30 research outputs found

    Genomic Exploration of the Hemiascomycetous Yeasts: 1. A set of yeast species for molecular evolution studies11Sequences and annotations are accessible at: GĂ©noscope (http://www.genoscope.cns.fr), FEBS Letters Website (http://www.elsevier.nl/febs/show/), Bordeaux (http://cbi.genopole-bordeaux.fr/Genolevures) and were deposited into the EMBL database (accession number from AL392203 to AL441602).

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    AbstractThe identification of molecular evolutionary mechanisms in eukaryotes is approached by a comparative genomics study of a homogeneous group of species classified as Hemiascomycetes. This group includes Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the first eukaryotic genome entirely sequenced, back in 1996. A random sequencing analysis has been performed on 13 different species sharing a small genome size and a low frequency of introns. Detailed information is provided in the 20 following papers. Additional tables available on websites describe the ca. 20 000 newly identified genes. This wealth of data, so far unique among eukaryotes, allowed us to examine the conservation of chromosome maps, to identify the ‘yeast-specific’ genes, and to review the distribution of gene families into functional classes. This project conducted by a network of seven French laboratories has been designated ‘GĂ©nolevures’

    Genomic Exploration of the Hemiascomycetous Yeasts: 19. Ascomycetes-specific genes

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    AbstractComparisons of the 6213 predicted Saccharomyces cerevisiae open reading frame (ORF) products with sequences from organisms of other biological phyla differentiate genes commonly conserved in evolution from ‘maverick’ genes which have no homologue in phyla other than the Ascomycetes. We show that a majority of the ‘maverick’ genes have homologues among other yeast species and thus define a set of 1892 genes that, from sequence comparisons, appear ‘Ascomycetes-specific’. We estimate, retrospectively, that the S. cerevisiae genome contains 5651 actual protein-coding genes, 50 of which were identified for the first time in this work, and that the present public databases contain 612 predicted ORFs that are not real genes. Interestingly, the sequences of the ‘Ascomycetes-specific’ genes tend to diverge more rapidly in evolution than that of other genes. Half of the ‘Ascomycetes-specific’ genes are functionally characterized in S. cerevisiae, and a few functional categories are over-represented in them

    Évolution des gĂ©nomes de levures (analyse de la redondance et gĂ©nomique comparative)

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    PARIS7-BibliothĂšque centrale (751132105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Socialisation et développement des compétences<br />de l'élÚve ingénieur: Contribution au colloque "Compétences et socialisation" organisé à Montpellier, les 7 et 8 septembre 2007, par le CERFEE (Université Montpellier 3), le LIRDEF (IUFM de Montpellier) avec le concours de Montpellier Sup'Agro

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    La notion de compĂ©tence fait l'objet de nombreux dĂ©bats. NĂ©anmoins, les Ă©coles d'ingĂ©nieur sont obligĂ©es d'intĂ©grer une « logique compĂ©tence » (CEFI, 2005 ; 2006), imposĂ©e indirectement par la loi de modernisation sociale du 17/01/2002 et son dĂ©cret d'application (26/04/2002). Reprenant la directive EUROPASS, la loi a crĂ©Ă© le RĂ©pertoire national de la certification professionnelle, le dĂ©cret prĂ©cise que chaque diplĂŽme inscrit au rĂ©pertoire doit ĂȘtre associĂ© Ă  un rĂ©fĂ©rentiel dĂ©crivant les compĂ©tences, aptitudes et connaissances liĂ©es aux activitĂ©s professionnelles auxquelles il permet d'accĂ©der.PlutĂŽt que de remettre en cause cette « logique compĂ©tence », l'Ecole d'ingĂ©nieurs du CESI a formĂ© le projet de se doter d'une approche dĂ©veloppementale de la compĂ©tence, ayant comme rĂ©fĂ©rence l'organisation de l'activitĂ© de « l'ingĂ©nieur gĂ©nĂ©raliste » CESI.Dans cette approche, nous considĂ©rons trois dimensions de la compĂ©tence, avec des indicateurs propres Ă  chacune d'elle :- Une dimension « cognitive », construite par le sujet au cours de son activitĂ©, qui mobilise et enrichit ses reprĂ©sentations (au sens large : conceptuelles, sociales, organisationnelles, expĂ©rientielles...) et ses « organisateurs d'activitĂ©s » (schĂšmes, procĂ©dures...) (PastrĂ©, 2004 ; 2005).- Une dimension « identitaire », qui se dĂ©veloppe sur la base des relations sociales au sein du collectif oĂč se dĂ©roule l'activitĂ©, et se nourrit du sentiment de compĂ©tence rĂ©sultant de la mesure par le sujet de l'efficacitĂ© de son activitĂ© ainsi que du jugement de compĂ©tence portĂ© par le collectif (PastrĂ©, 2005 ; Hillau, 2006).- Une dimension « institutionnelle », qui dĂ©finit le territoire dans lequel l'activitĂ© du sujet est considĂ©rĂ©e comme lĂ©gitime, ce qui est le sens historiquement premier du terme « compĂ©tence » (Hillau, 2006).Une sĂ©rie de travaux de recherche menĂ©s par les auteurs sont en cours, pour Ă©tablir la rĂ©fĂ©rence, comprendre les Ă©tapes du dĂ©veloppement et les effets des dispositifs de formation. Ces travaux portent sur 6 promotions d'Ă©lĂšves ingĂ©nieurs (formation continue et apprentissage). La communication proposĂ©e rend compte des premiers rĂ©sultats et notamment de l'articulation entre le dĂ©veloppement « cognitif » et la construction identitaire, Ă  partir de l'Ă©tude des trajectoires d'une centaine d'Ă©lĂšves ingĂ©nieurs

    Genomic Exploration of the Hemiascomycetous Yeasts: 12. Kluyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus

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    AbstractAs part of the comparative genomics project ‘GENOLEVURES’, we studied the Kluyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus strain CBS712 using a partial random sequencing strategy. With a 0.2×genome equivalent coverage, we identified ca. 1300 novel genes encoding proteins, some containing spliceosomal introns with consensus splice sites identical to those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 28 tRNA genes, the whole rDNA repeat, and retrotransposons of the Ty1/2 family of S. cerevisiae with diverged Long Terminal Repeats. Functional classification of the K. marxianus genes, as well as the analysis of the paralogous gene families revealed few differences with respect to S. cerevisiae. Only 42 K. marxianus identified genes are without detectable homolog in the baker’s yeast. However, we identified several genetic rearrangements between these two yeast species

    Identification of Splicing Defects Caused by Mutations in the Dysferlin Gene

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    International audienceMissense, iso-semantic, and intronic mutations are challenging for interpretation, in particular for their impact in mRNA. Various tools such as the Human Splicing Finder (HSF) system could be used to predict the impact on splicing; however, no diagnosis result could rely on predictions alone, but requires functional testing. Here, we report an in vitro approach to study the impact of DYSF mutations on splicing. It was evaluated on a series of 45 DYSF mutations, both intronic and exonic. We confirmed splicing alterations for all intronic mutations localized in 5 or 3 splice sites. Then, we showed that DYSF missense mutations could also result in splicing defects: mutations c.463G>A and c.2641A>C abolished ESEs and led to exon skipping; mutations c.565C>G and c.1555G>A disrupted Exonic Splicing Enhancer (ESE), while concomitantly creating new 5 or 3 splice site leading to exonic out of frame deletions. We demonstrated that 20% of DYSF missense mutations have a strong impact on splicing. This minigene strategy is an efficient tool for the detection of splicing defects in dysferlinopathies, which could allow for a better comprehension of splicing defects due to mutations and could improve prediction tools evaluating splicing defects

    The French National Registry of patients with Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy

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    Abstract Background Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy is a rare inherited neuromuscular disease with an estimated prevalence of 1/20,000 and France therefore harbors about 3000 FSHD patients. With research progress and the development of targeted therapies, patients’ identification through registries can facilitate and improve recruitment in clinical trials and studies. Results The French National Registry of FSHD patients was designed as a mixed model registry involving both patients and physicians, through self-report and clinical evaluation questionnaires respectively, to collect molecular and clinical data. Because of the limited number of patients, data quality is a major goal of the registry and various automatic data control features have been implemented in the bioinformatics system. In parallel, data are manually validated by molecular and clinical curators. Since its creation in 2013, data from 638 FSHD patients have been collected, representing about 21% of the French FSHD population. The mixed model strategy allowed to collect 59.1% of data from both patients and clinicians; 26 and 14.9% from respectively patients and clinicians only. With the identification of the FSHD1 and FSHD2 forms, specific questionnaires have been designed. Though FSHD2 patients are progressively included, FSHD1 patients still account for the majority (94.9%). The registry is compatible with the FAIR principles as data are Findable, Accessible and Interoperable. We thus used molecular standards and standardized clinical terms used by the FILNEMUS French network of reference centers for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients suffering from a rare neuromuscular disease. The implemented clinical terms mostly map to dictionaries and terminology systems such as SNOMED-CT (75% of terms), CTV3 (61.7%) and NCIt (53.3%). Because of the sensitive nature of data, they are not directly reusable and can only be accessed as aggregated data after evaluation and approval by the registry oversight committee. Conclusions The French National Registry of FSHD patients belongs to a national effort to develop databases, which should now interact with other initiatives to build a European and/or an international FSHD virtual registry for the benefits of patients. It is accessible at www.fshd.fr and various useful information, links, and documents, including a video, are available for patients and professionals

    Evolution of non-LTR retrotransposons in the trypanosomatid genomes: Leishmania major has lost the active elements

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    The ingi and L1Tc non-LTR retrotransposons - which constitute the ingi clade - are abundant in the genome of the trypanosomatid species Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi, respectively. The corresponding retroelements, however, are not present in the genome of a closely related trypanosomatid, Leishmania major. To study the evolution of non-LTR retrotransposons in trypanosomatids, we have analyzed all ingi/L1Tc elements and highly degenerate ingi/L1Tc-related sequences identified in the recently completed T. brucei, T. cruzi and L. major genomes. The coding sequences of 242 degenerate ingi/L1Tc-related elements (DIREs) in all three genomes were reconstituted by removing the numerous frame shifts. Three independent phylogenetic analyses conducted on the conserved domains encoded by these elements show that all DIREs, including the 52 L. major DIREs, form a monophyletic group belonging to the ingi clade. This indicates that the trypanosomatid ancestor contained active mobile elements that have been retained in the Trypanosoma species, but were lost from L. major genome, where only remnants (DIRE) are detectable. All 242 DIREs analyzed group together according to their species origin with the exception of 11 T. cruzi DIREs which are close to the T. brucei ingi/DIRE families. Considering the absence of known horizontal transfer between the African T. brucei and the South-American T. cruzi, this suggests that this group of elements evolved at a lower rate when compared to the other trypanosomatid elements. Interestingly, the only nucleotide sequence conserved between ingi and L1Tc (the first 79 residues) is also present at the 5â€Č-extremity of all the full length DIREs and suggests a possible role for this conserved motif, as well as for DIREs.Fil: Bringaud, FrĂ©dĂ©ric. Universite Victor Segalen Bordeaux Ii; FranciaFil: Ghedin, Elodie. The Institute for Genomic Research; Estados Unidos. The George Washington University; Estados UnidosFil: Blandin, GaĂ«lle. The Institute for Genomic Research; Estados UnidosFil: Bartholomeu, Daniella C.. The Institute for Genomic Research; Estados UnidosFil: Caler, Elisabet. The Institute for Genomic Research; Estados UnidosFil: Levin, Mariano Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en IngenierĂ­a GenĂ©tica y BiologĂ­a Molecular "Dr. HĂ©ctor N. Torres"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Baltz, ThĂ©o. Universite Victor Segalen Bordeaux Ii; FranciaFil: El Sayed, Najib M.. The George Washington University; Estados Unidos. The Institute for Genomic Research; Estados Unido