252 research outputs found

    Crossover in the nature of the metallic phases in the perovskite-type RNiO_3

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    We have measured the photoemission spectra of Nd1x_{1-x}Smx_{x}NiO3_{3}, where the metal-insulator transition and the N\'{e}el ordering occur at the same temperature for x0.4x \lesssim 0.4 and the metal-insulator transition temperature (TMIT_{MI}) is higher than the N\'{e}el temperature for x0.4x \gtrsim 0.4. For x0.4x \le 0.4, the spectral intensity at the Fermi level is high in the metallic phase above TMIT_{MI} and gradually decreases with cooling in the insulating phase below TMIT_{MI} while for x>0.4x > 0.4 it shows a pseudogap-like behavior above TMIT_{MI} and further diminishes below TMIT_{MI}. The results clearly establish that there is a sharp change in the nature of the electronic correlations in the middle (x0.4x \sim 0.4) of the metallic phase of the RRNiO3_3 system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The interplay between double exchange, super-exchange, and Lifshitz localization in doped manganites

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    Considering the disorder caused in manganites by the substitution of Mn by Fe or Ga, we accomplish a systematic study of doped manganites begun in previous papers. To this end, a disordered model is formulated and solved using the Variational Mean Field technique. The subtle interplay between double exchange, super-exchange, and disorder causes similar effects on the dependence of T_C on the percentage of Mn substitution in the cases considered. Yet, in La2/3_{2/3}Ca1/3_{1/3}Mn1y_{1-y}Gay_yO3_3 our results suggest a quantum critical point (QCP) for y0.10.2y\approx 0.1-0.2, associated to the localization of the electronic states of the conduction band. In the case of Lax_xCax_xMn1y_{1-y}Fey_yO3_3 (with x=1/3,3/8x=1/3,3/8) no such QCP is expected.Comment: 6 pages + 3 postscript figures. Largely extended discussio

    Citrulline as a marker of intestinal function and absorption in clinical settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Citrulline has been described as a marker of intestinal function or absorption but evidence varies according to clinical settings. Objective: The objective of this article is to examine the evidence of plasma citrulline as a marker of intestinal function and absorption in various clinical settings. Methods: Studies were examined for p values, means and standard deviations, correlation coefficients or other metrics depicting the association of citrulline with intestinal function. A random effects model was used to produce a pooled estimate. A hierarchical summary receiver operating curve model was fitted for diagnostic accuracy measures. Results: Citrulline levels are correlated strongly with small bowel length in short bowel syndrome patients (r = 0.67). Citrulline is strongly negatively correlated (r = –0.56) with intestinal disease severity with regards to enteropathies (coeliac disease, tropical enteropathy, Crohn’s disease, mucositis, acute rejection in intestinal transplantation). Citrulline cut-off levels have an overall sensitivity and specificity of 80% and 84% respectively. Citrulline levels in untreated coeliac patients compared to controls were reduced by 10 µmol/l. Citrulline levels increase with gluten-free diet and with improvement of enteropathy. Citrulline is decreased in critical illness and sepsis. Conclusion: These findings allow us to advocate quite reasonably that citrulline is a marker of acute and chronic intestinal insufficiency

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver in hereditary fructose intolerance

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    Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by fat accumulation affecting >5% of the liver volume that is not explained by alcohol abuse. It is known that fructose gives rise to NAFLD and it has been recently described that the ingestion of fructose in low amounts in aldolase B deficient mice is associated with the development of fatty liver. Therefore, it is reasonable that patients with HFI (Hereditary Fructose Intolerance) present fatty liver at diagnosis, but its prevalence in patients treated and with adequate follow-up is not well documented in the literature. The aim of this study is to analyze the association between HFI and NAFLD in treated patients. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The population comprised 16 genetically diagnosed HFI patients aged from 3 years to 48 and in dietary treatment of fructose, sorbitol and sacarose exclusion at least for two years. Blood samples were obtained for analytical studies and anthropometric measurements of each patient were performed. Results: Patients presented a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 17.9 ± 2.9 kg/m 2 . The HOMA index and Quick index were in normal range for our population. The S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM)/S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (SAH) ratio was increased in the patients in whom this analysis was performed. By imaging techniques it was observed that 9 of the 16 patients presented fatty liver (7 by hepatic MRI). Of these 9 patients, only 3 presented hepatomegaly. 7 of 9 patients affected by the c.448G > C mutation had fatty infiltration, of which three of them presented in addition hepatomegaly. Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of fatty liver in HFI patients and it is not related to obesity and insulin resistance. The diagnosis of fatty liver in HFI patients and, above all, the identification of new therapeutic approaches, can positively impact the quality of life of these patients

    Contribución de las actividades prácticas en la evaluación de asignaturas pertenecientes a grados de ciencias experimentales

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    Se presentan los resultados del proceso de evaluación de algunas asignaturas experimentales incluidas dentro de diferentes títulos, Grado en Biología, Grado en Ciencias del Mar, Grado en Químicas, Grado en Óptica y Optometría y Grado en Ingeniería Química, en las que el Departamento de Química Orgánica de la Universidad de Alicante está involucrado. Los resultados recogidos muestran como la evaluación continua y la realización de una prueba final influyen en la calificación final de la asignatura. Además, dentro de la evaluación continua se han diseñado diferentes actividades, considerando la realización de prácticas de laboratorio, la resolución de problemas y presentación de los mismos, así como la entrega de cuestionarios y ejercicios a través de plataformas virtuales. Se presenta el análisis de como cada una de estas actividades contribuye en el resultado final obtenido por los estudiantes, mostrando que las actividades de carácter práctico influyen en la calificación final de una manera más positiva

    Influencia del proceso de evaluación continua en la calificación final de asignaturas de grado del área de Química Orgánica

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    En la presente memoria se detallan los resultados del análisis comparativo del proceso de evaluación continua, así como su influencia en la calificación final del alumno, en diferentes asignaturas de grado adscritas al área de conocimiento de Química Orgánica: Grado de Biología y Ciencias del Mar, asignatura Química, código 26510; Grado de Química, asignatura Determinación Estructural de Compuestos Orgánicos, código 26030; Grado en Óptica y Optometría, asignatura Química, código 24014 y Grado en Ingeniería Química, asignatura Química Orgánica Aplicada, código 34513. Dicho análisis comparativo es fruto de los resultados obtenidos por el alumno en las diversas metodologías y estrategias docentes aplicadas en el proceso de evaluación continua que, como se verá, repercuten de manera notable en la calificación final de las asignaturas. También se pretende evaluar el rendimiento y competencias conseguidas por el alumno, destacando ventajas e inconvenientes de la evaluación continua durante el desarrollo de la asignatura. Y como último fin de este estudio se debatirá sobre las estrategias que hayan resultado más efectivas para su posible implantación en sucesivos cursos académicos

    Consideraciones del estudiante sobre su formación práctica en asignaturas del área de conocimiento de química orgánica

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    En la presente comunicación se detallarán los resultados obtenidos de la valoración del alumno sobre los créditos prácticos en diferentes asignaturas de grado (Grado en Biología, y Grado en Ciencias del Mar: 26510, Química; Grado en Química: 26030, Determinación Estructural de Compuestos Orgánicos y 26050, Química Farmacéutica; Grado en Ingeniería Química: 34513, Química Orgánica Aplicada) adscritas al área de conocimiento de Química Orgánica. Se presentarán y analizarán los resultados obtenidos de esta valoración por parte del alumnado de las diferentes actividades prácticas implantadas en dichas asignaturas y su repercusión en la comprensión y seguimiento de las mismas. También se pretende evaluar cuales son las estrategias más efectivas y cuales son susceptibles de cambios. Y como último fin de este estudio se debatirá sobre las posibles mejoras propuestas por el alumno para su posible implantación en sucesivos cursos académicos

    Estimación de la saturación arterial de oxígeno en función de la altitud

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    Fundamento y objetivosLa saturación arterial de oxígeno (SAO) es capaz de predecir el desarrollo de mal de altura. Objetivos: estimar los valores de SAO en función de la altitud y, adicionalmente, diseñar un gráfico para usar sobre el terreno que muestre la saturación esperada para cada altitud y sus límites de normalidad.Pacientes y métodoSe registraron valores de SAO a los participantes de 8 actividades de alta montaña en los Alpes, el Himalaya, el Cáucaso y los Andes. Participaron 53 montañeros; 17 de ellos repitieron en más de una actividad. Se registraron 761 mediciones de SAO.ResultadosSe diseñó un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para estimar los valores de SAO en función de la altitud, ajustados por distintos posibles factores relacionados. Existe una fuerte relación lineal entre altitud y SAO (R2 = 0, 83, p < 0, 001), dando valores 0, 7 puntos mayores en mujeres. La SAO a una determinada altitud no se relaciona con la edad, el peso, la talla, el tabaquismo, la frecuencia cardíaca ni con la experiencia previa en montaña.El cálculo de la estimación de la SAO responde a la siguiente ecuación: SAO = 103, 3 – (altitud × 0, 0047) + (Z), siendo Z = 0, 7 en hombres y 1, 4 en mujeres.Se ha diseñado una gráfica de coordenadas que relaciona la altitud con los valores estimados de SAO con sus límites de normalidad: percentiles 2, 5 y 97, 5.ConclusionesLa sencillez en el cálculo de la SAO estimada para una determinada altitud mediante la gráfica propuesta ayudará en la toma de decisiones precoces sobre el terreno.Background and objectives Arterial Oxygen Saturation (AOS) predicts altitude sickness. Objectives: To estimate the AOS values with relation to altitude. Furthermore, make a graph to use during activity which assesses the AOS for each altitude and the normal range. Patients and method Values of AOS were assessed during eight high mountain activities in the Alps, Himalaya, Caucasus and Andes; 53 mountaineers participated, 17 of them in more than one activity; 761 measurements of AOS were registered. Results A Logistic Regression Model was made to estimate the AOS values dependent on altitude, adjusted to possible related factors. A strong lineal relationship exists between altitude and AOS (R2 = .83, P < .001);.7 points more in women. The AOS in a particular altitude is not related to age, weight, height, smoking, heart rate, or even with previous experiences in mountains. The calculation of the AOS responds to the follow equation: Blood Oxygen Saturation = 103.3 – (altitude ×.0047) + (Z), being Z = .7 in men and 1.4 in women. A scatter plot was made to relate the estimated altitude with the AOS, with their normal limits values: percentiles 2.5 and 97.5. Conclusions The simple calculation of the AOS estimated for a particular altitude with the proposed graphic can help in the early decision-making onsite

    Clinical features and health-related quality of life in adult patients with mucopolysaccharidosis IVA: the Spanish experience

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    Background: Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) IVA or Morquio A syndrome is a progressive and disabling disease characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulphate sulphatase. Its clinical presentation is very heterogeneous and poorly understood in adults. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical manifestations of MPS IVA in adult patients in Spain and to assess their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Results: Thirty-three patients from nine reference centres participated in the study. The median age was 32 (interquartile range [IQR]: 20.5–40.5) years. The phenotype was classical in 54.5% of patients, intermediate in 33.3% of patients, and non-classical in 12.1% of patients. The most common clinical manifestation was bone dysplasia, with a median height of 118 (IQR: 106–136) cm. Other frequent clinical manifestations were hearing loss (75.7%), ligamentous laxity (72.7%), odontoid dysplasia (69.7%), limb deformities that required orthopaedic aids (mainly hip dysplasia and genu valgus) (63.6%), and corneal clouding (60.6%). In addition, 36.0% of patients had obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome and 33.3% needed non-invasive ventilation. Cervical surgery and varisation osteotomy were the most common surgical interventions (36.4% each). Almost 80% of patients had mobility problems and 36.4% used a wheelchair at all times. Furthermore, 87.9% needed help with self-care, 33.3% were fully dependent, and 78.8% had some degree of pain. HRQoL according to the health assessment questionnaire was 1.43 (IQR: 1.03–2.00) in patients with the non-classical phenotype, but 2.5 (IQR: 1.68–3.00) in those with the classical phenotype. Seven patients were initiated on enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), but two of them were lost to follow-up. Lung function improved in four patients and slightly worsened in one patient. The distance achieved in the six-minute walk test increased in the four patients who could perform it. HRQoL was better in patients treated with elosulfase alfa, with a median (IQR) of 1.75 (1.25–2.34) versus 2.25 (1.62–3.00) in patients not treated with ERT. Conclusions: The study provides real-world data on patients with MPS IVA. Limited mobility, difficulties with self-care, dependence, and pain were common, together with poor HRQoL. The severity and heterogeneity of clinical manifestations require the combined efforts of multidisciplinary teams

    Construcción y obras públicas [glosario]

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    En el libro Glosario General de Tecnología, el profesor D. Enrique Alarcón Álvarez coordina el área destinada a la Construcción y obras públicas, en la que también participa como autor