282 research outputs found

    Spatial Graphs with Local Knots

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    It is shown that for any locally knotted edge of a 3-connected graph in S3S^3, there is a ball that contains all of the local knots of that edge and is unique up to an isotopy setwise fixing the graph. This result is applied to the study of topological symmetry groups of graphs embedded in S3S^3.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures; in v. 2 the proof of Theorem 1 has been clarified, and other minor revisions have been mad

    A multilevel model with clustered management practices differentiating dairy herd environments in southeastern Sicily

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    Herd environments constitute productivity potentials, or aggregate opportunity outcomes, resulting from management actions taken with the available inputs. Management outcomes from cow nutrition, udder health and milking practices were quantified with the help of surveys of 254 dairy producers in southeastern Sicily. Objectives were to disentangle environmental opportunities by disaggregating herd effects into causal inputs. Average ME milk production was 8640 kg/lactation for the 183 Friesian herds containing 35 lactating cows and 10 dry cows. Seventy-one Brown Swiss herds averaged 6443 kg ME milk from 25 lactating and 10 dry cows. For Friesian (Brown Swiss) herds 10 (11) management practices affected milking performance and 9 (8) practices influenced somatic cell concentration (P<0.05). Multilevel analysis and herd clustering procedures differentiated low from high opportunity herd environments but altering relative weightings among management practices did not further discriminate them. This clustering methodology helps ensure unbiased estimation of management input effects and could help target priority management substitutions and technical support priorities in dairy extension programs.Partially funded by the CoRFiLaC (Ragusa, Italy) and Cornell University.www.elsevier.com/locate/livscihb201

    ISO Spectroscopy of Young Stellar Objects

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    Observations of gas-phase and solid-state species toward young stellar objects (YSOs) with the spectrometers on board the Infrared Space Observatory are reviewed. The excitation and abundances of the atoms and molecules are sensitive to the changing physical conditions during star-formation. In the cold outer envelopes around YSOs, interstellar ices contain a significant fraction of the heavy element abundances, in particular oxygen. Different ice phases can be distinguished, and evidence is found for heating and segregation of the ices in more evolved objects. The inner warm envelopes around YSOs are probed through absorption and emission of gas-phase molecules, including CO, CO_2, CH_4 and H_2O. An overview of the wealth of observations on gas-phase H_2O in star-forming regions is presented. Gas/solid ratios are determined, which provide information on the importance of gas-grain chemistry and high temperature gas-phase reactions. The line ratios of molecules such as H_2, CO and H_2O are powerful probes to constrain the physical parameters of the gas. Together with atomic and ionic lines such as [0 I] 63 µm, [S I] 25 µm and (Si II] 35 µm, they can also be used to distinguish between photon- and shock-heated gas. Finally, spectroscopic data on circumstellar disks around young stars are mentioned. The results are discussed in the context of the physical and chemical evolution of YSOs

    Species trait selection along a prescribed fire chronosequence

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    1. Fire is a widespread management practice used in the maintenance of European heathland. Frequent prescribed burns in small patches have been shown to benefit carabid communities; however, how fire favours specific life-history traits is poorly understood. 2. In this study, we identify characteristic species of the successional stages within heathlands, and find the traits which are characteristic of species in burnt areas versus areas dominated by older heath stands. 3. We identify 10 species as indicator species for heathland in the pioneer stage (0–5 years old); Amara lunicollis, Bembidion lampros, Calathus fuscipes, Carabus problematicus, Cicindela campestris, Nebria salina, Notiophilus aquaticus, Poecilus cupreus, P. lepidus and P. versicolor. Dyschirius globosus is identified as an indicator for the building stage (6–14 years old), and Carabus violaceus as an indicator for the mature stage (15–25 years old). 4. Moisture preference and diet are identified as traits that determine species response to prescribed fire. Collembolan specialists and species with no moisture preference are shown to be most abundant in burnt patches, whereas generalist predators and species with a high moisture preference are less tolerant of fire. 5. Knowledge of species sorting along a prescribed fire gradient can provide valuable information for heathland conservation.publishedVersio

    Carbon Recombination Lines from the Galactic Plane at 34.5 & 328 MHz

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    We present results of a search for carbon recombination lines in the Galaxy at 34.5 MHz (C575α575\alpha) made using the dipole array at Gauribidanur near Bangalore. Observations made towards 32 directions, led to detections of lines in absorption at nine positions. Followup observations at 328 MHz (C272α272\alpha) using the Ooty Radio Telescope detected these lines in emission. A VLA D-array observation of one of the positions at 330 MHz yielded no detection implying a lower limit of 10' for the angular size of the line forming region. The longitude-velocity distribution of the observed carbon lines indicate that the line forming region are located mainly between 4 kpc and 7 kpc from the Galactic centre. Combining our results with published carbon recombination line data near 76 MHz (\nocite{erickson:95} Erickson \et 1995) we obtain constraints on the physical parameters of the line forming regions. We find that if the angular size of the line forming regions is 4\ge 4^{\circ}, then the range of parameters that fit the data are: \Te =2040= 20-40 K, \ne 0.10.3\sim 0.1-0.3 \cm3 and pathlengths 0.070.9\sim 0.07-0.9 pc which may correspond to thin photo-dissociated regions around molecular clouds. On the other hand, if the line forming regions are 2\sim 2^{\circ} in extent, then warmer gas (\Te 60300\sim 60-300 K) with lower electron densities (\ne 0.030.05\sim 0.03-0.05 \cm3) extending over several tens of parsecs along the line of sight and possibly associated with atomic \HI gas can fit the data. Based on the range of derived parameters, we suggest that the carbon line regions are most likely associated with photo-dissociation regions.Comment: To appear in Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy, March 200

    Wildlife trail or systematic? Camera trap placement has little effect on estimates of mammal diversity in a tropical forest in Gabon

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    peer reviewedCamera traps (CTs) have been increasingly used for wildlife monitoring worldwide. In the tropics, most CT inventories target wildlife‐friendly sites, and CTs are commonly placed towards wildlife trails. However, it has been argued that this placement strategy potentially provides biased results in comparison to more systematic or randomized approaches. Here, we investigated the impact of CT placement on the remotely sensed mammal diversity in a tropical forest in Gabon by comparing pairs of systematically placed and wildlife‐trail‐oriented CTs. Our survey protocol consisted of 15–17 sampling points arranged on a 2 km2 grid and left for one month in the field. This protocol was replicated sequentially in four areas. Each sampling point comprised a CT pair: the ‘systematic CT’, installed at the theoretical point and systematically oriented towards the most uncluttered view; and the ‘trail CT’, placed within a 20‐m radius and facing a wildlife trail. For the vast majority of species, the detection probabilities were comparable between placements. Species average capture rates were slightly higher for trail‐based CTs, though this trend was not significant for any species. Therefore, the species richness and composition of the overall community, such as the spatial distribution patterns (from evenly spread to site‐restricted) of individual species, were similarly depicted by both placements. Opting for a systematic orientation ensures that pathways used preferentially by some species—and avoided by others—will be sampled proportionally to their density in the forest undergrowth. However, trail‐based placement is routinely used, already producing standardised data within large‐scale monitoring programmes. Here, both placements provided a comparable picture of the mammal community, though it might not be necessarily true in depauperate areas. Both types of CT data can nevertheless be combined in multi‐site analyses, since methods now allow accounting for differences in study design and detection bias in original CT data.Programme de Promotion de l’Exploitation Certifiée des Forêts (PPECF