340 research outputs found
Relationship Between use of Dating apps and Sociodemographic Variables, Sexual Attitudes, and Sexual risk Behaviors
Introduction: Although some studies have found a link between dating apps and sociodemographic variables, sexual attitudes, and sexual risk behaviors, few studies in Spain have explored these relationships. This study analyzes the relationship between the use of dating apps and these variables in this country.
Method: A total of 2288 people aged between 18 and 35 years completed a questionnaire, which, in addition to sociodemographic variables, contained questions on the use of dating apps, a measure of attitudes toward online sexual behaviors, and indicators of sexual risk behaviors.
Results: The percentage of men using dating apps is higher than that of women, and the percentage of LGB users is higher than that of heterosexuals. In addition, users have more positive attitudes toward online sexual behavior than non-users. In general, users are also found to have more sexual partners than non-users, although they more frequently use condoms for vaginal intercourse and anal sex.
Conclusion: The present study provides evidence for the relationship between the use of dating apps and certain variables in Spain.
Policy Implications: Dating apps do not have to be equated with sexual risk, but condom use should continue to be encouraged, especially among those who have multiple sexual partners
Acculturation and Sexual Attitudes: a Systematic Review
Introduction: The culture plays an important role in sexuality. Although each ethnocultural group has its own sexual attitudes, in multicultural contexts, the acculturation process could modify the sexual attitudes of these groups. The aim of the study was to perform a systematic literature review of the studies that have examined the relationship between acculturation and sexual attitudes.
Method: The review was carried out in the ProQuest and Scopus databases. There was no time restriction in literature search.
Results: A total of 25 studies met the inclusion criteria. The year of publication of the studies ranged from 1982 to 2020. The studies were conducted in the USA and/or in Canada and included mainly Asians and Latinos/Hispanics. Proxy indicators, unidimensional, and bidimensional measures were used to measure acculturation. In general, results show that mainstream acculturation is positively related to liberal or positive sexual attitudes. Relevant interaction and mediation effects were also found: (1) mainstream dimension moderates the relationship between heritage dimension and sexual attitudes, (2) heritage dimension moderates the relationship between mainstream dimension and sexual attitudes, (3) acculturation moderates the relation between gender and sexual attitudes, (4) gender moderates the relation between acculturation and sexual attitudes, (5) the ethnocultural origin moderates the relationship between acculturation and sexual attitudes, and (6) sex guilt mediated the relationship between mainstream acculturation and sexual desire.
Conclusion: The acculturation process is related to sexual attitudes.
Policy Implications: Knowing the acculturation process could be important to achieve greater equity in sexual health among different groups.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature and University of Huelva / CBUA
Attitudes toward sexual behaviors: relationship with gender and sexual orientation
Most studies that have compared sexual attitudes between men and women have focused on heterosexual individuals or have not controlled for sexual orientation. In addition, many have used measures of general sexual attitudes, which have more difficulty in predicting sexual behaviors and sexual health than measures of attitudes toward specific sexual behav iors. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyze whether gender and sexual orientation are related to attitudes toward specific sexual behaviors in Spain. The study sample consisted of 1725 participants (55.8% women) aged between 18 and 35 years and of different sexual orientations. All participants completed an instrument to measure attitudes toward specific contextualized sexual behaviors. After controlling for age and current relationship status, the results reveal that while women have more positive attitudes toward solitary sexual behaviors and erotic material than men, men have more positive attitudes toward unconventional and online sexual behaviors than women. Bisexual people have more positive attitudes toward frequent dyadic sexual behaviors with casual partners than homosexual people. Finally, bisexual and homosexual people have more positive attitudes towards solitary sexual behaviors and erotic material, unconventional sexual behaviors, and online sexual behaviors than heterosexuals. It is concluded that gender and sexual orientation are related to attitudes toward different types of sexual behaviors.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Huelva/ CBU
Comportamientos sexuales convencionales, en solitario, a través de las TIC y no convencionales en jóvenes heterosexuales = Conventional, solitary, via ICT, and unconventional sexual behaviors in heterosexual young people
Resumen: El objetivo del estudio es analizar diferentes tipos de comportamientos sexuales (CS; convencionales diádicos, en solitario, a través de las TIC y no convencionales) que los jóvenes refieren haber realizado o que podrían realizar, y comparar entre hombres y mujeres. Participaron un total de 886 jóvenes heterosexuales entre 18 y 30 años seleccionados mediante muestreo incidental y bola de nieve. Se les aplicó un cuestionario a través de internet que recogía información sobre CS convencionales diádicos, en solitario, a través de las TIC y no convencionales. Una mayor proporción de hombres que de mujeres realizan CS como la masturbación en solitario, fantasear sexualmente, el cibersexo y el trío. Las diferencias se incrementan (también en sexo anal y sexo en grupo) cuando la posibilidad de realizar los CS en un futuro es considerada. Las diferencias en los CS no convencionales y en el cibersexo podrían estar influidas por la doble moral sexual. Estudios recientes evidencian que la doble moral sexual podría estar desapareciendo en los CS convencionales, pero seguir presente en los CS menos convencionales.Palabras clave: comportamientos sexuales convencionales, comportamientos sexuales en solitario, comportamientos sexuales a través de las TIC, comportamientos sexuales no convencionales, jóvenes heterosexuales. Abstract: The aim of the study is to analyse different types of sexual behaviors (SB; conventional dyadic, solitary, via ICT, and unconventional SB) which young people report having performed or could perform, and to establish a comparison between women and men. A total of 886 heterosexual young people between 18 and 30 years selected by incidental and snowball sampling participated. A questionnaire via internet collecting information about conventional dyadic, solitary, via ICT, and unconventional SB was applied. A higher proportion of men than women perform SB such as solitary masturbation, sexual fantasies, cybersex, and threesome. The differences increase when the possibility of performing SB in the future is considered (also in anal sex and group sex). Unconventional SB and cybersex differences may be influenced by sexual double standards. Recent studies show that the sexual double standards may be disappearing for conventional SB, but may still be present for unconventional SB.Keywords: conventional sexual behaviors, solitary sexual behaviors, sexual behaviors via ICT, unconventional sexual behaviors, heterosexual young people
Changes in the Care Activity in Addiction Centers with Dual Pathology Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Background: Health care provision during the COVID-19 pandemic and confinement has
led to significant changes in the activity of addiction centers. These changes in healthcare activity
may have had a greater impact on patients with dual pathology. The aim of this study is to compare
the treatment indicators of patients with dual pathology in addiction centers during the preconfinement, confinement, and post-confinement periods. Methods: A retrospective observational
study was conducted for the period between 1 February 2019 and 30 June 2021. A total of 2785
patients treated in specialized addiction services were divided into three periods according to their
time of admission: pre-confinement, confinement, and post-confinement. Results: During the prepandemic period, the addiction centers attended to an average of 121.3 (SD = 23.58) patients,
decreasing to 53 patients during confinement (SD = 19.47), and 80.69 during the post-confinement
period (SD = 15.33). The number of appointments scheduled monthly for each patient decreased
during the confinement period, although this number increased after confinement. There was a
reduction in the number of toxicological tests carried out both during and after confinement (except
for alcohol). Conclusions: The results show a reduction in the number of patients seen and the care
activity delivered to dual diagnosis patients. These results, which were caused by the COVIDpreventive measures, may affect the progress and recovery of dual patients. A greater investment
is needed to bring the care activity up to the standards of the years prior to confinementThis work was supported by the grant “COMPARA: Psychiatric Comorbidity in
Addictions and Outcomes in Andalusia. Modelización a través de Big Data”, project P20-00735 of
the Andalusian Research, Development, and Innovation Plan, provided by Fondo Europeo de
Desarrollo Regional (EU) and Junta de Andalucía (Spain).
This study has been carried out thanks to the transfer of data by the Department
of Equality, Social Policies, and Conciliation of the Junta de Andalucí
Monitoring adherence and abstinence of cannabis use disorder patients: profile identification and relationship with long term treatment outcomes
Background: Patients with cannabis use disorder (CUD) show heterogeneous sociodemographic and consumption
patterns. Although previous studies, focused on identifying subgroups of CUD patients using input variables,
have yielded useful results for planning individualized treatments, no published research has analyzed the
profiles of CUD patients according to their therapeutic progress. This study therefore aims to identify subgroups
of patients using adherence and abstinence indicators and to explore whether these profiles are associated with
sociodemographic characteristics, consumption variables, and long-term therapeutic outcomes.
Methods: This was a retrospective observational study with a multisite sample of 2055 CUD outpatients who were
beginning treatment. The study monitored patient data at two-year follow-up. We conducted latent profiles
analysis on the appointment attendance ratio and percentage of negative cannabis tests.
Results: A three profile solution emerged: i) moderate abstinence/moderate adherence (n = 997); ii) high
abstinence/moderate adherence (n = 613); and iii) high abstinence/high adherence (n = 445). The study found
the most marked differences at the beginning of treatment for education level (chi2 (8) = 121.70, p < .001),
source of referral (chi2 (12) = 203.55, p < .001), and frequency of cannabis use (chi2 (10) = 232.39, p < .001).
Eighty percent of patients from the “high abstinence/high adherence” group were relapse-free at two year follow-
up. This percentage decreased to 24.3 % in the “moderate abstinence/moderate adherence” group.
Conclusions: Research has shown adherence and abstinence indicators to be useful for identifying subgroups of
patients with different prognoses regarding long-term success. Recognizing the sociodemographic and con-
sumption variables associated with these profiles at the beginning of treatment could help to inform the design of
more individualized interventionsFunding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBU
The importance of family in the acculturation process of adolescents of Moroccan origin in Spain
The objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between variables of the family context (perceived family support, quality of parent–adolescent communication and family ethnic socialisation) and the acculturation process (perceptions and preferences of culturalmaintenance and adoption) among adolescents ofMoroccan origin living in Spain. The sample consisted of 360 Moroccan adolescents (58.7% females) between 12 and 19 years old, enrolled in different schools, who filled out a self-report questionnaire. Results showed positive and significant relationships between family variables and acculturation, especially for cultural maintenance. Mediation models showed that perceived family support predicts cultural maintenance (perceptions), with quality of communication with the mother, family ethnic socialisation and preferences of cultural maintenance acting as serial mediators (in the first model), and with quality of communication with the father and preferences of cultural maintenance acting as serial mediators (in the second model). These results evidence the importance of family variables in the acculturation process of Moroccan adolescents, especially in the maintenance of their origin culture
Location and Distribution of the Items of a Measure of Attitudes toward Sexual Behaviors in Heterosexual and Bisexual Women Using a Rasch Model and Analysis of the Differential Functioning of the Items
El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la localización y distribución de los ítems de la Escala de Actitudes hacia Comportamientos Sexuales (EACS) en mujeres heterosexuales y bisexuales y comprobar la existencia de funcionamiento diferencial del ítem. Participaron 897 mujeres entre 18 y 35 años que contestaron dicha escala. Los resultados muestran que, en general, la localización y distribución de los ítems es similar en mujeres heterosexuales y bisexuales. Los ítems referentes a comportamientos sexuales online con pareja ocasional son los que mayores puntuaciones presentan en la medida frente a los comportamientos sexuales frecuentes con pareja estable y la masturbación en solitario que son los que menores puntuaciones presentan. Únicamente en el ítem referente al trío existe una diferencia de puntuaciones logits ligeramente superior a .5 entre las mujeres heterosexuales y bisexuales. Por tanto, la EACS es un instrumento con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas desde la TRI en mujeres heterosexuales y bisexuales.The aim of the study was to analyze the location and distribution of the items of the Scale of Attitudes toward Sexual Behaviors (SASB) in heterosexual and bisexual women and to verify the existence of differential item functioning. A total of 897 women between 18 and 35 years of age answered the scale. The results show that, in general, the location and distribution of the items is similar in heterosexual and bisexual women. The items referring to online sexual behaviors with an occasional partner are the ones with the highest scores and frequent sexual behaviors with a steady partner and solo masturbation are the ones with the lowest scores. Only in the item referring to the threesome is there a difference in logit scores slightly higher than .5 between heterosexual and bisexual women. Therefore, the SASB is an instrument with adequate psychometric properties from the IRT in heterosexual and bisexual women
Propiedades psicométricas de la versión en español del Cuestionario de Necesidades Interpersonales de 12 ítems en pacientes con síndrome de fibromialgia.
Según la teoría interpersonal del suicidio, la pertenencia frustrada
y la carga percibida son elementos clave en el desarrollo de la ideación
suicida. El Cuestionario de necesidades interpersonales (INQ) fue diseñado
para evaluar el grado de frustración de estas dos necesidades interpersonales
relacionadas con la ideación suicida. El objetivo de este estudio
fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de una adaptación al español del
INQ-12 en pacientes con fibromialgia. Un análisis factorial exploratorio (n
= 180) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (n = 179) fueron realizados en
dos submuestras seleccionadas al azar. El primer análisis llevó a la eliminación
de dos ítems, mientras que el segundo confirmó el ajuste de la estructura
propuesta de dos factores. La fiabilidad estimada mediante el coeficiente
alfa de Cronbach y el coeficiente Spearman-Brown fue adecuada.
Para obtener evidencias de validez basadas en la relación con otros variables,
se utilizaron tres variables relacionadas con el suicidio. Además, se utilizó
un grupo control (n = 99) para contrastar los promedios de las puntuaciones
INQ como evidencia de validez basada en puntajes diferenciales.
Estos hallazgos respaldan la utilidad de la versión española del INQ-10 para
evaluar el grado de frustración de estas necesidades interpersonales en
pacientes con fibromialgia.According to the interpersonal theory of suicide, thwarted belongingness
and perceived burdensomeness are key elements in the development
of suicidal ideation. The Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire
(INQ) was developed to assess the degree of frustration of these two interpersonal
needs related to suicidal ideation. This study aims to analyze
the psychometrics properties of a Spanish adaptation of INQ-12 in fibromyalgia
patients. Exploratory factor analysis (n = 180) and confirmatory
factor analysis (n = 179) were performed in two randomly selected subsamples.
The first analysis leads to the elimination of two items, whereas
the second one confirmed the fit of the proposed two-factor structure.
The reliability estimated using the Cronbach´s alpha coefficient and the
Spearman-Brown coefficient was adequate. To obtain further validity evidence
based on the relationship with other variables three variables were
used. Moreover, a control group (n = 99) was used to contrast the means
of INQ scores as evidence of validity based on differential scores. These
findings support the usefulness of the Spanish version of the INQ-10 for
assessing the degree of frustration of these interpersonal needs in patients
with fibromyalgia
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the 12-item Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire in fibromyalgia syndrome patients
Según la teoría interpersonal del suicidio, la pertenencia frustrada y la carga percibida son elementos clave en el desarrollo de la ideación suicida. El Cuestionario de necesidades interpersonales (INQ) fue diseñado para evaluar el grado de frustración de estas dos necesidades interpersonales relacionadas con la ideación suicida. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de una adaptación al español del INQ - 12 en pacientes con fibromialgia. Un análisis factorial exploratorio (n = 180) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (n= 179) fueron realizados en dos submuestras seleccionadas al azar. El primer análisis llevó a la eliminación de dos ítems, mientras que el segundo confirmó el ajuste de la estructura propuesta de dos factores. La fiabilidad estimada mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach y el coeficiente Spearman - Brown fue adecuada. Para obtener evidencias de validez basadas en la relación con otras variables, se utilizaron tres variables relacionadas con el suicidio. Además, se utilizó un grupo control (n = 99) para contrastar los promedios de las puntuaciones INQ como evidencia de validez basada en puntajes diferenciales. Estos hallazgos respaldan la utilidad de la versión española del INQ - 10 para evaluar el grado de frustración de estas necesidades interpersonales en pacientes con fibromialgia
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