeatable seasonal pattern, peaking in spring and declining through the summer. We show that this seasonal decline can be at least partly attributed to reduced recapture of WMHV-infected adults. These results suggest that male reproductive behaviours could provide an important natural route of transmission for these viruses. They also suggest that gammaherpesvirus infection may have significant detrimental effects in wild hosts, questioning the view that these viruses have limited impacts in natural, co-evolved host species

    Las ordenanzas municipales y la mejora de la seguridad ciudadana en la jurisdicción de la comisaría de Zárate período 2021

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    Debido a los altos índices de inseguridad ciudadana que se registran en Lima y en base a las cifras de inseguridad y diversos delitos cometidos en la Jurisdicción de la Comisaría de Zarate, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo poder determinar la relación existente entre las ordenanzas municipales y la mejora de la seguridad ciudadana en la jurisdicción de la comisaría de Zarate periodo 2021. La metodología empleada fue de diseño descriptivo correlacional no experimental de corte transversal, la muestra que participó de la investigación estuvo conformada por 90 personas pertenecientes a las zonas dentro de Zarate, Campoy y Mangomarca, a quienes se les evaluó con dos cuestionarios sobre las ordenanzas municipales y la seguridad ciudadana, también se formuló entrevistas a personal policial y municipal relacionado a la seguridad ciudadana. Entre los principales resultados se halló que el 70% perciben en un nivel bajo a las ordenanzas municipales mientras que el 70% siente que la seguridad ciudadana es baja. Así mismo, al contrastar la hipótesis general se halló una significancia de .000 < 0.05 por lo que se aceptó la hipótesis de investigación. Se concluyó que existe relación significativa (.630) entre las variables de estudio, por lo que a mejor sean las ordenanzas municipales mejor será la seguridad ciudadana que perciban los vecinos

    Changes in the diet of hake associated with El Niño 1997?1998 in the northern Humboldt Current ecosystem

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    International audienceHake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) predation plays an important role in the dynamics of the Humboldt Current ecosystem (HCE). Changes in the hake trophic habits associated with physical variability are expected to impact prey populations and to propagate through the food web. Time series (1995?2002) of (a) stomach contents of hake, (b) biomass estimations of fish prey species of hake, and (c) depth of the 15°C isotherm was analysed with the aim of exploring the impacts of El Niño 1997?1998 on the diet of hake. Biomass estimations of fish prey species were used to indicate resource availability, and depth of the 15°C isotherm to represent variability associated with the ENSO cycle in the physical environment of hake. The richness of prey species increased during the months when 15°C isotherm reached its deepest position, supporting the hypothesis of increased biodiversity (tropicalization) of the HCE during El Niño events. An increased variability in stomach fullness of hake was detected after 1999 which could indicate high heterogeneity in the food supply as a consequence of impacts of the warm event in the biotic community structure of the HCE, a physiological impairment of hake or an effect of the abrupt reduction in the mean total length of hake, postulated as a compensatory response to fishery pressure. Hake can be characterized as an opportunist predator according to the observed changes in its diet during 1995?2002. Overall, the diet of hake in the northern HCE exhibited transitory (e.g. increased richness of prey species in the stomach contents) and medium term (e.g. increased variability in feeding activity) responses associated with El Niño 1997?1998, which should be incorporated both in population dynamics and food web analyses