218 research outputs found

    Comportamiento del consumidor frente a la decisión de compra en artículos deportivos relacionados con el uso de bicicleta en la ciudad de Bogotá.

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    18 páginas.El presente trabajo mediante la aplicación de la escala diseñada por Slama y Taschian (1985, p. 73), tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento del cosumidor de artículos de bicicleta, a partir del concepto de involucramiento de compra. Para ello se hace una revisión de literatura para explicar los principales conceptos y luego se hace un análisis empírico exploratorio aplicando la escala mencionanda anteriormente que consta de 33 preguntas tipo Likert bajo un conjunto de características sociodemográficas definidas como variables explicativas del comportamiento e involucramiento.The present work, throught the application of the scale designed by slama and Taschian (1985, p. 73), it has the objective to analyze the consumer behavior of bicycle articles, based on the concept of purchase involvement. For this, a review of the literature is made to explain the main concepts and then an exploratory empirical analysis is done applying the scale mentioned above that consists of 33 Likert-type questions under a set of sociodemographic characteristics defined as explanatory variables of behavior and involment.Magíster en MercadeoMaestrí

    Radiowave Propagation Prediction in a Wind Farm Enviroment and Wind Turbine Scattering Model

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    One of the environmental effects of wind farms is the electromagnetic interference due to the scattering produced by the wind turbines on the electromagnetic waves of different radio communication services propagating through them. A previous work [4] is updated here and the scattering models for the nacelle and the wind turbine are shown and validated. Radio wave propagation losses are estimated more precisely through a parabolic equation approach. Finally, a comparison between theoretical and measured values for the Power Delay Profile (PDP) of the multipath channel through a wind farm is showed

    Modeling of the interferences cost by wind farms of the tv broadcast service

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    One of the environmental effects of wind farms is that wind turbines act as scattering devices of the electromagnetic RF waves and thus, may cause interferences to different telecommunication services around them. To carry on with a previous work [4], the model of the nacelle and the wind turbine is shown and validated. Finally, a wideband terrain-sensitive channel response model has been developed from narrow-band model. The complex wideband channel transfer function is transformed here to the time domain through the use of a fast Fourier transform (FFT), so that calculating the power delay profile (PDP)

    Interferencias de los parques eólicos en el servicio de TV

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    This paper analyzes the problematic of the interferences created by wind farms. Wind turbines may cause interferences to television and microwave signals due to reflections and diffractions of those signals from both the tower (stationary) and the blades (non-stationary). The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, on the BT 805 [1], specifies a simplified model of impairment caused to television reception by a single wind turbine considering only free space propagation. This paper shows the extensions to a multiple turbine case, the inclusion of other propagation models (plain earth and ITU-R P.1546) and presents more accurate models to obtain the scattering produced by a wind turbine, as well as their implementation on friendly-use softwar

    Differents Aspects of the Interferences Caused By Wind Farms Over Tv Signals

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    One of the environmental effects of wind farms is that wind turbines act as scattering devices of the electromagnetic RF waves and thus, may cause interferences to different telecommunication services around them. To carry on with a previous work [4], the model of the nacelle and the wind turbine is shown and validated. Finally, a wideband terrain-sensitive channel response model has been developed from narrow-band model. The complex wideband channel transfer function is transformed here to the time domain through the use of a fast Fourier transform (FFT), so that calculating the power delay profile (PDP


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    Regramentos em torno do tema alimentação fazem parte precocemente da vida humana. Guias Alimentares são produzidos por órgãos públicos no Brasil e internacionalmente com o intento de direcionar as condutas por caminhos mais saudáveis. Resta, pois, entender se as crianças e adolescentes de fato seguem, em sua prática composicional de pratos, as regras de alimentação saudável preconizadas na literatura científica. A luz da teoria piagetiana, esta pesquisa se volta para compreensão de como se constroem e são praticadas as regras de empratamento e se há relação com os estágios de desenvolvimento cognitivo. Para tanto, efetuou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com dezenove crianças e adolescentes, de escolas do Rio Grande do Sul. Os participantes foram convidados a elaborar, de forma prática, pratos para a refeição do almoço. Após a conclusãoda tarefa, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A partir da análise dos dados, foram identificados seis grupos de composição de pratos, partindose de seleções majoritariamente realizadas por gosto ou interesse pelo lúdico até escolhas mais racionalizadas em prol do saudável. Verifica-se forte tendência a conduta guiada pelo gosto. Evidenciou-se que a aprendizagem das regras é em primeiro plano encabeçada por orientações parentais e pelo empirismo individual. Conclui-se que as habilidades necessárias para seleção de alimentos que irão compor os pratos, visando ao saudável, tem relação íntima com o desenvolvimento cognitivo dos indivíduos. Nesse sentido, conteúdos escolares e guias podem auxiliar na racionalização das regras alimentares, favorecendo as escolhas mais saudáveis, por serem essas fundamentadas no saber científico


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    In this study, we discuss the legitimacy of addressing the theme of dietary rules in the classroom. Through a semi-structured questionnaire, the opinion of 17 teachers and undergraduates about the issue was known. With Piagetian theory we demonstrate that understanding about development of moral judgment may help in moral education that aimed at autonomy of individuals. It is no-ticed that there is legitimacy in debating about food rules in the classroom on account of moral and food are ordinary; rules are considered necessary and there are benefits derived from them indicated in surveys; they integrate cur-ricular national educational policies. Stands out as a limiter the lack of teacher training to work with this content. Thus, studies on methods that enable a mor-al and food education in the classroom are very useful for teacher practices.Neste estudo, discute-se a legitimidade de abordar o tema regras alimentares em sala de aula. Mediante um questionário semiestruturado, conheceu-se a opinião de 17 docentes e acadêmicos de licenciatura sobre a questão. Demons-trou-se, com a teoria Piagetiana, que o entendimento sobre o desenvolvimento do juízo moral auxiliaria numa educação moral que visasse a autonomia dos indivíduos. Percebe-se que há legitimidade em debater sobre regras alimentares em sala de aula por conta de a moral e a alimentação serem ordinárias; as regras serem consideradas necessárias e haver benefícios propiciados por essas, con-forme indicado em diversas pesquisas; essas integrarem a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação, serem temas transversais dos Parâmetros Curriculares Na-cionais e, mais recentemente, fazerem parte da Base Nacional Comum Curricu-lar para o ensino fundamental. Ressalta-se como limitador a falta de capacitação docente para o trabalho com esse conteúdo, referida pelos participantes. Portan-to, entende-se que estudos sobre métodos que viabilizem a educação moral e alimentar em sala de aula seriam muito úteis à prática docente

    Possibilities of using silicate rock powder: an overview

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    This study evaluates the on use of crushed rocks (remineralizers) to increase soil fertility levels and which contributed to increase agricultural productivity, recovery of degraded areas, decontamination of water, and carbon sequestration. The use of these geological materials is part of the assumptions of rock technology and, indirectly, facilitates the achievement of sustainable development goals related to soil management, climate change, and the preservation of water resources. Research over the past 50 years on silicate rocks focused on soil fertility management and agricultural productivity. More recently, the combined use with microorganisms and organic correctives have shown positive results to mitigate soil degradation; to expand carbon sequestration and storage; and to contribute to the adsorption of contaminants from water and soil. In this article we show results obtained in several countries and we show that this technology can contribute to the sustainability of agriculture, as well as to reverse global warming. Although mineral nutrients are released more slowly from these types of inputs, they remain in the soil for a longer time, stimulating the soil biota. In addition, they are a technology to soluble synthetic fertilizers replace, since the few nutrients derived from such inputs not consumed by plants are lost by leaching, contaminating groundwater and water resources. In addition, conventional methods rely heavily on chemical pesticides which cause damage to soil's microfauna (responsible for the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling) and the loss of organic carbon (in the form of dioxide), which is quickly dispersed in the atmosphere. Silicate rock powders are applied in natura, have long-lasting residual effects and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

    An Open Source Quantitative Evaluation Framework for Automatic Video Summarization Algorithms

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    The creation, consumption, and manipulation of video play a central role in everyday life as the amount of video data is growing at an exponential rate. Video summarization consists on producing a condensed output from a video that allows humans to rapidly understand and browse the content of the original source. Although there are several evaluation approaches proposed in the literature, multiple challenges make the quantitative evaluation of a summarization a complex process. In this paper we present a completely open video summarization evaluation framework that is compatible with existing datasets and published results. Standard metrics are considered and a new metric that captures unbalanced-class video summarization evaluation is proposed. Two legacy datasets are integrated in a standard format. Finally, new quantitative results based on already published algorithms are presented.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    An Open Source Quantitative Evaluation Framework for Automatic Video Summarization Algorithms

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    The creation, consumption, and manipulation of video play a central role in everyday life as the amount of video data is growing at an exponential rate. Video summarization consists on producing a condensed output from a video that allows humans to rapidly understand and browse the content of the original source. Although there are several evaluation approaches proposed in the literature, multiple challenges make the quantitative evaluation of a summarization a complex process. In this paper we present a completely open video summarization evaluation framework that is compatible with existing datasets and published results. Standard metrics are considered and a new metric that captures unbalanced-class video summarization evaluation is proposed. Two legacy datasets are integrated in a standard format. Finally, new quantitative results based on already published algorithms are presented.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ