201 research outputs found
O conceito de classe média no município de São Paulo: a utilização de indicadores para sua quantificação
Esse trabalho propõe um estudo empírico do município de São Paulo com o objetivo de identificar variáveis que possam representar o conceito de classe média, possibilitando uma quantificação de tal conceito, para assim testar a hipótese da ocorrência de um processo de reestruturação da composição social, que possibilitou o surgimento de questões acerca da ascensão de uma nova classe social, a chamada “nova classe média”. As questões referentes à classe média brasileira não apresentam um consenso teórico, assim como inexiste um conjunto de variáveis pré-definidas capazes de representar esse grupo social. A metodologia empregada nesse estudo envolve a construção e análise de indicadores sociais que possam representar o conceito de “classe média”, para além de um recorte exclusivo por renda. Entre os métodos, análises e indicadores que serão desenvolvidos, destaca-se o Índice de Moran. Dessa forma, o trabalho inova ao contribuir com variáveis não exclusivas de renda, além de apresentar resultados inéditos na análise espacial dessas variáveis
Digitalización y sostenibilidad, bases para el desarrollo de las pymes : estudio exploratorio en pequeñas y medianas empresas de Chaco y Corrientes
Este artículo propone socializar los resultados de un proyecto de la UNNE que investiga sobre las prácticas generadoras de valor en pequeñas y medianas empresas. El mismo se implementa en el marco de la investigación derivada del Observatorio FAEDPYME, la cual introduce estudios sobre las pymes que, a consecuencia del COVID-19, generan oportunidades de crecimiento y consolidación para poder competir. En esta oportunidad, se indaga sobre dos ejes transversales: el grado de digitalización y el desarrollo sostenible, en su ámbito medioambiental, en este tipo de empresas. El término digitalización pretende abordar todos los aspectos de Transformación Digital que afectan a las empresas, tanto en sus procesos como procedimientos para su automatización. Aseguran que la colaboración público-privada tiene que ser constante para que dicho cambio contribuya a la competitividad del tejido socioeconómico. En la sostenibilidad se entrelazan las dimensiones ecológica, económica y social, para conformar el desarrollo sostenible, definido como el diseño de sistemas humanos e industriales que aseguren que el uso que hace la humanidad de los recursos naturales no disminuya la calidad de vida (Díaz Llorca, et.al; 2020). En la dimensión ambiental, se considera que los productos y procesos deben ser amigables con el ambiente a través de la prevención de la contaminación y de una buena gestión de los recursos naturales. Los objetivos de esta ponencia se centran en describir la realidad de las pymes de Chaco y Corrientes en relación a la digitalización y analizar sus prácticas empresariales de sostenibilidad desde la dimensión medioambiental. El abordaje metodológico tiene un enfoque cualitativo de diseño exploratorio. Se analizan las respuestas de 56 empresas pymes de ambas provincias, seleccionadas a partir de muestreo no probabilístico. Se espera que los resultados permitan a los actores económicos y sociales diseñar herramientas para la planificación de estrategiasFil: Chávez, Adriana Elizabet. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste; Argentina.Fil: Latorre, María Gabriela. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste; Argentina.Fil: Blanque, Silvina María. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste; Argentina
Sistemas de liberación controlada de medicamentos. Aplicaciones biomédicas.
Las Formas Farmacéuticas de Liberación Modificada (FFLM) son aquellas en las que la velocidad y el lugar de liberación de la sustancia o sustancias activas, es diferente al de la forma farmacéutica de liberación convencional administrada por la misma vía. Los avances biomédicos de los últimos años, han hecho posible investigar nuevos sistemas de liberación modificada basados en polímeros inteligentes y sistemas poliméricos de targeting, como es el caso de los hidrogeles funcionalizados con aptámeros. En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión bibliográfica para conocer el uso de estos sistemas en el tratamiento de distintas patologías y las ventajas que presentan. Los resultados muestran la capacidad de los hidrogeles funcionalizados con aptámeros para liberar los fármacos de manera controlada y dirigida al lugar de acción, gracias a su especificidad y afinidad con la molécula diana.Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms for controlled release of therapeutic agents are those
which speed and drug delivery site are different from the native dosage form.
Advances in biomedicine over the last few years have led to investigate new controlled
drug delivery systems based on smart polymers and targeted delivery, such as
aptamers functionalized hydrogels. In the present report, a bibliographical research on
the use of these systems in a variety of diseases has been done, as well as on its
advantages. In the light of the results the aptamers functionalized hydrogels ability is
demonstrated. Therefore these systems can control the release of drugs at a target
site with a desired rate because of its specifity and affinity with the target.Fac. de FarmaciaTRUEunpu
Chiari Syndrome: Advances in Epidemiology and Pathogenesis: A Systematic Review
We are grateful to the Official College of Nursing of Granada (CODEGRA) for
their help in the research support program and to the Chair of Research in Nursing Care of the
University of Granada and the Official College of Nursing of Granada.Arnold Chiari syndrome is a rare congenital disease of unknown prevalence and whose
origin is still under study. It is encompassed within the posterior cranial malformations, showing a
wide spectrum of symptomatology that can range from severe headache, dizziness, and paresthesia
to complete asymptomatology. It is for this reason that early diagnosis of the disease is difficult, and
it is usually diagnosed in adolescence. Treatment is based on remodeling and decompression of the
malformed posterior cranial fossa, although the risk of residual symptoms after surgery is high. The
aim of this review is to update all the existing information on this pathology by means of an exhaustive
analysis covering all the scientific literature produced in the last 5 years. In addition, it has been
carried out following the PRISMA model and registered in PROSPERO with code CRD42023394490.
One of the main conclusions based on the results obtained in this review is that the origin of the
syndrome could have a genetic basis and that the treatment of choice is the decompression of the
posterior cerebral fossa.Official College of Nursing of Granada (CODEGRA)University of Granad
Por don Antonio de Castel-Blanque... beneficiado del Beneficio Prestamo... sito en la Iglesia Parroquial de San Juan Baptista de la villa de Mombeltran en el Obispado de Avila con el Duque de Alburquerque... sobre.
Sign.: A-K>2<.Error de fol. de h. 18 pasa a h. 20.Texto con apostillas marginales.Port. con orla típica
Estratificação sócio-ocupacional e segregação na metrópole de São Paulo : uma análise da primeira década do século XXI
This dissertation intends to hold a discussion of the changes in the social structure of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (RMSP) in the first decade of 21st century. The objective is to conduct an empirical study that seeks to understand the changes in the spatial distribution of the different socio-occupational categories in the metropolis, and discuss some of the economic and job transformations that the region experienced in the period. Thus, we intend to establish a comparison between the years 2000 and 2010 which are the years of the two last demographic IBGE Census. The methodology for the analysis of social stratification was built by the Observatório das Metrópoles, with occupation categories that produced a stratification schema, referring to Pierre Bourdieu?s theory. Starting from the methodology of the Observatório, statistics will be used, highlighting the Moran Index, calculated for the areas of weight of this region in 2000 and 2010, for spatial analysis of the classes distribution patterns in the territory. Thus, it is expected that the results will assess some of the changes in social structure and patterns of residential segregation in the metropolis, highlighting this phenomenon from the separation in space of the occupation categories.Essa dissertação pretende realizar uma discussão das transformações na estrutura social da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) na primeira década do século XXI. Objetiva-se realizar um estudo empírico que busca compreender as alterações na distribuição espacial das diferentes categorias sócio-ocupacionais na metrópole paulista, e discutir algumas das transformações econômicas e de emprego que a região vivenciou no período. Assim, pretende-se estabelecer um comparativo entre os anos de 2000 e 2010, que são os anos de realização dos dois últimos Censos demográficos do IBGE. A metodologia empregada para a análise da estratificação social foi a construída pelo Observatório das Metrópoles, que por meio da categoria ocupação foi produziu uma estratificação que remete à teoria de Pierre Bourdieu. Partindo da metodologia do Observatório, serão empregadas ferramentas estatísticas espaciais, com destaque para o Índice de Moran, calculado para as Áreas de Ponderação dessa região nos anos de 2000 e 2010, para análise espacial dos padrões de distribuição das classes no território. Desse modo, espera-se que os resultados obtidos possibilitem avaliar algumas das transformações da estrutura social e dos padrões de segregação residencial na metrópole paulista, evidenciando esse fenômeno a partir da separação no espaço das categorias de ocupação.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2013 a 2016
Evaluation of the Impact of a Tourniquet Training Program: A Cross-Sectional Study
Acknowledgments: The company Manzanal Mamphel SA provided the necessary tourniquets for
the pretest and post-test phases of the study (480 devices).Among the main preventable causes of death in the area of operations is external exsanguinating
hemorrhage in the extremities, hence the importance of the tourniquet as a therapeutic
tool in this type of injury and, therefore, of the training of personnel participating in international
missions. The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of training in the application
of this device. This is a quasi-experimental, prospective, cross-sectional study, carried out with
97 healthy volunteers, military personnel who perform their work in the Royal Guard barracks of
El Pardo. The study was conducted between June 2019 and July 2021. The correct determination of
the device placement site and the times of correct device placement were evaluated by determining
whether there was blood flow using Doppler ultrasound measurements. Statistically significant
results were obtained for application time (76.68 s to 58.06 s; p < 0.001), correct device placement
(p < 0.001), and achievement of complete ischemia in the upper extremity (23.7% pretest vs. 24.7%
post-test; p < 0.001). In the lower extremity, after training, longer application duration (43.33 s to
47.30 s) and lower ischemia achievement (59.8% pretest vs. 37.8% post-test) were obtained. Standardized
and regulated training improves device application. More intensive training is necessary to
obtain better results
A Qualitative Study Exploring the Experiences and Perceptions of Patients with Hemophilia Regarding Their Health-Related Well-Being, in Salamanca
Hemophilia is a chronic, congenital/hereditary and X-linked disease, characterized by an
insufficiency of factors VIII or IX, which are necessary for blood clotting. Those affected by hemophilia
often suffer from particular psychosocial problems, both in the acceptance, coping, treatment and selfmanagement
of their disease and in their family and social relationships, which are often mediated by
these circumstances. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of people with hemophilia
or their family members, of in a specific region of Spain, regarding the impact of having hemophilia.
Structured interviews were conducted and developed, using the studies of the World Federation of
Hemophilia and Osorio-Guzmán et al. as a guide, as well as a literature review of qualitative work
on hemophilia. Data were analyzed using a six-step thematic analysis. A total of 34 interviews were
thematically analyzed. The results showed that three key themes emerged from the data: (1) the
daily impact of having hemophilia, (2) uncertainty about the disease, (3) the role of associations and
(4) support from institutions. The results make it clear that the disease has a major impact on their
lives (work, family, leisure and personal environment). The main conclusion is that hemophilia has a
negative impact on the daily lives of patients, families and caregiversMinistry of Science, Innovation and Universities
(‘El sistema de salud español ante las enfermedades raras (1950–2019): profesionales y pacientes,
investigación y asistencia’ PID2021-126019NB-I00) Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2021Colegio Oficial de Enfermería de Granada (CODEGRA) for their
help in the research support progra
Conflictividad tributaria y comprobación de valor: la intervención del perito tercero.
En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se hace referencia a la tasación pericial contradictoria, la cual puede definirse como medio de impugnación para corregir o confirmar las valoraciones realizadas anteriormente por parte del obligado o de la Administración tributaria. Los aspectos procedimentales los encontramos recogidos en el art. 135 de la LGT, allí se hace referencia a la suspensión de plazos de impugnación e ingreso tras su interposición; con ello pretende llevar a cabo lo recogido en el art. 57.1 de la LGT
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