2,929 research outputs found

    Wood-ash recycling affects forest soil and tree fine-root chemistry and reverses soil acidification

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    Wood ash was applied to a forest ecosystem with the aim to recycle nutrients taken from the forest and to mitigate the negative effects of intensive harvesting. After two years, the application of 8,000 kg ha−1 of wood ash increased soil exchangeable Ca and Mg. Similarly, an increase in Ca and Mg in the Norway spruce fine roots was recorded, leading to significant linear correlations between soil and root Ca and soil and root Mg. In contrast to these macronutrients, the micronutrients Fe and Zn and the toxic element Al decreased in the soil exchangeable fraction with the addition of wood ash, but not in the fine roots. Only Mn decreased in soil and in fine roots leading to a significant linear correlation between soil and root Mn. In soil, as well as in fine roots, strong positive correlations were found between the elements Ca and Mg and between Fe and Al. This indicates that the uptake of Mg resembles that of Ca and that of Al that of Fe. With the wood ash application, the pH increased from 3.2 to 4.8, the base saturation from 30% to 86%, the molar basic cations/Al ratio (BC/Al) of the soil solution from 1.5 to 5.5, and the molar Ca/Al ratio of the fine roots from 1.3 to 3.7. Overall, all below-ground indicators of soil acidification responded positively to the wood ash application within two years. Nitrate concentrations increased only slightly in the soil solution at a soil depth of 75-80 cm, and no signs of increased heavy metal concentrations in the soils or in the fine roots were apparent. This suggests that the recycling of wood ash could be an integral part of sustainable forest management because it closes the nutrient cycle and reverses soil acidificatio

    A high-reflectivity high-Q micromechanical Bragg-mirror

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of a micromechanical oscillator consisting only of a free-standing dielectric Bragg mirror with high optical reflectivity and high mechanical quality. The fabrication technique is a hybrid approach involving laser ablation and dry etching. The mirror has a reflectivity of 99.6%, a mass of 400ng, and a mechanical quality factor Q of approximately 10^4. Using this micromirror in a Fabry Perot cavity, a finesse of 500 has been achieved. This is an important step towards designing tunable high-Q high-finesse cavities on chip.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Force-Velocity and Power Characteristics of Rat Soleus Muscle Fibers after Hindlimb Suspension

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    The effects of 1, 2, and 3 wk of Hindlimb Suspension (HS) on force-velocity and power characteristics of single rat soleus fibers were determined. After 1, 2, or 3 wk of HS, small fiber bundles were isolated, placed in skinning solution, and stored at -20 C until studied. Single fibers were isolated and placed between a motor arm and force transducer, functional properties were studied, and fiber protein content was subsequently analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Additional fibers were isolated from soleus of control and after 1 and 3 wk of HS, and fiber type distribution and myosin light chain stoichiometry were determined from SDS-PAGE analysis. After 1 wk of HS, percent type I fibers declined from 82 to 74%, whereas hybrid fibers increased from 10 to 18%. Percent fast type 11 fibers increased from 8% in control and 1 wk of HS to 26% by 3 wk of HS. Most fibers showed an increased unloaded maximal shortening velocity (V(sub 0)), but myosin heavy chain remained entirely slow type I. The mechanism for increased V(sub 0) is unknown. There was a progressive decrease in fiber diameter (14, 30, and 38%) and peak force (38, 56, and 63%) after 1, 2, and 3 wk of HS, respectively. One week of HS resulted in a shift of the force-velocity curve, and between 2 and 3 wk of HS the curve shifted further such that V(sub 0) was higher than control at all relative loads less than 45% peak isometric force. Peak absolute power output of soleus fibers progressively decreased through 2 wk of HS but showed no further change at 3 wk. The results suggest that between 2 and 3 wk the HS-induced alterations in the force-velocity relationship act to maintain the power output of single soleus fibers despite a continued reduction in fiber force

    Self-cooling of a micro-mirror by radiation pressure

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    We demonstrate passive feedback cooling of a mechanical resonator based on radiation pressure forces and assisted by photothermal forces in a high-finesse optical cavity. The resonator is a free-standing high-reflectance micro-mirror (of mass m=400ng and mechanical quality factor Q=10^4) that is used as back-mirror in a detuned Fabry-Perot cavity of optical finesse F=500. We observe an increased damping in the dynamics of the mechanical oscillator by a factor of 30 and a corresponding cooling of the oscillator modes below 10 K starting from room temperature. This effect is an important ingredient for recently proposed schemes to prepare quantum entanglement of macroscopic mechanical oscillators.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, minor correction


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    The progression in urbanization increases the need for different types of underground infrastructure. Consequently, infrastructure and life cycle management are rapidly gaining in importance. Mobile reality capturing systems and cloud-based services exploiting georeferenced metric 3D imagery are already extensively used for infrastructure management in outdoor environments. These services minimise dangerous and expensive field visits or measurement campaigns. In this paper, we introduce the BIMAGE Backpack, a portable image-based mobile mapping system for 3D data acquisition in indoor environments. The system consists of a multi-head panorama camera, two multi-profile laser scanners and an inertial measurement unit. With this system, we carried out underground measurement campaigns in the Hagerbach Test Gallery, located in Flums Hochwiese, Switzerland. For our performance evaluations in two different tunnel sections, we employed LiDAR SLAM as well as advanced image-based georeferencing. The obtained absolute accuracies were in the range from 6.2 to 7.4 cm. The relative accuracy, which for many applications is even more important, was in the range of 2–6 mm. These figures demonstrate an accuracy improvement of the subsequent image-based georeferencing over LiDAR SLAM by about an order of magnitude. The investigations show the application potential of image-based portable mobile mapping systems for infrastructure inventory and management in large underground facilities

    Do roots mind the gap?

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    Variations in pore size and contact angle distributions control rhizosphere rewetting

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    Rhizosphere wettability decreases upon severe drying leading to periods of prolonged low water content around roots after precipitation or irrigation. These observations were explained by the temporal hydrophobic character of mucilage, while structural alterations of the pore space caused by mucilage, such as pore clogging, remained mostly unexplored. In this study, time-series neutron radiography and a pore network model were used to assess the impact of pore geometry and wettability on water flow following the addition of mucilage in a sand substrate. To do so, we monitored the capillary rise of ethanol and water separately for mucilage contents, ranging from 0.0 to 2.0 mg g−1. A pore network model was developed to analyze the impact of alterations in pore geometry and wettability. Results are compared with analytical solutions of the Lucas-Washburn equation. Rewetting dynamics were explained by a combination of a decrease in effective pore throat size and a global decrease in wettability. The local distribution of wettability, however, appeared of minor importance as dynamics of water imbibition could be matched by a uniform effective contact angle. For 0.1 mg g−1 mucilage content increased wettability was predicted for both approaches: the analytical solution and the pore network model fit. At larger contents, a decrease in wettability occurred which was accompanied by a decrease in derived effective pore and pore throat size. On a minute scale, rewetting appeared to steadily progress at all mucilage contents with accelerated rewetting observed at 0.6 mg g−1 likely related to an increased wetting front length. This study highlights the importance of mucilage on pore geometry in combination with wettability modifications in the rhizosphere. Aside from rhizosphere rewetting, the presented approach provides an opportunity to investigate further wettability-related processes in other soil environments on various spatial scales

    Northern Sourced Water dominated the Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    Increased carbon sequestration in the ocean subsurface is commonly assumed to have been one of the main causes responsible for lower glacial atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Remineralized carbon must have been stored away from the atmosphere for thousands of years, yet the water mass structure accommodating such increased carbon storage continues to be debated. Here, we present new sediment-derived bottom-water neodymium isotope records that allow fingerprinting of water masses and provide a more complete picture of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation geometry during the Last Glacial Maximum. These results suggest that the vertical and meridional structure of the Atlantic water mass distribution only experienced minor changes since the last ice age. In particular, we find no compelling evidence supporting glacial southern-sourced water substantially expanding to shallower depths and farther into the Northern Hemisphere than today, which had been previously inferred from stable carbon isotope (ÎŽ13C) reconstructions. We argue that depleted ÎŽ13C values observed in the deep Northwest Atlantic do not necessarily indicate the presence of southern-sourced water. Instead, these values may represent a northern-sourced water mass with lower than modern preformed ÎŽ13C values that were further modified downstream by increased sequestration of remineralized carbon, facilitated by a more sluggish glacial deep circulation, corroborating previous evidence

    Dynamik der Stickstoffspezies im Boden und ihre Bedeutung fĂŒr die Wurzelmorphologie - was haben wir von Drew gelernt?

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    Harnstoff ist nach Kalkammonsalpeter der bedeutendste StickstoffdĂŒnger in Deutschland. Insbesondere in Kombination mit Nitrifikationsinhibitoren (NI) stellt Harnstoff eine DĂŒngeform dar, die im Unterschied zu Ammoniumsulfat weniger zu einer Versauerung fĂŒhrt und gleichzeitig aufgrund der potentiellen Bindung des Zwischenproduktes Ammonium eine geringere Auswaschungsgefahr birgt als NitratdĂŒnger. Die N-DĂŒngeform beeinflusst neben pH-Wert und MobilitĂ€t auch die Morphologie/Physiologie des Wurzelsystems. Untersuchungen auf Gelplatten und in NĂ€hrlösung mit konstantem Angebot jeweils einer N-Spezies zeigen meist eine Förderung der Anzahl Seitenwurzeln bei reiner AmmoniumernĂ€hrung und eine geringere Anzahl Seitenwurzeln bei NitraternĂ€hrung; die LĂ€nge der vorhandenen Seitenwurzeln ist tendenziell erhöht. Unklar ist, inwiefern solche Ergebnisse auf das System Pflanze Boden ĂŒbertragbar sind. Im Boden stellt die organische Substanz stets eine zusĂ€tzliche N-Quelle dar. Aufgrund der mikrobiellen AktivitĂ€t liegen meist beide Stickstoffspezies zeitgleich vor. Am Austauscher bzw. in den Zwischenschichten von Tonmineralen wird NH4+ gebunden, welches sich im Gleichgewicht mit der Bodenlösung befindet. Es wurden SĂ€ulenversuche (h = 25 cm, Ø = 7 cm) mit Ackerbohne und Gerste mit homogenisiertem Unterboden einer Parabraunerde und plazierter DĂŒngung von Harnstoff ohne und mit NI durchgefĂŒhrt. Eine ungedĂŒngte Kontrolle diente als Vergleich. Die Änderung der N-Spezies und des pH ĂŒber die Zeit in zwei Bodentiefen wurde ĂŒber Mikrosaugkerzen in situ erfasst. Die Änderung der Wurzelmorphologie ĂŒber die Zeit mit Röntgentomographie (bei Ackerbohne) bzw. ĂŒber destruktive Zwischenernten und WinRHIZO (bei Gerste) erfasst. Die Verwendung von Harnstoff mit NI fĂŒhrte zu einer Ausgangssituation in der NH4+ in der mineralischen Stickstofffraktion dominiert, allerdings nur im Nmin-Extrakt mit 1M KCl (gelöst + austauschbar gebunden) und nicht in der Bodenlösung. Diese Variante weist dann auch eine erhöhte Anzahl von Seitenwurzeln im Bereich der Plazierung auf – tendenziell bei Ackerbohne, signifikant bei Gerste. Weitaus prĂ€gnanter zeigt sich ein hemmender Effekt hoher Nitratkonzentrationen auf die Seitenwurzelbildung bei Gerste. Die in artifiziellen Systemen (Gelplatten, NĂ€hrlösungsversuche) gemachten Beobachtungen lassen sich prinzipiell auf das System Boden ĂŒbertragen. Allerdings liegen die speziellen Randbedingungen im Boden selten und meist nur wĂ€hrend kurzer ZeitrĂ€ume vor
