127 research outputs found

    Fundamental Limits on Wavelength, Efficiency and Yield of the Charge Separation Triad

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    In an attempt to optimize a high yield, high efficiency artificial photosynthetic protein we have discovered unique energy and spatial architecture limits which apply to all light-activated photosynthetic systems. We have generated an analytical solution for the time behavior of the core three cofactor charge separation element in photosynthesis, the photosynthetic cofactor triad, and explored the functional consequences of its makeup including its architecture, the reduction potentials of its components, and the absorption energy of the light absorbing primary-donor cofactor. Our primary findings are two: First, that a high efficiency, high yield triad will have an absorption frequency more than twice the reorganization energy of the first electron transfer, and second, that the relative distance of the acceptor and the donor from the primary-donor plays an important role in determining the yields, with the highest efficiency, highest yield architecture having the light absorbing cofactor closest to the acceptor. Surprisingly, despite the increased complexity found in natural solar energy conversion proteins, we find that the construction of this central triad in natural systems matches these predictions. Our analysis thus not only suggests explanations for some aspects of the makeup of natural photosynthetic systems, it also provides specific design criteria necessary to create high efficiency, high yield artificial protein-based triads

    Cadherin-Dependent Cell Morphology in an Epithelium: Constructing a Quantitative Dynamical Model

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    Cells in the Drosophila retina have well-defined morphologies that are attained during tissue morphogenesis. We present a computer simulation of the epithelial tissue in which the global interfacial energy between cells is minimized. Experimental data for both normal cells and mutant cells either lacking or misexpressing the adhesion protein N-cadherin can be explained by a simple model incorporating salient features of morphogenesis that include the timing of N-cadherin expression in cells and its temporal relationship to the remodeling of cell-cell contacts. The simulations reproduce the geometries of wild-type and mutant cells, distinguish features of cadherin dynamics, and emphasize the importance of adhesion protein biogenesis and its timing with respect to cell remodeling. The simulations also indicate that N-cadherin protein is recycled from inactive interfaces to active interfaces, thereby modulating adhesion strengths between cells

    Влияние фосфатных связующих на физико-механические свойства периклазохромитовых огнеупоров

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    У данній статті наведено та порівняно фізико-механічні властивості периклазо-хромітових матеріалів в залежності від різних типів фосфатних зв’язуючих та введення різних домішок. Визначено, що найбільш раціональним є введення триполіфосфату натрію.In given clause are resulted and the physycal-mechanical properties periclase-cgromite of materials are compared depending on different of types phosphate binding and introduction of the various additives. Is determined, that most rational is the introduction treepolyphosphate sodume

    Analysis of arterial intimal hyperplasia: review and hypothesis

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: Despite a prodigious investment of funds, we cannot treat or prevent arteriosclerosis and restenosis, particularly its major pathology, arterial intimal hyperplasia. A cornerstone question lies behind all approaches to the disease: what causes the pathology? Hypothesis: I argue that the question itself is misplaced because it implies that intimal hyperplasia is a novel pathological phenomenon caused by new mechanisms. A simple inquiry into arterial morphology shows the opposite is true. The normal multi-layer cellular organization of the tunica intima is identical to that of diseased hyperplasia; it is the standard arterial system design in all placentals at least as large as rabbits, including humans. Formed initially as one-layer endothelium lining, this phenotype can either be maintained or differentiate into a normal multi-layer cellular lining, so striking in its resemblance to diseased hyperplasia that we have to name it "benign intimal hyperplasia". However, normal or "benign " intimal hyperplasia, although microscopically identical to pathology, is a controllable phenotype that rarely compromises blood supply. It is remarkable that each human heart has coronary arteries in which a single-layer endothelium differentiates earl

    Conservation status of the American horseshoe crab, (Limulus polyphemus): a regional assessment

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    Aeschynomene indica

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    613 cases of splenic rupture without risk factors or previously diagnosed disease: a systematic review

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    Background Rupture of the spleen in the absence of trauma or previously diagnosed disease is largely ignored in the emergency literature and is often not documented as such in journals from other fields. We have conducted a systematic review of the literature to highlight the surprisingly frequent occurrence of this phenomenon and to document the diversity of diseases that can present in this fashion. Methods Systematic review of English and French language publications catalogued in Pubmed, Embase and CINAHL between 1950 and 2011. Results We found 613 cases of splenic rupture meeting the criteria above, 327 of which occurred as the presenting complaint of an underlying disease and 112 of which occurred following a medical procedure. Rupture appeared to occur spontaneously in histologically normal (but not necessarily normal size) spleens in 35 cases and after minor trauma in 23 cases. Medications were implicated in 47 cases, a splenic or adjacent anatomical abnormality in 31 cases and pregnancy or its complications in 38 cases. The most common associated diseases were infectious (n = 143), haematologic (n = 84) and non-haematologic neoplasms (n = 48). Amyloidosis (n = 24), internal trauma such as cough or vomiting (n = 17) and rheumatologic diseases (n = 10) are less frequently reported. Colonoscopy (n = 87) was the procedure reported most frequently as a cause of rupture. The anatomic abnormalities associated with rupture include splenic cysts (n = 6), infarction (n = 6) and hamartomata (n = 5). Medications associated with rupture include anticoagulants (n = 21), thrombolytics (n = 13) and recombinant G-CSF (n = 10). Other causes or associations reported very infrequently include other endoscopy, pulmonary, cardiac or abdominal surgery, hysterectomy, peliosis, empyema, remote pancreato-renal transplant, thrombosed splenic vein, hemangiomata, pancreatic pseudocysts, splenic artery aneurysm, cholesterol embolism, splenic granuloma, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, rib exostosis, pancreatitis, Gaucher's disease, Wilson's disease, pheochromocytoma, afibrinogenemia and ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Conclusions Emergency physicians should be attuned to the fact that rupture of the spleen can occur in the absence of major trauma or previously diagnosed splenic disease. The occurrence of such a rupture is likely to be the manifesting complaint of an underlying disease. Furthermore, colonoscopy should be more widely documented as a cause of splenic rupture

    Effectiveness and tolerability of aripiprazole in a real-world outpatient population of youth

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    Amaç: Ayaktan tedavi edilen ergen hastalarda aripipra- zolün endikasyon dışı kullanım özelliklerini belirlemek ve geniş bir yelpazede ruhsal belirti ve bozukluk gösteren ergenlerin tedavisinde aripiprazolün etkinliğini ve tolerabi- litesini saptamaktır. Yöntem: Hasta dosyaları geriye dönük kayıt taraması yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Klinik Global izlenim (KGİ) ölçekleri, Kısa Semptom Envanteri (KSE) ve Extrapyramidal Belirtileri Değerlendirme Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Otuz bir hastanın verisine ulaşıldı. Örneklemin çoğu kız hastadan oluşmaktadır (%87.1). Ortalama yaş 16.38±1.14’dir ve 15-19 yaş arasındadır. Hastaların %67,8’inin en az bir komorbid bozukluğu vardır. En sık komorbid bozukluk, major depresif bozukluktur. Aripiprazolün ortala- ma başlangıç dozu 4.83±3.59 mg’dır (ranj:2,5-20 mg/ gün) ve son vizitteki ortalama doz 8.62±3.46 mg’dır. (ranj:2,5-15 mg/ gün). Ortalama aripiprazol tedavi süresi 19.56±1.23 aydır (ranj:4-48 ay). Son vizit KGİ şiddet puanları, başlangıç puanlarına göre anlamlı derecede daha düşüktür (p<0.001). Benzer şekilde, KSE depresyon (z: -3.232; p:0.001), KSE ank- siyete (z: -3.004; p:0.003), KSE hostilite (z:-3.207; p:0.001), KSE psikotisizm (z: -1.973; p:0.049), and KSE paranoid düşünceler (z:2.733; p:0.006) alt ölçek puanları istatiksel açıdan anlamlı farklılık göstermiştir. KSE Global Rahatsızlık Ölçek puanları arasında da, istatiksel açıdan anlamlı fark- lılık bulunmuştur (Rahatsızlık ciddiyeti indeksi: z: -2.987; p:0.003, Semptom rahatsızlık indeksi: z:-3.435; p:0.001 ve Belirti toplamı: z: -3.023; p:0.003). Altı hasta ilaç tedavisini kesmiştir. En sık istenmeyen etkiler yorgunluk (%50.0), uyuşukluk hali (%42.9) ve sersemliktir (%39.30). En şid- detli ekstrapiramidal belirtiler yavaşlık ve zafiyet olduğu izlenimi, günlük işleri yapmada güçlük (%11.5) ve bacakta, sırtta veya boyunda kramp ya da ağrı (%11.5)’dır. Olguların hiçbirinde bedende veya uzuvlarda anormal istem dışı hareketler saptanmamıştır. Sonuç: Aripiprazol, hastalar tarafından klinik pratiğimiz- de oldukça iyi tolere edilmiştir ve ayaktan tedavi edilen ergenlerde güvenli ve etkili bir seçenek olarak görünmek- tedir. Ancak, ileriye dönük randomize kontrollü çalışmaların yapılması gereklidir.Objectives: To identify the pattern of initiation for off- label use of aripiprazole among adolescent outpatients; determine whether or not aripiprazole is effective and tolerable for the treatment of adolescents with a wide range of psychiatric symptoms and disorders or not. Methods: Medical charts were retrospectively reviewed for the effectiveness and tolerability of aripiprazole. The Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI), the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), and the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale were used. Results: The data were available on 31 patients. The sample consisted of mostly females (87.1%). The mean age was 16.38&plusmn;1.14 years, and the ages range was 15-19 years. Twenty-one patients (67.8%) had at least one comorbid disorder. The most common comorbid disorder was major depressive disorder. The mean initial dosage of aripiprazole was 4.83&plusmn;3.59 mg (2.50 mg - 20.00 mg), and the mean endpoint dosage was 8.62&plusmn;3.46 mg (2.50 mg - 15.00 mg). The mean duration of aripiprazole medication was 19.56&plusmn;1.23 months (range: 4-48 months). Endpoint CGI-S scores were significantly lower compared with baseline CGI-S score (p&lt;0.001). Similarly, the difference between depression severity (z=-3.232; p=0.001), anxiety severity (z=-3.004; p=0.003), hostility severity (z=-3.207; p=0.001), psychoticism severity (z=-1.973; p=0.049), and paranoid ideation severity (z=2.733; p=0.006) scores were statistically significant. The difference between the baseline and endpoint BSI Global Indices of distress scores were found to be statistically significant (The Global Severity Index: z=-2.987; p=0.003, the Positive Symptom Distress Index: z=-3.435; p=0.001, and the Positive Symptom Total: z=-3.023; p=0.003). Six cases (20.0%) discontinued the treatment. The most frequent adverse effects were asthenia (50.0%), somnolence (42.9%), and dizziness (39.30%). The most severe extrapyramidal symptoms were: impression of slowness or weakness, difficulty in carrying out routine tasks (11.5%), and tonic muscular contractions localized to one or several muscle groups, particularly in the throat, neck or back (11.5%). None of the cases had abnormal involuntary movements (dyskinesia) of the extremities or trunk. Conclusion: Aripiprazole was well tolerated and effective in our clinical practice and appears to be a safe and efficacious alternative in adolescents. However, a prospective clinical trial with a randomized controlled design is warranted