61 research outputs found

    Relative merits of different types of rest-frame optical observations to constrain galaxy physical parameters

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    We present a new approach to constrain galaxy physical parameters from the combined interpretation of stellar and nebular emission in wide ranges of observations. This approach relies on the Bayesian analysis of any type of galaxy spectral energy distribution using a comprehensive library of synthetic spectra assembled using state-of-the-art models of star formation and chemical enrichment histories, stellar population synthesis, nebular emission and attenuation by dust. We focus on the constraints set by 5-band photometry and low- and medium-resolution spectroscopy at optical rest wavelengths on a set of physical parameters characterizing the stars and the interstellar medium. Since these parameters cannot be known a priori for any galaxy sample, we assess the accuracy to which they can be retrieved by simulating `pseudo-observations' using models with known parameters. Assuming that these models are good approximations of true galaxies, we find that the combined analysis of stellar and nebular emission in low-resolution galaxy spectra provides valuable constraints on all physical parameters. At higher resolution, the analysis of the combined stellar and nebular emission in 12,660 SDSS star-forming galaxies using our approach yields likelihood distributions of stellar mass, gas-phase oxygen abundance, optical depth of the dust and specific star formation rate similar to those obtained in previous separate analyses of the stellar and nebular emission at the original (twice higher) SDSS spectral resolution. We show that the constraints derived on galaxy physical parameters from these different types of observations depend sensitively on signal-to-noise ratio. Our approach can be extended to the analysis of any type of observation across the wavelength range covered by spectral evolution models. [abridged]Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Full-resolution version available from ftp://ftp.iap.fr/pub/from_users/pacifici/paper_pacifici_hr.pd

    The hierarchical formation of the brightest cluster galaxies

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    We use semi-analytic techniques to study the formation and evolution of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). We show the extreme hierarchical nature of these objects and discuss the limits of simple ways to capture their evolution. In a model where cooling flows are suppressed at late times by AGN activity, the stars of BCGs are formed very early (50 per cent at z~5, 80 per cent at z~3) and in many small galaxies. The high star formation rates in these high-z progenitors are fuelled by rapid cooling, not by merger-triggered starbursts. We find that model BCGs assemble surprisingly late: half their final mass is typically locked-up in a single galaxy after z~0.5. Because most of the galaxies accreted onto BCGs have little gas content and red colours, late mergers do not change the apparent age of BCGs. It is this accumulation of a large number of old stellar populations -- driven mainly by the merging history of the dark matter halo itself -- that yields the observed homogeneity of BCG properties. In the second part of the paper, we discuss the evolution of BCGs to high redshifts, from both observational and theoretical viewpoints. We show that our model BCGs are in qualitative agreement with high-z observations. We discuss the hierarchical link between high-z BCGs and their local counter-parts. We show that high-z BCGs belong to the same population as the massive end of local BCG progenitors, although they are not in general the same galaxies. Similarly, high-z BCGs end-up as massive galaxies in the local Universe, although only a fraction of them are actually BCGs of massive clusters.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, MNRAS accepted versio

    Building a control sample for galaxy pairs

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    Several observational works have attempted to isolate the effects of galaxy interactions by comparing galaxies in pairs with isolated galaxies. However, different authors have proposed different ways to build these so-called control samples (CS). By using mock galaxy catalogues of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 buildup from the Millennium Simulation, we explore how the way of building a CS might introduce biases which could affect the interpretation of results. We make use of the fact that the physics of interactions are not included in the semi-analytic model, to infer that any difference between the mock control and pair samples can be ascribed to selection biases. Thus, we find that galaxies in pairs artificially tend to be older and more bulge dominated, and to have less cold gas and different metallicities than their isolated counterparts. Also because of a biased selection, galaxies in pairs tend to live in higher density environments and in haloes of larger masses. We find that imposing constraints on redshift, stellar masses and local densities diminishes the selection biases by ≈70 per cent. Based on these findings, we suggest observers how to build a unique and unbiased CS in order to reveal the effect of galaxy interactions.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Galaxy stellar mass assembly: the difficulty matching observations and semi-analytical predictions

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    Semi-analytical models (SAMs) are currently the best way to understand the formation of galaxies within the cosmic dark-matter structures. While they fairly well reproduce the local stellar mass functions, correlation functions and luminosity functions, they fail to match observations at high redshift (z > 3) in most cases, particularly in the low-mass range. The inconsistency between models and observations indicates that the history of gas accretion in galaxies, within their host dark-matter halo, and the transformation of gas into stars, are not well followed. Hereafter, we briefly present a new version of the GalICS semi-analytical model. We explore the impacts of classical mechanisms, such as supernova feedback or photoionization, on the evolution of the stellar mass assembly. Even with a strong efficiency, these two processes cannot explain the observed stellar mass function and star formation rate distribution and some other relations. We thus introduce an ad-hoc modification of the standard paradigm, based on the presence of a \textit{no-star-forming} gas component, and a concentration of the star-forming gas in galaxy discs. The main idea behind the existence of the no-star-forming gas reservoir is that only a fraction of the total gas mass in a galaxy is available to form stars. The reservoir generates a delay between the accretion of the gas and the star formation process. This new model is in much better agreement with the observations of the stellar mass function in the low-mass range than the previous models, and agrees quite well with a large set of observations, including the redshift evolution of the specific star formation rate. However, it predicts a large fraction of no-star-forming baryonic gas, potentially larger than observed, even if its nature has still to be examined in the context of the missing baryon problem

    A Detailed Study of Feedback from a Massive Star

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    We present numerical simulations of a 15 solar mass star in a suite of idealised environments in order to quantify the amount of energy transmitted to the interstellar medium (ISM). We include models of stellar winds, UV photoionisation and the subsequent supernova based on theoretical models and observations of stellar evolution. The system is simulated in 3D using RAMSES-RT, an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Radiation Hydrodynamics code. We find that stellar winds have a negligible impact on the system owing to their relatively low luminosity compared to the other processes. The main impact of photoionisation is to reduce the density of the medium into which the supernova explodes, reducing the rate of radiative cooling of the subsequent supernova. Finally, we present a grid of models quantifying the energy and momentum of the system that can be used to motivate simulations of feedback in the ISM unable to fully resolve the processes discussed in this work.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Accretion, feedback and galaxy bimodality: a comparison of the GalICS semi-analytic model and cosmological SPH simulations

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    We compare the galaxy population of an SPH simulation to those predicted by the GalICS semi-analytic model and a stripped down version without supernova and AGN feedback. The SPH simulation and the no-feedback GalICS model make similar predictions for the baryonic mass functions of galaxies and for the dependence of these mass functions on environment and redshift. The two methods also make similar predictions for the galaxy content of dark matter haloes as a function of halo mass and for the gas accretion history of galaxies. Both the SPH and no-feedback GalICS models predict a bimodal galaxy population at z=0. The "red'' sequence of gas poor, old galaxies is populated mainly by satellite systems while, contrary to observations, the central galaxies of massive haloes lie on the "blue'' star-forming sequence as a result of continuing hot gas accretion at late times. Furthermore, both models overpredict the observed baryonic mass function, especially at the high mass end. In the full GalICS model, supernova-driven outflows reduce the masses of low and intermediate mass galaxies by about a factor of two. AGN feedback suppresses gas cooling in large haloes, producing a sharp cut-off in the baryonic mass function and moving the central galaxies of these massive haloes to the red sequence. Our results imply that the observational failings of the SPH simulation and the no-feedback GalICS model are a consequence of missing input physics rather than computational inaccuracies, that truncating gas accretion by satellite galaxies automatically produces a bimodal galaxy distribution with a red sequence, but that explaining the red colours of the most massive galaxies requires a mechanism like AGN feedback that suppresses the accretion onto central galaxies in large haloes.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    A Census of the LyC Photons that Form the UV Background During Reionization

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    We present a new, on-the-fly photon flux and absorption tracer algorithm designed to directly measure the contribution of different source populations to the metagalactic UV background and to the ionisation fraction of gas in the Universe. We use a suite of multifrequency radiation hydrodynamics simulations that are carefully calibrated to reproduce a realistic reionization history and galaxy properties at z6z \ge 6, to disentangle the contribution of photons emitted by different mass haloes and by stars with different metallicities and ages to the UV background during reionization. While at very early cosmic times low mass, metal poor haloes provide most of the LyC photons, their contribution decreases steadily with time. At z=6z = 6 it is the photons emitted by massive systems (Mhalo/M>1010h1{\rm M_{halo}}/{\rm M_\odot} > 10^{10} \, {\rm h ^{-1}}) and by the metal enriched stars (103<Z/Z<101.510^{-3} < Z/Z_{\rm \odot} < 10^{-1.5}) that provide the largest contribution to the ionising UV background. We demonstrate that there are large variations in the escape fraction depending on the source, with the escape fraction being highest (4560%\sim 45-60\%) for photons emitted by the oldest stars that penetrate into the IGM via low opacity channels carved by the ionising photons and supernova from younger stars. Before HII regions begin to overlap, the photoionisation rate strongly fluctuates between different, isolated HII bubbles, depending on the embedded ionising source, which we suggest may result in spatial variations in the properties of dwarf galaxies

    Testing SALT Approximations with Numerical Radiation Transfer Code Part 1: Validity and Applicability

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    Absorption line spectroscopy offers one of the best opportunities to constrain the properties of galactic outflows and the environment of the circumgalactic medium. Extracting physical information from line profiles is difficult, however, for the physics governing the underlying radiation transfer is complicated and depends on many different parameters. Idealized analytical models are necessary to constrain the large parameter spaces efficiently, but are typically plagued by model degeneracy and systematic errors. Comparison tests with idealized numerical radiation transfer codes offer an excellent opportunity to confront both of these issues. In this paper, we present a detailed comparison between SALT, an analytical radiation transfer model for predicting UV spectra of galactic outflows, with the numerical radiation transfer software, RASCAS. Our analysis has lead to upgrades to both models including an improved derivation of SALT and a customizable adaptive mesh refinement routine for RASCAS. We explore how well SALT, when paired with a Monte Carlo fitting procedure, can recover flow parameters from non-turbulent and turbulent flows. When the velocity and density gradients are excluded, we find that flow parameters are well recovered from high resolution (20 km\rm{km} s1\rm{s}^{-1}) data and moderately well from medium resolution (100 km\rm{km} s1\rm{s}^{-1}) data without turbulence at a S/N = 10, while derived quantities (e.g., mass outflow rates, column density, etc.) are well recovered at all resolutions. In the turbulent case, biased errors emerge in the recovery of individual parameters, but derived quantities are still well recovered

    Building a control sample for galaxy pairs

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    Several observational works have attempted to isolate the effects of galaxy interactions by comparing galaxies in pairs with isolated galaxies. However, different authors have proposed different ways to build these so-called control samples (CS). By using mock galaxy catalogues of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 buildup from the Millennium Simulation, we explore how the way of building a CS might introduce biases which could affect the interpretation of results. We make use of the fact that the physics of interactions are not included in the semi-analytic model, to infer that any difference between the mock control and pair samples can be ascribed to selection biases. Thus, we find that galaxies in pairs artificially tend to be older and more bulge dominated, and to have less cold gas and different metallicities than their isolated counterparts. Also because of a biased selection, galaxies in pairs tend to live in higher density environments and in haloes of larger masses. We find that imposing constraints on redshift, stellar masses and local densities diminishes the selection biases by ≈70 per cent. Based on these findings, we suggest observers how to build a unique and unbiased CS in order to reveal the effect of galaxy interactions.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Simulating the diversity of shapes of the Lyman-α\alpha line

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    The Lyα\alpha line is a powerful probe of distant galaxies, which contains information about inflowing/outflowing gas through which Lyα\alpha photons scatter. To develop our understanding of this probe, we post-process a zoom-in radiation-hydrodynamics simulation of a low-mass (M109MM_* \sim 10^9 M_\odot) galaxy to construct 22500 mock spectra in 300 directions from z=3z = 3 to 4. Remarkably, we show that one galaxy can reproduce the variety of a large sample of spectroscopically observed Lyα\alpha line profiles. While most mock spectra exhibit double-peak profiles with a dominant red peak, their shapes cover a large parameter space in terms of peak velocities, peak separation and flux ratio. This diversity originates from radiative transfer effects at ISM and CGM scales, and depends on galaxy inclination and evolutionary phase. Red-dominated lines preferentially arise in face-on directions during post-starburst outflows and are bright. Conversely, accretion phases usually yield symmetric double peaks in the edge-on direction and are fainter. While resonant scattering effects at <0.2×Rvir< 0.2\times R_{\rm vir} are responsible for the broadening and velocity shift of the red peak, the extended CGM acts as a screen and impacts the observed peak separation. The ability of simulations to reproduce observed Lyα\alpha profiles and link their properties with galaxy physical parameters offers new perspectives to use Lyα\alpha to constrain the mechanisms that regulate galaxy formation and evolution. Notably, our study implies that deeper Lyα\alpha surveys may unveil a new population of blue-dominated lines tracing inflowing gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA