523 research outputs found

    Cable-stayed glass façades - 15 years of innovation at the cutting edge

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    Today’s demand for highly transparent building envelopes calls for innovativesolutions. Cable-stayed glass façades make it possible to dematerialize the buildingenvelope so as to make it almost imperceptible. Werner Sobek has designed a greatnumber and variety of cable-stayed façades. The primary structural system carryingmost of these façades consists of straight tension members (e.g. tension rods,cables), typically in a parallel arrangement. The tension members transfer the deadload of the glazing very efficiently to the supports. Under wind load the membersundergo large deflections thus activating their lateral stiffness. As a result, thedetailing of these façades requires innovative design approaches and special care toallow for such large deflections. Besides this, each project has its individualchallenges such as a complex geometry, large openings, difficult edge conditions,warping of IG units, bomb blast requirements, etc. The present article gives anoverview of the development of cable-stayed façades as designed by Werner Sobekover the last 15 years. The overview includes completed projects as well as façadescurrently under construction or in the design phase

    Who is at Risk of Parkinson Disease? Refining the Preclinical Phase of GBA1 and LRRK2 Variant Carriers: a Clinical, Biochemical, and Imaging Approach

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    Purpose of Review: Genetic variants in GBA1 and LRRK2 genes are the commonest genetic risk factor for Parkinson disease (PD); however, the preclinical profile of GBA1 and LRRK2 variant carriers who will develop PD is unclear. This review aims to highlight the more sensitive markers that can stratify PD risk in non-manifesting GBA1 and LRRK2 variant carriers. Recent Findings: Several case–control and a few longitudinal studies evaluated clinical, biochemical, and neuroimaging markers within cohorts of non-manifesting carriers of GBA1 and LRRK2 variants. Summary: Despite similar levels of penetrance of PD in GBA1 and LRRK2 variant carriers (10–30%), these individuals have distinct preclinical profiles. GBA1 variant carriers at higher risk of PD can present with prodromal symptoms suggestive of PD (hyposmia), display increased α-synuclein levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and show dopamine transporter abnormalities. LRRK2 variant carriers at higher risk of PD might show subtle motor abnormalities, but no prodromal symptoms, higher exposure to some environmental factors (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs), and peripheral inflammatory profile. This information will help clinicians tailor appropriate screening tests and counseling and facilitate researchers in the development of predictive markers, disease-modifying treatments, and selection of healthy individuals who might benefit from preventive interventions

    The remote assessment of parkinsonism supporting ongoing development of interventions in Gaucher disease

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    Mutations in GBA which are causative of Gaucher disease in their biallelic form, are the most common genetic risk factor for Parkinson's disease (PD). The diagnosis of PD relies upon clinically defined motor features which appear after irreversible neurodegeneration. Prodromal symptoms of PD may provide a means to predict latent pathology, years before the onset of motor features. Previous work has reported prodromal features of PD in GBA mutation carriers, however this has been insufficiently sensitive to identify those that will develop PD. The Remote Assessment of Parkinsonism Supporting Ongoing Development of Interventions in Gaucher Disease (RAPSODI GD) study assesses a large cohort of GBA mutation carriers, to aid development of procedures for earlier diagnosis of PD

    Oxidative stress and pro-apoptotic conditions in a rodent model of Wilson's disease.

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    Wilson's disease (WD) is an inherited disorder, characterized by selective copper deposition in liver and brain, chronic hepatitis and extrapyramidal signs. In this study, we investigated changes of biochemical markers of oxidative stress and apoptosis in liver, striatum and cerebral cortex homogenates from Long-Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rats, a mutant strain isolated from Long Evans (LE) rats, in whom spontaneous hepatitis develops shortly after birth. LEC and control (LE) rats at I I and 14 weeks of age were used. We determined tissue levels of glutathione (GSH/GSSG ratio), lipid peroxides, protein-thiols (P-SH), nitric oxide metabolites, activities of caspase-3 and total superoxide-dismutase (SOD), striatal levels of monoamines and serum levels of hepatic amino-transferases. We observed a decrease of protein-thiols, GSH/GSSG ratio and nitrogen species associated to increased lipid peroxidation in the liver and striatum - but not in the cerebral cortex - of LEC rats, accompanied by dramatic increase in serum amino-transferases and decrease of striatal catecholamines. Conversely, SOD and caspase-3 activity increased consistently only in the cortex of LEC rats. Hence, we assume that enhanced oxidative stress may play a central role in the cell degeneration in WD, at the main sites of copper deposition, with discrete pro-apoptotic conditions developing in distal areas

    Noninvasive near-infrared live imaging of human adult mesenchymal stem cells transplanted in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease

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    Background: We have previously shown that human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) can reduce toxin-induced neurodegeneration in a well characterized rodent model of Parkinson's disease. However, the precise mechanisms, optimal cell concentration required for neuroprotection, and detailed cell tracking need to be defined. We exploited a near-infrared imaging platform to perform noninvasive tracing following transplantation of tagged hMSCs in live parkinsonian rats.Methods: hMSCs were labeled both with a membrane intercalating dye, emitting in the near-infrared 815 nm spectrum, and the nuclear counterstain, Hoechst 33258. Effects of near-infrared dye on cell metabolism and proliferation were extensively evaluated in vitro. Tagged hMSCs were then administered to parkinsonian rats bearing a 6-hydroxydopamine-induced lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway, via two alternative routes, ie, intrastriatal or intranasal, and the cells were tracked in vivo and ex vivo using near-infrared technology.Results: In vitro, NIR815 staining was stable in long-term hMSC cultures and did not interfere with cell metabolism or proliferation. A significant near-infrared signal was detectable in vivo, confined around the injection site for up to 14 days after intrastriatal transplantation. Conversely, following intranasal delivery, a strong near-infrared signal was immediately visible, but rapidly faded and was completely lost within 1 hour. After sacrifice, imaging data were confirmed by presence/absence of the Hoechst signal ex vivo in coronal brain sections. Semiquantitative analysis and precise localization of transplanted hMSCs were further performed ex vivo using near-infrared imaging.Conclusion: Near-infrared technology allowed longitudinal detection of fluorescent-tagged cells in living animals giving immediate information on how different delivery routes affect cell distribution in the brain. Near-infrared imaging represents a valuable tool to evaluate multiple outcomes of transplanted cells, including their survival, localization, and migration over time within the host brain. This procedure considerably reduces the number of animal experiments needed, as well as interindividual variability, and may favor the development of efficient therapeutic strategies promptly applicable to patients

    Essays in macroeconomics

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    Esta tesis consta de tres capítulos, cada uno de los cuales analiza temas relevantes en el campo de la Macroeconomía. La investigación realizada en los tres capítulos se basa en la metodología de los modelos dinámicos de equilibrio general. Los fundamentos microeconómicos se encuentran en el núcleo de este tipo de modelos, en los que los agentes forman sus expectativas sobre el futuro de manera racional. Esta metodología ha demostrado ser una herramienta poderosa para abordar un gran conjunto de problemas económicos. El primer capítulo, ``Risk Aversion, Entrepreneurship and Wealth Distribution'', explora el efecto de la heterogeneidad en la aversión al riesgo sobre el emprendimiento, el comportamiento del ahorro y la distribución de la riqueza. La distribución de la riqueza es uno de los temas más debatidos no solo en la política contemporánea, sino también en los medios de comunicación y en ámbitos académicos. En particular, la gran concentración de riqueza en la parte superior de la distribución, que se observa en muchas economías avanzadas, se ha situado en el centro del debate. La relevancia de este problema no se ha visto socavada a pesar de la dificultad que supone estimar los niveles de riqueza acumulada en manos de los hogares más ricos. Apoyado por razones empíricas, el marco teórico para analizar la distribución de la riqueza debe incluir tanto el emprendimiento como la heterogeneidad de las preferencias. Con este objetivo, en el primer capítulo se desarrolla un modelo de elección ocupacional con agentes heterogéneos en el que los hogares varían en su aversión al riesgo, se enfrentan a perturbaciones idiosincrásicas no asegurables, tienen restricciones financieras y deben decidir si convertirse en trabajadores o en emprendedores. Esta decisión se basa en una combinación de la aversión al riesgo individual, las habilidades específicas en cada ocupación y los niveles de riqueza acumulados. Como resultado se obtiene que la aversión al riesgo tiene un efecto directo e indirecto en la decisión de ahorro y en la ocupación de los agentes. Por un lado, una mayor aversión al riesgo disuade a los agentes de convertirse en emprendedores y, por lo tanto, los ahorros destinados a superar las restricciones financieras son menores. Por otro lado, una mayor aversión al riesgo también conduce a un mayor ahorro por motivo de precaución que, indirectamente, atenúa las restricciones financieras y hace que la opción de convertirse en emprendedor sea más atractiva. En el modelo desarrollado, el último efecto domina, y los agentes con mayor aversión al riesgo acumulan mayores niveles de riqueza y también se convierten en emprendedores. La contribución más importante de este modelo es que permite desentrañar los efectos que la aversión al riesgo y las fricciones financieras tienen sobre el emprendimiento, que es un factor clave para explicar la desigualdad en la acumulación de la riqueza. El segundo capítulo se titula ``Long-term business relationships, bargaining and monetary policy'' y es un trabajo conjunto con Mirko Abbritti y Tommaso Trani. Su motivación se deriva de la creciente literatura empírica que documenta la importancia de las relaciones comerciales a largo plazo y los procesos de negociación sobre la rigidez de los precios y las dinámicas empresariales. Este artículo introduce relaciones comerciales entre empresas (B2B) a largo plazo y procesos de negociación de precios en un modelo monetario de equilibrio general dinámico estocástico (DSGE) estándar. El modelo se basa en dos suposiciones. Primero, tanto los productores mayoristas como los minoristas necesitan gastar recursos para formar nuevas relaciones comerciales. Segundo, una vez que se forma una relación comercial, el precio se establece en una negociación bilateral entre las empresas. El modelo proporciona un marco riguroso para estudiar el efecto de las relaciones comerciales a largo plazo y los procesos de negociación sobre la política monetaria y la dinámica del ciclo económico. Además, se demuestra que estas relaciones comerciales reducen tanto el papel de asignación de los precios intermedios como los efectos reales de las perturbaciones de la política monetaria. También encontramos que el modelo hace un gran trabajo al replicar los segundos momentos y las correlaciones cruzadas de los datos, y que mejora con respecto al modelo de referencia Neo Keynesiano en explicar dichos estadísticos. El tercer y último capítulo de esta tesis, ``On Staggered Prices and Optimal Inflation'', es coautoreado con uno de mis directores, Miguel Casares. En este artículo se calcula la tasa de inflación óptima en estado estacionario bajo dos especificaciones de rigidez de precios diferentes, Calvo (1983) y Taylor (1980), en un modelo con competencia monopolística. Encontramos que la tasa óptima de inflación en estado estacionario es siempre positiva. Este resultado es robusto a los cambios en el grado de rigidez de los precios. En ambos casos con rigidez de precios, la tasa de inflación óptima es aproximadamente igual al cociente entre la tasa de descuento y la elasticidad de Dixit-Stiglitz. Para calibraciones estándar, el coste de bienestar de la inflación es cuantitativamente pequeño, pero significativamente más alto si los precios son rígidos a la Calvo que si son rígidos a la Taylor.Fundación Banco Sabadell, Fundación Bancaria Caja Navarra y Universidad Pública de NavarraPrograma de Doctorado en Economía, Empresa y Derecho (RD 99/2011)Ekonomiako, Enpresako eta Zuzenbideko Doktoretza Programa (ED 99/2011

    Influence of Estrogen Modulation on Glia Activation in a Murine Model of Parkinson's Disease

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    Epidemiological data suggest a sexual dimorphism in Parkinson disease (PD), with women showing lower risk of developing PD. Vulnerability of the nigrostriatal pathway may be influenced by exposure to estrogenic stimulation throughout fertile life. To further address this issue, we analyzed the progression of nigrostriatal damage, microglia and astrocyte activation and microglia polarization triggered by intrastriatal injection of dopaminergic neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) in male, female and ovariectomized (OVX) mice, as well as in OVX mice supplemented with 17\u3b2estradiol (OVX+E). Animals were sacrificed at different time points following 6-OHDA injection and brain sections containing striatum and substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) underwent immunohistochemistry for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) (dopaminergic marker), immunofluorescence for IBA1 and GFAP (markers of microglia and astrocyte activation, respectively) and triple immunoflorescent to identify polarization of microglia toward the cytotoxic M1 (DAPI/IBA1/TNF\u3b1) or cytoprotective M2 (DAPI/IBA1/CD206) phenotype. SNc damage induced by 6-OHDA was significantly higher in OVX mice, as compared to all other experimental groups, at 7 and 14 days after surgery. Astrocyte activation was higher in OVX mice with respect the other experimental groups, at all time points. Microglial activation in the SNc was detected at earlier time points in male, female and OVX+E, while in OVX mice was detected at all time-points. Microglia polarization toward the M2, but not the M1, phenotype was detected in female and OVX+E mice, while the M1 phenotype was observed only in male and OVX mice. Our results support the protective effects of estrogens against nigrostriatal degeneration, suggesting that such effects may be mediated by an interaction with microglia, which tend to polarize preferentially toward an M2, cytoprotective phenotype in the presence of intense estrogenic stimulation

    Plasma exosome profile in st-elevation myocardial infarction patients with and without out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

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    The identification of new biomarkers allowing an early and more accurate characterization of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is still needed, and exosomes represent an attractive diagnostic tool in this context. However, the characterization of their protein cargo in relation to cardiovascular clinical manifestation is still lacking. To this end, 35 STEMI patients (17 experiencing resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA-STEMI) and 18 uncomplicated) and 32 patients with chronic coronary syndrome (CCS) were enrolled. Plasma exosomes were characterized by the nanoparticle tracking analysis and Western blotting. Exosomes from STEMI patients displayed a higher concentration and size and a greater expression of platelet (GPIIb) and vascular endothelial (VE-cadherin) markers, but a similar amount of cardiac troponin compared to CCS. In addition, a difference in exosome expression of acute-phase proteins (ceruloplasmin, transthyretin and fibronectin) between STEMI and CCS patients was found. GPIIb and brain-associated marker PLP1 accurately discriminated between OHCA and uncomplicated STEMI. In conclusion, the exosome profile of STEMI patients has peculiar features that differentiate it from that of CCS patients, reflecting the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in STEMI. Additionally, the exosome expression of brain-and platelet-specific markers might allow the identification of patients experiencing ischemic brain injury in STEMI

    Activation of the DNA damage response in vivo in synucleinopathy models of Parkinson\xe2\x80\x99s disease

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    The involvement of DNA damage and repair in aging processes is well established. Aging is an unequivocal risk factor for chronic neurodegenerative diseases, underscoring the relevance of investigations into the role that DNA alterations may have in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Consistently, even moderate impairment of DNA repair systems facilitates the onset of pathological features typical of PD that include derangement of the dopaminergic system, mitochondrial dysfunction, and alpha-synuclein stress. The latter establishes a connection between reduced DNA repair capacity and a cardinal feature of PD, alpha-synuclein pathology. It remains to be determined, however, whether alpha-synuclein stress activates in vivo the canonical signaling cascade associated with DNA damage, which is centered on the kinase ATM and substrates such as \xce\xb3H2Ax and 53BP1. Addressing these issues would shed light on age-related mechanisms impinging upon PD pathogenesis and neurodegeneration in particular. We analyzed two different synucleinopathy PD mouse models based either on intranigral delivery of AAV-expressing human alpha-synuclein, or intrastriatal injection of human alpha-synuclein pre-formed fibrils. In both cases, we detected a significant increase in \xce\xb3H2AX and 53BP1 foci, and in phospho-ATM immunoreactivity in dopaminergic neurons, which collectively indicate DNA damage and activation of the DNA damage response. Mechanistic experiments in cell cultures indicate that activation of the DNA damage response is caused, at least in part, by pro-oxidant species because it is prevented by exogenous or endogenous antioxidants, which also rescue mitochondrial anomalies caused by proteotoxic alpha-synuclein. These in vivo and in vitro findings reveal that the cellular stress mediated by alpha-synuclein\xe2\x80\x94a pathological hallmark in PD\xe2\x80\x94elicits DNA damage and activates the DNA damage response. The toxic cascade leading to DNA damage involves oxidant stress and mitochondrial dysfunction The data underscore the importance of DNA quality control for preservation of neuronal integrity and protection against neurodegenerative processes
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