657 research outputs found

    Foraging habitat of pileated woodpeckers in relation to a managed landscape on the Hoopa Valley reservation, Northwestern California

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    The Pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) is associated with older forest stages—larger diameter trees and snags for roosting, nesting and foraging, but they also use managed forests. The Hoopa Reservation is approximately 37,000 ha of mostly forested area with an array of seral stages. The Hoopa Tribe manages timber, and explicitly provides habitat for woodpeckers according to the Tribe’s Forest Management Plan (FMP). No formal study has assessed woodpecker habitat at Hoopa, and habitat has not been well described in this region. I captured eleven woodpeckers and outfitted them with transmitters between 2009 and 2014, and I used resource selection functions to examine foraging habitat selection. I compared used and available habitat, buffered with median telemetry error for all woodpeckers, then applied logistic regression to fit models to habitat covariates. Woodpeckers selected habitat near creeks, in areas with comparatively dense vegetation in the layers 1-8 m (ground) and \u3e32-72 m (upper canopy). The birds also showed some selection of old growth and avoidance of the stem exclusion seral stages. Home ranges averaged 213 ha (138-324 ha), which is smaller than most home ranges previously reported. Results of this study help inform the Tribe’s current timber management practices and future updates to the FMP, and I suggest that current timber practices are generally favorable for pileated woodpecker habitat. I recommend special attention be paid to the recruitment of snags via reintroduction of fire on the landscape to promote snag initiation, as well as diversification of managed forest stands that are a legacy of BIA management through habitat improvement

    Las big berthas en la cuerda floja de la creatividad

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    Sabemos que la creatividad es muy importante en las empresas, quizĂĄ incluso mĂĄs importante que antes, y por este motivo resulta tan sorprendente que haya tan pocos ejemplos y que se reciclen constantemente los mismos casos. Da la sensaciĂłn de que la creatividad genuina es poco comĂșn y por eso tan valiosa. El fomento de la creatividad comporta una cierta pĂ©rdida de control y, por este motivo, un cierto riesgo. se deberĂĄ llegar a un equilibrio, pero las empresas deberan ser valientes si quieren alcanzar una posiciĂłn de liderazgo. A ello pueden ayudar las agencias y otros no profesionales que actĂșan como protagonistas creativos

    Understanding academics: a UX ethnographic research project at the University of York

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    In Spring 2016 the University of York launched a research project to better understand academic staff. Ambitiously titled ‘Understanding Academics’ the project centred around the use of specific ethnographic methodologies and in particular two UX techniques: cognitive mapping followed by semi-structured interviews. The use of UX methodologies put the academics at the centre of the interviews, focussing on what they wanted to talk about rather than working through a pre-determined set of questions. Following the interviews, a five-stage methodology for managing and analysing the research data was developed. Ultimately, the research has led to a number of key outcomes: a set of ‘quick wins’; a set of longer-term practical recommendations; an evidence-based synthesis which seeks to define and explain academic life and understand the key motivations, frustrations and aspirations for academics; and finally an analysis of the key themes from the interview data

    Les big berthas a la corda fluixa de la creativitat

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    Sabem que Ă©s important la creativitat a les empreses -potser encara mĂ©s important ara que abans. Per aixĂČ sorprĂšn que n'hi hagi tan pocs exemples i que es reciclin sense aturador els mateixos casos. Sembla que la creativitat genuĂŻna sigui poc comuna- i per aixĂČ Ă©s tan valuosa. El moviment cap a la creativitat comportarĂ  una certa pĂšrdua de control i, per aixĂČ mateix, un cert risc. S'haurĂ  d'arribar a un equilibri. PerĂČ les companyies hauran de ser valentes si volen liderar. Hi poden ajudar les agĂšncies i altres professionals si actuen com a protagonistes creatius

    Ko Te Tāngata: For the people

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    The Council of Aotearoa New Zealand university libraries (CONZUL) launched a new strategy in 2022. One of the key strands is He Tāngata Rawe (our people). We are committed to focusing on creating and fostering environments that are culturally safe, inclusive and encourage diversity. We also lead people and culture related projects that enable our staff to develop and thrive. A number of our university libraries are on their own journey but this presentation will focus on the mahi (work) taking place at Te Whare Wānaga o Waikato in Aotearoa, NZ

    Space, Scholarship and Skills: Building Library Strategy on New and Emerging Needs of the Academic Community

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    This article follows the publication of a previous article which discussed the outcomes of the Understanding Academics research project (2016-2017) which sought to better understand academic staff at the University of York. The project centred around the use of specific ethnographic methodologies and in particular two UX techniques: cognitive mapping followed by semi-structured interviews. This article focuses on the key themes which emerged from that research and which now underpin the new Library strategy: space, scholarship and skills

    Identifying Factors that Impact the Educational Success of Veterans at IUPUI

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    poster abstractIncreased post-secondary enrollment among US military veterans using benefits from the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 has led to a newfound emphasis on expanded student services on college campuses. We examined academic performance, social support, and mental health through a cross-sectional survey of 101 Veterans who were enrolled in at least one course at IUPUI in the last 12 months in order to identify barriers and facilitators to academic success. In addition to educational outcomes, we also assessed a variety of measures related to community reintegration, quality of life, and resilience. We conceptualized academic success as higher GPA, student status, and lower levels of reported difficulty in reintegration, concentrating in the classroom, and completing coursework. We hypothesized that use of student services and financial aid, involvement with student affairs, perceived social support, encountered barriers, and completion of transition assistance programs were expected to influence success variables. More than half of participants reported experiencing educational barriers unique to their Veteran status, including moderate difficulties with concentration and completing tasks for school. Although high mean scores of grit, resilience, and perceived social support were recorded, high scores of reintegration difficulty suggest that the sample may be at probable risk for post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse. Despite these difficulties, most student Veterans did not report using Veteran specific resources, with only one in ten participants reporting any use of campus-based adaptive education services and psychological services. No significant difference was found between groups utilizing or failing to utilize 6 separate sources of financial aid, 6 services, and 9 types of student affairs. Our findings suggest potential ways to enhance current support programs. Future research that tracks longitudinal change and explores student experience in-depth may help explore mechanisms related to the academic success of military Veterans

    Iterative Ethical Discussion in Hybridized Practice Classes

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    An increasing number of social work programs at both the bachelor’s and master’s levels utilize online or hybridized instruction, including practice courses. These courses may be of particular advantage to students in rural communities by minimizing commute times and making social work education more available. However, a concern is whether these venues allow essential content, such as the development of professional ethics, to be adequately addressed. This teaching note is based on the authors’ experiences with conducting online ethics discussions and provides suggestions for incorporating online scenarios that reflect practice dilemmas, which students must consider critically before responding to posted questions
