13 research outputs found

    Governance kulturou tažené urbánní regenerace: Případová studie Černá louka v Ostravě

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    Cílem textu je hodnocení plánovaného projektu kulturního klastru Černá louka na území města Ostravy. Pro potřeby hodnocení byl využit koncept urbánní governance, politických cyklů a kulturou tažené regenerace. Projekt kulturního klastru byl „vlajkovým“ projektem neúspěšné kandidatury města na titul Evropské hlavní město kultury 2015 a vzhledem ke svému rozsahu a zaměření nepochybně představoval jednu z největších výzev pro město v jeho novodobých dějinách. Z povahy projektu vyplývá společenská relevance pro předložený text, a to i přesto, že projekt nebyl úspěšný, skýtá řadu implikací pro porozumění budoucího rozvoje nejen města Ostravy, ale i dalších měst s podobnou historií v post-socialistickém kontextu

    Radioisotope Hepatography in the Dog

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    Managerial decision making in the transport company

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    První část diplomové práce se zabývá teorií manažerského rozhodování a definuje základní pojmy související s danou problematikou. Druhá část charakterizuje společnost ČSAD JIHOTRANS a.s.. Jsou zde vystihnuty vize společnosti, rozmístění a základní předměty činnosti jejích jednotlivých pracovišť, vztah společnosti k životnímu prostředí včetně splněných ISO norem v této oblasti a členství v důležitých organizacích, poté následuje rozbor organizační struktury a analýza rozhodovacích procesů. V další části jsou aplikovány prvky rozhodovacího procesu, dále je zde klasifikace rozhodovacího procesu a pro analýzu rozhodovacího problému se využívá analytický model rozhodování. V analýze je použita vícekriteriální Saatyho metoda a metoda agregace individuálních ocenění v ocenění skupinové. V poslední části diplomové práce je vypracován návrh na zlepšení rozhodování v dopravní společnosti ČSAD JIHOTRANS a.s..Katedra dopravního managementu, marketingu a logistikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    The analysis of tourist information system of ÄŚeskĂ˝ Krumlov region

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    Analýza současného stavu turistického informačního systému v regionu Český Krumlov a návrhy na jeho zlepšení.Katedra dopravního managementu, marketingu a logistikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Creative Clusters in the Czech Republic—Strategy for Local Development or Fashionable Concept?

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    In an era of globalization and increasing competition among cities, creative industries are gaining greater attention as a catalyst for local and regional development. This is reflected in the theory of Richard Florida, which was accepted after 2002 by professionals in the field of urban planning, especially in North America and Western Europe, but critically analyzed by the academic community in the field of urban and regional development for its insufficient empirical evidence. Creative industries might be fostered through clusters that are widely accepted as concepts for improving the economic efficiency of regions. This paper introduces the concept of creative clusters into discussions by Czech geographers, while analysing the pioneer projectled development of an Audiovisual Cluster in the ZlĂ­n Region, and the possible transfer of the creative clusters concept to other Czech regions

    The Potential of Cultural Events in the Peripheral Rural Jesenicko Region

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    Peripheral rural regions are looking for new development strategies in the face of interregional competition for qualified labour, tourists and better image. Rural areas usually suffer from a number of socio-economic problems such as depopulation, ageing and negative educational structure. This article deals with the analysis of selected soft factor, cultural offer and its institutional arrangements and a possible impact on the socio-economic development of the peripheral rural Jesenicko Region. It is argued that culture economy approach to rural development is in line with the emerging theory that development activity of peripheral rural regions consists of both endogenous and exogenous forces using new forms of governance. The description of the types of actors and their interrelationships is the starting point for understanding and evaluating the actors’ role in regional development. Realization of semi-structured in-depth interviews, literature review and observation were the main methods of data collection. Many cultural and sports events of local character are held in the Jesenicko Region. Cultural offer, however, does not reflect the requirements of local residents and visitors. The participation of local inhabitants on the production of cultural activities is also very low, which can hinder further development of the region. The desired strategic connection of culture and tourism remains, with few exceptions, underused. This article suggests some possible directions of culture economy approach for further development of the Jesenicko Region. Potenciál kulturních events v periferním rurálním regionu Jesenicko Článek je zaměřený na analýzu měkkého lokalizačního faktoru – kulturní nabídky – v zájmovém regionu Jesenicko, a její vliv na socioekonomický rozvoj rurálních peri-ferních regionů. Hlavními metodami pro sběr dat bylo realizování hloubkových rozhovorů s organizátory kulturního života na Jesenicku, internetové rešerše, kompilace odborné literatury a metoda pozorování. Na základě získaných dat lze konstatovat, že se na území Jesenicka koná řada kulturních i sportovních akcí, které jsou spíše lokálního charakteru a do regionu přináší jen minimální externí impulsy. Kulturní nabídka však nereflektuje požadavky místních obyvatel ani návštěvníků regionu. Z hlediska governance lze participaci místních obyvatel na tvorbě kulturních aktivit označit za velmi nízkou, kdy kulturní a sportovní eventy organizuje nízký počet stale stejných aktérů. K žádoucímu strategickému propojení kultury s cestovním ruchem na Jesenicku nedochází, přičemž kulturní potenciál regionu pro jeho další rozvoj zůstává až na pár výjimek nevyužitý. Článek ve svém závěru naznačuje možné směry dalšího rozvoje jesenického regionu v oblasti kultury

    The Potential of cultural events in the peripheral rural Jesenicko region

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    Peripheral rural regions are looking for new development strategies in the face of interregional competition for qualified labour, tourists and better image. Rural areas usually suffer from a number of socio-economic problems such as depopulation, ageing and negative educational structure. This article deals with the analysis of selected soft factor, cultural offer and its institutional arrangements and a possible impact on the socio-economic development of the peripheral rural Jesenicko Region. It is argued that culture economy approach to rural development is in line with the emerging theory that development activity of peripheral rural regions consists of both endogenous and exogenous forces using new forms of governance. The description of the types of actors and their interrelationships is the starting point for understanding and evaluating the actors’ role in regional development. Realization of semi-structured in-depth interviews, literature review and observation were the main methods of data collection. Many cultural and sports events of local character are held in the Jesenicko Region. Cultural offer, however, does not reflect the requirements of local residents and visitors. The participation of local inhabitants on the production of cultural activities is also very low, which can hinder further development of the region. The desired strategic connection of culture and tourism remains, with few exceptions, underused. This article suggests some possible directions of culture economy approach for further development of the Jesenicko Region.455

    Ellagic Acid Affects Metabolic and Transcriptomic Profiles and Attenuates Features of Metabolic Syndrome in Adult Male Rats

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    Ellagic acid, a natural substance found in various fruits and nuts, was previously shown to exhibit beneficial effects towards metabolic syndrome. In this study, using a genetic rat model of metabolic syndrome, we aimed to further specify metabolic and transcriptomic responses to ellagic acid treatment. Adult male rats of the SHR-Zbtb16Lx/k.o. strain were fed a high-fat diet accompanied by daily intragastric gavage of ellagic acid (50 mg/kg body weight; high-fat diet–ellagic acid (HFD-EA) rats) or vehicle only (high-fat diet–control (HFD-CTL) rats). Morphometric and metabolic parameters, along with transcriptomic profile of liver and brown and epididymal adipose tissues, were assessed. HFD-EA rats showed higher relative weight of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and decreased weight of epididymal adipose tissue, although no change in total body weight was observed. Glucose area under the curve, serum insulin, and cholesterol levels, as well as the level of oxidative stress, were significantly lower in HFD-EA rats. The most differentially expressed transcripts reflecting the shift induced by ellagic acid were detected in BAT, showing downregulation of BAT activation markers Dio2 and Nr4a1 and upregulation of insulin-sensitizing gene Pla2g2a. Ellagic acid may provide a useful nutritional supplement to ameliorate features of metabolic syndrome, possibly by suppressing oxidative stress and its effects on brown adipose tissue

    Ellagic Acid Affects Metabolic and Transcriptomic Profiles and Attenuates Features of Metabolic Syndrome in Adult Male Rats

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    Ellagic acid, a natural substance found in various fruits and nuts, was previously shown to exhibit beneficial effects towards metabolic syndrome. In this study, using a genetic rat model of metabolic syndrome, we aimed to further specify metabolic and transcriptomic responses to ellagic acid treatment. Adult male rats of the SHR-Zbtb16Lx/k.o. strain were fed a high-fat diet accompanied by daily intragastric gavage of ellagic acid (50 mg/kg body weight; high-fat diet–ellagic acid (HFD-EA) rats) or vehicle only (high-fat diet–control (HFD-CTL) rats). Morphometric and metabolic parameters, along with transcriptomic profile of liver and brown and epididymal adipose tissues, were assessed. HFD-EA rats showed higher relative weight of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and decreased weight of epididymal adipose tissue, although no change in total body weight was observed. Glucose area under the curve, serum insulin, and cholesterol levels, as well as the level of oxidative stress, were significantly lower in HFD-EA rats. The most differentially expressed transcripts reflecting the shift induced by ellagic acid were detected in BAT, showing downregulation of BAT activation markers Dio2 and Nr4a1 and upregulation of insulin-sensitizing gene Pla2g2a. Ellagic acid may provide a useful nutritional supplement to ameliorate features of metabolic syndrome, possibly by suppressing oxidative stress and its effects on brown adipose tissue